* Numbers_Words
* PHP version 5
* Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
* This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is
* available at through the world-wide-web at
* http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt
* If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to
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* license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category Numbers
* @package Numbers_Words
* @author Nils Homp
* @license PHP 3.01 http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt
* @version SVN: $Id$
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/Numbers_Words
// Numbers_Words class extension to spell numbers in Hungarian language.
// NOTE: toCurrency() was not localized and is from the en_US class.
* Class for translating numbers into Hungarian.
* @author Nils Homp
* @package Numbers_Words
* Include needed files
require_once "Numbers/Words.php";
* Class for translating numbers into Hungarian.
* @category Numbers
* @package Numbers_Words
* @author Nils Homp
* @license PHP 3.01 http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/Numbers_Words
class Numbers_Words_Locale_hu_HU extends Numbers_Words
// {{{ properties
* Locale name
* @var string
* @access public
var $locale = 'hu_HU';
* Language name in English
* @var string
* @access public
var $lang = 'Hungarian';
* Native language name
* @var string
* @access public
var $lang_native = 'Magyar';
* The word for the minus sign
* @var string
* @access private
var $_minus = 'Mínusz '; // minus sign
* The suffixes for exponents (singular and plural)
* Names based on:
* http://mek.oszk.hu/adatbazis/lexikon/phplex/lexikon/d/kisokos/186.html
* @var array
* @access private
var $_exponent = array(
0 => array(''),
3 => array('ezer'),
6 => array('millió'),
9 => array('milliárd'),
12 => array('billió'),
15 => array('billiárd'),
18 => array('trillió'),
21 => array('trilliárd'),
24 => array('kvadrillió'),
27 => array('kvadrilliárd'),
30 => array('kvintillió'),
33 => array('kvintilliárd'),
36 => array('szextillió'),
39 => array('szextilliárd'),
42 => array('szeptillió'),
45 => array('szeptilliárd'),
48 => array('oktillió'),
51 => array('oktilliárd'),
54 => array('nonillió'),
57 => array('nonilliárd'),
60 => array('decillió'),
63 => array('decilliárd'),
600 => array('centillió')
* The array containing the digits (indexed by the digits themselves).
* @var array
* @access private
var $_digits = array(
0 => 'nulla', 'egy', 'kettő', 'három', 'négy',
'öt', 'hat', 'hét', 'nyolc', 'kilenc'
* The word separator
* @var string
* @access private
var $_sep = '';
* The thousands word separator
* @var string
* @access private
var $_thousand_sep = '-';
* The currency names (based on the below links,
* informations from central bank websites and on encyclopedias)
* @var array
* @link http://30-03-67.dreamstation.com/currency_alfa.htm World Currency Information
* @link http://www.jhall.demon.co.uk/currency/by_abbrev.html World currencies
* @link http://www.shoestring.co.kr/world/p.visa/change.htm Currency names in English
* @access private
var $_currency_names = array(
'ALL' => array(array('lek'), array('qindarka')),
'AUD' => array(array('Australian dollar'), array('cent')),
'BAM' => array(array('convertible marka'), array('fenig')),
'BGN' => array(array('lev'), array('stotinka')),
'BRL' => array(array('real'), array('centavos')),
'BYR' => array(array('Belarussian rouble'), array('kopiejka')),
'CAD' => array(array('Canadian dollar'), array('cent')),
'CHF' => array(array('Swiss franc'), array('rapp')),
'CYP' => array(array('Cypriot pound'), array('cent')),
'CZK' => array(array('Czech koruna'), array('halerz')),
'DKK' => array(array('Danish krone'), array('ore')),
'EEK' => array(array('kroon'), array('senti')),
'EUR' => array(array('euro'), array('euro-cent')),
'GBP' => array(array('pound', 'pounds'), array('pence', 'pence')),
'HKD' => array(array('Hong Kong dollar'), array('cent')),
'HRK' => array(array('Croatian kuna'), array('lipa')),
'HUF' => array(array('forint'), array('filler')),
'ILS' => array(array('new sheqel','new sheqels'), array('agora','agorot')),
'ISK' => array(array('Icelandic króna'), array('aurar')),
'JPY' => array(array('yen'), array('sen')),
'LTL' => array(array('litas'), array('cent')),
'LVL' => array(array('lat'), array('sentim')),
'MKD' => array(array('Macedonian dinar'), array('deni')),
'MTL' => array(array('Maltese lira'), array('centym')),
'NOK' => array(array('Norwegian krone'), array('oere')),
'PLN' => array(array('zloty', 'zlotys'), array('grosz')),
'ROL' => array(array('Romanian leu'), array('bani')),
'RUB' => array(array('Russian Federation rouble'), array('kopiejka')),
'SEK' => array(array('Swedish krona'), array('oere')),
'SIT' => array(array('Tolar'), array('stotinia')),
'SKK' => array(array('Slovak koruna'), array()),
'TRL' => array(array('lira'), array('kuruþ')),
'UAH' => array(array('hryvna'), array('cent')),
'USD' => array(array('dollar'), array('cent')),
'YUM' => array(array('dinars'), array('para')),
'ZAR' => array(array('rand'), array('cent'))
* The default currency name
* @var string
* @access public
var $def_currency = 'HUF'; // forint
// }}}
// {{{ _toWords()
* Converts a number to its word representation
* in the Hungarian language
* @param integer $num An integer between -infinity and infinity inclusive :)
* that need to be converted to words
* @param integer $power The power of ten for the rest of the number to the right.
