/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
define('HEAD', 0);
define('TAG' , 1);
define('TAIL', 2);
// taken from php man as legal variable name (used here as legal function name)
define('VF_NAME', '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*');
* Flexy2Smarty Conversion
* takes a flexy template and converts it to a smarty one.
* @version 0.1
* @author Ilya Hegai <vyacheslavovich@gmail.com>
class Flexy2Smarty {
var $md5 = null;
* stack for conditional and closers.
* @var array
* @access private
var $stack = array(
'if' => 0,
'foreach' => 0,
'foreach_vars' => array(), // array(value) || array(value, key)
'last' => array() // stack of last opening tags (foreach or if)
* The core work of parsing a flexy template and converting it into smarty.
* @param string $data the contents of the flexy template
* @return string the smarty version of the template.
* @access public
function convert($data)
$this->_flexyEmbed($data, 0);
$text = preg_split('/(<script[^>]+>(?!<).+?<\/script>)/s', $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$leftq = preg_quote('{');
$rightq = preg_quote('}');
$tags = array();
foreach ($text as $t) {
if (substr(trim($t), 0, 7) != '<script' || preg_match('/^\s*<script[^>]*>(?=<)/', $t)) {
preg_match_all('/' . $leftq . '\s*(.*?)\s*' . $rightq . '/', $t, $matches);
$tags = array_merge($tags, $matches[1]);
$data = implode('', $text);
// escape javascript with {literal}
$data = preg_replace('/<script[^>]*>(?!<)/i', "\\0\n{literal}", $data);
$data = preg_replace('/(?<!>)<\/script>/i', "{/literal}\n\\0", $data);
// find all the tags/text...
$text = preg_split('/' . $leftq . '.*?(?<!literal)' . $rightq . '/', $data);
$max_tags = count($tags);
$compiled_tags = $this->_compile($tags, $max_tags);
$data = $this->_assemble($text, $compiled_tags, $max_tags);
$this->_flexyEmbed($data, 1);
// finalizing conversion
$data = $this->_flexyRaw($data);
$data = $this->_flexyIgnore($data);
$data = $this->_smartyInc($data);
return $data;
function _compile($tags, $max_tags)
$compiled_tags = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $max_tags; $i++) {
$compiled_tags[] = $this->_compileTag($tags[$i]);
return $compiled_tags;
function _assemble($text, $compiled_tags, $max_tags)
$data = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $max_tags; $i++) {
$data .= $text[$i].$compiled_tags[$i];
$data .= $text[$i];
return $data;
function _traverseCh($tag, &$match)
if ($match) {
if (isset($tag->children)) {
foreach ($tag->children as $c) {
if (md5(serialize($c)) == $this->md5) {
$match = true;
} elseif (isset($c->children)) {
$this->_traverseCh($c, $match);
function _traverseFlexyDOM($tag, &$dom)
if ((is_a($tag, 'HTML_Template_Flexy_Token') || is_a($tag, 'HTML_Template_Flexy_Token_Tag')) && !is_a($tag, 'HTML_Template_Flexy_Token_Text')) {
//$_tag = clone $tag;
//$dom[] = $_tag;
$dom[] = $tag;
if ($tag->children) {
foreach ($tag->children as $ctag) {
$this->_traverseFlexyDOM($ctag, $dom);
function _flexyEmbed(&$data, $mode)
$this->_traverseFlexyDOM($this->_buildTree($data), $dom = array());
for ($i = count($dom) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (isset($dom[$i]) && $out = $this->_flexyEmbedTag($dom[$i], $data, $mode)) {
$data = implode('', $out);
$this->md5 = md5(serialize($dom[$i]));
if ($i) {
$match = false;
$this->_traverseCh($dom[$i-1], $match);
if ($match) {
$this->_traverseFlexyDOM($this->_buildTree($data), $dom = array());
$i = count($dom) - 1;
function _flexyEmbedTag($tag, &$data, $mode)
$out = array();
switch(true) {
// check comment to Flexy2Smarty::_smartyInc()
case $mode && isset($tag->tag) && $tag->tag == 'FLEXY:INCLUDE':
$out = $this->_extractTag($data, $tag);
$out[TAG] = $this->_smartyInc($tag);
case $mode && isset($tag->ucAttributes) && in_array('FLEXY:IF', array_keys($tag->ucAttributes)):
$out = $this->_extractTag($data, $tag);
$out[TAG] = $this->_smartyIf($tag, $out[TAG]);
case $mode && isset($tag->ucAttributes) && in_array('FLEXY:RAW', array_keys($tag->ucAttributes)):
$out = $this->_extractTag($data, $tag);
$out[TAG] = $this->_flexyRaw($tag, $out[TAG]);
case !$mode && isset($tag->ucAttributes) && in_array('FLEXY:FOREACH', array_keys($tag->ucAttributes)):
$out = $this->_extractTag($data, $tag);
$out[TAG] = $this->_flexyForeach($tag, $out[TAG]);
return $out;
* compile a flexy { tag } into a smarty one.
