// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP Version 4 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
// | available at through the world-wide-web at |
// | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
// | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: Alan Knowles <alan@akbkhome.com>
// | Original Author: Wolfram Kriesing <wolfram@kriesing.de> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
* @package HTML_Template_Flexy
// prevent disaster when used with xdebug!
@ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', 1000);
* Global variable - used to store active options when compiling a template.
* Workaround for stupid depreciation of is_a...
function HTML_Template_Flexy_is_a($obj, $class) // which f***wit depreciated is_a....
if (version_compare(phpversion(),"5","<")) {
return is_object($obj) && is_a($obj, $class);
@eval("\$test = \$obj instanceof ".$class.";");
return $test;
define('HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_SYNTAX',-1); // syntax error in template.
define('HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_INVALIDARGS',-2); // bad arguments to methods.
define('HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_FILE',-2); // file access problem
* A Flexible Template engine - based on simpletemplate
* @abstract Long Description
* Have a look at the package description for details.
* usage:
* $template = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options);
* $template->compiler('/name/of/template.html');
* $data =new StdClass
* $data->text = 'xxxx';
* $template->outputObject($data,$elements)
* Notes:
* $options can be blank if so, it is read from
* PEAR::getStaticProperty('HTML_Template_Flexy','options');
* the first argument to outputObject is an object (which could even be an
* associateve array cast to an object) - I normally send it the controller class.
* the seconde argument '$elements' is an array of HTML_Template_Flexy_Elements
* eg. array('name'=> new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('',array('value'=>'fred blogs'));
* @version $Id: Flexy.php 335205 2014-11-21 04:23:53Z alan_k $
class HTML_Template_Flexy
* @var array $options the options for initializing the template class
var $options = array(
'compileDir' => '', // where do you want to write to.. (defaults to session.save_path)
'templateDir' => '', // where are your templates
// where the template comes from. ------------------------------------------
'multiSource' => false, // Allow same template to exist in multiple places
// So you can have user themes....
'templateDirOrder' => '', // set to 'reverse' to assume that first template
'debug' => false, // prints a few messages
// compiling conditions ------------------------------------------
'compiler' => 'Flexy', // which compiler to use. (Flexy,Regex, Raw,Xipe)
'forceCompile' => false, // only suggested for debugging
'dontCompile' => false, // never compile - use this if you're manually compiling your templates
// regex Compiler ------------------------------------------
'filters' => array(), // used by regex compiler.
// standard Compiler ------------------------------------------
'nonHTML' => false, // dont parse HTML tags (eg. email templates)
'allowPHP' => false, // allow PHP in template (use true=allow, 'delete' = remove it.)
'flexyIgnore' => 0, // turn on/off the tag to element code
'numberFormat' => ",2,'.',','", // default number format {xxx:n} format = eg. 1,200.00
'url_rewrite' => '', // url rewriting ability:
// eg. "images/:test1/images/,js/:test1/js"
// changes href="images/xxx" to href="test1/images/xxx"
// and src="js/xxx.js" to src="test1/js/xxx.js"
'compileToString' => false, // should the compiler return a string
// rather than writing to a file.
'privates' => false, // allow access to _variables (eg. suido privates
'globals' => false, // allow access to _GET/_POST/_REQUEST/GLOBALS/_COOKIES/_SESSION
'globalfunctions' => false, // allow GLOBALS.date(#d/m/Y#) to have access to all PHP's methods
// warning dont use unless you trust the template authors
// exec() becomes exposed.
// look for label elements referring to input elements
// you can then set (replace) the label of the corresponding input
// element by $element->label="my new label text";
// get text/transalation suppport ------------------------------------------
// (flexy compiler only)
'disableTranslate' => false, // if true, skips the translation functionality completely
'locale' => 'en', // works with gettext or File_Gettext
'textdomain' => '', // for gettext emulation with File_Gettext
// eg. 'messages' (or you can use the template name.
'textdomainDir' => '', // eg. /var/www/site.com/locale
// so the french po file is:
// /var/www/site.com/local/fr/LC_MESSAGE/{textdomain}.po
'Translation2' => false, // to make Translation2 a provider.
// rather than gettext.
// set to:
// 'Translation2' => array(
// 'driver' => 'dataobjectsimple',
// 'CommonPageID' => 'page.id'
// 'options' => array()
// );
// Note: CommonPageID : to use a single page id for all templates
// or the slower way..
// = as it requires loading the code..
// 'Translation2' => new Translation2('dataobjectsimple','')
'DB_DataObject_translator' => false, // a db dataobject that handles translation (optional)
// the dataobject has to have the method translateFlexyString($flexy, $string);
'charset' => 'UTF-8', // charset used with htmlspecialchars to render data.
// experimental
// output options ------------------------------------------
'strict' => false, // All elements in the template must be defined -
// makes php E_NOTICE warnings appear when outputing template.
'fatalError' => HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_DIE, // default behavior is to die on errors in template.
'plugins' => array(), // load classes to be made available via the plugin method
// eg. = array('Savant') - loads the Savant methods.
// = array('MyClass_Plugins' => 'MyClass/Plugins.php')
// Class, and where to include it from..
* The compiled template filename (Full path)
* @var string
* @access public
var $compiledTemplate;
* The source template filename (Full path)
* @var string
* @access public
var $currentTemplate;
* The getTextStrings Filename
* @var string
* @access public
var $getTextStringsFile;
* The serialized elements array file.
* @var string
* @access public
var $elementsFile;
* Array of HTML_elements which is displayed on the template
* Technically it's private (eg. only the template uses it..)
* @var array of HTML_Template_Flexy_Elements
* @access public
var $elements = array();
* The active engine
* When outputing elements, we need access to the active engine for translation
* so before we output, we store the active engine in here.
* @var array of HTML_Template_Flexy_Elements
* @access public
static $activeEngine = false;
* Constructor
* Initializes the Template engine, for each instance, accepts options or
* reads from PEAR::getStaticProperty('HTML_Template_Flexy','options');
* @access public
* @param array $options (Optional)
function HTML_Template_Flexy( $options=array() )
$baseoptions = array();
if (class_exists('PEAR5',false)) {
$baseoptions = &PEAR5::getStaticProperty('HTML_Template_Flexy','options');
if (empty($baseoptions) && class_exists('PEAR')) {
$baseoptions = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('HTML_Template_Flexy','options');
if ($baseoptions ) {
foreach( $baseoptions as $key=>$aOption) {
$this->options[$key] = $aOption;
foreach( $options as $key=>$aOption) {
$this->options[$key] = $aOption;
$filters = $this->options['filters'];
if (is_string($filters)) {
$this->options['filters']= explode(',',$filters);
if (is_string($this->options['templateDir'])) {
$this->options['templateDir'] = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR,$this->options['templateDir'] );
* given a file, return the possible templates that will becompiled.
* @param string $file the template to look for.
* @return string|PEAR_Error $directory
function resolvePath ( $file )
$dirs = array_unique($this->options['templateDir']);
if ($this->options['templateDirOrder'] == 'reverse') {
$dirs = array_reverse($dirs);
$ret = false;
foreach ($dirs as $tmplDir) {
if (@!file_exists($tmplDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$file)) {
if (!$this->options['multiSource'] && ($ret !== false)) {
return $this->raiseError("You have more than one template Named {$file} in your paths, found in both".
"<BR>{$this->currentTemplate }<BR>{$tmplDir}" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file,
$ret = $tmplDir;
return $ret;
* compile the template
* @access public
* @version 01/12/03
* @author Wolfram Kriesing <wolfram@kriesing.de>
* @param string $file relative to the 'templateDir' which you set when calling the constructor
* @return boolean true on success. (or string, if compileToString) PEAR_Error on failure..
function compile( $file )
if (!$file) {
return $this->raiseError('HTML_Template_Flexy::compile no file selected',
if (!@$this->options['locale']) {
//Remove the slash if there is one in front, just to be safe.
$file = ltrim($file,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
if (strpos($file,'#')) {
list($file,$this->options['output.block']) = explode('#', $file);
$parts = array();
$tmplDirUsed = false;
// PART A mulitlanguage support: ( part B is gettext support in the engine..)
// - user created language version of template.
