/* Reminder: always indent with 4 spaces (no tabs). */
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* RvSiteBuilder string libary
* @package RvsLibs
* @author Pairote Manunphol <pairote@rvglobalsoft.com>
* @version $Revision$
* @since PHP 5.1
if (class_exists('RvsLibs_String') === false) {
class RvsLibs_String
public static function isPHP53()
SGL::logMessage('rvdebug: php version: ' . PHP_VERSION, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static function translate($key, $filter = false, $aParams = array())
// optimize :nipaporn
return SGL_String::translate($key, $filter, $aParams);
///RVS remove getConvertFunc: apiruk
* Generate Unique Id
* @author Parinya Chaipetch <parinya@rvglobalsoft.com>
* @return string
public static function genUniqueId($values=null)
return trim(md5(microtime() . $sessID . $values));
* Description : double-byte encodings stripslashes
* to deal with slashes in double-byte encodings, such as shift_jis or big5
public static function dbeStripslashes($str = null)
$projetCharset = isset($_SESSION['project_charset']) ? $_SESSION['project_charset'] : '';
if(is_null($str) === false) {
if ($projetCharset == 'big5' || $projetCharset == 'shift_jis') {
$str = RvsLibs_String::str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $str);
$str = RvsLibs_String::str_replace("\\'", "'", $str);
$str = RvsLibs_String::str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $str);
} else {
//$str = str_replace(chr(92),chr(92).chr(92),$str);
$str = RvsLibs_String::_stripslashes($str);
if(SGL::isError($str) === true) {
return SGL::raiseError(
'cannot un-quotes a quoted string. Because %MESSAGE'
, 'vprintf'
, array('MESSAGE' => $str->getMessage())
return $str;
* ใช้สำหรับลบ ข้อความที่มีการขึ้นบรรทัดใหม่ ให้เหลือแค่บรรทัดเดียว
* @param $str
* @return unknown_type
public static function removeNewline($str)
$str = RvsLibs_String::preg_replace('/[\r\n]/si', '', $str);
$str = RvsLibs_String::str_replace('<br>', '', $str);
$str = RvsLibs_String::str_replace('<br />', '', $str);
return $str;
* Un-quotes a quoted string
* @param $string $str
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return a string with backslashes stripped off.
* (\' becomes ' and so on.) Double backslashes (\\) are made into a single backslash (\).
public static function _stripslashes($str, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
return (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('stripslashes') === true)
? stripslashes($str)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'stripslashes')));
* allowProgramCode
* include wysiwyg function remove tag allowApplet , allowScript , allowPhp,
* <?xml ... >, <html .....>, <body ...>, <head>....</head>, <o:p>....</o:p>
* @param string $htmlcode
* @return string
public static function allowProgramCode($htmlcode)
SGL::logMessage(null, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
$oSglMgr = SGL_Manager::singleton();
// include_once(WYSIWYG_ROOT_PATH . "/editor_functions.php");
// Try to keep JavaScript <script...>.....</script> and <link....> inside <head>.....</head>
$aRemoveTage = array();
// Remove Tag '<Applet>'
if ($oSglMgr->conf['wysiwyg']['allowApplet'] != 1) {
$aRemoveTage['applet'] = true;
// Remove Tag '<Script>'
if ($oSglMgr->conf['wysiwyg']['allowScript'] != 1) {
$aRemoveTage['script'] = true;
$htmlcode = RvsLibs_WysiwygPro::removeTags($htmlcode, $aRemoveTage);
$htmlcode = RvsLibs_WysiwygPro::removeInavalidTags($htmlcode);
// Allow Php
if ($oSglMgr->conf['wysiwyg']['allowPhp'] == 1 || RvsLibs_Project::isPublishCompoDB()) {
$htmlcode = RvsLibs_WysiwygPro::comment2php($htmlcode);
return $htmlcode;
* Set/Get internal character encoding
* @param string $encoding : encoding is the character encoding name used for
* the HTTP input character encoding conversion
* , HTTP output character encoding conversion
* , and the default character encoding for string functions defined by the mbstring module.
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return bool : If encoding is set
* , then Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
* If encoding is omitted, then the current character encoding name is returned.
public static function mb_internal_encoding($encoding = null)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') === true) {
if (is_null($encoding) === true) {
return mb_internal_encoding();
} elseif (is_string($encoding) === true) {
return mb_internal_encoding($encoding);
return SGL::raiseError(
'Unknow encoding %ENCODING.'
, array('ENCODING' => $encoding)
} else {
return SGL::raiseError(
'Function %FUNCTION is undefine.'
