require 'puppet/indirector/face'
Puppet::Indirector::Face.define(:status, '0.0.1') do
copyright "Puppet Inc.", 2011
license _("Apache 2 license; see COPYING")
summary _("View puppet server status.")
find = get_action(:find)
find.default = true
find.summary _("Check status of puppet master server.")
#TRANSLATORS the string 'Puppet::Status' is a Puppet language object and should not be translated
find.returns _(<<-'EOT')
A "true" response or a low-level connection error. When used from the Ruby
API: returns a Puppet::Status object.
find.description <<-'EOT'
Checks whether a Puppet server is properly receiving and processing
HTTP requests. This action is only useful when used with '--terminus
rest'; when invoked with the `local` terminus, `find` will always
return true.
Over REST, this action will query the configured puppet master by default.
To query other servers, including puppet agent nodes started with the
<--listen> option, you can set the global <--server> and <--serverport>
options on the command line; note that agent nodes listen on port 8139.
find.short_description <<-EOT
Checks whether a Puppet server is properly receiving and processing HTTP
requests. This action is only useful when used with '--terminus rest',
and will always return true when invoked locally.
find.notes <<-'EOT'
This action requires that the server's `auth.conf` file allow find
access to the `status` REST terminus. Puppet agent does not use this
facility, and it is turned off by default. See
for more details.
find.examples <<-'EOT'
Check the status of the configured puppet master:
$ puppet status find --terminus rest
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