Current Path : /opt/zabbix_scripts/ |
Current File : //opt/zabbix_scripts/ |
# check_ipmi_sensor: Nagios/Icinga plugin to check IPMI sensors
# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Thomas-Krenn.AG,
# additional contributors see changelog.txt
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, see <>.
# The following guides provide helpful information if you want to extend this
# script:
# (Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide)
# (Gawk: Effective AWK Programming)
# (awk Wikibook, in German)
# (hints on
# custom object variables)
# (plug-in
# development guidelines)
# (plugin API)
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
use IPC::Run qw( run ); #interact with processes
# set text variables
our $check_ipmi_sensor_version = "3.5";
sub get_version
return <<EOT;
check_ipmi_sensor version $check_ipmi_sensor_version
Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Thomas-Krenn.AG
Current updates at
sub get_usage
return <<EOT;
check_ipmi_sensor -H <hostname>
[-f <FreeIPMI config file> | -U <username> -P <password> -L <privilege level>]
[-O <FreeIPMI options>] [-b] [-T <sensor type>] [-x <sensor id>] [-i <sensor id>]
[-o zenoss] [-D <protocol LAN version>] [-h] [-V] [-v|-vv|-vvv]
sub get_help
return <<EOT;
-H <hostname>
hostname or IP of the IPMI interface.
For \"-H localhost\" the Nagios/Icinga user must be allowed to execute
ipmimonitoring/ipmi-sensors with root privileges via sudo
(ipmimonitoring/ipmi-sensor must be able to access the IPMI devices via
the IPMI system interface).
[-f <FreeIPMI config file>]
path to the FreeIPMI configuration file.
Only neccessary for communication via network.
Not neccessary for access via IPMI system interface (\"-H localhost\").
It should contain IPMI username, IPMI password, and IPMI privilege-level,
for example:
username monitoring
password yourpassword
privilege-level user
As alternative you can use -U/-P/-L instead (see below).
[-U <username> -P <password> -L <privilege level>]
IPMI username, IPMI password and IPMI privilege level, provided as
parameters and not by a FreeIPMI configuration file. Useful for RHEL/
Centos 5.* with FreeIPMI 0.5.1 (this elder FreeIPMI version does not
support config files).
Warning: with this method the password is visible in the process list.
So whenever possible use a FreeIPMI confiugration file instead.
[-O <FreeIPMI options>]
additional options for FreeIPMI. Useful for RHEL/CentOS 5.* with
FreeIPMI 0.5.1 (this elder FreeIPMI version does not support config
backward compatibility mode for FreeIPMI 0.5.* (this omits the FreeIPMI
caching options --quiet-cache and --sdr-cache-recreate)
[-T <sensor type>]
limit sensors to query based on IPMI sensor type.
Examples for IPMI sensor types are 'Fan', 'Temperature', 'Voltage', ...
See the output of the FreeIPMI command 'ipmi-sensors -L' and chapter
'42.2 Sensor Type Codes and Data' of the IPMI 2.0 spec for a full list
of possible sensor types. The available types depend on your particular
server and the available sensors there.
[-x <sensor id>]
exclude sensor matching <sensor id>. Useful for cases when unused
sensors cannot be deleted from SDR and are reported in a non-OK state.
Option can be specified multiple times. The <sensor id> is a numeric
value (sensor names are not used as some servers have multiple sensors
with the same name). Use -v 3 option to query the <sensor ids>.
[-i <sensor id>]
include only sensor matching <sensor id>. Useful for cases when only
specific sensors should be monitored. Be aware that only for the
specified sensor errors/warnings are generated. Use -v 3 option to query
the <sensor ids>.
be verbose
(no -v) .. single line output
-v ..... single line output with additional details for warnings
-vv ..... multi line output, also with additional details for warnings
-vvv ..... debugging output, followed by normal multi line output
change output format. Useful for using the plugin with other monitoring
software than Nagios or Icinga.