// - compile('abcdef.html') will check for compile('abcdef.en.html')
// (eg. when locale=en)
$this->currentTemplate = false;
if (preg_match('/(.*)(\.[a-z]+)$/i',$file,$parts)) {
$newfile = $parts[1].'.'.$this->options['locale'] .$parts[2];
$match = $this->resolvePath($newfile);
if (is_a($match, 'PEAR_Error')) {
return $match;
if (false !== $match ) {
$this->currentTemplate = $match . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$newfile;
$tmplDirUsed = $match;
// look in all the posible locations for the template directory..
if ($this->currentTemplate === false) {
$match = $this->resolvePath($file);
if (is_a($match, 'PEAR_Error')) {
return $match;
if (false !== $match ) {
$this->currentTemplate = $match . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$file;
$tmplDirUsed = $match;
if ($this->currentTemplate === false) {
// check if the compile dir has been created
return $this->raiseError("Could not find Template {$file} in any of the directories<br>" .
implode("<BR>",$this->options['templateDir']) ,
// Savant compatible compiler
if ( is_string( $this->options['compiler'] ) && ($this->options['compiler'] == 'Raw')) {
$this->compiledTemplate = $this->currentTemplate;
$this->debug("Using Raw Compiler");
return true;
// now for the compile target
//If you are working with mulitple source folders and $options['multiSource'] is set
//the template folder will be:
// compiled_tempaltes/{templatedir_basename}_{md5_of_dir}/
$compileSuffix = ((count($this->options['templateDir']) > 1) && $this->options['multiSource']) ?
DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .basename($tmplDirUsed) . '_' .md5($tmplDirUsed) : '';
$compileDest = isset($this->options['compileDir']) ? $this->options['compileDir'] : '';
$isTmp = false;
// Use a default compile directory if one has not been set.
if (!$compileDest) {
// Use session.save_path + 'compiled_templates_' + md5(of sourcedir)
$compileDest = ini_get('session.save_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'flexy_compiled_templates';
if (!file_exists($compileDest)) {
require_once 'System.php';
$isTmp = true;
// we generally just keep the directory structure as the application uses it,
// so we dont get into conflict with names
// if we have multi sources we do md5 the basedir..
$base = $compileDest . $compileSuffix . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$file;
$fullFile = $this->compiledTemplate = $base .'.'.$this->options['locale'].'.php';
$this->getTextStringsFile = $base .'.gettext.serial';
$this->elementsFile = $base .'.elements.serial';
if (isset($this->options['output.block'])) {
$this->compiledTemplate .= '#'.$this->options['output.block'];
if (!empty($this->options['dontCompile'])) {
return true;
$recompile = false;
$isuptodate = file_exists($this->compiledTemplate) ?
(filemtime($this->currentTemplate) == filemtime( $this->compiledTemplate)) : 0;
if( !empty($this->options['forceCompile']) || !$isuptodate ) {
$recompile = true;
// ask the translator if it needs to force a recompile
if (!$recompile && ! empty($this->options['DB_DataObject_translator'])) {
static $tr = false;
if (!$tr) {
require_once 'DB/DataObject.php';
$tr = DB_DataObject::factory( $this->options['DB_DataObject_translator']);
if (method_exists($tr,'translateChanged') ) {
$recompile = $tr->translateChanged($this);
if (!$recompile) {
$this->debug("File looks like it is uptodate.");
return true;
if( !@is_dir($compileDest) || !is_writeable($compileDest)) {
require_once 'System.php';
if( !@is_dir($compileDest) || !is_writeable($compileDest)) {
return $this->raiseError( "can not write to 'compileDir', which is <b>'$compileDest'</b><br>".
"Please give write and enter-rights to it",
if (!file_exists(dirname($this->compiledTemplate))) {
require_once 'System.php';
System::mkdir(array('-p','-m', 0770, dirname($this->compiledTemplate)));
// Compile the template in $file.
require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy/Compiler.php';
$this->compiler = HTML_Template_Flexy_Compiler::factory($this->options);
$ret = $this->compiler->compile($this);
if (HTML_Template_Flexy_is_a($ret,'PEAR_Error')) {
return $this->raiseError('HTML_Template_Flexy fatal error:' .$ret->message,
return $ret;
//return $this->$method();
* compiles all templates
* Used for offline batch compilation (eg. if your server doesn't have write access to the filesystem).
