_installer_siterecommender_title=Site Recommender
_installer_siterecommender_input_notification_label=Receive Notifications
_installer_siterecommender_input_notification_text=Do you wish to receive copies of all recommendation messages?
_installer_siterecommender_input_emailsubject_label=Email Subject
_installer_siterecommender_input_emailsubject_text=Enter the subject that will appear on the recommendation emails (use [name] to insert the name of the person sending the recommendation and use [email] to insert their email address)
_installer_siterecommender_input_emailtemplate_label=Email Template
_installer_siterecommender_input_emailtemplate_text=Enter the content of the recommendation email (use [name] to insert the name of the person sending the recommendation, use [email] to insert their email address, use [url] to insert the recommended URL, and use <br> to insert a new line)
_installer_siterecommender_description=Site Recommender is een open source "te bevelen mijn site" applicatie.
_installer_siterecommender_authordescription=Site Recommender kunnen bezoekers van de website om uw website aan te bevelen aan een of meer ontvangers. Standaard berichten worden eenvoudig aan te passen en de look en feel is aan te passen via de CSS stylesheet. U kunt ervoor kiezen om bij wanneer uw site is aanbevolen, en e-mailadressen zijn zo verborgen kan niet worden geoogst door spammers. Bevat ook foutcontrole.
_installer_siterecommender_usagenotes=Site Recommender can be used as an INCLUDE or as a POPUP:<br><br><strong>INCLUDE METHOD (easy):</strong><br><br>To use the <i>include</i> method, add this HTML code to one or more pages of your website:<br><br><input type='text' size='85' value='<a href="{http}://{subd}{domain}{dir}/recommend.php">Recommend This Site/Page</a>'><br><br>That will create a link to this script:<br><br><a href='{http}://{subd}{domain}{dir}/recommend.php' style='text-decoration:underline'>{http}://{subd}{domain}{dir}/recommend.php</a><br><br>You can modify the HTML in recommend.php to taste -- the only important tag is the <strong><?php include ... ?></strong>.<br><br><strong>POPUP METHOD (involved):</strong><br><br>This approach will pop up a new window for the recommendation form.<br><br>You can find an example page here:<br><br><a href='{http}://{subd}{domain}{dir}/recommend2.php' style='text-decoration:underline'>{http}://{subd}{domain}{dir}/recommend2.php</a><br><br>That page features a demonstration <i>recommend</i> link which, when clicked, loads the recommendation script into a popup window.<br><br>An examination of the <strong>recommend2.php</strong> code will show how you can add that link to any page of your site: the important elements are the javascript <strong><script>...</script></strong> code, added into the <head>...</head>, and the <strong><a href ...>...</a></strong> link itself.
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