-o zenoss .. create ZENOSS compatible formatted output (output with
underscores instead of whitespaces and no single quotes)
change the protocol LAN version. Per default LAN_2_0 is used as protocol
version if not overwritten with this option.
[-fc <num fans>]
number of fans that should be active. If the number of current active
fans reported by IPMI is smaller than <num fans> then a Warning state
is returned.
print the product serial number if it is available in the IPMI FRU data.
For this purpose the tool 'ipmi-fru' is used. E.g.:
IPMI Status: OK (9000096781)
show this help
show version information
\$ check_ipmi_sensor -H -U monitor -P monitor -L user
IPMI Status: OK | 'System Temp'=30.00 'Peripheral Temp'=32.00
'FAN 1'=2775.00 [...]
\$ check_ipmi_sensor -H -U monitor -P monitor -L user -x 205
IPMI Status: OK | 'System Temp'=30.00 'Peripheral Temp'=32.00
'FAN 2'=2775.00 [...]
\$ check_ipmi_sensor -H -U monitor -P monitor -L user -i 4,71
IPMI Status: OK | 'System Temp'=30.00 'Peripheral Temp'=32.00
\$ check_ipmi_sensor -H -U monitor -P monitor -L user -i 4 --fru
IPMI Status: OK (0000012345) | 'System Temp'=30.00
Further information about this plugin can be found at
Send email to the IPMI-plugin-user mailing list if you have questions regarding
use of this software, to submit patches, or suggest improvements.
The mailing list is available at
sub usage
my ($arg) = @_; #the list of inputs
my ($exitcode);
if ( defined $arg ){
if ( $arg =~ m/^\d+$/ ){
$exitcode = $arg;
print STDOUT $arg, "\n";
$exitcode = 1;
print STDOUT get_usage();
exit($exitcode) if defined $exitcode;
# set ipmimonitoring path
if(-x "/usr/sbin/ipmimonitoring"){
$IPMICOMMAND = "/usr/sbin/ipmimonitoring";
elsif (-x "/usr/bin/ipmimonitoring"){
$IPMICOMMAND = "/usr/bin/ipmimonitoring";
elsif (-x "/usr/local/sbin/ipmimonitoring"){
$IPMICOMMAND = "/usr/local/sbin/ipmimonitoring";
elsif (-x "/usr/local/bin/ipmimonitoring"){
$IPMICOMMAND = "/usr/local/bin/ipmimonitoring";
$MISSING_COMMAND_TEXT = " ipmimonitoring command not found";
# Identify the version of the ipmi-tool
sub get_ipmi_version{
my @ipmi_version_output = '';
my $ipmi_version = '';
@ipmi_version_output = `$IPMICOMMAND -V`;
$ipmi_version = shift(@ipmi_version_output);
$ipmi_version =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
@ipmi_version_output = ();
push @ipmi_version_output,$1,$2,$3;
return @ipmi_version_output;
sub simulate{
my $output = '';
my $simul_file = $_[0];
if( !defined $simul_file || (-x '\"'.$simul_file.'\"')){
print "DEBUG: Using simulation file: $simul_file\n";
print "Error: Simulation file with ipmi output not found.\n";
return ($output = `cat $simul_file`);
sub get_fru{
my @frucmd = @{(shift)};
my $verbosity = shift;
my $fru;
if(-e '/usr/sbin/ipmi-fru'){
$fru = '/usr/sbin/ipmi-fru';
chomp($fru = `which ipmi-fru`);
#on localhost sudo is used
if($frucmd[0] eq 'sudo'){
$frucmd[1] = $fru;
$frucmd[0] = $fru;
#skip checksum validation
push @frucmd,'-s';
my $fruoutput;
my $returncode;
run \@frucmd, '>&', \$fruoutput;
#the upper eight bits contain the error condition (exit code)
$returncode = $? >> 8;
if ( $returncode != 0 ){
print "$fruoutput\n";
print "-> Execution of $fru failed with return code $returncode.\n";
print "-> $fru was executed with the following parameters:\n";
print " ", join(' ', @frucmd), "\n";
if($verbosity == 3){
print "------------- debug output for fru (-vvv is set): ------------\n";
print " $fru was executed with the following parameters:\n";
print " ", join(' ', @frucmd), "\n";
print " output of FreeIPMI:\n";
print "$fruoutput";
return split('\n', $fruoutput);
sub get_sel{
my @selcmd = @{(shift)};
my $verbosity = shift;
my $sel;
if(-e '/usr/sbin/ipmi-sel'){
$sel = '/usr/sbin/ipmi-sel';
chomp($sel = `which ipmi-fru`);
#on localhost sudo is used
if($selcmd[0] eq 'sudo'){
$selcmd[1] = $sel;
$selcmd[0] = $sel;
push @selcmd, '--output-event-state', '--interpret-oem-data', '--entity-sensor-names';
my $seloutput;
my $returncode;
run \@selcmd, '>&', \$seloutput;
$returncode = $? >> 8;
if ( $returncode != 0 ){
print "$seloutput\n";
print "-> Execution of $sel failed with return code $returncode.\n";
print "-> $sel was executed with the following parameters:\n";
print " ", join(' ', @selcmd), "\n";
if($verbosity == 3){
print "------------- debug output for sel (-vvv is set): ------------\n";
print " $sel was executed with the following parameters:\n";
print " ", join(' ', @selcmd), "\n";
print " output of FreeIPMI:\n";
print "$seloutput";
return split('\n', $seloutput);
sub parse_sel{
my $selcmd = shift;
my $verbosity = shift;
my @seloutput = get_sel($selcmd, $verbosity);
@seloutput = map { [ map { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; $_; } split(m/\|/, $_) ] } @seloutput;
my $header = shift(@seloutput);
my @sel_rows;
foreach my $row (@seloutput){
my %curr_row;
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$header}); $i++){
my $key = lc $header->[$i];
$curr_row{$key} = $row->[$i];
push @sel_rows, \%curr_row;
return \@sel_rows;
#define entire hashes
our %hdrmap = (
'Record_ID' => 'id', # FreeIPMI ...,0.7.x
'Record ID' => 'id', # FreeIPMI 0.8.x,... with --legacy-output
'ID' => 'id', # FreeIPMI 0.8.x
'Sensor Name' => 'name',
'Name' => 'name', # FreeIPMI 0.8.x
'Sensor Group' => 'type',
'Type' => 'type', # FreeIPMI 0.8.x
'Monitoring Status' => 'state',
'State' => 'state', # FreeIPMI 0.8.x
'Sensor Units' => 'units',
'Units' => 'units', # FreeIPMI 0.8.x
'Sensor Reading' => 'reading',
'Reading' => 'reading', # FreeIPMI 0.8.x
'Event' => 'event', # FreeIPMI 0.8.x
our $verbosity = 0;
$| = 1; #force a flush after every write or print
my @ARGV_SAVE = @ARGV;#keep args for verbose output
my ($show_help, $show_version);
my ($ipmi_host, $ipmi_user, $ipmi_password, $ipmi_privilege_level, $ipmi_config_file, $ipmi_outformat);
my (@freeipmi_options, $freeipmi_compat);
my (@ipmi_sensor_types, @ipmi_xlist, @ipmi_ilist);
my (@ipmi_version);
my $ipmi_sensors = 0;#states to use ipmi-sensors instead of ipmimonitoring
my $fan_count;#number of fans that should be installed in unit
my $lanVersion;#if desired use a different protocol version
my $abort_text = '';
my $zenoss = 0;
my $simulate = '';
my $use_fru;
#read in command line arguments and init hash variables with the given values from argv
if ( !( GetOptions(
'H|host=s' => \$ipmi_host,#the pipe states an list of possible option names
