# -*- ruby -*-
require "rubygems"
require "hoe"
Hoe.plugin :seattlerb
Hoe.plugin :rdoc
Hoe.spec "minitest" do
developer "Ryan Davis", "ryand-ruby@zenspider.com"
license "MIT"
## TODO: uncomment this on the last point release on 5.x
# self.post_install_message = <<-"EOM"
# NOTE: minitest 5 will be the last in the minitest family to support
# ruby 1.8 and 1.9 (and maybe 2.0?). If you need to keep using 1.8
# or 1.9, you need to pin your dependency to minitest with
# something like "~> 5.0".
# Further, minitest 6 will be dropping the following:
# + MiniTest (it's been Minitest for *years*)
# + MiniTest::Unit
# + MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
# + assert_send (unless you argue for it well)
desc "Find missing expectations"
task :specs do
$:.unshift "lib"
require "minitest/test"
require "minitest/spec"
pos_prefix, neg_prefix = "must", "wont"
skip_re = /^(must|wont)$|wont_(throw)|must_(block|not?_|nothing|raise$)/x
dont_flip_re = /(must|wont)_(include|respond_to)/
map = {
/(must_throw)s/ => '\1',
/(?!not)_same/ => "_be_same_as",
/_in_/ => "_be_within_",
/_operator/ => "_be",
/_includes/ => "_include",
/(must|wont)_(.*_of|nil|silent|empty)/ => '\1_be_\2',
/must_raises/ => "must_raise",
expectations = Minitest::Expectations.public_instance_methods.map(&:to_s)
assertions = Minitest::Assertions.public_instance_methods.map(&:to_s)
assertions.sort.each do |assertion|
expectation = case assertion
when /^assert/ then
assertion.sub(/^assert/, pos_prefix.to_s)
when /^refute/ then
assertion.sub(/^refute/, neg_prefix.to_s)
next unless expectation
next if expectation =~ skip_re
regexp, replacement = map.find { |re, _| expectation =~ re }
expectation.sub! regexp, replacement if replacement
next if expectations.include? expectation
args = [assertion, expectation].map(&:to_sym).map(&:inspect)
args << :reverse if expectation =~ dont_flip_re
puts "##"
puts "# :method: #{expectation}"
puts "# See Minitest::Assertions##{assertion}"
puts "infect_an_assertion #{args.join ", "}"
task :bugs do
sh "for f in bug*.rb ; do echo $f; echo; #{Gem.ruby} -Ilib $f && rm $f ; done"
# vim: syntax=Ruby
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez