function callCache($id, $type = 'string') {
global $Cache_Lite;
if ($data = $Cache_Lite->get($id)) {
echo("Cache Hit !\n");
if ($type=='string') {
if ($type=='array') {
} else {
echo("Cache Missed !\n");
if ($type=='string') {
$data = '';
for($i=0;$i<10;$i++) {
$data .= '0123456789';
if ($type=='array') {
$data = array(array('foo', 'bar'), 1, 'foo', 'bar');
$res = $Cache_Lite->save($data);
if (is_object($res)) {
$message = $res->getMessage();
$message = str_replace(tmpDir(), '<cachedir>/', $message); // Remove system specific cache dir
echo "\nPEAR_ERROR : " . $message . " (#" . $res->getCode() . ")\n";
} else {
if (!($res)) {
echo "\nError when saving cache !\n";
function multipleCallCache($type = 'string') {
global $Cache_Lite;
echo "==> First call (cache should be missed)\n";
callCache('31415926', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> Second call (cache should be hit)\n";
callCache('31415926', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> Third call (cache should be hit)\n";
callCache('31415926', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> We remove cache\n";
echo "Done !\n\n";
echo "==> Fourth call (cache should be missed)\n";
callCache('31415926', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> #5 Call with another id (cache should be missed)\n";
callCache('3141592653', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> We remove cache\n";
echo "Done !\n";
function callCache2($id, $type = 'string') {
global $Cache_Lite_Output;
if (!($Cache_Lite_Output->start($id))) {
if ($type=='string') {
$data = '';
for($i=0;$i<10;$i++) {
$data .= '0123456789';
if ($type=='array') {
$data = array(array('foo', 'bar'), 1, 'foo', 'bar');
echo("Cache Missed !\n");
} else {
echo("Cache Hit !\n");
function multipleCallCache2($type = 'string') {
global $Cache_Lite_Output;
echo "==> First call (cache should be missed)\n";
callCache2('31415926', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> Second call (cache should be hit)\n";
callCache2('31415926', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> Third call (cache should be hit)\n";
callCache2('31415926', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> We remove cache\n";
echo "Done !\n\n";
echo "==> Fourth call (cache should be missed)\n";
callCache2('31415926', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> #5 Call with another id (cache should be missed)\n";
callCache2('3141592653', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> We remove cache\n";
echo "Done !\n";
function multipleCallCache3_1($type = 'string') {
global $Cache_Lite;
echo "==> #6 call (cache should be missed)\n";
callCache('31415926', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> #7 call (cache should be hit)\n";
callCache('31415926', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
function multipleCallCache3_2($type = 'string') {
global $Cache_Lite;
echo "==> #8 call (cache should be missed)\n";
callCache('31415926', $type);
echo "\nDone !\n\n";
echo "==> We remove cache\n";
echo "Done !\n";
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez