domaincheck.phpt: Unit tests for uri validation with dns check
if (!function_exists('checkdnsrr') || !checkdnsrr('php.net', 'A')) {
echo 'skip Missing checkdnsrr()';
// $Id: $
// Validate test script
$noYes = array('NO', 'YES');
require 'Validate.php';
echo "Test Validate::uri()\n";
$uris = array(
// Try dns lookup
array('//php.net', 'domain_check' => true), // OK
array('//example.gor', 'domain_check' => true), // NOK
// Try schemes lookup
array('http://php.net', 'allowed_schemes' => array('ftp', 'http'),
'domain_check' => true) // OK
foreach ($uris as $uri) {
if (is_array($uri)) {
$options = $uri;
echo "{$uri[0]}: schemes(" .
(isset($options['allowed_schemes']) ?
implode(',', $options['allowed_schemes']) : '') .") with".
(isset($options['domain_check']) && $options['domain_check'] ?
'' : 'out') . ' domain check : '.
(isset($options['strict']) ? "(strict : {$options['strict']}) " : '') .
$noYes[Validate::uri($uri[0], $options )]."\n";
} else {
echo "{$uri}: ".
Test Validate::uri()
//php.net: schemes() with domain check : YES
//example.gor: schemes() with domain check : NO
http://php.net: schemes(ftp,http) with domain check : YES
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