* Default renderer for HTML_QuickForm2
* PHP version 5
* This source file is subject to BSD 3-Clause License that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE and available at the URL
* https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pear/HTML_QuickForm2/trunk/docs/LICENSE
* @category HTML
* @package HTML_QuickForm2
* @author Alexey Borzov <avb@php.net>
* @author Bertrand Mansion <golgote@mamasam.com>
* @copyright 2006-2019 Alexey Borzov <avb@php.net>, Bertrand Mansion <golgote@mamasam.com>
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause BSD 3-Clause License
* @link https://pear.php.net/package/HTML_QuickForm2
* Abstract base class for QuickForm2 renderers
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm2/Renderer.php';
* Default renderer for QuickForm2
* Mostly a direct port of Default renderer from QuickForm 3.x package.
* While almost everything in this class is defined as public, its properties
* and those methods that are not published (i.e. not in array returned by
* exportMethods()) will be available to renderer plugins only.
* The following methods are published:
* - {@link setTemplateForClass()}
* - {@link setTemplateForId()}
* - {@link setErrorTemplate()}
* - {@link setElementTemplateForGroupClass()}
* - {@link setElementTemplateForGroupId()}
* @category HTML
* @package HTML_QuickForm2
* @author Alexey Borzov <avb@php.net>
* @author Bertrand Mansion <golgote@mamasam.com>
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause BSD 3-Clause License
* @version Release: 2.1.0
* @link https://pear.php.net/package/HTML_QuickForm2
class HTML_QuickForm2_Renderer_Default extends HTML_QuickForm2_Renderer
* Whether the form contains required elements
* @var bool
public $hasRequired = false;
* HTML generated for the form
* @var array
public $html = array(array());
* HTML for hidden elements if 'group_hiddens' option is on
* @var string
public $hiddenHtml = '';
* Array of validation errors if 'group_errors' option is on
* @var array
public $errors = array();
* Default templates for elements of the given class
* @var array
public $templatesForClass = array(
'html_quickform2_element_inputhidden' => '<div style="display: none;">{element}</div>',
'html_quickform2' => '<div class="quickform">{errors}<form{attributes}><div>{hidden}{content}</div></form><qf:reqnote><div class="reqnote">{reqnote}</div></qf:reqnote></div>',
'html_quickform2_container_fieldset' => '<fieldset{attributes}><qf:label><legend id="{id}-legend">{label}</legend></qf:label>{content}</fieldset>',
'special:error' => array(
'prefix' => '<div class="errors"><qf:message><p>{message}</p></qf:message><ul><li>',
'separator' => '</li><li>',
'suffix' => '</li></ul><qf:message><p>{message}</p></qf:message></div>'
'html_quickform2_element' => '<div class="row"><p class="label"><qf:required><span class="required">*</span></qf:required><qf:label><label for="{id}">{label}</label></qf:label></p><div class="element<qf:error> error</qf:error>"><qf:error><span class="error">{error}<br /></span></qf:error>{element}</div></div>',
'html_quickform2_container_group' => '<div class="row {class}"><p class="label"><qf:required><span class="required">*</span></qf:required><qf:label><label>{label}</label></qf:label></p><div class="element group<qf:error> error</qf:error>" id="{id}"><qf:error><span class="error">{error}<br /></span></qf:error>{content}</div></div>',
'html_quickform2_container_repeat' => '<div class="row repeat" id="{id}"><qf:label><p>{label}</p></qf:label>{content}</div>'
* Custom templates for elements with the given IDs
* @var array
public $templatesForId = array();
* Default templates for elements in groups of the given classes
* Array has the form ('group class' => ('element class' => 'template', ...), ...)
* @var array
public $elementTemplatesForGroupClass = array(
'html_quickform2_container' => array(
'html_quickform2_element' => '{element}',
'html_quickform2_container_fieldset' => '<fieldset{attributes}><qf:label><legend id="{id}-legend">{label}</legend></qf:label>{content}</fieldset>'
* Custom templates for grouped elements in the given group IDs
* Array has the form ('group id' => ('element class' => 'template', ...), ...)
* @var array
public $elementTemplatesForGroupId = array();
* Array containing IDs of the groups being rendered
* @var array
public $groupId = array();
protected function exportMethods()
return array(
* Sets template for form elements that are instances of the given class
* When searching for a template to use, renderer will check for templates
* set for element's class and its parent classes, until found. Thus a more
* specific template will override a more generic one.
* @param string $className Class name
* @param mixed $template Template to use for elements of that class
* @return $this
public function setTemplateForClass($className, $template)
$this->templatesForClass[strtolower($className)] = $template;
return $this;
* Sets template for form element with the given id
* If a template is set for an element via this method, it will be used.
* In the other case a generic template set by {@link setTemplateForClass()}
* or {@link setElementTemplateForGroupClass()} will be used.
* @param string $id Element's id
* @param mixed $template Template to use for rendering of that element
* @return $this
public function setTemplateForId($id, $template)
$this->templatesForId[$id] = $template;
return $this;
* Sets template for rendering validation errors
* This template will be used if 'group_errors' option is set to true.
