require 'puppet/confine_collection'
# The Confiner module contains methods for managing a Provider's confinement (suitability under given
# conditions). The intent is to include this module in an object where confinement management is wanted.
# It lazily adds an instance variable `@confine_collection` to the object where it is included.
module Puppet::Confiner
# Confines a provider to be suitable only under the given conditions.
# The hash describes a confine using mapping from symbols to values or predicate code.
# * _fact_name_ => value of fact (or array of facts)
# * `:exists` => the path to an existing file
# * `:true` => a predicate code block returning true
# * `:false` => a predicate code block returning false
# * `:feature` => name of system feature that must be present
# * `:any` => an array of expressions that will be ORed together
# @example
# confine :operatingsystem => [:redhat, :fedora]
# confine :true { ... }
# @param hash [Hash<{Symbol => Object}>] hash of confines
# @return [void]
# @api public
def confine(hash)
# @return [Puppet::ConfineCollection] the collection of confines
# @api private
def confine_collection
@confine_collection ||=
# Checks whether this implementation is suitable for the current platform (or returns a summary
# of all confines if short == false).
# @return [Boolean. Hash] Returns whether the confines are all valid (if short == true), or a hash of all confines
# if short == false.
# @api public
def suitable?(short = true)
return(short ? confine_collection.valid? : confine_collection.summary)
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