* @access public
* @author Alan Knowles <alan@akbkhome.com>
function compileAll($dir = '',$regex='/.html$/')
require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy/Compiler.php';
$c = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Compiler;
* Outputs an object as $t
* for example the using simpletags the object's variable $t->test
* would map to {test}
* @version 01/12/14
* @access public
* @author Alan Knowles
* @param object to output
* @param array HTML_Template_Flexy_Elements (or any object that implements toHtml())
* @return none
function outputObject(&$t,$elements=array())
if (!is_array($elements)) {
return $this->raiseError(
'second Argument to HTML_Template_Flexy::outputObject() was an '.gettype($elements) . ', not an array',
if (@$this->options['debug']) {
echo "output $this->compiledTemplate<BR>";
// this may disappear later it's a Backwards Compatibility fudge to try
// and deal with the first stupid design decision to not use a second argument
// to the method.
if (count($this->elements) && !count($elements)) {
$elements = $this->elements;
// end depreciated code
$this->elements = $this->getElements();
// Overlay values from $elements to $this->elements (which is created from the template)
// Remove keys with no corresponding value.
foreach($elements as $k=>$v) {
// Remove key-value pair from $this->elements if hasn't a value in $elements.
if (!$v) {
// Add key-value pair to $this->$elements if it's not there already.
if (!isset($this->elements[$k])) {
$this->elements[$k] = $v;
// Call the clever element merger - that understands form values and
// how to display them...
$this->elements[$k] = $this->elements[$k]->merge($v);
//echo '<PRE>'; print_r(array($elements,$this->elements));
// we use PHP's error handler to hide errors in the template.
// use $options['strict'] - if you want to force declaration of
// all variables in the template
$_error_reporting = false;
if (!$this->options['strict']) {
$_error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE);
if (!is_readable($this->compiledTemplate)) {
return $this->raiseError( "Could not open the template: <b>'{$this->compiledTemplate}'</b><BR>".
"Please check the file permissions on the directory and file ",
// are we using the assign api!
if (isset($this->assign)) {
if (!$t) {
$t = (object) $this->assign->variables;
foreach(array_keys($this->assign->references) as $_k) {
$$_k = &$this->assign->references[$_k];
// used by Flexy Elements etc..
// note that we are using __ prefix, as this get's exposed to the running template..
$__old_engine = self::$activeEngine;
self::$activeEngine = $this;
//?? not needed?
$GLOBALS['_HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY']['options'] = $this->options;
// initialize the translator..
self::$activeEngine = $__old_engine;
// Return the error handler to its previous state.
if ($_error_reporting !== false) {
* Outputs an object as $t, buffers the result and returns it.
* See outputObject($t) for more details.
* @version 01/12/14
* @access public
* @author Alan Knowles
* @param object object to output as $t
* @return string - result
function bufferedOutputObject($t,$elements=array())
$data = ob_get_contents();
return $data;
* Private - file handler for output to file
var $_bufferHandle = false;
* Outputs result to a file
* See outputObject($t) for more details.
* @version 01/12/14
* @access public
* @author Alan Knowles
* @param object object to output as $t
function outputObjectToFile(&$t,$elements=array(),$filename)
$this->_bufferHandle = fopen($filename, 'w');
ob_start(); // outer nesting..
ob_start( array($this, 'addToBuffer') , 4096, PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_STDFLAGS);
ob_flush(); // send it???
// not sure why, but this emits errors... when it should not!
$this->_bufferHandle = false;
* callback for outputObjectToFile
function addToBuffer($buffer)
if (!$this->_bufferHandle) {
return false;
return true;
* static version which does new, compile and output all in one go.
* See outputObject($t) for more details.
* @version 01/12/14
* @access public
* @author Alan Knowles
* @param object object to output as $t
* @param filename of template
* @return string - result
function &staticQuickTemplate($file,&$t)
$template = new HTML_Template_Flexy;
* if debugging is on, print the debug info to the screen
* @access public
* @author Alan Knowles <alan@akbkhome.com>
* @param string $string output to display
* @return none
function debug($string)
if (isset($this) && HTML_Template_Flexy_is_a($this,'HTML_Template_Flexy')) {
if (!$this->options['debug']) {
} else if (empty($GLOBALS['_HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY']['debug'])) {
echo "<PRE><B>FLEXY DEBUG:</B> $string</PRE>";
* @depreciated
* See element->merge
* @access public
function mergeElement($original,$new)
// Clone objects is possible to avoid creating references between elements
// no original - return new
if (!$original) {
return clone($new);
return $original->merge($new);
* Get an array of elements from the template
* All <form> elements (eg. <input><textarea) etc.) and anything marked as
* dynamic (eg. flexy:dynamic="yes") are converted in to elements
* (simliar to XML_Tree_Node)
* you can use this to build the default $elements array that is used by
* outputObject() - or just create them and they will be overlayed when you
* run outputObject()
* @return array of HTML_Template_Flexy_Element sDescription
* @access public
function getElements() {
if ($this->elementsFile && file_exists($this->elementsFile)) {
require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy/Element.php';
return unserialize(file_get_contents($this->elementsFile));
return array();
* Initilalize the translation methods.