'f|config-file=s' => \$ipmi_config_file,#the backslash inits the variable with the given argument
'U|user=s' => \$ipmi_user,
'P|password=s' => \$ipmi_password,
'L|privilege-level=s' => \$ipmi_privilege_level,
'O|options=s' => \@freeipmi_options,
'b|compat' => \$freeipmi_compat,
'T|sensor-types=s' => \@ipmi_sensor_types,
'fru' => \$use_fru,
'v|verbosity' => \$verbosity,
'vv' => sub{$verbosity=2},
'vvv' => sub{$verbosity=3},
'x|exclude=s' => \@ipmi_xlist,
'i|include=s' => \@ipmi_ilist,
'o|outformat=s' => \$ipmi_outformat,
'fc|fancount=i' => \$fan_count,
'D=s' => \$lanVersion,
's=s' =>\$simulate,
'h|help' =>
sub{print STDOUT get_version();
print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT get_usage();
print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT get_help();
'V|version' =>
print STDOUT get_version();
'usage|?' =>
sub{print STDOUT get_usage();
) ) ){
usage(1);#call usage if GetOptions failed
usage(1) if @ARGV;#print usage if unknown arg list is left
# check for ipmimonitoring or ipmi-sensors. Since version > 0.8 ipmi-sensors is used
# if '--legacy-output' is given ipmi-sensors cannot be used
@ipmi_version = get_ipmi_version();
if( $ipmi_version[0] > 0 && (grep(/legacy\-output/,@freeipmi_options)) == 0){
$IPMICOMMAND =~ s/ipmimonitoring/ipmi-sensors/;
$ipmi_sensors = 1;
if( $ipmi_version[0] > 0 && (grep(/legacy\-output/,@freeipmi_options)) == 1){
print "Error: Cannot use ipmi-sensors with option \'--legacy-output\'. Remove it to work correctly.\n";
# verify if all mandatory parameters are set and initialize various variables
#\s defines any whitespace characters
#first join the list, then split it at whitespace ' '
#also cf.
@freeipmi_options = split(/\s+/, join(' ', @freeipmi_options)); # a bit hack, shell word splitting should be implemented...
@ipmi_sensor_types = split(/,/, join(',', @ipmi_sensor_types));
@ipmi_xlist = split(/,/, join(',', @ipmi_xlist));
@ipmi_ilist = split(/,/, join(',', @ipmi_ilist));
#check for zenoss output
if(defined $ipmi_outformat && $ipmi_outformat eq "zenoss"){
$zenoss = 1;
my @basecmd; #variable for command to call ipmi
if( !(defined $ipmi_host) ){
$abort_text= $abort_text . " -H <hostname>"
if( $ipmi_host eq 'localhost' ){
@basecmd = ('sudo', $IPMICOMMAND);
if(defined $ipmi_config_file){
@basecmd = ($IPMICOMMAND, '-h', $ipmi_host, '--config-file', $ipmi_config_file);
elsif ( defined $ipmi_user && defined $ipmi_password && defined $ipmi_privilege_level ){
@basecmd = ($IPMICOMMAND, '-h', $ipmi_host, '-u', $ipmi_user, '-p', $ipmi_password, '-l', $ipmi_privilege_level)
$abort_text = $abort_text . " -f <FreeIPMI config file> or -U <username> -P <password> -L <privilege level>";
if( $abort_text ne ""){
print STDOUT "Error: " . $abort_text . " missing.";
print STDOUT get_usage();
# copy command for fru usage
my @frucmd;
@frucmd = @basecmd
my @selcmd = @basecmd;
# , is the seperator in the new string
push @basecmd, '-g', join(',', @ipmi_sensor_types);
push @basecmd, @freeipmi_options;
#keep original basecmd for later usage
my @getstatus = @basecmd;
#if -b is not defined, caching options are used
if( !(defined $freeipmi_compat) ){
push @getstatus, '--quiet-cache', '--sdr-cache-recreate';
#since version 0.8 it is possible to interpret OEM data