, array('FUNCTION' => 'mb_internal_encoding')
* For Split multibyte string
* @param string $pattern
* @param string $str
* @param int $limit
* @return array
* If have error return raisError
public static function dbeExplode($pattern, $str, $limit = null)
$aCharsetDbe = array('big5', 'shift_jis');
$projetCharset = $GLOBALS['_SGL']['CHARSET'];
$aRarry = array();
if (in_array($projetCharset, $aCharsetDbe)) {
$aRegs = array(
'#\^#i' => '\^',
'#\$#i' => '\$',
'#\(#i' => '\(',
'#\)#i' => '\)',
'#\{#i' => '\{',
'#\}#i' => '\}',
'#\|#i' => '\|',
'#\/#i' => '\/',
'#\+#i' => '\+',
'#\-#i' => '\-',
'#\.#i' => '\.',
'#\?#i' => '\?',
'#\*#i' => '\*',
'#\[#i' => '\[',
'#\]#i' => '\]',
'#\<#i' => '\<',
'#\>#i' => '\>',
$aPatt = array_keys($aRegs);
$aRepl = array_values($aRegs);
$pattern = RvsLibs_String::preg_replace($aPatt, $aRepl , $pattern);
//Set/Get internal character encoding
$resEncoding = RvsLibs_String::mb_internal_encoding($projetCharset);
if (SGL::isError($resEncoding) === true) {
return SGL::raiseError(
'Can not Set internal character encoding. Because %MESSAGE'
, array('MESSAGE' => $resEncoding->getMessage())
//Returns current encoding for multibyte regex as string
$resMbRegexEncoding = RvsLibs_String::mb_regex_encoding($projetCharset);
if (SGL::isError($resMbRegexEncoding) === true) {
return SGL::raiseError(
'Can not current encoding for multibyte regex as string. Because %MESSAGE'
, 'vprintf'
, array('MESSAGE' => $resMbRegexEncoding->getMessage())
//$aRarry = ($limit) ? mb_split($pattern, $str, $limit) : mb_split($pattern, $str);
$aRarry = RvsLibs_String::mb_split($pattern, $str, $limit);
if (SGL::isError($aRarry) === true) {
return SGL::raiseError(
'Can not Split multibyte string. Because %MESSAGE'
, 'vprintf'
, array('MESSAGE' => $aRarry->getMessage())
} else {
$aRarry = RvsLibs_String::_explode($pattern, $str, $limit);
if(SGL::isError($aRarry) === true) {
return SGL::raiseError(
'Can not explode string. Because %MESSAGE'
, 'vprintf'
, array('MESSAGE' => $aRarry->getMessage())
return $aRarry;
* cut lengh is string
* @param string $string
* @param int $start
* @param int $lengh
* @return part of a string
public static function dbeSubstr($string, $start, $lengh = null)
$string = (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string)) == 'utf-8')
? RvsLibs_String::mb_substr($string, $start, $lengh, 'utf-8')
: RvsLibs_String::_substr($string, $start, $lengh);
return (SGL::isError($string) === true)
? SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Cannot get part of a string. Because %MESSAGE', 'vprintf', array('MESSAGE' => $string->getMessage())))
: $string;
* count sub string ...
* @param $haystack
* @param $needle
* @return mix total substrcount(integer) or raiseError on failue.
public static function dbeSubStrCount($haystack, $needle)
$haystack = (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($haystack)) =='utf-8')
? mb_substr_count($haystack, $needle, 'utf-8')
: substr_count($haystack, $needle);
return (SGL::isError($haystack) === true)
? SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Cannot get part of a string. Because %MESSAGE', 'vprintf', array('MESSAGE' => $haystack->getMessage())))
: $haystack;
* Split a string by string
* @param string $delimiter : The boundary string.
* @param string $string
* @param int $limit
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return If delimiter is an empty string ("")
* , explode() will return FALSE.
* If delimiter contains a value that is not contained in string and a negative limit is used,
* then an empty array will be returned. For any other limit ,
* an array containing string will be returned.
* If have error return raisError
public static function _explode($delimiter, $string, $limit = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('explode') === true && $flagTestErrorMode === false ) {
return (is_null($limit) === true) ? explode($delimiter, $string) : explode($delimiter, $string, $limit);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'explode')));
* current encoding for multibyte regex as string
* @param string $encoding : The encoding parameter is the character encoding.
* If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used.
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return The character encoding used by multibyte regex functions.
* If have error return raisError
public static function mb_regex_encoding($encoding = null)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_regex_encoding') === true) {
if (is_null($encoding) === true) {
return mb_regex_encoding();
} elseif (is_string($encoding)) {
return mb_regex_encoding($encoding);
return SGL::raiseError(
'Unknow encoding %ENCODING.'
, 'vprintf'
, array('ENCODING' => $encoding)
} else {
return SGL::raiseError(
'Function %FUNCTION is undefine.'
, 'vprintf'
, array('FUNCTION' => 'mb_regex_encoding')
* Split multibyte string using regular expression
* @param string $pattern : The regular expression pattern.
* @param string $string
* @param int $limit
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return array : If mb_split success return Array ( [0] => Test [1] => mb_split )
* else return Array ( [0] => Testmb_split or Array ( [0] => )
* If have error return raisError
public static function mb_split($pattern, $string, $limit = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_split') === true && $flagTestErrorMode === false) {
return (is_null($limit) === true) ? mb_split($pattern, $string) : mb_split($pattern, $string, $limit);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'mb_split')));
* Get part of string
* @param string $string : The string being checked.
* @param int $start : The first position used in $string .
* @param int $length : The maximum length of the returned string.
* @param string $encoding : The encoding parameter is the character encoding.
* If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used.
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return the portion of str specified by the start and length parameters.
* If cannot get part of string return ""
* If have error return raisError
public static function mb_substr($string, $start, $length = null, $encoding = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_substr') === true
&& $flagTestErrorMode === false) {
if (is_null($length) == true && is_null($encoding) === true) {
$mbSubStr = mb_substr($string, $start);
} elseif (is_null($encoding) === true) {
$mbSubStr = mb_substr($string, $start, $length);
} else {
$mbSubStr = mb_substr($string, $start, $length, $encoding);
return $mbSubStr;
return (is_null($mbSubStr) === false)
? $mbSubStr
: SGL::raiseError(
'cannot get part of %STRING.'
, 'vprintf'
, array('STRING' => $string)
} else {
return SGL::raiseError(
'Function %FUNCTION is undefine.'
