* This example shows how to mark up a server object so that WSDL files may be
* dynamicaly generated by the SOAP server. This also provides access to a
* generated DISCO document. The fact that this example has an MP3 class is
* in no way related to DISCO. ;)
* DISCO: http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/02/02/xml/default.aspx
* Urls accessing this server would look like:
* - http://localhost/disco_server.php?wsdl (generate WSDL file)
* - http://localhost/disco_server.php (GET request generates DISCO)
* - http://localhost/disco_server.php (POST for normal SOAP requests)
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available at
* through the world-wide-web at http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. If you
* did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to obtain it
* through the world-wide-web, please send a note to license@php.net so we can
* mail you a copy immediately.
* @category Web Services
* @package SOAP
* @author Shane Caraveo <Shane@Caraveo.com> Port to PEAR and more
* @author Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org> Maintenance
* @copyright 2003-2007 The PHP Group
* @license http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt PHP License 2.02
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/SOAP
/** SOAP_Server */
require_once 'SOAP/Server.php';
* MP3 database class.
* @package SOAP
class MP3DB_Class
var $__dispatch_map = array();
var $__typedef = array();
function MP3DB_Class()
/* The only way to describe all methods in WSDL (messages,
* PortType-operations and bindings) is to use __dispatch_map to
* describe every method (even methods using simple data types in 'in'
* and 'out' parameters...) */
$this->__dispatch_map['SayHallo'] =
array('in' => array('input' => 'string'),
'out' => array('return' => 'string'));
$this->__dispatch_map['SayThisNTimes'] =
array('in' => array('SayThis'=>'string','NTimes' => 'int'),
'out' => array('return' => '{urn:MP3DB}ArrayOfStrings'));
$this->__dispatch_map['GetMP3Tracks'] =
array('in' => array('query' => 'string'),
'out' => array('return' => '{urn:MP3DB}GetMP3TracksResult'));
$this->__dispatch_map['AddMP3Track'] =
array('in' => array('MP3Track' => '{urn:MP3DB}MP3Track'),
'out' => array('return' => '{urn:MP3DB}AddMP3TrackResult'));
/* Use __typedef to describe userdefined Types in WSDL. Structs and
* one-dimensional arrays are supported.
* Struct example:
* $this->__typedef['TypeName'] = array('VarName' => 'xsdType', ... );
* or
* $this->__typedef['TypeName'] = array('VarName' => '{namespace}SomeOtherType');
* Array example:
* $this->__typedef['TypeName'] = array(array('item' => 'xsdType'));
* or
* $this->__typedef['TypeName'] = array(array('item' => '{namespace}SomeOtherType'));
/* Struct 'MP3Track'. */
$this->__typedef['MP3Track'] =
array('Title' => 'string',
'Artist' => 'string',
'Album' => 'string',
'Year' => 'int',
'Genre' => 'int',
'Comment' => 'string',
'Composer' => 'string',
'Orig_Artist' => 'string',
'URL' => 'string',
'Encoded_by' => 'string');
/* MP3TracksArray - array of 'MP3Track' structs. */
$this->__typedef['MP3TracksArray'] =
array(array('item' => '{urn:MP3DB}MP3Track'));
/* Struct 'MethodDebug'. */
$this->__typedef['MethodDebug'] =
array('rc' => 'boolean',
'ErrNo' => 'int',
'Error' => 'string');
/* Return Struct of method GetMP3Tracks. */
$this->__typedef['GetMP3TracksResult'] =
array('MethodDebug' => '{urn:MP3DB}MethodDebug',
'MP3Tracks' => '{urn:MP3DB}MP3TracksArray');
/* Return Struct of method AddMP3Track. */
$this->__typedef['AddMP3TrackResult'] =
array('MethodDebug' => '{urn:MP3DB}MethodDebug');
/* Array of strings. */
$this->__typedef['ArrayOfStrings'] =
function SayHallo($name)
return 'Hello, ' . $name;
function SayThisNTimes($SayThis, $NTimes)
for ($i = 0; $i < $NTimes; $i++) {
$return[$i] = $SayThis . ' ' . $i;
return new SOAP_Value('return', '{urn:MP3DB}ArrayOfStrings', $return);
function GetMP3Tracks($query = '')
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$this->MP3Tracks[$i] = new SOAP_Value(
array('Title' => new SOAP_Value('Title', 'string', 'some track $i'),
'Artist' => new SOAP_Value('Artist', 'string', 'some artist $i'),
'Album' => new SOAP_Value('Album', 'string', 'some album $i'),
'Year' => new SOAP_Value('Year', 'int', 1999),
'Genre' => new SOAP_Value('Genre', 'int', 100),
'Comment' => new SOAP_Value('Comment', 'string', 'blabla $i'),
'Composer' => new SOAP_Value('Composer', 'string', ''),
'Orig_Artist' => new SOAP_Value('Orig_Artist', 'string', ''),
'URL' => new SOAP_Value('URL', 'string', ''),
'Encoded_by' => new SOAP_Value('Encoded_by', 'string', '')));
$MethodDebug['rc'] = new SOAP_Value('rc', 'boolean', true);
$MethodDebug['ErrNo'] = new SOAP_Value('ErrNo', 'int', 0);
$MethodDebug['Error'] = new SOAP_Value('Error', 'string', '');
return new SOAP_Value(
array('MethodDebug' => new SOAP_Value('MethodDebug', '{urn:MP3DB}MethodDebug',$MethodDebug),
'MP3Tracks' => new SOAP_Value('MP3Tracks', '{urn:MP3DB}MP3TracksArray',$this->MP3Tracks)));
function AddMP3Track($MP3Track)
/* Well, let's imagine here some code for adding given mp3track to db
* or whatever... */
$MethodDebug['rc'] = new SOAP_Value('rc', 'boolean', true);
$MethodDebug['ErrNo'] = new SOAP_Value('ErrNo', 'int', 0);
$MethodDebug['Error'] = new SOAP_Value('Error', 'string', '');
return new SOAP_Value(
array('MethodDebug' => new SOAP_Value('MethodDebug', '{urn:MP3DB}MethodDebug', $MethodDebug)));
function __dispatch($methodname)
if (isset($this->__dispatch_map[$methodname])) {
return $this->__dispatch_map[$methodname];
return null;
$server = new SOAP_Server();
$server->_auto_translation = true;
$MP3DB_Class = new MP3DB_Class();
$server->addObjectMap($MP3DB_Class, 'urn:MP3DB');
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) &&
} else {
require_once 'SOAP/Disco.php';
$disco = new SOAP_DISCO_Server($server, 'MP3DB');
header('Content-type: text/xml');
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) &&
strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'wsdl') !== false) {
echo $disco->getWSDL();
} else {
echo $disco->getDISCO();
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