require 'yaml'
require 'puppet'
require 'puppet/node/environment'
require 'puppet/file_system'
require 'puppet/indirector'
module Puppet
module ApplicationSupport
# Pushes a Puppet Context configured with a remote environment for an agent
# (one that exists at the master end), and a regular environment for other
# modes. The configuration is overridden with options from the command line
# before being set in a pushed Puppet Context.
# @param run_mode [Puppet::Util::RunMode] Puppet's current Run Mode.
# @param environment_mode [Symbol] optional, Puppet's
# current Environment Mode. Defaults to :local
# @return [void]
# @api private
def self.push_application_context(run_mode, environment_mode = :local)
Puppet.push_context_global(Puppet.base_context(Puppet.settings), "Update for application settings (#{run_mode})")
# This use of configured environment is correct, this is used to establish
# the defaults for an application that does not override, or where an override
# has not been made from the command line.
configured_environment_name = Puppet[:environment]
if == :agent
configured_environment = Puppet::Node::Environment.remote(configured_environment_name)
elsif environment_mode == :not_required
configured_environment =
Puppet.lookup(:environments).get(configured_environment_name) || Puppet::Node::Environment.remote(configured_environment_name)
configured_environment = Puppet.lookup(:environments).get!(configured_environment_name)
configured_environment = configured_environment.override_from_commandline(Puppet.settings)
# Setup a new context using the app's configuration
Puppet.push_context({:current_environment => configured_environment},
"Update current environment from application's configuration")
# Reads the routes YAML settings from the file specified by Puppet[:route_file]
# and resets indirector termini for the current application class if listed.
# For instance, PE uses this to set the master facts terminus
# to 'puppetdb' and its cache terminus to 'yaml'.
# @param application_name [String] The name of the current application.
# @return [void]
# @api private
def self.configure_indirector_routes(application_name)
route_file = Puppet[:route_file]
if Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(route_file)
routes = Puppet::Util::Yaml.safe_load_file(route_file, [Symbol])
if routes["server"] && routes["master"]
Puppet.warning("Route file #{route_file} contains both server and master route settings.")
elsif routes["server"] && !routes["master"]
routes["master"] = routes["server"]
elsif routes["master"] && !routes["server"]
routes["server"] = routes["master"]
application_routes = routes[application_name]
Puppet::Indirector.configure_routes(application_routes) if application_routes
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