, 'vprintf'
, array('FUNCTION' => 'mb_substr')
* fix unserialize content utf-8
* @param $serial_str
* @return unknown_type
public static function mb_unserialize($serial_str)
return RvsLibs_String::unserialize(RvsLibs_String::preg_replace('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!se', "'s:'.strlen('$2').':\"$2\";'", $serial_str));
* part of a string
* @param string $string
* @param int $start
* @param int $length
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return part of a string
public static function _substr($string, $start, $length = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('substr') === true && $flagTestErrorMode === false) {
return (is_null($length) === true) ? substr($string, $start) : substr($string, $start, $length);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'substr')));
*Convert special characters to HTML entities
* @param string $string : The string being converted.
* @param int $quote_style
* @param string $charset : Defines character set used in conversion. The default character set is ISO-8859-1.
* @param bool $double_encode
* @return The converted string.
public static function htmlspecialchars($string, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT, $charset = null, $double_encode = true)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('htmlspecialchars') === true) {
return (phpversion() <= 5.2) ? htmlspecialchars($string, $quote_style, $charset) : htmlspecialchars($string, $quote_style, $charset, $double_encode);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'htmlspecialchars')));
* Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string for case-insensitive replace.
* @param mixed $search
* @param mixed $replace
* @param mixed $subject
* @param int $count
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return Returns a string or an array of replacements.
public static function str_ireplace($search, $replace, $subject, &$count = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('str_ireplace') === true && $flagTestErrorMode === false) {
return (phpversion() >= 5) ? str_ireplace($search, $replace, $subject, $count) : str_ireplace($search, $replace, $subject);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'htmlspecialchars')));
* Find first occurrence of a string
* @param string $haystack : The string to search in
* @param unknown_type $nedle :If needle is not a string, it is converted to an integer and applied as the ordinal value of a character.
* @param bool $beforeNeedle
* @return Returns the portion of string, or FALSE if needle is not found.
public static function stristr($haystack, $nedle = null, $beforeNeedle = null)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('stristr') === true) {
return (phpversion() >= 5.3) ? stristr($haystack, $nedle, $beforeNeedle) : stristr($haystack, $nedle);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'stristr')));
* Get string length
* @param string $string : The string being measured for length.
* @return The length of the string on success, and 0 if the string is empty.
public static function strlen($string)
if (extension_loaded('mbstring') && RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_strlen') === true) {
$enc = RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string);
return @mb_strlen($string, $enc);
} else {
return strlen($string);
* Make a string lowercase
* @param string $string
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return The lowercased string.
public static function strtolower($string, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (extension_loaded('mbstring') && RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_strtolower') === true) {
// Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached
$enc = RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string);
return mb_strtolower($string, $enc);
} else {
return strtolower($string);
* Make a string uppercase
* @param string $string
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return The uppercased string.
public static function strtoupper($string)
if (extension_loaded('mbstring') && RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_strtoupper') === true) {
$enc = RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string);
return mb_strtoupper($string, $enc);
} else {
return strtoupper($string);
* Replace text within a portion of a string
* @param mixed $string : The input string.
* @param string $replacement : The replacement string.
* @param int $start : If start is positive, the replacing will begin at the start 'th offset into string .
* If start is negative, the replacing will begin at the start 'th character from the end of string .
* @param int $length : If given and is positive
* , it represents the length of the portion of string which is to be replaced.
* If it is negative, it represents the number of characters from the end of string at which to stop replacing.
* If it is not given, then it will default to strlen( string ); i.e. end the replacing at the end of string .
* Of course, if length is zero then this function will have the effect of inserting replacement into string at the given start offset.
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return The result string is returned. If string is an array then array is returned.
public static function substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string)) =='utf-8') {
return RvsLibs_String::utf8_substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length);
} else {
return (is_null($length) == true) ? substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start) : substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length);
* fix UTF-8 substr_replace
* @param string $string
* @param string $replacement
* @param int $start
* @param int $length
* @author duangdao.k
* @return The result string is returned. If string is an array then array is returned.
public static function utf8_substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start,$length = null)
$mb_res1 = RvsLibs_String::mb_substr($string, 0, $start);
return ($length == null) ? $mb_res1 . $replacement : $mb_res1 . $replacement . RvsLibs_String::mb_substr($string, $start+$length);
* Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string
* @param string $str : The string that will be trimmed.
* @param string $charlist : Optionally, the stripped characters can also be specified using the charlist parameter.
* Simply list all characters that you want to be stripped. With .. you can specify a range of characters.
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return The trimmed string.
public static function trim($str, $charlist = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($str)) =='utf-8'){
return RvsLibs_String::utf8_trim($str, $charlist);
} else {
return (is_null($charlist) === true) ? trim($str) : trim($str, $charlist);
public static function utf8_trim($str, $charlist = NULL)
if ($str != '' ) {
return RvsLibs_String::ltrim(RvsLibs_String::rtrim($str, $charlist), $charlist);
* fix utf-8 function trim
* @param string $string
* @param string $charlist
* @return The trimmed string.
* @author duangdao.k
function trim_utf8($string, $charlist = null)
if (is_null($charlist) === true) {
return RvsLibs_String::preg_replace("/^\s*|\s*$/", "", $string);
} else {
$stop = mb_strlen($charlist);
if ($stop > 1) {
$result = array();
for( $idx = 0; $idx < $stop; $idx++) {
$subcharlist = mb_substr( $string, $idx, 1);
$result[] = $subcharlist;
$string = RvsLibs_String::str_replace($subcharlist, "", $string);
} else {
$string = RvsLibs_String::str_replace($charlist, "", $string);
return $string;
* Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string
* @param string $str
* @param string $charlist
* @return a string with whitespace stripped from the beginning of str .
//TODO ใช้กับ utf8 ยังไม่ได้
public static function ltrim($str, $charlist = null)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('ltrim') == true) {
return (is_null($charlist) === true) ? ltrim($str) : ltrim($str, $charlist);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprint', array('FUNCTION' => 'ltrim')));
* Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string
* @param string $str
* @param string $charlist
* @return Returns the modified string.
//TODO ใช้กับ utf8 ยังไม่ได้
public static function rtrim($str, $charlist = null)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('rtrim') === true) {
return (is_null($charlist) === true) ? rtrim($str) : rtrim($str, $charlist);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprint', array('FUNCTION' => 'rtrim')));
* Dumps information about a variable
* @param mixed $expression : The variable you want to export.
* @param mixed $expression2 : The variable you want to export.
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return No value is returned.
public static function var_dump($expression = null, $expression2 = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('var_dump') === true && $flagTestErrorMode === false) {
return var_dump($expression, $expression2);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'var_dump')));
* Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string : This function is case-sensitive.
* @param mixed $search
* @param mixed $replace
* @param mixed $subject
* @param int $count : If passed, this will hold the number of matched and replaced needles.
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return This function returns a string or an array with the replaced values.
public static function str_replace($search, $replace, $subject, &$count = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('str_replace') === true && $flagTestErrorMode === false) {
// check version
return (RvsLibs_String::dbeSubstr(phpversion(),0,1) < 5) ? str_replace($search, $replace, $subject) : str_replace($search, $replace, $subject, $count);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'str_replace')));
* Perform a regular expression match
* @param string $patten
* @param string $subject
* @param array $match
* @param int $flags
* @param int $offset : Using offset is not equivalent to passing substr($subject, $offset)
* to preg_match() in place of the subject string, because pattern can contain assertions
* such as ^, $ or (?<=x). Compare:
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return The number of times pattern matches.
* That will be either 0 times (no match) or 1 time
* because preg_match() will stop searching after the first match.
* preg_match_all() on the contrary will continue until it reaches the end of subject .
* preg_match() returns FALSE if an error occurred.
public static function preg_match($patten, $subject, &$match = null, $flags = null, $offset = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
return (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('preg_match') === true && $flagTestErrorMode === false)
? preg_match($patten, $subject, $match, $flags, $offset)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'preg_match')));
* Perform a global regular expression match
* @param string $pattern : The pattern to search for, as a string.
* @param string $subject : The input string.
* @param array $matches : Array of all matches in multi-dimensional array ordered according to flags .
* @param int $flags : Can be a combination of the following flags
* PREG_PATTERN_ORDER : Orders results so that $matches[0] is an array of full pattern matches
* , $matches[1] is an array of strings matched by the first parenthesized subpattern, and so on.
* PREG_SET_ORDER : Orders results so that $matches[0] is an array of first set of matches
* , $matches[1] is an array of second set of matches, and so on.
* PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE : If this flag is passed
* , for every occurring match the appendant string offset will also be returned.
* Note that this changes the value of matches in an array
* where every element is an array consisting of the matched string at offset 0
* and its string offset into subject at offset 1.
* @param int $offset : Normally, the search starts from the beginning of the subject string.
* The optional parameter offset can be used to specify the alternate place from which to start the search (in bytes).
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return the number of full pattern matches (which might be zero), or FALSE if an error occurred.
public static function preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, &$matches, $flags = null, $offset = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('preg_match_all') === true
&& $flagTestErrorMode === false
) {
return preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches, $flags, $offset);
} else {
return SGL::raiseError(
'Function %FUNCTION is undefine.'
, 'vprintf'
, array('FUNCTION' => 'preg_match_all')
* Perform a regular expression search and replace
* @param mixed $pattern
* @param mixed $replacement
* @param mixed $subject
* @param int $limit
* @param int $count
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @param int $flagTestVersionPhp : Flag for test mode version
* @return an array if the subject parameter is an array, or a string otherwise.
* If matches are found, the new subject will be returned
* , otherwise subject will be returned unchanged or NULL if an error occurred.
public static function preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $subject, $limit = -1, &$count = null, $flagTestErrorMode = false, $flagTestVersionPhp = null)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('preg_replace') === true
&& $flagTestErrorMode === false) {
$VersionPhp = (is_null($flagTestVersionPhp)) ? phpversion() : $flagTestVersionPhp;
if ( $VersionPhp < 5) {
return @preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $subject, $limit);
} elseif ($VersionPhp >= 5) {
return @preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $subject, $limit, $count);
} else {
return SGL::raiseError(
'Function %FUNCTION is undefine.'
, 'vprintf'
, array('FUNCTION' => 'preg_replace')
* Convert string to requested character encoding
* @param string $in_charset : The input charset.
* @param string $out_charset : The output charset. If you append the string //TRANSLIT to out_charset transliteration is activated.
* This means that when a character can't be represented in the target charset
* , it can be approximated through one or several similarly looking characters.
* If you append the string //IGNORE, characters that cannot be represented in the target charset are silently discarded.
* Otherwise, str is cut from the first illegal character and an E_NOTICE is generated.
* @param string $str
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @return Returns the converted string or FALSE on failure
* if have error return raiseError
public static function iconv($in_charset, $out_charset, $str, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
$convertValue = '';
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('iconv') === true
&& $flagTestErrorMode === false) {
if (!preg_match('/(\/\/IGNORE$|\/\/TRANSLIT$)/', $out_charset)) {
$out_charset = $out_charset . '//IGNORE';
$convertValue = @iconv($in_charset, $out_charset, $str);
} elseif (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') === true && RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') === true) {
$convertValue = mb_convert_encoding($str, $out_charset, $in_charset);
} elseif (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('utf8_decode') === true) {
$convertValue = utf8_decode($str);
} else {
return SGL::raiseError(
'Function %FUNCTION is undefine.'
