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# $Id: nmap-rpc 19773 2010-08-15 20:26:18Z fyodor $ -*- mode: fundamental; -*-
# /***************************************************************************
# * nmap-rpc -- Known RPC numbers.  Nmap uses them for RPC grinding.        *
# * Thanks to Eilon Gishri, Vik Bajaj, Fyodor, and other members of         *
# * the Nmap community for contributing entries.  Someday we might          *
# * reorder this with the most popular services first to make scans         *
# * faster.                                                                 *
# *                                                                         *
# ***********************IMPORTANT NMAP LICENSE TERMS************************
# *                                                                         *
# * The Nmap Security Scanner is (C) 1996-2010 Insecure.Com LLC. Nmap is    *
# * also a registered trademark of Insecure.Com LLC.  This program is free  *
# * software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the  *
# * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software            *
# * Foundation; Version 2 with the clarifications and exceptions described  *
# * below.  This guarantees your right to use, modify, and redistribute     *
# * this software under certain conditions.  If you wish to embed Nmap      *
# * technology into proprietary software, we sell alternative licenses      *
# * (contact  Dozens of software vendors already       *
# * license Nmap technology such as host discovery, port scanning, OS       *
# * detection, and version detection.                                       *
# *                                                                         *
# * Note that the GPL places important restrictions on "derived works", yet *
# * it does not provide a detailed definition of that term.  To avoid       *
# * misunderstandings, we consider an application to constitute a           *
# * "derivative work" for the purpose of this license if it does any of the *
# * following:                                                              *
# * o Integrates source code from Nmap                                      *
# * o Reads or includes Nmap copyrighted data files, such as                *
# *   nmap-os-db or nmap-service-probes.                                    *
# * o Executes Nmap and parses the results (as opposed to typical shell or  *
# *   execution-menu apps, which simply display raw Nmap output and so are  *
# *   not derivative works.)                                                *
# * o Integrates/includes/aggregates Nmap into a proprietary executable     *
# *   installer, such as those produced by InstallShield.                   *
# * o Links to a library or executes a program that does any of the above   *
# *                                                                         *
# * The term "Nmap" should be taken to also include any portions or derived *
# * works of Nmap.  This list is not exclusive, but is meant to clarify our *
# * interpretation of derived works with some common examples.  Our         *
# * interpretation applies only to Nmap--we don't speak for other people's  *
# * GPL works.                                                              *
# *                                                                         *
# * If you have any questions about the GPL licensing restrictions on using *
# * Nmap in non-GPL works, we would be happy to help.  As mentioned above,  *
# * we also offer alternative license to integrate Nmap into proprietary    *
# * applications and appliances.  These contracts have been sold to dozens  *
# * of software vendors, and generally include a perpetual license as well  *
# * as providing for priority support and updates as well as helping to     *
# * fund the continued development of Nmap technology.  Please email        *
# * for further information.                             *
# *                                                                         *
# * As a special exception to the GPL terms, Insecure.Com LLC grants        *
# * permission to link the code of this program with any version of the     *
# * OpenSSL library which is distributed under a license identical to that  *
# * listed in the included COPYING.OpenSSL file, and distribute linked      *
# * combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU GPL in all        *
# * respects for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify    *
# * this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file,   *
# * but you are not obligated to do so.                                     *
# *                                                                         *
# * If you received these files with a written license agreement or         *
# * contract stating terms other than the terms above, then that            *
# * alternative license agreement takes precedence over these comments.     *
# *                                                                         *
# * Source is provided to this software because we believe users have a     *
# * right to know exactly what a program is going to do before they run it. *
# * This also allows you to audit the software for security holes (none     *
# * have been found so far).                                                *
# *                                                                         *
# * Source code also allows you to port Nmap to new platforms, fix bugs,    *
# * and add new features.  You are highly encouraged to send your changes   *
# * to for possible incorporation into the main       *
# * distribution.  By sending these changes to Fyodor or one of the         *
# * Insecure.Org development mailing lists, it is assumed that you are      *
# * offering the Nmap Project (Insecure.Com LLC) the unlimited,             *
# * non-exclusive right to reuse, modify, and relicense the code.  Nmap     *
# * will always be available Open Source, but this is important because the *
# * inability to relicense code has caused devastating problems for other   *
# * Free Software projects (such as KDE and NASM).  We also occasionally    *
# * relicense the code to third parties as discussed above.  If you wish to *
# * specify special license conditions of your contributions, just say so   *
# * when you send them.                                                     *
# *                                                                         *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     *
# * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
# * General Public License v2.0 for more details at                         *
# * , or in the COPYING file       *
# * included with Nmap.                                                     *
# *                                                                         *
# ***************************************************************************/

# Master RPC program number data base (/etc/rpc).
# Program numbers are assigned in groups of 0x20000000 (decimal 536870912)
# according to the following chart: 
#	       0x0 - 0x1fffffff		Defined by Sun 
#	0x20000000 - 0x3fffffff		Defined by user 
#	0x40000000 - 0x5fffffff		Transient 
#	0x60000000 - 0x7fffffff		Reserved 
#	0x80000000 - 0x9fffffff		Reserved 
#	0xa0000000 - 0xbfffffff		Reserved 
#	0xc0000000 - 0xdfffffff		Reserved 
#	0xe0000000 - 0xffffffff		Reserved 
# To obtain SUN Remote Procedure Call (RPC) numbers send an e-mail
# request to "".

rpcbind		100000	portmap sunrpc rpcbind
rstatd		100001	rstat rup perfmeter rstat_svc
rusersd		100002	rusers
nfs		100003	nfsprog nfsd
ypserv		100004	ypprog
mountd		100005	mount showmount
remote_dbx	100006
ypbind		100007
walld		100008  rwall shutdown
yppasswdd       100009  yppasswd
etherstatd      100010  etherstat
rquotad         100011  rquotaprog quota rquota
sprayd          100012  spray
3270_mapper     100013
rje_mapper      100014		# Remote job entry mapping service.
selection_svc   100015  selnsvc
database_svc    100016	dbsessionmgr unify netdbms dbms
rexd            100017	rex remote_exec
alis            100018	alice office_auto
sched           100019
llockmgr        100020
nlockmgr        100021
x25.inr         100022
statmon         100023
status          100024	statd rpc.statd		# Status monitor
select_lib      100025
bootparam       100026
mazewars        100027		# Mazewars game
ypupdated       100028  ypupdate
keyserv         100029  keyserver
securelogin     100030
nfs_fwdlnit     100031		# NFS network forwarding service.
nfs_fwdtrns     100032		# NFS forwarding transmitter
sunlink_mapper	100033
net_monitor	100034
database	100035		# Lightweight database
passwd_auth	100036
tfsd		100037		# Translucent file service.
nsed		100038
nsemntd		100039
pfs_mountd	100040
showfhd		100043	showfh
mvsmount	100044		# MVSmount daemon (for mvslogin mvslogout)
ioadmd		100055	rpc.ioadmd
showattrd	100059		# DFSMS/MVS NFS server
NETlicense	100062
sunisamd	100065
debug_svc 	100066	dbsrv
cmsd		100068	rpc.cmsd dtcalendar
ypxfrd		100069	rpc.ypxfrd ypxfr
bugtraqd	100071
kerbd		100078
rpc.operd	100080	opermsg		# Sun Online-Backup
ttdbserverd     100083	rpc.ttdbserverd ttdbserverd ttdbserver tooltalk
admind		100087
autofsd		100099	autofsd
event		100101	na.event	# SunNet Manager
logger		100102	na.logger	# SunNet Manager
sync		100104	na.sync
diskinfo	100105	na.diskinfo	# SunNet Manager
iostat		100106	na.iostat
hostperf	100107	na.hostperf
activity	100109	na.activity	# SunNet Manager
db_mgr		100110
lpstat		100111	na.lpstat	# SunNet Manager
hostmem		100112	na.hostmem
sample		100113	na.sample
x25		100114	na.x25
ping		100115
rpcnfs		100116	na.rpcnfs
hostif		100117	na.hostif
etherif		100118	na.etherif
ippath		100119	na.ippath	# SunNet Manager
iproutes	100120	na.iproutes
layers		100121	na.layers
snmp		100122	na.snmp snmp-cmc snmp-synoptics snmp-unisys snmp-utk
traffic		100123	na.traffic
DNInode		100124	na.dni	DNIneT
layers2		100131	na.layers2	# SunNet Manager
nsm_addrand	100133			# Solaris's statd NSM
ktkt_warnd	100134			# Kerberos warning daemon	
etherif2	100135	na.etherif2	# SunNet Manager
hostmem2	100136	na.hostmem2	# SunNet Manager
iostat2		100137	na.iostat2	# SunNet Manager
snmpv2		100138	na.snmpv2	# SNM Version 2.2.2
sender		100139	cc_sender	# Cooperative Consoles
amiserv		100146			# AMI Daemon
amiaux		100147			# AMI Daemon
ocfserv		100150			# OCF (Smart card) Daemon
sunvts		100153
smserverd	100155	rpc.smserverd	# support removable media devices 
kcms_server	100221			# SunKCMS Profile Server
nfs_acl		100227
# rpc.metad - SUNWmd - Sun Solstice DiskSuite
metad		100229	metad	rpc.metad # METAD - SLVM metadb Daemon
metamhd		100230	metamhd	rpc.metamhd
nfsauth		100231
sadmind		100232			# Solstice
ufsd		100233	ufsd
gssd		100234	gss		# GSS Daemon
cachefsd	100235	cachefs		# CacheFS Daemon
rpc.metamedd	100242			# SUNWmdm - Sun Cluster
sm_symond	100244			# Solstice SyMON process controller
rpc.pmfd	100248	pmfd		# Sun Cluster - process monitor server
snmpXdmid	100249
rpc.metacld	100281			# SUNWmdm - Sun Cluster
nisd		100300	rpc.nisd
nis_cache	100301
nis_callback	100302
nispasswd	100303	rpc.nispasswdd
fnsypd          100304			# Federated Naming Service (FNS)

mdcommd         100422			# SVM Multi Node Communication Daemon 
stfsloader	100424			# Standard Type Services Framework (STSF) Font Server
rpc.pts         105004  Protoserver	# Advanced Printing Software
swu_svr		120100			# Software Usage Monitoring daemon 
nf_snmd		120126			# SunNet Manager
nf_snmd		120127
pcnfsd		150001	pcnfs
# Pyramid
PyramidLock	200000
PyramidSys5	200001		# Sys5
CADDS_Image     200002 		# CV CADDS images.
pdbDA		200005
SWG		200020	swg	# DMFE/DAWS (Defense Automated Warning System)
exportmap	200023
# DMFE/DAWS (Defense Automated Warning System)
Gqsrv		200034	gqsrv
Ppt		200035	ppt
Pmt		200036	pmt
Msgt		200037	msgt
Walerts		200038	walerts
Mgt		200039	mgt
Pft		200040	pft
Msgq		200041	msgq
Smpsrv		200042	smpsrv
Dexsrv		200043	dexsrv
Statussrv	200044	statussrv
SessionServer	200046	sessionserver
SessionDaemon	200047	sessiondaemon
Pmsgq		200048	pmsgq
Filesrv		200049	filesrv
Magfetch	200050	magfetch
Optfetch	200051	optfetch
Securitysrv	200052	securitysrv
bundle		200100 # Delay Tolerant Networking - DTN agent
bundle_demux	200200 # Delay Tolerant Networking - DTN agent
# EcoTools daemons/programs
ecodisc		200201
ecolic		200202
eamon		200203
ecoad		200205
# Operator Communications Software (OCS)
rpc.dbserv      211637  dbserv rpc.dbserv_dir
rpc.taped       217843	taped  rpc.taped_dir
rpc.taped       217854  taped  rpc.taped_dir
ADTFileLock     300001		# ADT file locking service.