* Loads Translation2 if required.
* @return none
* @access public
function initializeTranslator() {
if (is_array($this->options['Translation2'])) {
require_once 'Translation2.php';
$this->_options = $this->options; // store the original options..
$this->options['Translation2'] = &Translation2::factory(
isset($this->options['Translation2']['options']) ? $this->options['Translation2']['options'] : array(),
isset($this->options['Translation2']['params']) ? $this->options['Translation2']['params'] : array()
if (is_a($this->options['Translation2'], 'Translation2')) {
if(empty($this->_options['Translation2']['CommonPageID'])) {
// fixme - needs to be more specific to which template to use..
foreach ($this->options['templateDir'] as $tt) {
$n = basename($this->currentTemplate);
if (substr($this->currentTemplate, 0, strlen($tt)) == $tt) {
$n = substr($this->currentTemplate, strlen($tt)+1);
//echo $n;
} else {
} elseif (defined('LC_ALL')) {
// not sure what we should really use here... - used to be LC_MESSAGES.. but that did not make sense...
setlocale(LC_ALL, $this->options['locale']);
* translateString - a gettextWrapper
* tries to do gettext or falls back on File_Gettext
* This has !!!NO!!! error handling - if it fails you just get english..
* no questions asked!!!
* @param string string to translate
* @return string translated string..
* @access public
function translateString($string)
if (!empty($this->options['disableTranslate'])) {
return $string;
// db dataobject easy handling of translations.
if (!empty($this->options['DB_DataObject_translator'])) {
static $tr = false;
if (!$tr) {
require_once 'DB/DataObject.php';
$tr = DB_DataObject::factory( $this->options['DB_DataObject_translator']);
$result = $tr->translateFlexyString($this, $string);
if (!empty($result)) {
return $result;
return $string;
if (is_a($this->options['Translation2'], 'Translation2')) {
$result = $this->options['Translation2']->get($string);
if (!empty($result)) {
return $result;
return $string;
// get text will not support english locale translations - use Translation2 to support that
if ( $this->options['locale'] == 'en' ) {
return $string;
// note this stuff may have been broken by removing the \n replacement code
// since i dont have a test for it... it may remain broken..
// use Translation2 - it has gettext backend support
// and should sort out the mess that \n etc. entail.
$prefix = basename($GLOBALS['_HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY']['filename']).':';
if (!empty($this->options['debug'])) {
echo __CLASS__.":TRANSLATING $string<BR>\n";
if (function_exists('gettext') && !$this->options['textdomain']) {
if (@$this->options['debug']) {
$t = gettext($string);
if ($t != $string) {
return $t;
$tt = gettext($prefix.$string);
if (!empty($tt) && $tt != $prefix.$string) {
return $tt;
// give up it's not translated anywhere...
return $string;
if (!$this->options['textdomain'] || !$this->options['textdomainDir']) {
// text domain is not set..
if (!empty($this->options['debug'])) {
echo __CLASS__.":MISSING textdomain settings<BR>";
return $string;
$pofile = $this->options['textdomainDir'] .
'/' . $this->options['locale'] .
'/LC_MESSAGES/' . $this->options['textdomain'] . '.po';
// did we try to load it already..
if (isset($GLOBALS['_'.__CLASS__]['PO'][$pofile]) && $GLOBALS['_'.__CLASS__]['PO'][$pofile] === false) {
if (@$this->options['debug']) {
echo __CLASS__.":LOAD failed (Cached):<BR>";
return $string;
if (empty($GLOBALS['_'.__CLASS__]['PO'][$pofile])) {
// default - cant load it..
