* Advanced usage of HTML_AJAX_Server
* Allows for a single server to manage exporting a large number of classes without high overhead per call
* Also gives a single place to handle setup tasks especially useful if session setup is required
* The server responds to ajax calls and also serves the js client libraries, so they can be used directly from the PEAR data dir
* 304 not modified headers are used when server client libraries so they will be cached on the browser reducing overhead
* @category HTML
* @package AJAX
* @author Joshua Eichorn <josh@bluga.net>
* @copyright 2005 Joshua Eichorn
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL
* @version Release: 0.5.8
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_AJAX
// include the server class
include 'HTML/AJAX/Server.php';
// extend HTML_AJAX_Server creating our own custom one with init{ClassName} methods for each class it supports calls on
class TestServer extends HTML_AJAX_Server {
// this flag must be set to on init methods
var $initMethods = true;
// init method for the test class, includes needed files an registers it for ajax
function initTest() {
include 'support/test.class.php';
$this->registerClass(new test());
// init method for the livesearch class, includes needed files an registers it for ajax
function initLivesearch() {
include 'support/livesearch.class.php';
$this->registerClass(new livesearch());
// init method for the testHaa class, includes needed files an registers it for ajax, directly passes in methods to register to specify case in php4
function initTestHaa() {
include 'support/testHaa.class.php';
$this->registerClass(new testHaa(),'testHaa',array('updateClassName','greenText','highlight','duplicate'));
// create an instance of our test server
$server = new TestServer();
// init methods can also be added to the server by registering init objects, this is useful in cases where you want to dynamically add init methods
class initObject {
// init method for the test class, includes needed files an registers it for ajax
function initTest2() {
include 'support/test2.class.php';
$this->server->registerClass(new test2());
$init = new initObject();
// you can use HTML_AJAX_Server to deliver your own custom javascript libs, when used with comma seperated client lists you can
// use just one javascript include for all your library files
// example url: auto_server.php?client=auto_server.php?client=Util,Main,Request,HttpClient,Dispatcher,Behavior,customLib
// handle requests as needed
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