# FrameMaker
rpc.frameusersd	300004				# FrameMaker
fmclient	300006				# FrameMaker Client
fmeditor	300007				# FrameMaker Editor
fmserver	300009	stdfm FrameServer	# FrameMaker Server
amd		300019	amq
Steering	300021		# Steering Library
rpc.ldmd	300029	ldm	# Unidata LDM
# DMFE/DAWS (Defense Automated Warning System)
UpdtAuditsS	300030	
Dbpass		300091	dbpass
clms		300145		# CenterLine CodeCenter
# FrameMaker
fm_flb		300214		# FrameMaker
fm_fls		300215		# FrameMaker licnese server
# AcuServer provides remote file access services to ACUCOBOL-85 and
# ACUCOBOL-GT applications. 
acuserve	300301
dr_daemon	300326		# Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing
# FA&O Command Post App
rmd		300375
agcd		300376
bssd		300433	bss
drdd		300434	drd
ap_daemon       300473		# SUNWapu - Alternate Pathing (AP)
cnxmond		300483		# cluster node monitor (Digital UNIX)
cnxagentd	300484		# cluster agent (Digital UNIX)
mcserv		300516
cluinfod	300527		# cluster information server (Digital UNIX)
dmispd		300598		# Sun Solstice Enterprise DMI Service Provider
prpasswd	300632
ks		300664		# ACPLT/KS protocol
sfs		344444		# SFS - Self-Certifying File System
mapsvc		351455
berkeleydb	351457		# Sleepycat Software: Berkeley DB
prestoctl_svc	390100	presto	# Prestoserve control daemon
# Computer Associates
caasalert	351473
caservd		395644	as6_arcserve
calqserver	395645	as6_queue LQServer
camediadsvr	395646	as6_tapesvr MediaSvr
caldbserver	395647	as6_dbserver LDbserver
caauthd		395648	as6_auth
cadiscovd	395649	as6_discovery
caloggerd	395650	as6_logger
# Legato NetWorker
rap		390101	rapla
rapserv		390102	raprd
nsrd		390103	nsr	 # NetWorker service
nsrmmd		390104	nsrmm	 # NetWorker media mupltiplexor daemon
nsrindexd	390105	nsrindex # NetWorker file index daemon
nsrmmdbd	390107	nsrmmdb  # NetWorker media management database daemon
nsrstat		390109
nsrjb		390110	nsrjbd	 # NetWorker jukebox-control service
nsrexec		390113	nsrexecd # NetWorker client execution service
lgtolmd		390115		 # Legato license daemon
nsrnotd		390400		 # NetWorker notary service
# Remedy AR System daemons
arserverd       390600  arserverd
ntserverd       390601	ntserverd	# Remedy Notifier and AR Server 5.0
ntclientd       390602  ntclientd
aresclsrv       390603  aresclsrv
arservtcd       390604  arservtcd
# Remedy Flashboards daemons
flashservd	390610	flashservd
arflashbd       390619  arflashbd
arfastsrv       390620  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390621  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390622  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390623  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390624  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390625  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390626  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390627  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390628  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390629  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390630  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390631  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390632  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390633  arfastsrv
arfastsrv       390634  arfastsrv