* Optional, defaults to 0.
* @param integer $powsuffix The power name to be added to the end of the return string.
* Used internally. Optional, defaults to ''.
* @return string The corresponding word representation
* @access protected
* @author Nils Homp
* @since Numbers_Words 0.16.3
function _toWords($num, $options = array(), $power = 0, $powsuffix = '', $gt2000 = false)
$chk_gt2000 = true;
* Loads user options
extract($options, EXTR_IF_EXISTS);
* Return string
$ret = '';
// add a minus sign
if (substr($num, 0, 1) == '-') {
$ret = $this->_sep . $this->_minus;
$num = substr($num, 1);
// strip excessive zero signs and spaces
$num = trim($num);
$num = preg_replace('/^0+/', '', $num);
if ($chk_gt2000) $gt2000 = $num > 2000;
if (strlen($num) > 3) {
$maxp = strlen($num)-1;
$curp = $maxp;
for ($p = $maxp; $p > 0; --$p) { // power
// check for highest power
if (isset($this->_exponent[$p])) {
// send substr from $curp to $p
$snum = substr($num, $maxp - $curp, $curp - $p + 1);
$snum = preg_replace('/^0+/', '', $snum);
if ($snum !== '') {
$cursuffix = $this->_exponent[$power][count($this->_exponent[$power])-1];
if ($powsuffix != '') {
$cursuffix .= $this->_sep . $powsuffix;
$ret .= $this->_toWords(
array('chk_gt2000' => false),
if ($gt2000) $ret .= $this->_thousand_sep;
$curp = $p - 1;
$num = substr($num, $maxp - $curp, $curp - $p + 1);
if ($num == 0) {
return rtrim($ret, $this->_thousand_sep);
} elseif ($num == 0 || $num == '') {
return $this->_sep . $this->_digits[0];
$h = $t = $d = 0;
switch(strlen($num)) {
case 3:
$h = (int)substr($num, -3, 1);
case 2:
$t = (int)substr($num, -2, 1);
case 1:
$d = (int)substr($num, -1, 1);
case 0:
if ($h) {
$ret .= $this->_sep . $this->_digits[$h] . $this->_sep . 'száz';
// ten, twenty etc.
switch ($t) {
case 9:
case 5:
$ret .= $this->_sep . $this->_digits[$t] . 'ven';
case 8:
case 6:
$ret .= $this->_sep . $this->_digits[$t] . 'van';
case 7:
$ret .= $this->_sep . 'hetven';
case 3:
$ret .= $this->_sep . 'harminc';
case 4:
$ret .= $this->_sep . 'negyven';
case 2:
switch ($d) {
case 0:
$ret .= $this->_sep . 'húsz';
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
$ret .= $this->_sep . 'huszon';
case 1:
switch ($d) {
case 0:
$ret .= $this->_sep . 'tíz';
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
$ret .= $this->_sep . 'tizen';
if ($d > 0) { // add digits only in <0> and <1,inf)
$ret .= $this->_sep . $this->_digits[$d];
if ($power > 0) {
if (isset($this->_exponent[$power])) {
$lev = $this->_exponent[$power];
if (!isset($lev) || !is_array($lev)) {
return null;
$ret .= $this->_sep . $lev[0];
if ($powsuffix != '') {
$ret .= $this->_sep . $powsuffix;
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ toCurrencyWords()
* Converts a currency value to its word representation
* (with monetary units) in English language
* @param integer $int_curr An international currency symbol
* as defined by the ISO 4217 standard (three characters)
* @param integer $decimal A money total amount without fraction part (e.g. amount of dollars)
* @param integer $fraction Fractional part of the money amount (e.g. amount of cents)
* Optional. Defaults to false.
* @param integer $convert_fraction Convert fraction to words (left as numeric if set to false).
* Optional. Defaults to true.
* @return string The corresponding word representation for the currency
* @access public
* @author Piotr Klaban <makler@man.torun.pl>
* @since Numbers_Words 0.4
function toCurrencyWords($int_curr, $decimal, $fraction = false, $convert_fraction = true)
$int_curr = strtoupper($int_curr);
if (!isset($this->_currency_names[$int_curr])) {
$int_curr = $this->def_currency;
$curr_names = $this->_currency_names[$int_curr];
$ret = trim($this->_toWords($decimal));
$lev = ($decimal == 1) ? 0 : 1;
if ($lev > 0) {
if (count($curr_names[0]) > 1) {
$ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[0][$lev];
} else {
$ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[0][0] . 's';
} else {
$ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[0][0];
if ($fraction !== false) {
if ($convert_fraction) {
$ret .= $this->_sep . trim($this->_toWords($fraction));
} else {
$ret .= $this->_sep . $fraction;
$lev = ($fraction == 1) ? 0 : 1;
if ($lev > 0) {
if (count($curr_names[1]) > 1) {
$ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[1][$lev];
} else {
$ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[1][0] . 's';
} else {
$ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[1][0];
return $ret;
// }}}
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