* UnitTest
* Manipulation method tests
* @author Daniel Khan <dk@webcluster.at>
* @package DB_NestedSetTest
* @version $Revision: 298553 $
* @access public
class tests_NestedSet_manipulation extends DB_NestedSetTest {
// +----------------------------------------------+
// | Testing manipulation methods |
// |----------------------------------------------+
// | [PUBLIC] |
// +----------------------------------------------+
* tests_NestedSet_common::test_deleteNode()
* Creates a tree and recursively deletes nodes doing regression tests on
* the remaining nodes
* @access public
* @see _deleteNodes()
* @return bool True on completion
function test_deleteNode() {
$relationTree = $this->_createRandomNodes(3, 150);
$rootnodes = $this->_NeSe->getRootNodes(true);
foreach($rootnodes as $rid=>$rootnode) {
$this->_deleteNodes($rid, true);
$rn = $this->_NeSe->pickNode($rid, true);
$this->assertEquals(1, $rn['l'], 'Wrong LFT value');
$this->assertEquals(2, $rn['r'], 'Wrong RGT value');
return true;
* tests_NestedSet_common::test_updateNode()
* Creates some nodes and tries to update them
* @access public
* @see _deleteNodes()
* @return bool True on completion
function test_updateNode() {
$rootnodes = $this->_createRootNodes(3);
$x = 0;
foreach($rootnodes as $rid=>$node) {
$values['STRNA'] = 'U' . $x;
//$values['ROOTID'] = -100;
$this->_NeSe->updateNode($rid, $values);
$rn = $this->_NeSe->pickNode($rid, true);
$this->assertEquals('U' . $x, $rn['name'], 'Nodename update failed');
$this->assertEquals($node['rootid'], $rn['rootid'], 'Rootid was overwritten');
$x ++;
return true;
function test_rootUnderRoot() {
$rootnodes = $this->_createRootNodes(3);
$ret = $this->_NeSe->moveTree($rootnodes[1]['id'], $rootnodes[2]['id'], NESE_MOVE_BELOW);
$source = $this->_NeSe->pickNode($rootnodes[1]['id'], true);
$parent = $this->_NeSe->getParent($rootnodes[1]['id'], true, true, array(), false);
$target = $this->_NeSe->pickNode($rootnodes[2]['id'], true);
$this->assertEquals($target['id'], $source['parent'], 'Parent id from column is wrong');
$this->assertEquals($target['id'], $parent['id'], 'Calculated parent id is wrong');
return true;
function test_moveTree() {
// $movemodes[] = NESE_MOVE_BEFORE;
$movemodes[] = NESE_MOVE_AFTER;
$movemodes[] = NESE_MOVE_BELOW;
for($j = 0; $j < count($movemodes); $j ++) {
$mvt = $movemodes[$j];
// Build a nice random tree
$rnc = 2;
$depth = 3;
$npl = 2;
$relationTree = $this->_createSubNode($rnc, $depth, $npl);
$lastrid = false;
$rootnodes = $this->_NeSe->getRootNodes(true);
$branches = array();
$allnodes1 = $this->_NeSe->getAllNodes(true);
foreach($rootnodes as $rid=>$rootnode) {
if($lastrid) {
$this->_NeSe->moveTree($rid, $lastrid, $mvt);
$branch = $this->_NeSe->getBranch($rid, true);
if(! empty($branch)) {
$branches[] = $branch;
if(count($branches) == 2) {
$this->_moveTree__Across($branches, $mvt, count($this->_NeSe->getAllNodes(true)));
$branches = array();
$lastrid = $rid;
$allnodes2 = $this->_NeSe->getAllNodes(true);
// Just make sure that all the nodes are still there
$this->assertEquals(0, count(array_diff(array_keys($allnodes1), array_keys($allnodes2))), 'Nodes got lost during the move');
return true;
function test_copyTree() {
$values['STRNA'] = 'Root1';
$root1 = $this->_NeSe->createRootnode($values, false, true);
$values['STRNA'] = 'Root2';
$root2 = $this->_NeSe->createRightNode($root1, $values);
$values['STRNA'] = 'Sub2-1';
$sub2_1 = $this->_NeSe->createSubNode($root2, $values);
$values['STRNA'] = 'Root2';
$root3 = $this->_NeSe->createRightNode($root2, $values);
$values['STRNA'] = 'Sub3-1';
$sub3_1 = $this->_NeSe->createSubNode($root3, $values);
// Copy a Rootnode
$root2_copy = $this->_NeSe->moveTree($root2, $root1, NESE_MOVE_BEFORE, true);
$this->assertFalse($root2_copy == $root2, 'Copy returned wrong node id');
$nroot2_copy = $this->_NeSe->pickNode($root2_copy, true);
$this->assertEquals($root2_copy, $nroot2_copy['id'], 'Copy created wrong node array');
// Copy another Rootnode
$root2_copy = $this->_NeSe->moveTree($root2, $root1, NESE_MOVE_AFTER, true);
$this->assertFalse($root2_copy == $root2, 'Copy returned wrong node id');
$nroot2_copy = $this->_NeSe->pickNode($root2_copy, true);
$this->assertEquals($root2_copy, $nroot2_copy['id'], 'Copy created wrong node array');
// Copy tree below another Rootnode
$root2_copy = $this->_NeSe->moveTree($root2, $root1, NESE_MOVE_BELOW, true);
$this->assertFalse($root2_copy == $root2, 'Copy returned wrong node id');
$nroot2_copy = $this->_NeSe->pickNode($root2_copy, true);
$this->assertEquals($root2_copy, $nroot2_copy['id'], 'Copy created wrong node array');
// Copy subtree below another Rootnode
$sub3_1_copy = $this->_NeSe->moveTree($sub3_1, $root1, NESE_MOVE_BELOW, true);
$this->assertFalse($sub3_1_copy == $sub3_1, 'Copy returned wrong node id');
$nsub3_1_copy = $this->_NeSe->pickNode($sub3_1_copy, true);
$this->assertEquals($sub3_1_copy, $nsub3_1_copy['id'], 'Copy created wrong node array');
* Couldn' reproduce this
function test_13166_wrong_child_order() {
// $this->_NeSe->setSortMode(NESE_SORT_PREORDER);
$values = array();
$values['STRNA'] = 'root';
$root = $this->_NeSe->createRootnode($values);
$values['STRNA'] = 'node_1';
$node_1 = $this->_NeSe->createSubNode($root, $values);
$values['STRNA'] = 'node_2';
$node_2 = $this->_NeSe->createSubNode($root, $values);
$values['STRNA'] = 'node_3';
$node_3 = $this->_NeSe->createSubNode($root, $values);
$tree = $this->_NeSe->getAllNodes(true);
$tree = $this->_NeSe->getAllNodes(true);
$values['STRNA'] = 'node_2';
$node_2 = $this->_NeSe->createLeftNode($node_3, $values);
$values['STRNA'] = 'node_22';
$node_22 = $this->_NeSe->createLeftNode($node_2, $values);
$tree = $this->_NeSe->getAllNodes(true);
function test_12341_rootnode_leftright_bug() {
$values = array();
$values['STRNA'] = 'root_1';
$root_1 = $this->_NeSe->createRootnode($values);
$values['STRNA'] = 'root_2';
$root_2 = $this->_NeSe->createRootnode($values);
$tree = $this->_NeSe->getAllNodes(true);
$values['STRNA'] = 'sub_root_1';
$sub_root_1 = $this->_NeSe->createSubNode($root_1, $values);
$tree = $this->_NeSe->getAllNodes(true);
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