, 'vprintf'
, array('FUNCTION' => 'iconv')
return $convertValue;
* Iconv File
* @param string $fileName
* @param string $inCharset
* @param string $outCharset
public static function iconvFile($fileOriginal, $fileNew, $inCharset, $outCharset)
$iconv = '';
if (is_file($fileOriginal)) {
$handle = RvsLibs_File::fopen($fileOriginal, 'r');
if (SGL::isError($handle) === true) {
return $handle;
if ($handle) {
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);
$iconv .= RvsLibs_String::iconv($inCharset, $outCharset, $buffer);
$finaldata = $iconv;
$handle = RvsLibs_File::fopen($fileNew, "w+");
if (SGL::isError($handle) === true) {
return $handle;
RvsLibs_File::fwrite($handle, $finaldata);
if (is_file($fileNew) === false) {
return SGL::raiseError(
'The file %FILE is not exists and not regular file.'
, 'vprintf'
, array('FILE' => $fileNew)
} else {
return true;
* Verity iconv support charset - Find character set is supported by iconv on server or not.
* @param string $fileName : write iconv list to fileName
* @param string $projectId : project ID
* @return Returns TRUE on charset is supported by iconv on server,
* or False on charset is not supported by iconv on server,
* or mixed PEAR_Error on system server off or cannot open file to read iconv list
public static function verityIconvSupportedCharset($fileName, $charset)
$supportCharset = false;
$resRemove = true;
if (file_exists($fileName) === true) {
$resRemove = System::rm($fileName);
if (SGL::isError($resRemove) === true
|| $resRemove === false) {
//ถ้า remove file ไม่ได้ pop out
$resRemove = false;
} //ถ้า $resRemove = false แสดงว่า มี $fileName อยู่
if ($resRemove == true) {
$command = 'iconv -l > ' . $fileName;
$resSystem = RvsLibs_System::exec($command);
if (SGL::isError($resSystem) === true) {
//ถ้า system ไม่เปิด
return $resSystem;
$strContent = file_get_contents($fileName);
if (RvsLibs_String::preg_match("/" . $charset . "/i", $strContent)) {
$supportCharset = true;
return $supportCharset;
public static function rand($min, $max)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('rand') === true) {
return rand($min, $max);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'rand')));
* Wrapper for microtime().
* @return float
public function getMicrotime() {
$microtime = explode(' ', microtime());
return $microtime[1] . substr($microtime[0], 1);
* @return string Execution time in milliseconds
public function getSystemTime()
$time = @gettimeofday();
$resultTime = $time['sec'] * 1000;
$resultTime += floor($time['usec'] / 1000);
return $resultTime;
public static function getExecuteTime($sqlWaitTime=null)
static $lastTime;
static $reloadTime;
$startTime = @SGL_START_TIME;
$maxExecuteTimeSec = intval(ini_get('max_execution_time'));
if ($maxExecuteTimeSec == 0 || ($maxExecuteTimeSec > 120)) {
$maxExecuteTimeSec = 120;
$finishTime = self::getSystemTime();
$useTime = ($finishTime - $startTime)/1000;
if (!$lastTime) {
$lastTime = 0;
$reloadTime += ($useTime - $lastTime);
//SGL::logMessage('Witoon***** max Time:' . $maxExecuteTimeSec . 's', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
//SGL::logMessage('Witoon***** Use Time:' . $useTime . 's', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
$lastTime = $useTime;
if (is_null($sqlWaitTime) === false && ($reloadTime > ($sqlWaitTime-5))) {
//SGL::logMessage('Witoon***** wait time:' . $sqlWaitTime . 's, reload time:' . $reloadTime . 's', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
$reloadTime = 0;
return 9;
//return time of sec
return ($maxExecuteTimeSec - $useTime);
public function pingSqlServer($sqlWaitTime=null)
$sqlWaitTime = is_null($sqlWaitTime) ? 10 : $sqlWaitTime;
static $lastTime;
static $reloadTime;
$startTime = @SGL_START_TIME;
if (!$lastTime) {
$lastTime = 0;
$finishTime = self::getSystemTime();
$useTime = ($finishTime - $startTime)/1000;
$reloadTime += ($useTime - $lastTime);
$lastTime = $useTime;
SGL::logMessage('Witoon***** Use Time:' . $useTime . 's', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
if ($reloadTime > ($sqlWaitTime-5)) {
SGL::logMessage('Witoon***** wait time:' . $sqlWaitTime . 's, reload time:' . $reloadTime . 's', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
$reloadTime = 0;
$locator = SGL_ServiceLocator::singleton();
$dbh = $locator->get('DB');
if (!mysql_ping($dbh->connection)) {
* Detect character encoding
* @param string $string
* @param mixde $encoding_list ::: encoding_list is list of character encoding.
* Encoding order may be specified by array or comma separated list string.
* If encoding_list is omitted, detect_order is used.
* @param bool $strict ::: strict specifies whether to use the strict encoding detection or not. Default is FALSE.
