require 'puppet/ssl'
# Verify an SSL connection.
# @api private
class Puppet::SSL::Verifier
attr_reader :ssl_context
# Create a verifier using an `ssl_context`.
# @param hostname [String] FQDN of the server we're attempting to connect to
# @param ssl_context [Puppet::SSL::SSLContext] ssl_context containing CA certs,
# CRLs, etc needed to verify the server's certificate chain
def initialize(hostname, ssl_context)
@hostname = hostname
@ssl_context = ssl_context
# Return true if `self` is reusable with `verifier` meaning they
# are using the same `ssl_context`, so there's no loss of security
# when using a cached connection.
# @param verifier [Puppet::SSL::Verifier] the verifier to compare against
# @return [Boolean] return true if a cached connection can be used, false otherwise
def reusable?(verifier)
verifier.instance_of?(self.class) &&
verifier.ssl_context.object_id == @ssl_context.object_id
# Configure the `http` connection based on the current `ssl_context`.
# @param http [Net::HTTP] connection
# @api private
def setup_connection(http)
http.cert_store = @ssl_context[:store]
http.cert = @ssl_context[:client_cert]
http.key = @ssl_context[:private_key]
# default to VERIFY_PEER
http.verify_mode = if !@ssl_context[:verify_peer]
http.verify_callback = self
# This method is called if `Net::HTTP#start` raises an exception, which
# could be a result of an openssl error during cert verification, due
# to ruby's `Socket#post_connection_check`, or general SSL connection
# error.
# @param http [Net::HTTP] connection
# @param error [OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError] connection error
# @raise [Puppet::SSL::CertVerifyError] SSL connection failed due to a
# verification error with the server's certificate or chain
# @raise [Puppet::Error] server hostname does not match certificate
# @raise [OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError] low-level SSL connection failure
# @api private
def handle_connection_error(http, error)
raise @last_error if @last_error
# ruby can pass SSL validation but fail post_connection_check
peer_cert = http.peer_cert
if peer_cert && !OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(peer_cert, @hostname)
raise, @hostname)
raise error
# OpenSSL will call this method with the verification result for each cert in
# the server's chain, working from the root CA to the server's cert. If
# preverify_ok is `true`, then that cert passed verification. If it's `false`
# then the current verification error is contained in `store_context.error`.
# and the current cert is in `store_context.current_cert`.
# If this method returns `false`, then verification stops and ruby will raise
# an `OpenSSL::SSL::Error` with "certificate verification failed". If this
# method returns `true`, then verification continues.
# If this method ignores a verification error, such as the cert's CRL will be
# valid within the next 5 minutes, then this method may be called with a
# different verification error for the same cert.
# WARNING: If `store_context.error` returns `OpenSSL::X509::V_OK`, don't
# assume verification passed. Ruby 2.4+ implements certificate hostname
# checking by default, and if the cert doesn't match the hostname, then the
# error will be V_OK. Always use `preverify_ok` to determine if verification
# succeeded or not.
# @param preverify_ok [Boolean] if `true` the current certificate in `store_context`
# was verified. Otherwise, check for the current error in `store_context.error`
# @param store_context [OpenSSL::X509::StoreContext] The context holding the
# verification result for one certificate
# @return [Boolean] If `true`, continue verifying the chain, even if that means
# ignoring the current verification error. If `false`, abort the connection.
# @api private
def call(preverify_ok, store_context)
return true if preverify_ok
peer_cert = store_context.current_cert
case store_context.error
when OpenSSL::X509::V_OK
# chain is from leaf to root, opposite of the order that `call` is invoked
chain_cert = store_context.chain.first
# ruby 2.4 doesn't compare certs based on value, so force to DER byte array
if peer_cert && chain_cert && peer_cert.to_der == chain_cert.to_der && !OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(peer_cert, @hostname)
@last_error =, @hostname)
return false
crl = store_context.current_crl
if crl && crl.last_update && crl.last_update < + FIVE_MINUTES_AS_SECONDS
Puppet.debug("Ignoring CRL not yet valid, current time #{}, CRL last updated #{crl.last_update.utc}")
return true
# TRANSLATORS: `error` is an untranslated message from openssl describing why a certificate in the server's chain is invalid, and `subject` is the identity/name of the failed certificate
@last_error =
_("certificate verify failed [%{error} for %{subject}]") %
{ error: store_context.error_string, subject: peer_cert.subject.to_utf8 },
store_context.error, peer_cert
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