arlistsrv       390635  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390636  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390637  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390638  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390639  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390640  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390641  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390642  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390643  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390644  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390645  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390646  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390647  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390648  arlistsrv
arlistsrv       390649  arlistsrv
sgi_snoopd	391000	snoopd snoop
sgi_toolkitbus	391001
sgi_fam		391002
sgi_notepad	391003	notepad
sgi_mountd	391004  mount showmount
sgi_smtd	391005  smtd
sgi_pcsd        391006  pcsd
sgi_nfs		391007
sgi_rfind	391008  rfind
sgi_pod		391009	pod
sgi_iphone	391010
sgi_videod	391011
sgi_testcd	391012	testcd
sgi.ha_hbeat 	391013  ha_hbeat ha_heartbeat sgi_ha_hb
sgi.ha_nc	391014  ha_nc sgi.ha_nc
sgi.ha_appmon	391015  ha_appmon
sgi_xfsmd	391016
sgi_mediad	391017	mediad
sgi.ha_orcl	391018	ha_orcl
sgi.ha_ifmx	391019	ha_ifmx
sgi.ha_sybs	391020	ha_sybs
sgi.ha_ifa	391021	ha_ifa
sgi_reserved	391022
sgi_reserved	391023
sgi_reserved	391024
sgi_reserved	391025
sgi_reserved	391026
sgi_reserved	391027
sgi_reserved	391028
sgi_espd    	391029  espd
sgi_reserved	391030
sgi_reserved	391031
sgi_reserved	391032
sgi_reserved	391033
sgi_reserved	391034
sgi_reserved	391035
sgi_reserved	391036
sgi_reserved	391037
sgi_reserved	391038
sgi_reserved	391039
sgi_reserved	391040
sgi_reserved	391041
sgi_reserved	391042
sgi_reserved	391043
sgi_reserved	391044
sgi_reserved	391045
sgi_reserved	391046
sgi_reserved	391047
sgi_reserved	391048
sgi_reserved	391049
sgi_reserved	391050
sgi_reserved	391051
sgi_reserved	391052
sgi_reserved	391053
sgi_reserved	391054
sgi_reserved	391055
sgi_reserved	391056
sgi_reserved	391057
sgi_reserved	391058
sgi_reserved	391059
sgi_reserved	391060
sgi_reserved	391061
sgi_reserved	391062
sgi_reserved	391063
ingsqld		391434		# SCO JDBC
afsd		391200
dhc		391201
cmsd		391202
xxx2trif	391203
trif2xxx	391204
dx		391205
licd		391206
# Compaq TruCluster - Available Server Environment 
asedirector	395175  asedirector	# ASE Director Daemon
aseagent	395176  aseagent	# ASE Agent Daemon
asehsm		395177  asehsm		# Host Status Monitor Daemon
aselogger	395179  aselogger	# Logger Daemon
pnictl		395250
EnsignAgent	450000		# Ensign Agent
drac		900101		# Dynamic Relay Authorization Control
AdoIfServer 	1000002		# RHIC AdoIf Server (Accelerator Device Object)
notifServer	2000004		# RHIC notifServer
retherif	20000000	na.retherif
genagnt		20000001	na.genagnt
# ACeDB database server
acedb           20000114  rpc.acedbd
aboutdb         20000115  rpc.acedbd
aatdb           20000116  rpc.acedbd
seagent		20000777	# Memco/Platinum/CA SeOS security product
dbsrvr		21000023	# TACO
# MIDAS - Software for Nuclear Physics data aqcuisition and analysis
egts		28000205	# Eurogam Tape Server       (10205/udp)
ers		28000220	# Eurogam Register Server   (10220/udp)
sas		28000230	# Spectrum Access Server    (10230/udp)