* The template array should contain 'prefix', 'suffix' and 'separator'
* keys.
* @param array $template Template for validation errors
* @return $this
public function setErrorTemplate(array $template)
return $this->setTemplateForClass('special:error', $template);
* Sets grouped elements templates using group class
* Templates set via {@link setTemplateForClass()} will not be used for
* grouped form elements. When searching for a template to use, the renderer
* will first consider template set for a specific group id, then the
* group templates set by group class.
* @param string $groupClass Group class name
* @param string $elementClass Element class name
* @param mixed $template Template
* @return $this
public function setElementTemplateForGroupClass($groupClass, $elementClass, $template)
$this->elementTemplatesForGroupClass[strtolower($groupClass)][strtolower($elementClass)] = $template;
return $this;
* Sets grouped elements templates using group id
* Templates set via {@link setTemplateForClass()} will not be used for
* grouped form elements. When searching for a template to use, the renderer
* will first consider template set for a specific group id, then the
* group templates set by group class.
* @param string $groupId Group id
* @param string $elementClass Element class name
* @param mixed $template Template
* @return $this
public function setElementTemplateForGroupId($groupId, $elementClass, $template)
$this->elementTemplatesForGroupId[$groupId][strtolower($elementClass)] = $template;
return $this;
* Resets the accumulated data
* This method is called automatically by startForm() method, but should
* be called manually before calling other rendering methods separately.
* @return $this
public function reset()
$this->html = array(array());
$this->hiddenHtml = '';
$this->errors = array();
$this->hasRequired = false;
$this->groupId = array();
return $this;
* Returns generated HTML
* @return string
public function __toString()
return (isset($this->html[0][0])? $this->html[0][0]: '') .
* Renders a generic element
* @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node $element Element being rendered
public function renderElement(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $element)
$elTpl = $this->prepareTemplate($this->findTemplate($element), $element);
$this->html[count($this->html) - 1][] = str_replace(
array('{element}', '{id}'), array($element, $element->getId()), $elTpl
* Renders a hidden element
* @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node $element Hidden element being rendered
public function renderHidden(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $element)
if ($this->options['group_hiddens']) {
$this->hiddenHtml .= $element->__toString();
} else {
$this->html[count($this->html) - 1][] = str_replace(
'{element}', $element, $this->findTemplate($element)
* Starts rendering a generic container, called before processing contained elements
* @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node $container Container being rendered
public function startContainer(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $container)
$this->html[] = array();
$this->groupId[] = false;
* Finishes rendering a generic container, called after processing contained elements
* @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node $container Container being rendered
public function finishContainer(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $container)
$cTpl = str_replace(
array('{attributes}', '{id}'),
array($container->getAttributes(true), $container->getId()),
$this->prepareTemplate($this->findTemplate($container, '{content}'), $container)
$cHtml = array_pop($this->html);
$break = HTML_Common2::getOption('linebreak');
$indent = str_repeat(HTML_Common2::getOption('indent'), count($this->html));
$this->html[count($this->html) - 1][] = str_replace(
'{content}', $break . $indent . implode($break . $indent, $cHtml), $cTpl
* Starts rendering a group, called before processing grouped elements
* @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node $group Group being rendered
public function startGroup(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $group)
$this->html[] = array();
$this->groupId[] = $group->getId();
* Finishes rendering a group, called after processing grouped elements
* @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node $group Group being rendered
public function finishGroup(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $group)
$gTpl = str_replace(
array('{attributes}', '{id}', '{class}'),
array($group->getAttributes(true), array_pop($this->groupId),
$this->prepareTemplate($this->findTemplate($group, '{content}'), $group)
$separator = $group->getSeparator();
$elements = array_pop($this->html);
if (!is_array($separator)) {
$content = implode((string)$separator, $elements);
} else {
$content = '';
$cSeparator = count($separator);
for ($i = 0, $count = count($elements); $i < $count; $i++) {
$content .= (0 == $i? '': $separator[($i - 1) % $cSeparator]) .
$this->html[count($this->html) - 1][] = str_replace('{content}', $content, $gTpl);
* Starts rendering a form, called before processing contained elements
* @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node $form Form being rendered
public function startForm(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $form)
* Finishes rendering a form, called after processing contained elements
* @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node $form Form being rendered
public function finishForm(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $form)
$formTpl = str_replace(
array('{attributes}', '{hidden}', '{errors}'),
array($form->getAttributes(true), $this->hiddenHtml,
$this->findTemplate($form, '{content}')
$this->hiddenHtml = '';
// required note
if (!$this->hasRequired || $form->toggleFrozen()
|| empty($this->options['required_note'])
) {
$formTpl = preg_replace('!<qf:reqnote>.*</qf:reqnote>!isU', '', $formTpl);
} else {
$formTpl = str_replace(
array('<qf:reqnote>', '</qf:reqnote>', '{reqnote}'),
array('', '', $this->options['required_note']),
$break = HTML_Common2::getOption('linebreak');
$script = $this->getJavascriptBuilder()->getFormJavascript($form->getId());
$this->html[0] = array(
str_replace('{content}', $break . implode($break, $this->html[0]), $formTpl) .
(empty($script)? '': $break . $script)
* Creates a error list if 'group_errors' option is true
* @return string HTML with a list of all validation errors
public function outputGroupedErrors()
if (empty($this->errors)) {
return '';
if (!empty($this->options['errors_prefix'])) {
$errorHtml = str_replace(
array('<qf:message>', '</qf:message>', '{message}'),
array('', '', $this->options['errors_prefix']),
} else {
$errorHtml = preg_replace(
'!<qf:message>.*</qf:message>!isU', '',
$errorHtml .= implode(
if (!empty($this->options['errors_suffix'])) {
$errorHtml .= str_replace(
array('<qf:message>', '</qf:message>', '{message}'),
array('', '', $this->options['errors_suffix']),
} else {
$errorHtml .= preg_replace(
'!<qf:message>.*</qf:message>!isU', '',
return $errorHtml;
* Finds a proper template for the element
* Templates are scanned in a predefined order. First, if a template was
* set for a specific element by id, it is returned, no matter if the
* element belongs to a group. If the element does not belong to a group,
* we try to match a template using the element class.
* But, if the element belongs to a group, templates are first looked up
* using the containing group id, then using the containing group class.
* When no template is found, the provided default template is returned.
* @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node $element Element being rendered
* @param string $default Default template to use if not found
* @return string Template
public function findTemplate(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $element, $default = '{element}')
if (!empty($this->templatesForId[$element->getId()])) {
return $this->templatesForId[$element->getId()];
$class = strtolower(get_class($element));
$groupId = end($this->groupId);
$elementClasses = array();
do {
if (empty($groupId) && !empty($this->templatesForClass[$class])) {
return $this->templatesForClass[$class];
$elementClasses[$class] = true;
} while ($class = strtolower(get_parent_class($class)));
if (!empty($groupId)) {
if (!empty($this->elementTemplatesForGroupId[$groupId])) {
foreach (array_keys($elementClasses) as $elClass) {
if (!empty($this->elementTemplatesForGroupId[$groupId][$elClass])) {
return $this->elementTemplatesForGroupId[$groupId][$elClass];
$group = $element->getContainer();
$grClass = strtolower(get_class($group));
do {
if (!empty($this->elementTemplatesForGroupClass[$grClass])) {
foreach (array_keys($elementClasses) as $elClass) {
if (!empty($this->elementTemplatesForGroupClass[$grClass][$elClass])) {
return $this->elementTemplatesForGroupClass[$grClass][$elClass];
} while ($grClass = strtolower(get_parent_class($grClass)));
return $default;
* Processes the element's template, adding label(s), required note and error message
* @param string $elTpl Element template
* @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node $element Element being rendered
* @return string Template with some substitutions done
public function prepareTemplate($elTpl, HTML_QuickForm2_Node $element)
// if element is required
$elTpl = $this->markRequired($elTpl, $element->isRequired());
$elTpl = $this->outputError($elTpl, $element->getError());
return $this->outputLabel($elTpl, $element->getLabel());
* Marks element required or removes "required" block
* @param string $elTpl Element template
* @param bool $required Whether element is required
* @return string Template with processed "required" block
public function markRequired($elTpl, $required)
if ($required) {
$this->hasRequired = true;
$elTpl = str_replace(
array('<qf:required>', '</qf:required>'), array('', ''), $elTpl
} else {
$elTpl = preg_replace('!<qf:required>.*</qf:required>!isU', '', $elTpl);
return $elTpl;
* Outputs element error, removes empty error blocks
* @param string $elTpl Element template
* @param string $error Validation error for the element
* @return string Template with error substitutions done
public function outputError($elTpl, $error)
if ($error && !$this->options['group_errors']) {
$elTpl = str_replace(
array('<qf:error>', '</qf:error>', '{error}'),
array('', '', $error), $elTpl
} else {
if ($error && $this->options['group_errors']) {
$this->errors[] = $error;
$elTpl = preg_replace('!<qf:error>.*</qf:error>!isU', '', $elTpl);
return $elTpl;
* Outputs element's label(s), removes empty label blocks
* @param string $elTpl Element template
* @param string|array $label Element label(s)
* @return string Template with label substitutions done
public function outputLabel($elTpl, $label)
$mainLabel = is_array($label)? array_shift($label): $label;
$elTpl = str_replace('{label}', $mainLabel, $elTpl);
if (false !== strpos($elTpl, '<qf:label>')) {
if ($mainLabel) {
$elTpl = str_replace(array('<qf:label>', '</qf:label>'), array('', ''), $elTpl);
} else {
$elTpl = preg_replace('!<qf:label>.*</qf:label>!isU', '', $elTpl);
if (is_array($label)) {
foreach ($label as $key => $text) {
$key = is_int($key)? $key + 2: $key;
$elTpl = str_replace(
array('<qf:label_' . $key . '>', '</qf:label_' . $key . '>', '{label_' . $key . '}'),
array('', '', $text), $elTpl
if (strpos($elTpl, '{label_')) {
$elTpl = preg_replace('!<qf:label_([^>]+)>.*</qf:label_\1>!isU', '', $elTpl);
return $elTpl;
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