$GLOBALS['_'.__CLASS__]['PO'][$pofile] = false;
if (!file_exists($pofile)) {
if (!empty($this->options['debug'])) {
echo __CLASS__.":LOAD failed: {$pofile}<BR>";
return $string;
if (!@include_once 'File/Gettext.php') {
if (!empty($this->options['debug'])) {
echo __CLASS__.":LOAD no File_gettext:<BR>";
return $string;
$GLOBALS['_'.__CLASS__]['PO'][$pofile] = File_Gettext::factory('PO', $pofile);
//echo '<PRE>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($GLOBALS['_'.__CLASS__]['PO'][$pofile]->strings,true));
$po = $GLOBALS['_'.__CLASS__]['PO'][$pofile];
// we should have it loaded now...
// this is odd - data is a bit messed up with CR's
$string = str_replace('\n', "\n", $string);
if (isset($po->strings[$prefix.$string])) {
return $po->strings[$prefix.$string];
if (!isset($po->strings[$string])) {
if (!empty($this->options['debug'])) {
echo __CLASS__.":no match:<BR>";
return $string;
if (!empty($this->options['debug'])) {
echo __CLASS__.":MATCHED: {$po->strings[$string]}<BR>";
// finally we have a match!!!
return $po->strings[$string];
* Lazy loading of PEAR, and the error handler..
* This should load HTML_Template_Flexy_Error really..
* @param string message
* @param int error type.
* @param int an equivalant to pear error return|die etc.
* @return object pear error.
* @access public
function raiseError($message, $type = null, $fatal = HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_RETURN )
require_once 'PEAR.php';
$p = new PEAR();
if (HTML_Template_Flexy_is_a($this,'HTML_Template_Flexy') && ($fatal == HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_DIE)) {
// rewrite DIE!
return $p->raiseError($message, $type, $this->options['fatalError']);
if (isset($GLOBALS['_HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY']['fatalError']) && ($fatal == HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_DIE)) {
return $p->raiseError($message, $type,$GLOBALS['_HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY']['fatalError']);
return $p->raiseError($message, $type, $fatal);
* static version of raiseError
* @see HTML_Template_Flexy::raiseError
* @param string message
* @param int error type.
* @param int an equivalant to pear error return|die etc.
* @return object pear error.
* @static
* @access public
static function staticRaiseError($message, $type = null, $fatal = HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_RETURN )
require_once 'PEAR.php';
if (isset($GLOBALS['_HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY']['fatalError']) && ($fatal == HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_DIE)) {
$p = new PEAR();
return $p->raiseError($message, $type,$GLOBALS['_HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY']['fatalError']);
$p = new PEAR();
return $p->raiseError($message, $type, $fatal);
* Assign API -
* read the docs on HTML_Template_Flexy_Assign::assign()
* @param varargs ....
* @return mixed PEAR_Error or true?
* @access public
* @see HTML_Template_Flexy_Assign::assign()
* @status alpha
function setData() {
require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy/Assign.php';
// load assigner..
if (!isset($this->assign)) {
$this->assign = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Assign;
return $this->assign->assign(func_get_args());
* Assign API - by Reference
* read the docs on HTML_Template_Flexy_Assign::assign()
* @param key string
* @param value mixed
* @return mixed PEAR_Error or true?
* @access public
* @see HTML_Template_Flexy_Assign::assign()
* @status alpha
function setDataByRef($k,&$v) {
require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy/Assign.php';
// load assigner..
if (!isset($this->assign)) {
$this->assign = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Assign;
* Plugin (used by templates as $this->plugin(...) or {this.plugin(#...#,#....#)}
* read the docs on HTML_Template_Flexy_Plugin()
* @param varargs ....
* @return mixed PEAR_Error or true?
* @access public
* @see HTML_Template_Flexy_Plugin
* @status alpha
function plugin() {
require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy/Plugin.php';
// load pluginManager.
if (!isset($this->plugin)) {
$this->plugin = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Plugin;
$this->plugin->flexy = &$this;
return $this->plugin->call(func_get_args());
* output / display ? - outputs an object, without copy by references..
* @param optional mixed object to output
* @return mixed PEAR_Error or true?
* @access public
* @see HTML_Template_Flexy::ouptutObject
* @status alpha
function output($object = false)
return $this->outputObject($object);
* render the template with data..
* @param optional mixed object to output
* @return mixed PEAR_Error or true?
* @access public
* @see HTML_Template_Flexy::ouptutObject
* @status alpha
function toString($object = false)
return $this->bufferedOutputObject($object);
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