* @return The detected character encoding or FALSE if the encoding cannot be detected from the given string.
public static function mb_detect_encoding($string, $encoding_list = null, $strict = false)
$enc = (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_detect_encoding') === true)
? mb_detect_encoding($string, $encoding_list, $strict)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'mb_detect_encoding')));
if (empty($enc)) {
//default endcoding = ASCII or ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8
$enc = 'UTF-8';
return $enc;
* Encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8
* @param string $string
* @return the UTF-8 translation of data .
public static function utf8_encode($string)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('utf8_encode') === true) {
return (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string)) !='utf-8') ? utf8_encode($string) : $string;
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'utf8_encode')));
* Converts a string with ISO-8859-1 characters encoded with UTF-8 to single-byte ISO-8859-1
* @param string $string
* @return Returns the ISO-8859-1 translation of data .
public static function utf8_decode($string)
return (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('utf8_decode') === true)
? utf8_decode($string)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'utf8_decode')));
* Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
* @param string $string
* @param int $quote_style : the optional second quote_style parameter lets you define what will be done with 'single' and "double" quotes.
* It takes on one of three constants with the default being ENT_COMPAT:
* ENT_COMPAT : Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.
* ENT_QUOTES : Will convert both double and single quotes.
* ENT_NOQUOTES : Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted.
* @param string $charset
* @param bool $double_encode
* @return the encoded string.
public static function htmlentities($string, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT, $charset = null, $double_encode = true)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('htmlentities') === true) {
if (phpversion() >= 5.2) {
if (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string)) =='utf-8') {
return htmlentities($string, $quote_style, 'UTF-8', $double_encode);
} else {
return htmlentities($string, $quote_style, $charset, $double_encode);
} elseif (phpversion() >= 4.1){
if (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string)) =='utf-8') {
return htmlentities($string, $quote_style, 'UTF-8');
} else {
return htmlentities($string, $quote_style, $charset);
} else {
return htmlentities($string, $quote_style);
} else {
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'htmlentities')));
* Generates a storable representation of a value
* @param mixed $value
* @return Returns a string containing a byte-stream representation of value that can be stored anywhere.
public static function serialize($value)
return (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('serialize') === true)
? serialize($value)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'serialize')));
* Creates a PHP value from a stored representation
* @param string $str
* @return The converted value is returned, and can be a boolean, integer, float, string, array or object.
* In case the passed string is not unserializeable, FALSE is returned and E_NOTICE is issued.
public static function unserialize($str)
return (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('unserialize') === true)
? unserialize($str)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'unserialize')));
* formatted string
* max 8 value
* @param string $format
* @param mixed $value1
* @param mixed $value2
* @param mixed $value3
* @return Returns a string produced according to the formatting string format .
public static function sprintf($format, $value1 = null, $value2 = null, $value3 = null, $value4 = null, $value5 = null, $value6 = null, $value7 = null, $value8 = null)
return (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('sprintf') === true)
? sprintf($format, $value1, $value2, $value3, $value4, $value5, $value6, $value7, $value8)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'sprintf')));
* Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters
* @param string $string
* @param int $quote_style
* @param string $charset
* @return If the optional split_length parameter is specified,
* the returned array will be broken down into chunks with each being split_length in length,
* otherwise each chunk will be one character in length.
* FALSE is returned if split_length is less than 1.
* If the split_length length exceeds the length of string , the entire string is returned as the first (and only) array element.
public static function html_entity_decode($string, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT, $charset = null)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('html_entity_decode') === true) {
if (phpversion() >= 5) {
if ($charset == null) {
return html_entity_decode($string, $quote_style);
} else {
return html_entity_decode($string, $quote_style, $charset);
} else {
return html_entity_decode($string, $quote_style);
} else {
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'html_entity_decode')));
* Convert a string to an array
* @param string $string
* @param int $split_length
* @return If the optional split_length parameter is specified,
* the returned array will be broken down into chunks with each being split_length in length
* ,otherwise each chunk will be one character in length.
* FALSE is returned if split_length is less than 1.
* If the split_length length exceeds the length of string
* , the entire string is returned as the first (and only) array element.
public static function str_split($string, $split_length = 1)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('str_split') === true) {
//test utf-8 ใน unittest ใช้ได้ แต่ test ใน program ไม่ได
return (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string)) =='utf-8')
? RvsLibs_String::str_split_utf8($string, $split_length)
: str_split($string, $split_length);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'str_split')));
* Convert a string to an array for UTF-8
* @param string $string
* @param int $string_length
* @return array
public static function str_split_utf8($string,$string_length=1)
if(RvsLibs_String::strlen($string)>$string_length || !$string_length) {
do {
$parts[] = RvsLibs_String::mb_substr($string,0,$string_length);//RvsLibs_String::dbeSubstr($string,0,$string_length);
$string = RvsLibs_String::mb_substr($string,$string_length);//RvsLibs_String::dbeSubstr($string,$string_length);
} while($string != false);
} else {
$parts = array($string);
return $parts;
* Find position of first occurrence of a string : ยังใช้กับ ภาษา จีน ยังไม่ได
* @param string $haystack : The string to search in
* @param mixed $needle : If needle is not a string, it is converted to an integer and applied as the ordinal value of a character.
* @param int $offset : The optional offset parameter allows you to specify which character in haystack to start searching.
* The position returned is still relative to the beginning of haystack .
