# A syntax checker for Base64.
# @api public
require 'puppet/syntax_checkers'
require 'base64'
class Puppet::SyntaxCheckers::Base64 < Puppet::Plugins::SyntaxCheckers::SyntaxChecker
# Checks the text for BASE64 syntax issues and reports them to the given acceptor.
# This checker allows the most relaxed form of Base64, including newlines and missing padding.
# It also accept URLsafe input.
# @param text [String] The text to check
# @param syntax [String] The syntax identifier in mime style (e.g. 'base64', 'text/xxx+base64')
# @param acceptor [#accept] A Diagnostic acceptor
# @param source_pos [Puppet::Pops::Adapters::SourcePosAdapter] A source pos adapter with location information
# @api public
def check(text, syntax, acceptor, source_pos)
raise ArgumentError.new(_("Base64 syntax checker: the text to check must be a String.")) unless text.is_a?(String)
raise ArgumentError.new(_("Base64 syntax checker: the syntax identifier must be a String, e.g. json, data+json")) unless syntax.is_a?(String)
raise ArgumentError.new(_("Base64 syntax checker: invalid Acceptor, got: '%{klass}'.") % { klass: acceptor.class.name }) unless acceptor.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Validation::Acceptor)
cleaned_text = text.gsub(/[\r?\n[:blank:]]/, '')
# Do a strict decode64 on text with all whitespace stripped since the non strict version
# simply skips all non base64 characters
msg = if (cleaned_text.bytes.to_a.size * 8) % 6 != 0
_("Base64 syntax checker: Cannot parse invalid Base64 string - padding is not correct")
_("Base64 syntax checker: Cannot parse invalid Base64 string - contains letters outside strict base 64 range (or whitespace)")
# TODO: improve the pops API to allow simpler diagnostic creation while still maintaining capabilities
# and the issue code. (In this case especially, where there is only a single error message being issued).
issue = Puppet::Pops::Issues::issue(:ILLEGAL_BASE64) { msg }
acceptor.accept(Puppet::Pops::Validation::Diagnostic.new(:error, issue, source_pos.file, source_pos, {}))
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