require 'puppet/provider/exec'
Puppet::Type.type(:exec).provide :posix, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Exec do
has_feature :umask
confine :feature => :posix
defaultfor :feature => :posix
desc <<-EOT
Executes external binaries by invoking Ruby's `Kernel.exec`.
When the command is a string, it will be executed directly,
without a shell, if it follows these rules:
- no meta characters
- no shell reserved word and no special built-in
When the command is an Array of Strings, passed as `[cmdname, arg1, ...]`
it will be executed directly(the first element is taken as a command name
and the rest are passed as parameters to command with no shell expansion)
This is a safer and more predictable way to execute most commands,
but prevents the use of globbing and shell built-ins (including control
logic like "for" and "if" statements).
If the use of globbing and shell built-ins is desired, please check
the `shell` provider
# Verify that we have the executable
def checkexe(command)
exe = extractexe(command)
if File.expand_path(exe) == exe
if !Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(exe)
raise ArgumentError, _("Could not find command '%{exe}'") % { exe: exe }
elsif !File.file?(exe)
raise ArgumentError, _("'%{exe}' is a %{klass}, not a file") % { exe: exe, klass: File.ftype(exe) }
elsif !File.executable?(exe)
raise ArgumentError, _("'%{exe}' is not executable") % { exe: exe }
if resource[:path]
Puppet::Util.withenv :PATH => resource[:path].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) do
return if which(exe)
# 'which' will only return the command if it's executable, so we can't
# distinguish not found from not executable
raise ArgumentError, _("Could not find command '%{exe}'") % { exe: exe }
def run(command, check = false)
if resource[:umask]
Puppet::Util::withumask(resource[:umask]) { super(command, check) }
super(command, check)
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