* @return the position as an integer. If needle is not found, strpos() will return boolean FALSE.
public static function strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('strpos')) {
return (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($haystack)) =='utf-8')
? mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset)
: strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'strpos')));
* Reverse a string
* @param string $string
* @return the reversed string.
public static function strrev($string)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('strrev') === true) {
return (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string)) =='utf-8')
? RvsLibs_String::_utf8_strrev($string)
: strrev($string);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'strrev')));
* Reverse a string for UTF-8
* @param string $str
* @param bool $reverse_numbers
* @return reverse a string for UTF-8
public static function _utf8_strrev($str, $reverse_numbers = true)
$pattern = ($reverse_numbers) ? '/./us' : '/(\d+)?./us';
preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $ar);
return join('',array_reverse($ar[0]));
* Make a string's first character uppercase
* @param string $string
* @return Returns the resulting string.
public static function ucfirst($string)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('ucfirst') === true) {
return (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string)) =='utf-8')
? RvsLibs_String::_ucfirst_utf8($string)
: ucfirst($string);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'ucfirst')));
* Make a string's first character uppercase : fix utf-8
* @param string $string
* @param string $e
* @return Returns the resulting string. string is utf-8
public static function _ucfirst_utf8($string, $e ='utf-8')
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_strtoupper') && RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_substr') && !empty($string)) {
$string = mb_strtolower($string, $e);
$upper = mb_strtoupper($string, $e);
preg_match('#(.)#us', $upper, $matches);
$string = $matches[1] . RvsLibs_String::mb_substr($string, 1, mb_strlen($string, $e), $e);
} else {
$string = ucfirst($string);
return $string;
* Uppercase the first character of each word in a string
* @param string $string
* @return the modified string.
public static function ucwords($string)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('ucwords') === true) {
return (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string)) =='utf-8')
? RvsLibs_String::mb_convert_case($string, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8")
: ucwords($string);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'ucwords')));
* Perform case folding on a string
* @param string $str
* @param int $mode : The mode of the conversion. It can be one of MB_CASE_UPPER, MB_CASE_LOWER, or MB_CASE_TITLE.
* @param string $encoding : The encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used.
* @return A case folded version of string converted in the way specified by mode .
public static function mb_convert_case($str, $mode = MB_CASE_UPPER, $encoding = "UTF-8")
return (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_convert_case') === true)
? mb_convert_case($str, $mode, $encoding)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'mb_convert_case')));
* Find position of last occurrence of a char in a string
* @param string $haystack
* @param string $needle
* @param int $offset
* @return position of last occurrence of a char in a string
* @author duangdao.k
public static function strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('strrpos') === true) {
if (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($haystack)) =='utf-8') {
return (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('mb_strrpos') === true)
? mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'mb_strrpos')));
return strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'strrpos')));
* Finds the length of the first segment of a string consisting entirely of characters contained within a given mask.
* @param string $subject
* @param string $mask
* @param int $start
* @param int $length
* @return the length of the initial segment of str1 which consists entirely of characters in str2 .
* @author duangdao.k
//TODO ยังไม่สามารถใช้กับ utf-8 ได้
public static function strspn($subject, $mask = null, $start = null, $length = null)
return (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('strspn') === true)
? (empty($length))
? strspn($subject, $mask, $start)
: strspn($subject, $mask, $start, $length)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'strspn')));
* Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison
* @param string $string1
* @param string $string2
* @return < 0 if str1 is less than str2 ; > 0 if str1 is greater than str2 , and 0 if they are equal.
* @author duangdao.k
public static function strcasecmp($string1, $string2)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('strcasecmp') === true) {
return (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string1)) =='utf-8'
&& RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($string2)) == 'utf-8')
? RvsLibs_String::strcasecmp_utf8($string1, $string2)
: strcasecmp($string1, $string2);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'strcasecmp')));
* fix utf-8 function strcasecmp
* @param string $string1
* @param string $string2
* @return < 0 if str1 is less than str2 ; > 0 if str1 is greater than str2 , and 0 if they are equal.
* @author duangdao.k
public static function strcasecmp_utf8($string1, $string2)
return strcmp(RvsLibs_String::strtoupper($string1), RvsLibs_String::strtoupper($string2));
* Find length of initial segment not matching mask
* @param string $str1 : The first string.
* @param string $str2 : The second string.
* @param int $start : The start position of the string to examine.
* @param int $length : The length of the string to examine.
* @return the length of the segment as an integer.
//TODO ยังใช้กับ utf-8ไม่ได้
public static function strcspn($str1, $str2, $start = null, $length = null)
return (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('strcspn') === true)
? (empty($length))
? strcspn($str1, $str2, $start)
: strcspn($str1, $str2, $start, $length)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'strcspn')));
* Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output
* @param mixed $variable
* @return No value is returned.
//TODO unittest กับ function ค่ายังไม่ตรงกัน
public static function debug_zval_dump($variable)
return (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('debug_zval_dump') === true)
? debug_zval_dump($variable)
: SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'debug_zval_dump')));
* Wraps a string to a given number of characters
* @param string $str
* @param int $width : The column width. Defaults to 75.
* @param string $break : The line is broken using the optional break parameter. Defaults to '\n'.
* @param bool $cut : If the cut is set to TRUE, the string is always wrapped at or before the specified width.
* So if you have a word that is larger than the given width, it is broken apart. (See second example).
* @return the given string wrapped at the specified column.
