// $Id$
// Example of how to use of BigInteger. The output can be compared to the output that the BCMath functions would yield.
// bcpowmod is included with Math_BigInteger.php via PHP_Compat.
$x = mt_rand(1,10000000);
$y = mt_rand(1,10000000);
$z = mt_rand(1,10000000);
$_x = new Math_BigInteger($x);
$_y = new Math_BigInteger($y);
$_z = new Math_BigInteger($z);
echo "\$x = $x;\r\n";
echo "\$y = $y;\r\n";
echo "\$z = $z;\r\n";
echo "\r\n";
$result = bcadd($x,$y);
$_result = $_x->add($_y);
echo "\$result = \$x+\$y;\r\n";
echo "$result\r\n";
echo $_result->toString();
echo "\r\n\r\n";
$result = bcsub($result,$y);
$_result = $_result->subtract($_y);
echo "\$result = \$result-\$y;\r\n";
echo "$result\r\n";
echo $_result->toString();
echo "\r\n\r\n";
$result = bcdiv($x,$y);
list($_result,) = $_x->divide($_y);
echo "\$result = \$x/\$y;\r\n";
echo "$result\r\n";
echo $_result->toString();
echo "\r\n\r\n";
$result = bcmod($y,$z);
list(,$_result) = $_y->divide($_z);
echo "\$result = \$x%\$y;\r\n";
echo "$result\r\n";
echo $_result->toString();
echo "\r\n\r\n";
$result = bcmul($x,$z);
$_result = $_x->multiply($_z);
echo "\$result = \$x*\$z;\r\n";
echo "$result\r\n";
echo $_result->toString();
echo "\r\n\r\n";
$result = bcpowmod($x,$y,$result);
$_result = $_x->modPow($_y,$_result);
echo "\$result = (\$x**\$y)%\$result;\r\n";
echo "$result\r\n";
echo $_result->toString();
echo "\r\n\r\n";
// modInverse isn't demo'd because no equivalent to it exists in BCMath.
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez