require 'puppet/ssl'
# This module defines OIDs for use within Puppet.
# == ASN.1 Definition
# The following is the formal definition of OIDs specified in this file.
# puppetCertExtensions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {iso(1) identified-organization(3)
# dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 34380 1}
# -- the tree under registeredExtensions 'belongs' to puppetlabs
# -- privateExtensions can be extended by enterprises to suit their own needs
# registeredExtensions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { puppetCertExtensions 1 }
# privateExtensions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { puppetCertExtensions 2 }
# authorizationExtensions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { puppetCertExtensions 3 }
# -- subtree of common registered extensions
# -- The short names for these OIDs are intentionally lowercased and formatted
# -- since they may be exposed inside the Puppet DSL as variables.
# pp_uuid OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { registeredExtensions 1 }
# pp_instance_id OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { registeredExtensions 2 }
# pp_image_name OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { registeredExtensions 3 }
# pp_preshared_key OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { registeredExtensions 4 }
# @api private
module Puppet::SSL::Oids
# Note: When updating the following OIDs make sure to also update the OID
# definitions here:
["", 'puppetlabs', 'Puppet Labs'],
["", 'ppCertExt', 'Puppet Certificate Extension'],
["", 'ppRegCertExt', 'Puppet Registered Certificate Extension'],
["", 'pp_uuid', 'Puppet Node UUID'],
["", 'pp_instance_id', 'Puppet Node Instance ID'],
["", 'pp_image_name', 'Puppet Node Image Name'],
["", 'pp_preshared_key', 'Puppet Node Preshared Key'],
["", 'pp_cost_center', 'Puppet Node Cost Center Name'],
["", 'pp_product', 'Puppet Node Product Name'],
["", 'pp_project', 'Puppet Node Project Name'],
["", 'pp_application', 'Puppet Node Application Name'],
["", 'pp_service', 'Puppet Node Service Name'],
["", 'pp_employee', 'Puppet Node Employee Name'],
["", 'pp_created_by', 'Puppet Node created_by Tag'],
["", 'pp_environment', 'Puppet Node Environment Name'],
["", 'pp_role', 'Puppet Node Role Name'],
["", 'pp_software_version', 'Puppet Node Software Version'],
["", 'pp_department', 'Puppet Node Department Name'],
["", 'pp_cluster', 'Puppet Node Cluster Name'],
["", 'pp_provisioner', 'Puppet Node Provisioner Name'],
["", 'pp_region', 'Puppet Node Region Name'],
["", 'pp_datacenter', 'Puppet Node Datacenter Name'],
["", 'pp_zone', 'Puppet Node Zone Name'],
["", 'pp_network', 'Puppet Node Network Name'],
["", 'pp_securitypolicy', 'Puppet Node Security Policy Name'],
["", 'pp_cloudplatform', 'Puppet Node Cloud Platform Name'],
["", 'pp_apptier', 'Puppet Node Application Tier'],
["", 'pp_hostname', 'Puppet Node Hostname'],
["", 'pp_owner', 'Puppet Node Owner'],
["", 'ppPrivCertExt', 'Puppet Private Certificate Extension'],
["", 'ppAuthCertExt', 'Puppet Certificate Authorization Extension'],
["", 'pp_authorization', 'Certificate Extension Authorization'],
["", 'pp_auth_role', 'Puppet Node Role Name for Authorization'],
@did_register_puppet_oids = false
# Register our custom Puppet OIDs with OpenSSL so they can be used as CSR
# extensions. Without registering these OIDs, OpenSSL will fail when it
# encounters such an extension in a CSR.
def self.register_puppet_oids()
if !@did_register_puppet_oids
PUPPET_OIDS.each do |oid_defn|
@did_register_puppet_oids = true
# Parse custom OID mapping file that enables custom OIDs to be resolved
# into user-friendly names.
# @param custom_oid_file [String] File to obtain custom OIDs mapping from
# @param map_key [String] Hash key in which custom OIDs mapping is stored
# @example Custom OID mapping file
# ---
# oid_mapping:
# '':
# shortname : 'myshortname'
# longname : 'Long name'
# '':
# shortname: 'myothershortname'
# longname: 'Other Long name'
def self.parse_custom_oid_file(custom_oid_file, map_key='oid_mapping')
if File.exist?(custom_oid_file) && File.readable?(custom_oid_file)
mapping = nil
mapping = Puppet::Util::Yaml.safe_load_file(custom_oid_file, [Symbol])
rescue => err
raise Puppet::Error, _("Error loading ssl custom OIDs mapping file from '%{custom_oid_file}': %{err}") % { custom_oid_file: custom_oid_file, err: err }, err.backtrace
unless mapping.has_key?(map_key)
raise Puppet::Error, _("Error loading ssl custom OIDs mapping file from '%{custom_oid_file}': no such index '%{map_key}'") % { custom_oid_file: custom_oid_file, map_key: map_key }
unless mapping[map_key].is_a?(Hash)
raise Puppet::Error, _("Error loading ssl custom OIDs mapping file from '%{custom_oid_file}': data under index '%{map_key}' must be a Hash") % { custom_oid_file: custom_oid_file, map_key: map_key }
oid_defns = []
mapping[map_key].keys.each do |oid|
shortname, longname = mapping[map_key][oid].values_at("shortname","longname")
if shortname.nil? || longname.nil?
raise Puppet::Error, _("Error loading ssl custom OIDs mapping file from '%{custom_oid_file}': incomplete definition of oid '%{oid}'") % { custom_oid_file: custom_oid_file, oid: oid }
oid_defns << [oid, shortname, longname]
# Load custom OID mapping file that enables custom OIDs to be resolved
# into user-friendly names.
# @param custom_oid_file [String] File to obtain custom OIDs mapping from
# @param map_key [String] Hash key in which custom OIDs mapping is stored
# @example Custom OID mapping file
# ---
# oid_mapping:
# '':
# shortname : 'myshortname'
# longname : 'Long name'
# '':
# shortname: 'myothershortname'
# longname: 'Other Long name'
def self.load_custom_oid_file(custom_oid_file, map_key='oid_mapping')
oid_defns = parse_custom_oid_file(custom_oid_file, map_key)
unless oid_defns.nil?
oid_defns.each do |oid_defn|
rescue => err
raise ArgumentError, _("Error registering ssl custom OIDs mapping from file '%{custom_oid_file}': %{err}") % { custom_oid_file: custom_oid_file, err: err }, err.backtrace
# Determine if the first OID contains the second OID
# @param first [String] The containing OID, in dotted form or as the short name
# @param second [String] The contained OID, in dotted form or as the short name
# @param exclusive [true, false] If an OID should not be considered as a subtree of itself
# @example Comparing two dotted OIDs
# Puppet::SSL::Oids.subtree_of?('', '') #=> true
# Puppet::SSL::Oids.subtree_of?('', '1.3.6') #=> false
# @example Comparing an OID short name with a dotted OID
# Puppet::SSL::Oids.subtree_of?('IANA', '') #=> true
# Puppet::SSL::Oids.subtree_of?('', 'enterprises') #=> true
# @example Comparing an OID against itself
# Puppet::SSL::Oids.subtree_of?('IANA', 'IANA') #=> true
# Puppet::SSL::Oids.subtree_of?('IANA', 'IANA', true) #=> false
# @return [true, false]
def self.subtree_of?(first, second, exclusive = false)
first_oid =
second_oid =
if exclusive and first_oid == second_oid
second_oid.index(first_oid) == 0
rescue OpenSSL::ASN1::ASN1Error, TypeError
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