public static function wordwrap($str, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('wordwrap') === true) {
return (RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::mb_detect_encoding($str)) =='utf-8')
? RvsLibs_String::_utf8_wordwrap($str, $width, $break)
: wordwrap($str, $width, $break, $cut);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'wordwrap')));
* Wraps a string to a given number of characters : fix utf-8
* @param string $str
* @param int $width
* @param string $break
* @return the given string wrapped at the specified column. String is utf-8
public static function _utf8_wordwrap($str, $width = 75, $break = "\n")
$str = preg_split('#[\s\n\r]+#', $str);
$len = 0;
$string = '';
foreach ($str as $val)
$val .= ' ';
$tmp = mb_strlen($val, 'utf-8');
$len += $tmp;
if ($len >= $width) {
$string .= $break . $val;
$len = $tmp;
} else {
$string .= $val;
return $string;
// when passed a string in this format [0-9]+ [A-Za-z]+ it returns it as bytes
public static function returnBytes($val) {
if (empty($val) === false) {
$val = trim($val);
$last = strtolower(preg_replace("/^[0-9]+\s*([A-Za-z]+)$/si", "$1", $val));//strtolower($val{strlen($val)-1});
$val = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/si", "", $val);
switch($last) {
// The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0
case 't':
case 'tb':
$val *= 1024;
case 'g':
case 'gb':
$val *= 1024;
case 'm':
case 'mb':
$val *= 1024;
case 'k':
case 'kb':
$val *= 1024;
return $val;
public static function quoteSmart($value)
// Stripslashes
// if magic quotes are enabled, any slashes are removed by $req->get();
// optimize : nipaporn
return "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
public static function ctype_digit($text)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('ctype_digit')) {
return empty($text) ? false : ctype_digit($text);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is not exists on your server.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'ctype_digit')));
* replace url(http://xxxxxxx.com:2082/3rdparty to url(/3rdparty
* replace url(http://cpanel.xxxxxxxx.com/3rdparty) to url(/3rdparty
* @param <string> $data
* @return <string> $data
public static function removeCssFullURLWithPort($data)
$data = preg_replace("/url\((.*?):208[2|3]/", "url(", $data);
$data = preg_replace("/url\((.*?)\/\/cpanel\.(.*)\/3rdparty/", "url(/3rdparty", $data);
return $data;
public static function jsAddSlashes($str)
$pattern = array(
"/\\\\/" , "/\n/" , "/\r/" , "/\"/" ,
"/\'/" , "/&/" , "/</" , "/>/"
$replace = array(
"\\\\\\\\", "\\n" , "\\r" , "\\\"" ,
"\\'" , "\\x26" , "\\x3C" , "\\x3E"
return preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $str);
* Remove space for the macthes HTML comment
* and return back to the preg_replace_callback function
* @package rvsitebuilder
* @author Pairote Manunphol
public function removeSpaceCallback($matches)
return RvsLibs_String::strtolower(RvsLibs_String::str_replace(' ', '', $matches[1]));
public static function buildHtmlMsg($msg, $class = 'warning', $translate = true)
if ($translate == true) {
$msg = RvsLibs_String::translate($msg);
$msg = RvsLibs_String::jsAddSlashes($msg);
if ($class == "info") {
$border = "successBorder";
$cssName = 'success';
$imgSuccess = '<img src="' . PUBLIC_IMG_URL . '/success.gif" alt="" width="30" height="30" hspace="15" />';
} else {
$border = "warningBorder";
$cssName = 'error';
$imgSuccess = '';
$msg = '<div style="height: 10px;"></div><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="' . $border . '" align="center" width="92%">
<td class="' . $cssName . '">' . $imgSuccess . $msg . '</td>
$msg = str_replace("\n" , '', $msg);
return $msg;
* Split string by a regular expression
* @param mixed $pattern
* @param mixed $subject
* @param int $limit
* @param int $flags
* @param bool $flagTestErrorMode; Flag for test mode error
* @param int $flagTestVersionPhp : Flag for test mode version
* @return an array containing substrings of subject split along boundaries matched by pattern.
public static function preg_split($pattern, $subject, $limit = -1, $flags = 0, $flagTestErrorMode = false)
if (RvsLibs_System::function_exists('preg_split') === true && $flagTestErrorMode === false) {
return @preg_split($pattern, $subject, $limit, $flags);
return SGL::raiseError(RvsLibs_String::translate('Function %FUNCTION is undefine.', 'vprintf', array('FUNCTION' => 'preg_split')));
public static function quotedPrintableEncode($str)
return str_replace(
array(' ', "\r" ,"\n", '=', "\f", "\t", "\v")
,array('%20', '%0D','%0A', '%3D', '%0C', '%09', '%0B')
, rawurlencode($str));
public static function quotedPrintableDecode($str)
return str_replace(
array("%20", "%0D","%0A", "%3D", "%0C", "%09", "%0B")
, array(' ', "\r" ,"\n", '=', "\f", "\t", "\v")
, rawurldecode($str));
public static function brToNewline($str, $strReplace="\n")
return str_replace('[[BR]]', $strReplace, $str);
public function getHtmlIsEmptyData($data)
SGL::logMessage(null, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
$patternHtml = array('/<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>/si', '/\ /si');
$text = preg_replace($patternHtml, '', $data);
$text = trim($text);
//echo htmlspecialchars($text);
return ($text == '') ? '' : $data;
public static function compilerFlixyError($sideValue, $output)
$view = new SGL_Output();
$path = SGL_TMP_DIR ;
$patFile = SGL_TMP_DIR . '/flexy.htm';
$res = RvsLibs_System::rm(array('-f', $patFile));
if (SGL::isError($res) === true) {
if ($sideValue != '') {
RvsLibs_File::writeFile($patFile, $sideValue, 'w+');
$option = array('templateDir' => $path
, 'allowPHP' => true);
$flexy = new HTML_Template_Flexy($option);
$masterTemplate = 'flexy.htm';
$ok = $flexy->compile($masterTemplate);
$data = $flexy->bufferedOutputObject($view, array());
if (SGL::isError($ok)) {
$output->errorFlixy = $ok->message;
$msg1 = RvsLibs_String::translate('The incorrect Tag insert');
$msg2 = RvsLibs_String::translate('Click here see error');
SGL::raiseMsg($msg1 . ' ' . $msg2, false, SGL_MESSAGE_ERROR);
return true;
} else {
return false;
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