if( ($ipmi_version[0] == 0 && $ipmi_version[1] > 7) ||
$ipmi_version[0] > 0){
push @getstatus, '--interpret-oem-data';
#since version 0.8 it is necessary to add the legacy option
if( ($ipmi_version[0] == 0 && $ipmi_version[1] > 7) && (grep(/legacy\-output/,@freeipmi_options) == 0)){
push @getstatus, '--legacy-output';
#if ipmi-sensors is used show the state of sensors and ignore N/A
push @getstatus, '--output-sensor-state', '--ignore-not-available-sensors';
#if not stated otherwise we use protocol lan version 2 per default
$lanVersion = 'LAN_2_0';
if($lanVersion ne 'default' && $ipmi_host ne 'localhost'){
push @getstatus, "--driver-type=$lanVersion";
#execute status command and redirect stdout and stderr to ipmioutput
my $ipmioutput;
my $returncode;
run \@getstatus, '>&', \$ipmioutput;
#the upper eight bits contain the error condition (exit code)
$returncode = $? >> 8;
$ipmioutput = simulate($simulate);
print "DEBUG: Using simulation mode\n";
$returncode = 0;
my @fruoutput;
@fruoutput = get_fru(\@frucmd, $verbosity);
my $seloutput = parse_sel(\@selcmd, $verbosity);
# print debug output when verbosity is set to 3 (-vvv)
if ( $verbosity == 3 ){
my $ipmicommandversion;
run [$IPMICOMMAND, '-V'], '2>&1', '|', ['head', '-n', 1], '&>', \$ipmicommandversion;
#remove trailing newline with chomp
chomp $ipmicommandversion;
print "------------- debug output for sensors (-vvv is set): ------------\n";
print " script was executed with the following parameters:\n";
print " $0 ", join(' ', @ARGV_SAVE), "\n";
print " check_ipmi_sensor version:\n";
print " $check_ipmi_sensor_version\n";
print " FreeIPMI version:\n";
print " $ipmicommandversion\n";
print " FreeIPMI was executed with the following parameters:\n";
print " ", join(' ', @getstatus), "\n";
print " FreeIPMI return code: $returncode\n";
print " output of FreeIPMI:\n";
print "$ipmioutput\n";
print "--------------------- end of debug output ---------------------\n";
# generate main output
if ( $returncode != 0 ){
print "$ipmioutput\n";
print "-> Execution of $IPMICOMMAND failed with return code $returncode.\n";
print "-> $IPMICOMMAND was executed with the following parameters:\n";
print " ", join(' ', @getstatus), "\n";
my @outputRows;
@outputRows = split('\n', $ipmioutput);
if(!defined($ipmioutput) || scalar(@outputRows) == 1){
print "-> Execution of FreeIPMI returned an empty output or only 1 header row!\n";
print "-> $IPMICOMMAND was executed with the following parameters:\n";
print " ", join(' ', @getstatus), "\n";
#print desired filter types
if ( @ipmi_sensor_types ){
print "Sensor Type(s) ", join(', ', @ipmi_sensor_types), " Status: ";
print "IPMI Status: ";
#split at newlines, fetch array with lines of output
my @ipmioutput = split('\n', $ipmioutput);
#remove sudo errors and warnings like they appear on dns resolving issues
@ipmioutput = map { /^sudo:/ ? () : $_ } @ipmioutput;
#remove leading and trailing whitespace characters, split at the pipe delimiter
@ipmioutput = map { [ map { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; $_; } split(m/\|/, $_) ] } @ipmioutput;
#shift out the header as it is the first line
my $header = shift @ipmioutput;
print "$ipmioutput\n";
