;<?php die('Eat dust'); ?>
type = mysql
host = localhost
protocol = false
socket =
port = 3306
user = root
pass =
name = seagull
postConnect = SET NAMES utf8
mysqlDefaultStorageEngine =
charset =
collation =
sepTableForEachSequence = true
outputUrlHandler = SGL_UrlParser_SefStrategy
inputUrlHandlers = Classic,Alias,Sef
name = Seagull PHP Framework
showLogo = logo.png
description = Seagull Framework
keywords = seagull, php, framework, cms, content management
; page compression can only be set in php.ini, however if it is set and
; you wish to disable it, here is the place.
compression = true
outputBuffering = true
banIpEnabled = false
denyList =
allowList =
tidyhtml = false
blocksEnabled = true
safeDelete = true
frontScriptName = index.php
defaultModule = default
defaultManager = default
defaultArticleViewType = 1
defaultParams =
templateEngine = flexy
wysiwygEditor = fckeditor ;Available: tinyfck, fck, htmlarea, xinha
extendedLocale = false
localeCategory = 'LC_ALL'
adminGuiTheme = rvtheme_admin
defaultTheme = rvtheme
masterTemplate = master.html
filterChain =
globalJavascriptFiles = js/SGL.js,themes/rvtheme/js/web.js
globalJavascriptOnReadyDom =
globalJavascriptOnload =
globalJavascriptOnUnload =
customOutputClassName =
customRebuildTasks = ; comma-separated list of task names, put these in seagull/modules/$mymodule/init.php
maintenanceMode = ; 1 to activate
adminKey = ; if you provide this key as a param in the request, you'll authenticate a priviledged session
rolesHaveAdminGui = 'SGL_ADMIN' ; comma-separated role constants
broadcastMessage =
additionalIncludePath =
moduleDirOverride =
uploadDirOverride =
tmpDirOverride =
pathToCustomConfigFile =
path = /
domain =
secure = false
rememberMeEnabled = true
maxLifetime = 0 ; until the browser is closed
extended = 0;
singleUser = false
handler = file
allowedInUri = false
savePath =
permsRetrievalMethod =
; enable file caching of navigation and blocks
enabled = true
libCacheEnabled = true
lifetime = 86400 ; 24 hrs in secs
; 0 - automatic cache cleaning
; 1 - systematic cache cleaning
; x (integer) > 1 - automatic cleaning randomly 1 times on x cache write
cleaningFactor = 0
; if enabled, a control key is embeded in cache file and this key is compared
; with the one calculated after the reading
readControl = true
; Enable write control will lightly slow the cache writing but not the
; cache reading. Write control can detect some corrupt cache files but
; maybe it's not a perfect control.
writeControl = true
; Enable javascript optimization (with JSmin library) and it's caching
; on hard drive
javascript = true
authorisationEnabled = true
sessionDebugAllowed = true
customErrorHandler = true
production = true
showBacktrace = false
profiling = false
emailAdminThreshold = 'PEAR_LOG_EMERG'
showBugReporterLink = false
enableDebugBlock = false
showUntranslated = true
dataObject = 0
infoBlock =
tablePrefix = translation
addMissingTrans = false
fallbackLang = en_utf_8
container = file
installedLanguages = en_utf_8
languageAutoDiscover = false
defaultLangBC = true
enabled = true
renderer = SimpleRenderer
driver = SimpleDriver
; Should Seagull log errors and other useful information?
; Only enable if you're running PHP 4.2.0 or higher
enabled = false
; What log driver should we use?
; Valid values are 'file', 'mcal', 'sql', and 'syslog'.
type = file
; What is the name of the log? For the 'file' driver, this is the
; path to a text file; for mcal, it would be the name of a calendar,
; and for sql it would be the table name to use. For the 'syslog'
; driver it is the facility as a _constant_ (with no quotes), e.g.:
; ... = LOG_LOCAL0;
name = var/log/php_log.txt
; What level of messages should we log? The values are PEAR_LOG_EMERG,
; Each level logs itself and all those that come before it :
; PEAR_LOG_ALERT would only log alerts and emergencies, but
; PEAR_LOG_DEBUG would log everything.
priority = 'PEAR_LOG_DEBUG'
; What identifier should we use in the logs?
ident = Seagull
; When this setting is On you will not log errors with repeated
; messages from different files or sourcelines.
ignoreRepeated = false
; Any additonal configuration information, like an MCAL or database
; username and password.
paramsUsername =
paramsPassword =
showErrors = true
; PEAR::Mail backend
backend = mail ;Available: mail, smtp, sendmail
; Sendmail backend params
sendmailPath = /usr/sbin/sendmail
sendmailArgs = -t -i
; SMTP backend params
smtpHost =
smtpLocalHost = seagullproject.org
smtpPort = 25
smtpAuth = 0
smtpUsername =
smtpPassword =
admin =
support =
info =
winHeight = 500
winWidth = 600
replaceString = *censored*
badWords = your,bad,words,here
policies = true
policyLocation =
compactPolicy = CUR ADM OUR NOR STA NID
version =
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