// this require the AMFPHP 1.9 Beta to work
// located there : http://www.5etdemi.com/blog/archives/2007/01/amfphp-19-beta-2-ridiculously-faster/
require_once SGL_LIB_DIR . '/amfphp/core/amf/app/Gateway.php';
//You can set this constant appropriately to disable traces and debugging headers
//You will also have the constant available in your classes, for changing
//the mysql server info for example
if (!defined('PRODUCTION_SERVER')) {
define('PRODUCTION_SERVER', false);
* @package Task
class SGL_Task_ExecuteAmfAction extends SGL_ProcessRequest
public function process(&$input, &$output)
SGL::logMessage(null, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
$req = $input->getRequest();
$moduleName = $req->getModuleName();
$method = $req->getActionName();
$gateway = new Gateway();
//Set where the services classes are loaded from, *with trailing slash*
$gateway->setClassPath(SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' .($moduleName) . '/classes/');
//Set where class mappings are loaded from (ie: for VOs)
$gateway->setClassMappingsPath(SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' .($moduleName) . '/classes/vo/');
//$gateway->setCharsetHandler("utf8_decode", "ISO-8859-1", "ISO-8859-1");
//Error types that will be rooted to the NetConnection debugger
$gateway->setErrorHandling(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
//Disable profiling, remote tracing, and service browser
//If you are running into low-level issues with corrupt messages and
//the like, you can add $gateway->logIncomingMessages('path/to/incoming/messages/');
//and $gateway->logOutgoingMessages('path/to/outgoing/messages/'); here
//Explicitly disable the native extension if it is installed
//Enable gzip compression of output if zlib is available,
//beyond a certain byte size threshold
//Service now
$output->data = ob_get_contents();
SGL::logMessage('------ query count:'.SGL_Output::getQueryCount(), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
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