# Runs a [lambda](https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/lang_lambdas.html)
# recursively and repeatedly using values from a data structure, then returns the unchanged data structure, or if
# a lambda is not given, returns an `Iterator` for the tree.
# This function takes one mandatory argument, one optional, and an optional block in this order:
# 1. An `Array`, `Hash`, `Iterator`, or `Object` that the function will iterate over.
# 2. An optional hash with the options:
# * `include_containers` => `Optional[Boolean]` # default `true` - if containers should be given to the lambda
# * `include_values` => `Optional[Boolean]` # default `true` - if non containers should be given to the lambda
# * `include_root` => `Optional[Boolean]` # default `true` - if the root container should be given to the lambda
# * `container_type` => `Optional[Type[Variant[Array, Hash, Object]]]` # a type that determines what a container is - can only
# be set to a type that matches the default `Variant[Array, Hash, Object]`.
# * `order` => `Enum[depth_first, breadth_first]` # default ´depth_first`, the order in which elements are visited
# * `include_refs` => `Optional[Boolean]` # default `false`, if attributes in objects marked as bing of `reference` kind
# should be included.
# 3. An optional lambda, which the function calls for each element in the first argument. It must
# accept one or two arguments; either `$path`, and `$value`, or just `$value`.
# @example Using the `tree_each` function
# `$data.tree_each |$path, $value| { <PUPPET CODE BLOCK> }`
# `$data.tree_each |$value| { <PUPPET CODE BLOCK> }`
# or
# `tree_each($data) |$path, $value| { <PUPPET CODE BLOCK> }`
# `tree_each($data) |$value| { <PUPPET CODE BLOCK> }`
# The parameter `$path` is always given as an `Array` containing the path that when applied to
# the tree as `$data.dig(*$path) yields the `$value`.
# The `$value` is the value at that path.
# For `Array` values, the path will contain `Integer` entries with the array index,
# and for `Hash` values, the path will contain the hash key, which may be `Any` value.
# For `Object` containers, the entry is the name of the attribute (a `String`).
# The tree is walked in either depth-first order, or in breadth-first order under the control of the
# `order` option, yielding each `Array`, `Hash`, `Object`, and each entry/attribute.
# The default is `depth_first` which means that children are processed before siblings.
# An order of `breadth_first` means that siblings are processed before children.
# @example depth- or breadth-first order
# ```puppet
# [1, [2, 3], 4]
# ```
# If containers are skipped, results in:
# * `depth_first` order `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`
# * `breadth_first` order `1`, `4`,`2`, `3`
# If containers and root are included, results in:
# * `depth_first` order `[1, [2, 3], 4]`, `1`, `[2, 3]`, `2`, `3`, `4`
# * `breadth_first` order `[1, [2, 3], 4]`, `1`, `[2, 3]`, `4`, `2`, `3`
# Typical use of the `tree_each` function include:
# * a more efficient way to iterate over a tree than first using `flatten` on an array
# as that requires a new (potentially very large) array to be created
# * when a tree needs to be transformed and 'pretty printed' in a template
# * avoiding having to write a special recursive function when tree contains hashes (flatten does
# not work on hashes)
# @example A flattened iteration over a tree excluding Collections
# ```puppet
# $data = [1, 2, [3, [4, 5]]]
# $data.tree_each({include_containers => false}) |$v| { notice "$v" }
# ```
# This would call the lambda 5 times with with the following values in sequence: `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`
# @example A flattened iteration over a tree (including containers by default)
# ```puppet
# $data = [1, 2, [3, [4, 5]]]
# $data.tree_each |$v| { notice "$v" }
# ```
# This would call the lambda 7 times with the following values in sequence:
# `1`, `2`, `[3, [4, 5]]`, `3`, `[4, 5]`, `4`, `5`
# @example A flattened iteration over a tree (including only non root containers)
# ```puppet
# $data = [1, 2, [3, [4, 5]]]
# $data.tree_each({include_values => false, include_root => false}) |$v| { notice "$v" }
# ```
# This would call the lambda 2 times with the following values in sequence:
# `[3, [4, 5]]`, `[4, 5]`
# Any Puppet Type system data type can be used to filter what is
# considered to be a container, but it must be a narrower type than one of
# the default `Array`, `Hash`, `Object` types - for example it is not possible to make a
# `String` be a container type.
# @example Only `Array` as container type
# ```puppet
# $data = [1, {a => 'hello', b => [100, 200]}, [3, [4, 5]]]
# $data.tree_each({container_type => Array, include_containers => false} |$v| { notice "$v" }
# ```
# Would call the lambda 5 times with `1`, `{a => 'hello', b => [100, 200]}`, `3`, `4`, `5`
# **Chaining** When calling `tree_each` without a lambda the function produces an `Iterator`
# that can be chained into another iteration. Thus it is easy to use one of:
# * `reverse_each` - get "leaves before root"
# * `filter` - prune the tree
# * `map` - transform each element
# * `reduce` - produce something else
# Note than when chaining, the value passed on is a `Tuple` with `[path, value]`.
# @example Pruning a tree
# ```puppet
# # A tree of some complexity (here very simple for readability)
# $tree = [
# { name => 'user1', status => 'inactive', id => '10'},
# { name => 'user2', status => 'active', id => '20'}
# ]
# notice $tree.tree_each.filter |$v| {
# $value = $v[1]
# $value =~ Hash and $value[status] == active
# }
# ```
# Would notice `[[[1], {name => user2, status => active, id => 20}]]`, which can then be processed
# further as each filtered result appears as a `Tuple` with `[path, value]`.
# For general examples that demonstrates iteration see the Puppet
# [iteration](https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/lang_iteration.html)
# documentation.
# @since 5.0.0
Puppet::Functions.create_function(:tree_each) do
local_types do
type "OptionsType = Struct[{\
container_type => Optional[Type],\
include_root => Optional[Boolean],
include_containers => Optional[Boolean],\
include_values => Optional[Boolean],\
order => Optional[Enum[depth_first, breadth_first]],\
include_refs => Optional[Boolean]\
dispatch :tree_Enumerable2 do
param 'Variant[Iterator, Array, Hash, Object]', :tree
optional_param 'OptionsType', :options
block_param 'Callable[2,2]', :block
dispatch :tree_Enumerable1 do
param 'Variant[Iterator, Array, Hash, Object]', :tree
optional_param 'OptionsType', :options
block_param 'Callable[1,1]', :block
dispatch :tree_Iterable do
param 'Variant[Iterator, Array, Hash, Object]', :tree
optional_param 'OptionsType', :options
def tree_Enumerable1(enum, options = {}, &block)
iterator(enum, options).each {|_, v| yield(v) }
def tree_Enumerable2(enum, options = {}, &block)
iterator(enum, options).each {|path, v| yield(path, v) }
def tree_Iterable(enum, options = {}, &block)
Puppet::Pops::Types::Iterable.on(iterator(enum, options))
def iterator(enum, options)
if depth_first?(options)
Puppet::Pops::Types::Iterable::DepthFirstTreeIterator.new(enum, options)
Puppet::Pops::Types::Iterable::BreadthFirstTreeIterator.new(enum, options)
def depth_first?(options)
(order = options['order']).nil? ? true : order == 'depth_first'
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