; Add your customised settings below, and rename this file to customInstallDefaults.ini.
; Then when you run the Seagull installer, these values will be used.
adminFirstName = RV
adminLastName = Team
adminEmail = bird@example.com
siteCookie = RVSESSID
prefix = web_
adminPassword = 123456
adminPassword2 = 123456
installPassword = das9wz@aerw95x
siteLanguage = en-utf-8
serverTimeOffset = Asia/Bangkok
type = mysql
sepTableForEachSequence = 1
postConnect = SET NAMES utf8
skipDbCreation = 1
aModuleList = authweb,block,default,user,navigation,main
globalJavascriptFiles = js/SGL.js,themes/rvtheme/js/web.js
; any config key can be overridden, just supply key and group name
; in same format as found in default.conf.dist.ini
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