* @param string the tag
* @return string the converted version
* @access private
function _compileTag($str)
switch(true) {
case (preg_match('/^foreach:\s*(.+)\s*$/', $str, $matches)):
$this->stack['last'][] = 'foreach';
$args = explode(',', $matches[1]);
$smarty_foreach = 'foreach from='.$this->_convertVar($args[0]).' item="'.$args[1].'"';
if (count($args) == 2) {
$this->stack['foreach_vars'][] = array($args[1]);
return '{foreach from='.$this->_convertVar($args[0], false).' item="'.$args[1].'"}';
} elseif (count($args) == 3) {
$this->stack['foreach_vars'][] = array($args[2], $args[1]);
return '{foreach from='.$this->_convertVar($args[0], false).' item="'.$args[2].'" key="'.$args[1].'"}';
case (preg_match('/^if:(!)?(.+)$/', $str, $matches)):
$this->stack['last'][] = 'if';
if ($smarty_func = $this->_convertFunc($str, false)) {
return '{if '.$matches[1].$smarty_func.'}';
} else {
$var = $this->_convertVar($matches[2], false);
return '{if '.$matches[1].$var.'}';
case ($str == 'else:'):
return '{else}';
case ($str == 'end:'):
if (!$this->stack['if'] && !$this->stack['foreach']) {
if (end($this->stack['last']) == 'if') {
return '{/if}';
} elseif (end($this->stack['last']) == 'foreach') {
return '{/foreach}';
case ($smarty_func = $this->_convertFunc($str)):
return $smarty_func;
return $this->_convertVar($str);
* convert a flexy function into a smarty one.
* @param string the inside of the flexy tag
* @return string a smarty version of it.
* @access private
function _convertFunc($str, $delim = true)
if (preg_match('/((?:GLOBALS\.)?'.VF_NAME.'|this\.plugin)\(\s*(.*)\s*\)(:h)?/s', $str, $matches)) {
if (!empty($matches[2])) {
$sargs = array();
$fargs_pre = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $matches[2]);
// checking if we split by ',' which is inside #...#
for ($i = 0; $i < count($fargs_pre); $i++) {
$s = $fargs_pre[$i];
if ($fargs_pre[$i][0] == '#' && substr($fargs_pre[$i], -1) != '#') {
do {
$s .= ','.$fargs_pre[++$i];
} while (substr($fargs_pre[$i], -1) != '#');
$fargs[] = $s;
foreach ($fargs as $farg) {
$sargs[] = $this->_convertVar($farg, false);
// {this.plugin(#foo#,bar):h}
if ($matches[1] == 'this.plugin') {
$func = array_shift($sargs);
$sarg = implode(',', $sargs);
} else {
$sarg = $matches[2];
// modificator
$mod = '';
if (!isset($matches[3])) {
$mod = '|escape';
if ($matches[1] == 'this.plugin') {
$tag = '$result->'.substr($func, 1, -1).'('.$sarg.')'.$mod;
} elseif (strpos($matches[1], 'GLOBALS.') !== false) {
$tag = str_replace('GLOBALS.', '', $matches[1]).'('.$sarg.')'.$mod;
} else {
$tag = '$result->'.$matches[1].'('.$sarg.')'.$mod;
if ($delim) {
$tag = '{'.$tag.'}';
return $tag;
return false;
* convert a flexy var into a smarty one.
* @param str the inside of the flexy tag
* @param delim wrap with {}
* @return string a smarty version of it.
* @access private
function _convertVar($str, $delim = true)
// flexy constant like #foobar#
if ($str[0] == '#' && $str[strlen($str) - 1] == '#') {
return '"'.str_replace('"', '\"', substr($str, 1, strlen($str) - 2)).'"';
// modificator, NB! we don't need it anyway if $delim is false
if (substr($str, -2) == ':h') {
$mod = '';
$str = substr($str, 0, -2);
} else {
$mod = '|escape';
// keeps in mind this conversions
// aaaa.bbbb => aaaa->bbbb
// aaaa[bbbb] => aaaa.bbbb
$str = str_replace('.', '->', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/\[([^\]]+)\]/', '.\\1', $str);
// checking variables in foreach scope
if ($this->stack['foreach'] && $this->_chkForeachStack($this->stack['foreach_vars'], $str)) {
if ($delim) {
return '{$'.$str.$mod.'}';
} else {
return '$'.$str;
if ($delim) {
return '{$result->'.$str.$mod.'}';
} else {
return '$result->'.$str;
function _chkForeachStack($stack, $str)
while ($foreach_vars = array_pop($stack)) {
foreach ($foreach_vars as $v) {
if ($v == $this->_baseVar($str)) {
return true;
return false;
function _baseVar($var)
if (false !== ($pos = strpos($var, '->')) || false !== ($pos = strpos($var, '.'))) {
return substr($var, 0, $pos);
return $var;
* Run a Flexy Tokenizer and Store its results and return the tree.
* It should build a DOM Tree of the HTML
* @param string $data data to parse
* @access private
* @return base token (really a dummy token, which contains the tree)
function _buildTree($data)
require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy.php';
require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy/Tree.php';
$tree = HTML_Template_Flexy_Tree::construct($data);
return $tree;
* slice $data into three strings, medium contains html tag needed to be replaced
* @param string $data flexy template
* @param object $tag tag needed to be replaced
* @access private
* @return array
function _extractTag($data, $tag)
$out = array();
$b = strrpos(substr($data, 0, $tag->charPos), '<'); // position where tag begins
$out[HEAD] = substr($data, 0, $b);
if (isset($tag->ucAttributes['/'])) { // in case tag doesn't having closing pair
$out[TAG] = substr($data, $b, $tag->charPos - $b + 2);
$out[TAIL] = substr($data, $tag->charPos + 2, strlen($data) - $tag->charPos);
} else { // and in case it does
$e = strpos($data, '>', $tag->close->charPos);
$out[TAG] = substr($data, $b, $e - $b + 1);
$out[TAIL] = substr($data, $e + 1);
return $out;
function _extractAttr($tag, $htmltag, $attr, $replacement = '')
return preg_replace('/(<\s*'.$tag->tag.'.+?)('.$attr.'='.preg_quote($tag->ucAttributes[$attr]).')([^>]*>)/i', "\\1$replacement\\3", $htmltag);
function _smartyInc($tag)
return '{include file='.$tag->ucAttributes['SRC'].'}';
* convert flexy include to smarty include
* since parsing template isn't strict html - Flexy parser (which is called in Flexy2Smarty::_buildTree())
* fails to deal with it in Flexy2Smarty::_flexyEmbedTag(), so we do just replacing after all
* and original Flexy2Smarty::_smartyInc() is commented now
* @param string $data template
* @access private
* @return parsed template
function _smartyInc($data)
return preg_replace('/<flexy:include src="([^"]*)" \/>/i', '{include file="\\1"}', $data);
function _smartyIf($tag, $htmltag)
$neg = '';
$attr = substr($tag->ucAttributes['FLEXY:IF'], 1, -1);
if ($attr[0] == '!') {
$neg = '!';
$attr = substr($attr, 1);
if (!$clause = $this->_convertFunc($attr, false)) {
$clause = $this->_convertVar($attr, false);
return '{if '.$neg.$clause.'}'.$this->_extractAttr($tag, $htmltag, 'FLEXY:IF').'{/if}';
function _flexyRaw($tag, $htmltag)
preg_match('/flexy:raw="([^"]*)"/i', $htmltag, $matches);
return $this->_extractAttr($tag, $htmltag, 'FLEXY:RAW', $matches[1]);
function _flexyRaw($data)
return preg_replace('/flexy:raw="([^"]*)"/i', "\\1", $data);
function _flexyIgnore($data)
return str_replace('flexy:ignore', '', $data);
function _flexyForeach($tag, $htmltag)
$args = explode(',', substr($tag->ucAttributes['FLEXY:FOREACH'], 1, -1));
$out = '{foreach:'.implode(',', $args).'}';
$out .= "\n".$this->_extractAttr($tag, $htmltag, 'FLEXY:FOREACH');
$out .= "\n".'{end:}';
return $out;
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