module Puppet
module Pal
# A configured compiler as obtained in the callback from `Puppet::Pal.with_script_compiler`.
# (Later, there may also be a catalog compiler available.)
class Compiler
attr_reader :internal_compiler
protected :internal_compiler
attr_reader :internal_evaluator
protected :internal_evaluator
def initialize(internal_compiler)
@internal_compiler = internal_compiler
@internal_evaluator =
# Calls a function given by name with arguments specified in an `Array`, and optionally accepts a code block.
# @param function_name [String] the name of the function to call
# @param args [Object] the arguments to the function
# @param block [Proc] an optional callable block that is given to the called function
# @return [Object] what the called function returns
def call_function(function_name, *args, &block)
# TRANSLATORS: do not translate variable name strings in these assertions
Pal::assert_non_empty_string(function_name, 'function_name', false)
Pal::assert_type(Pal::T_ANY_ARRAY, args, 'args', false)
internal_evaluator.evaluator.external_call_function(function_name, args, topscope, &block)
# Returns a Puppet::Pal::FunctionSignature object or nil if function is not found
# The returned FunctionSignature has information about all overloaded signatures of the function
# @example using function_signature
# # returns true if 'myfunc' is callable with three integer arguments 1, 2, 3
# compiler.function_signature('myfunc').callable_with?([1,2,3])
# @param function_name [String] the name of the function to get a signature for
# @return [Puppet::Pal::FunctionSignature] a function signature, or nil if function not found
def function_signature(function_name)
loader = internal_compiler.loaders.private_environment_loader
func = loader.load(:function, function_name)
if func
# Could not find function
# Returns an array of TypedName objects for all functions, optionally filtered by a regular expression.
# The returned array has more information than just the leaf name - the typical thing is to just get
# the name as showing the following example.
# Errors that occur during function discovery will either be logged as warnings or collected by the optional
# `error_collector` array. When provided, it will receive {Puppet::DataTypes::Error} instances describing
# each error in detail and no warnings will be logged.
# @example getting the names of all functions
# {|tn| }
# @param filter_regex [Regexp] an optional regexp that filters based on name (matching names are included in the result)
# @param error_collector [Array<Puppet::DataTypes::Error>] an optional array that will receive errors during load
# @return [Array<Puppet::Pops::Loader::TypedName>] an array of typed names
def list_functions(filter_regex = nil, error_collector = nil)
list_loadable_kind(:function, filter_regex, error_collector)
# Evaluates a string of puppet language code in top scope.
# A "source_file" reference to a source can be given - if not an actual file name, by convention the name should
# be bracketed with < > to indicate it is something symbolic; for example `<commandline>` if the string was given on the
# command line.
# If the given `puppet_code` is `nil` or an empty string, `nil` is returned, otherwise the result of evaluating the
# puppet language string. The given string must form a complete and valid expression/statement as an error is raised
# otherwise. That is, it is not possible to divide a compound expression by line and evaluate each line individually.
# @param puppet_code [String, nil] the puppet language code to evaluate, must be a complete expression/statement
# @param source_file [String, nil] an optional reference to a source (a file or symbolic name/location)
# @return [Object] what the `puppet_code` evaluates to
def evaluate_string(puppet_code, source_file = nil)
return nil if puppet_code.nil? || puppet_code == ''
unless puppet_code.is_a?(String)
raise ArgumentError, _("The argument 'puppet_code' must be a String, got %{type}") % { type: puppet_code.class }
evaluate(parse_string(puppet_code, source_file))
# Evaluates a puppet language file in top scope.
# The file must exist and contain valid puppet language code or an error is raised.
# @param file [Path, String] an absolute path to a file with puppet language code, must exist
# @return [Object] what the last evaluated expression in the file evaluated to
def evaluate_file(file)
# Evaluates an AST obtained from `parse_string` or `parse_file` in topscope.
# If the ast is a `Puppet::Pops::Model::Program` (what is returned from the `parse` methods, any definitions
# in the program (that is, any function, plan, etc. that is defined will be made available for use).
# @param ast [Puppet::Pops::Model::PopsObject] typically the returned `Program` from the parse methods, but can be any `Expression`
# @returns [Object] whatever the ast evaluates to
def evaluate(ast)
if ast.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Model::Program)
loaders = Puppet.lookup(:loaders)
loaders.instantiate_definitions(ast, loaders.public_environment_loader)
internal_evaluator.evaluate(topscope, ast)
# Produces a literal value if the AST obtained from `parse_string` or `parse_file` does not require any actual evaluation.
# This method is useful if obtaining an AST that represents literal values; string, integer, float, boolean, regexp, array, hash;
# for example from having read this from the command line or as values in some file.
# @param ast [Puppet::Pops::Model::PopsObject] typically the returned `Program` from the parse methods, but can be any `Expression`
# @returns [Object] whatever the literal value the ast evaluates to
def evaluate_literal(ast)
catch :not_literal do
# TRANSLATORS, the 'ast' is the name of a parameter, do not translate
raise ArgumentError, _("The given 'ast' does not represent a literal value")
# Parses and validates a puppet language string and returns an instance of Puppet::Pops::Model::Program on success.
# If the content is not valid an error is raised.
# @param code_string [String] a puppet language string to parse and validate
# @param source_file [String] an optional reference to a file or other location in angled brackets
# @return [Puppet::Pops::Model::Program] returns a `Program` instance on success
def parse_string(code_string, source_file = nil)
unless code_string.is_a?(String)
raise ArgumentError, _("The argument 'code_string' must be a String, got %{type}") % { type: code_string.class }
internal_evaluator.parse_string(code_string, source_file)
# Parses and validates a puppet language file and returns an instance of Puppet::Pops::Model::Program on success.
# If the content is not valid an error is raised.
# @param file [String] a file with puppet language content to parse and validate
# @return [Puppet::Pops::Model::Program] returns a `Program` instance on success
def parse_file(file)
unless file.is_a?(String)
raise ArgumentError, _("The argument 'file' must be a String, got %{type}") % { type: file.class }
# Parses a puppet data type given in String format and returns that type, or raises an error.
# A type is needed in calls to `new` to create an instance of the data type, or to perform type checking
# of values - typically using `type.instance?(obj)` to check if `obj` is an instance of the type.
# @example Verify if obj is an instance of a data type
# # evaluates to true
# pal.type('Enum[red, blue]').instance?("blue")
# @example Create an instance of a data type
# # using an already create type
# t = pal.type('Car')
# pal.create(t, 'color' => 'black', 'make' => 't-ford')
# # letting 'new_object' parse the type from a string
# pal.create('Car', 'color' => 'black', 'make' => 't-ford')
# @param type_string [String] a puppet language data type
# @return [Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType] the data type
def type(type_string)
# Creates a new instance of a given data type.
# @param data_type [String, Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType] the data type as a data type or in String form.
# @param arguments [Object] one or more arguments to the called `new` function
# @return [Object] an instance of the given data type,
# or raises an error if it was not possible to parse data type or create an instance.
def create(data_type, *arguments)
t = data_type.is_a?(String) ? type(data_type) : data_type
unless t.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PAnyType)
raise ArgumentError, _("Given data_type value is not a data type, got '%{type}'") % {type: t.class}
call_function('new', t, *arguments)
# Returns true if this is a compiler that compiles a catalog.
# This implementation returns `false`
# @return Boolan false
def has_catalog?
def list_loadable_kind(kind, filter_regex = nil, error_collector = nil)
loader = internal_compiler.loaders.private_environment_loader
if filter_regex.nil?, error_collector)
else, error_collector) {|f| =~ filter_regex }
def topscope
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