# Some helper methods for throwing and populating errors.
# @api public
module Puppet::Util::Errors
# Throw a Puppet::DevError with the specified message. Used for unknown or
# internal application failures.
# @param msg [String] message used in raised error
# @raise [Puppet::DevError] always raised with the supplied message
def devfail(msg)
self.fail(Puppet::DevError, msg)
# Add line and file info to the supplied exception if info is available from
# this object, is appropriately populated and the supplied exception supports
# it. When other is supplied, the backtrace will be copied to the error
# object and the 'original' will be dropped from the error.
# @param error [Exception] exception that is populated with info
# @param other [Exception] original exception, source of backtrace info
# @return [Exception] error parameter
def adderrorcontext(error, other = nil)
error.line ||= self.line if error.respond_to?(:line=) and self.respond_to?(:line) and self.line
error.file ||= self.file if error.respond_to?(:file=) and self.respond_to?(:file) and self.file
error.original ||= other if error.respond_to?(:original=)
error.set_backtrace(other.backtrace) if other and other.respond_to?(:backtrace)
# It is not meaningful to keep the wrapped exception since its backtrace has already
# been adopted by the error. (The instance variable is private for good reasons).
error.instance_variable_set(:@original, nil)
# Return a human-readable string of this object's file, line, and pos attributes,
# if set.
# @param file [String] the file path for the error (nil or "", for not known)
# @param line [String] the line number for the error (nil or "", for not known)
# @param column [String] the column number for the error (nil or "", for not known)
# @return [String] description of file, line, and column
def self.error_location(file, line=nil, column=nil)
file = nil if (file.is_a?(String) && file.empty?)
line = nil if (line.is_a?(String) && line.empty?)
column = nil if (column.is_a?(String) && column.empty?)
if file and line and column
_("(file: %{file}, line: %{line}, column: %{column})") % { file: file, line: line, column: column }
elsif file and line
_("(file: %{file}, line: %{line})") % { file: file, line: line }
elsif line and column
_("(line: %{line}, column: %{column})") % { line: line, column: column }
elsif line
_("(line: %{line})") % { line: line }
elsif file
_("(file: %{file})") % { file: file }
# Return a human-readable string of this object's file, line, and pos attributes,
# with a proceeding space in the output
# if set.
# @param file [String] the file path for the error (nil or "", for not known)
# @param line [String] the line number for the error (nil or "", for not known)
# @param column [String] the column number for the error (nil or "", for not known)
# @return [String] description of file, line, and column
def self.error_location_with_space(file, line=nil, column=nil)
error_location_str = error_location(file, line, column)
if error_location_str.empty?
' ' + error_location_str
# Return a human-readable string of this object's file and line
# where unknown entries are listed as 'unknown'
# @param file [String] the file path for the error (nil or "", for not known)
# @param line [String] the line number for the error (nil or "", for not known)
# @return [String] description of file, and line
def self.error_location_with_unknowns(file, line)
file = nil if (file.is_a?(String) && file.empty?)
line = nil if (line.is_a?(String) && line.empty?)
file = _('unknown') unless file
line = _('unknown') unless line
error_location(file, line)
# Return a human-readable string of this object's file and line attributes,
# if set.
# @return [String] description of file and line with a leading space
def error_context
Puppet::Util::Errors.error_location_with_space(file, line)
# Wrap a call in such a way that we always throw the right exception and keep
# as much context as possible.
# @param options [Hash<Symbol,Object>] options used to create error
# @option options [Class] :type error type to raise, defaults to
# Puppet::DevError
# @option options [String] :message message to use in error, default mentions
# the name of this class
# @raise [Puppet::Error] re-raised with extra context if the block raises it
# @raise [Error] of type options[:type], when the block raises other
# exceptions
def exceptwrap(options = {})
options[:type] ||= Puppet::DevError
return yield
rescue Puppet::Error => detail
raise adderrorcontext(detail)
rescue => detail
message = options[:message] || _("%{klass} failed with error %{error_type}: %{detail}") % { klass: self.class, error_type: detail.class, detail: detail }
error = options[:type].new(message)
# We can't use self.fail here because it always expects strings,
# not exceptions.
raise adderrorcontext(error, detail)
# Throw an error, defaulting to a Puppet::Error.
# @overload fail(message, ..)
# Throw a Puppet::Error with a message concatenated from the given
# arguments.
# @param [String] message error message(s)
# @overload fail(error_klass, message, ..)
# Throw an exception of type error_klass with a message concatenated from
# the given arguments.
# @param [Class] type of error
# @param [String] message error message(s)
# @overload fail(error_klass, message, ..)
# Throw an exception of type error_klass with a message concatenated from
# the given arguments.
# @param [Class] type of error
# @param [String] message error message(s)
# @param [Exception] original exception, source of backtrace info
def fail(*args)
if args[0].is_a?(Class)
type = args.shift
type = Puppet::Error
other = args.count > 1 ? args.pop : nil
error = adderrorcontext(type.new(args.join(" ")), other)
raise error
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