print " FreeIPMI returned an empty header map (first line)";
print " FreeIPMI could not find any sensors for the given sensor type (option '-T').\n";
my %header;
for(my $i = 0; $i < @$header; $i++)
#assigning %header with (key from hdrmap) => $i
#checking at which position in the header is which key
$header{$hdrmap{$header->[$i]}} = $i;
my @ipmioutput2;
foreach my $row ( @ipmioutput ){
my %row;
#fetch keys from header and assign existent values to row
#this maps the values from row(ipmioutput) to the header values
while ( my ($key, $index) = each %header ){
$row{$key} = $row->[$index];
push @ipmioutput2, \%row;
#create hash with sensor name an 1
my %ipmi_xlist = map { ($_, 1) } @ipmi_xlist;
#filter out the desired sensor values
@ipmioutput2 = grep(!exists $ipmi_xlist{$_->{'id'}}, @ipmioutput2);
#check for an include list
my %ipmi_ilist = map { ($_, 1) } @ipmi_ilist;
#only include sensors from include list
@ipmioutput2 = grep(exists $ipmi_ilist{$_->{'id'}}, @ipmioutput2);
#start with main output
my $exit = 0;
my $w_sensors = '';#sensors with warnings
my $perf = '';#performance sensor
my $curr_fans = 0;
foreach my $row ( @ipmioutput2 ){
if( $zenoss ){
$row->{'name'} =~ s/ /_/g;
#check for warning sensors
if ( $row->{'state'} ne 'Nominal' && $row->{'state'} ne 'N/A' ){
$exit = 1 if $exit < 1;
$exit = 2 if $exit < 2 && $row->{'state'} ne 'Warning';
#don't insert a , the first time
$w_sensors .= ", " unless $w_sensors eq '';
$w_sensors .= "$row->{'name'} = $row->{'state'}";
if( $verbosity ){
if( $row->{'reading'} ne 'N/A'){
$w_sensors .= " ($row->{'reading'})" ;
$w_sensors .= " ($row->{'event'})";
if ( $row->{'units'} ne 'N/A' ){
my $val = $row->{'reading'};
$perf .= qq|$row->{'name'}=$val |;
$perf .= qq|'$row->{'name'}'=$val |;
if( $row->{'type'} eq 'Fan' && $row->{'reading'} ne 'N/A' ){
foreach my $row (@{$seloutput}){
if( $zenoss ){
$row->{'name'} =~ s/ /_/g;
if ($row->{'state'} ne 'Nominal'){
$exit = 1 if $exit < 1;
$exit = 2 if $exit < 2 && $row->{'state'} ne 'Warning';
$w_sensors .= ", " unless $w_sensors eq '';
$w_sensors .= "$row->{'name'} = $row->{'state'}";
if( $verbosity ){
$w_sensors .= " ($row->{'type'})" ;
#now check if num fans equals desired unit fans
if( $fan_count ){
if( $curr_fans < $fan_count ){
$exit = 1 if $exit < 1;
$w_sensors .= ", " unless $w_sensors eq '';
$w_sensors .= "Fan = Warning";
if( $verbosity ){
$w_sensors .= " ($curr_fans)" ;
#check for the FRU serial number
my @server_serial;
my $serial_number;
if( $use_fru ){
@server_serial = grep(/Product Serial Number/,@fruoutput);
$server_serial[0] =~ m/(\d+)/;
$serial_number = $1;
$perf = substr($perf, 0, -1);#cut off the last chars
if ( $exit == 0 ){
print "OK";
elsif ( $exit == 1 ){
print "Warning [$w_sensors]";
print "Critical [$w_sensors]";
if( $use_fru && defined($serial_number)){
print " ($serial_number)";
print " | ", $perf if $perf ne '';
print "\n";
if ( $verbosity > 1 ){
foreach my $row (@ipmioutput2){
if( $row->{'state'} eq 'N/A'){
elsif( $row->{'reading'} ne 'N/A'){
print "$row->{'name'} = $row->{'reading'} ";
elsif( $row->{'event'} ne 'N/A'){
print "$row->{'name'} = $row->{'event'} ";
print "(Status: $row->{'state'})\n";
exit $exit;
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez