* Example routes. Uncomment to see it in action.
* Every route specification is an array consisting of max three elements.
* Possible usage.
* 1. Route name (@string)
* 2. First element (@string) - route to connect
* 3. Second element (@array)
* a) moduleName index - name of module to map
* b) controller index - name of manager to map (NB! don't use managerName)
* c) k/v pairs - optional variable name and it's value pairs
* @author Dmitri Lakachauskis <lakiboy83@gmail.com>
$aRoutes = array(
* Named routes
// 1. index.php/account -> index.php/user/account/
// in template: <a href="{makeUrl(#useraccount#)}">account</a>
// array('useraccount', '/account', array('moduleName' => 'user', 'controller' => 'account')),
// 2. index.php/admin_edit -> index.php/user/action/edit/frmUserID/1/
// in template: <a href="{makeUrl(#superuser#)}">admin_edit</a>
// array('superuser', '/admin_edit', array('moduleName' => 'user', 'action' => 'edit', 'frmUserID' => 1)),
* "Unnamed" routes
// 3. index.php/profile -> index.php/user/account/
// in template: <a href="{makeUrl(#module|user||manager|account#)}">account</a>
// array('/account', array('moduleName' => 'user', 'controller' => 'account')),
// 4. index.php/admin_edit -> index.php/user/action/edit/frmUserID/1/
// in template: <a href="{makeUrl(#module|user||action|edit||frmUserID|1#)}">admin_edit</a>
// array('/admin_edit', array('moduleName' => 'user', 'action' => 'edit', 'frmUserID' => 1)),
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