# The range 200100000-200199999 is reserved for NeXT services ???
netinfobind	200100001  nibindd	# NeXT NetInfo
renderd		200100002		# NeXT renderd
SLSd_daemon	536870913	# HP Distributed Single Logical Screen
uidd		536870915
vtsk		536870916	# SunVTS diagnostic kernel
bondd		536870917
staticd		536870918
curved		536870919
msglogd		536870920
aliasd		536870921
ticketd		536870922
glossd		536870923
futured		536870924
priced		536870928
ladderd		536870929
optiond		536870937	# FIRM option server
# IBM Network Database (DB2)
# NDB Program numbers added for more useful rpcinfo output
# Values are in decimal. Corresponding hexadecimal values
# for the NDB port manager is X'20000020' and for the NDB
# servers are from X'20000021' to X'20000084'.
ndbportmgr	536870944
ndbserver1	536870945
ndbserver2	536870946
ndbserver3	536870947
ndbserver4	536870948
ndbserver5	536870949
ndbserver6	536870950
ndbserver7	536870951
ndbserver8	536870952
ndbserver9	536870953
ndbserver10	536870954
ndbserver11	536870955
ndbserver12	536870956
ndbserver13	536870957
ndbserver14	536870958
ndbserver15	536870959
ndbserver16	536870960
ndbserver17	536870961
ndbserver18	536870962
ndbserver19	536870963
ndbserver20	536870964
ndbserver21	536870965
ndbserver22	536870966
ndbserver23	536870967
ndbserver24	536870968
ndbserver25	536870969
ndbserver26	536870970
ndbserver27	536870971
ndbserver28	536870972
ndbserver29	536870973
ndbserver30	536870974
ndbserver31	536870975
ndbserver32	536870976
ndbserver33	536870977
ndbserver34	536870978
ndbserver35	536870979
ndbserver36	536870980
ndbserver37	536870981
ndbserver38	536870982
ndbserver39	536870983
ndbserver40	536870984
ndbserver41	536870985
ndbserver42	536870986
ndbserver43	536870987
ndbserver44	536870988
ndbserver45	536870989
ndbserver46	536870990
ndbserver47	536870991
ndbserver48	536870992
ndbserver49	536870993
ndbserver50	536870994
ndbserver51	536870995
ndbserver52	536870996
ndbserver53	536870997
ndbserver54	536870998
ndbserver55	536870999
ndbserver56	536871000
ndbserver57	536871001
ndbserver58	536871002
ndbserver59	536871003
ndbserver60	536871004
ndbserver61	536871005
ndbserver62	536871006
ndbserver63	536871007
ndbserver64	536871008
ndbserver65	536871009
ndbserver66	536871010
ndbserver67	536871011
ndbserver68	536871012
ndbserver69	536871013
ndbserver70	536871014
ndbserver71	536871015
ndbserver72	536871016
ndbserver73	536871017
ndbserver74	536871018
ndbserver75	536871019
ndbserver76	536871020
ndbserver77	536871021
ndbserver78	536871022
ndbserver79	536871023
ndbserver80	536871024
ndbserver81	536871025
ndbserver82	536871026
ndbserver83	536871027
ndbserver84	536871028
ndbserver85	536871029
ndbserver86	536871030
ndbserver87	536871031
ndbserver88	536871032
ndbserver89	536871033
ndbserver90	536871034
ndbserver91	536871035
ndbserver92	536871036
ndbserver93	536871037
ndbserver94	536871038
ndbserver95	536871039
ndbserver96	536871040
ndbserver97	536871041
ndbserver98	536871042
ndbserver99	536871043
ndbserver100	536871044
gnbk		536871680	# ACEDB genome database package
# Katie - Revision Control System
katie_mount	537208899
katie_nfs	537208900	katie
fcagent		541414217	# SGI FibreVault Status/Configuration daemon
pnmd		591751041	# SunCluster - Public Network Management (PNM)
ugidd		545580417	rpc.ugidd
# Inetray - Raytrace
inetray.start   555555554
inetray         555555555
inetray         555555556
inetray         555555557
inetray         555555558
inetray         555555559
inetray         555555560
# Keck Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) related rpc daemons
collectd	600000001	collect		# IRE Computer
xycomd		600000002	xycom		# IRE Computer
motord		600000003	motor		# IRE Computer
fitsd		600000004	fits writer	# Control Room computer
des_crypt	600100029	freebsd-crypt	# FreeBSD
fypxfrd		600100069	freebsd-ypxfrd	# FreeBSD
rdbx		611319808
bminrd		630474513	# MacroModel - BatchMin Network Server
bwnfsd          788585389	# (PC)NFS server by Beame & Whiteside, Inc.
dmispd		805306368	# Sun Solstice Enterprise DMI Service Provider
sql_disp	805310465	# GNU SQL Server
rdict		805898569	# "Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol 3"
piktc_svc	806422610	# PIKT: Problem Informant/Killer Tool 
		822084608	# OLD - Inter-Language Unification (ILU)
# LIGO Global Diagnostics System (GDS) - Diagnostics Test Tool (DTT)
testpoint	822087681	# Test point server
awg		822087682	# Arbitrary waveform generator
cgdsrtdd	822087683	# Real-time data server
gdsd		822087684	# Diagnostics message server
chnconfd	822087685	# Channel database daemon for gds
leapconfd	822087686	# Leap second information daemon
# LIGO Global Diagnostics System (GDS) - Diagnostics Test Tool (DTT)
rlaunchd	822087687	# Remote program launcher
cfsd		824395111
cns		912680550	# Controls Name Server
fmproduct	1073741824  _Frame_RPC		# FrameMaker
gsql_trn	1073741840	# GNU SQL Server
cfsd		1092830567
rdb		1145324612	# Wind River Systems' VxWorks debug stub
dtcm		1289637086
ttsession	1289637087	# Sun Solaris 7 (2.7) and up.
ttsession	1342177279	# Sun Solaris upto 2.6
wdb		1431655765	# Wind River Debugger (VxWorks)

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