# @api public
class Puppet::Interface::OptionBuilder
# The option under construction
# @return [Puppet::Interface::Option]
# @api private
attr_reader :option
# Build an option
# @return [Puppet::Interface::Option]
# @api private
def self.build(face, *declaration, &block)
new(face, *declaration, &block).option
def initialize(face, *declaration, &block)
@face = face
@option = Puppet::Interface::Option.new(face, *declaration)
instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
# Metaprogram the simple DSL from the option class.
Puppet::Interface::Option.instance_methods.grep(/=$/).each do |setter|
next if setter =~ /^=/
dsl = setter.to_s.chomp('=')
unless private_method_defined? dsl
define_method(dsl) do |value| @option.send(setter, value) end
# Override some methods that deal in blocks, not objects.
# Sets a block to be executed when an action is invoked before the
# main action code. This is most commonly used to validate an option.
# @yieldparam action [Puppet::Interface::Action] The action being
# invoked
# @yieldparam args [Array] The arguments given to the action
# @yieldparam options [Hash<Symbol=>Object>] Any options set
# @api public
# @dsl Faces
def before_action(&block)
unless block
#TRANSLATORS 'before_action' is a method name and should not be translated
raise ArgumentError, _("%{option} before_action requires a block") % { option: @option }
if @option.before_action
#TRANSLATORS 'before_action' is a method name and should not be translated
raise ArgumentError, _("%{option} already has a before_action set") % { option: @option }
unless block.arity == 3 then
#TRANSLATORS 'before_action' is a method name and should not be translated
raise ArgumentError, _("before_action takes three arguments, action, args, and options")
@option.before_action = block
# Sets a block to be executed after an action is invoked.
# !(see before_action)
# @api public
# @dsl Faces
def after_action(&block)
unless block
#TRANSLATORS 'after_action' is a method name and should not be translated
raise ArgumentError, _("%{option} after_action requires a block") % { option: @option }
if @option.after_action
#TRANSLATORS 'after_action' is a method name and should not be translated
raise ArgumentError, _("%{option} already has an after_action set") % { option: @option }
unless block.arity == 3 then
#TRANSLATORS 'after_action' is a method name and should not be translated
raise ArgumentError, _("after_action takes three arguments, action, args, and options")
@option.after_action = block
# Sets whether the option is required. If no argument is given it
# defaults to setting it as a required option.
# @api public
# @dsl Faces
def required(value = true)
@option.required = value
# Sets a block that will be used to compute the default value for this
# option. It will be evaluated when the action is invoked. The block
# should take no arguments.
# @api public
# @dsl Faces
def default_to(&block)
unless block
#TRANSLATORS 'default_to' is a method name and should not be translated
raise ArgumentError, _("%{option} default_to requires a block") % { option: @option }
if @option.has_default?
raise ArgumentError, _("%{option} already has a default value") % { option: @option }
unless block.arity == 0
#TRANSLATORS 'default_to' is a method name and should not be translated
raise ArgumentError, _("%{option} default_to block should not take any arguments") % { option: @option }
@option.default = block
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