Dovecot Dictionaries
Dovecot's lib-dict can be used to access simple key-value databases. This is
used by for example <quota-dict> [Quota.Dict.txt], <passdb&userdb>
[AuthDatabase.Dict.txt], <last-login plugin> [Plugins.LastLogin.txt],
<METADATA> [ImapMetadata.txt], etc. The dictionaries can be accessed either
directly by the mail processes or they can be accessed via <dict proxy>
[Dict.txt] processes.
Currently supported dict backends are:
* Flat files
* FS (lib-fs wrapper)
* Memcached (ASCII protocol)
* Memcached (Binary protocol)
* Redis
* Proxy
* LDAP (read only)
Flat Files
The file will simply contain all the keys that are used. Not very efficient for
large databases, but good for small ones such as a single user's quota.
FS (v2.2.11+)
fs:<driver>:<driver args>
This is a wrapper for lib-fs, which most importantly has the "posix" backend.
So using:
Would create a separate file under /var/lib/dovecot/dict for each key.
Memcached (Binary Protocol) (v2.2.9+)
This driver uses the "new" Memcache binary protocol.
Supported parameters are:
* host: Memcached server host (default:
* port: Memcached server port (default: 11211)
* prefix: Prefix to add to all keys (default: empty)
* timeout_msecs: Abort lookups after specified number of milliseconds
(default: 30000)
Memcached (ASCII Protocol) (v2.2.9+)
This driver uses the "legacy" Memcache ASCII protocol.
Supported parameters are:
* host: Memcached server host (default:
* port: Memcached server port (default: 11211)
* prefix: Prefix to add to all keys (default: empty)
* timeout_msecs: Abort lookups after specified number of milliseconds
(default: 30000)
Redis (v2.2.9+)
Supported parameters are:
* host: Redis server host (default:
* port: Redis server port (default: 6379)
* prefix: Prefix to add to all keys (default: empty)
* db: Database number (default: 0)
* expire_secs=<n>: Set expiration value to all the keys
* timeout_msecs: Abort lookups after specified number of milliseconds
(default: 30000)
proxy:[<dict path>]:<destination dict>
Proxying is used to perform all dictionary accessing via the dict processes.
(The dict processes exist only if dict proxying is used.) This is especially
useful with backends where their initialization is relatively expensive, such
as SQL. The dict processes will then perform also connection pooling.
If <dict path> is specified, it points to the socket where the dict server is
answering. The default is to use $base_dir/dict. Usually this is changed to
"dict-async" if the dict backend support asynchronous lookups (e.g. ldap,
pgsql, cassandra). The dict-async service allows more than one client, so this
configuration prevents creating unnecessarily many dict processes.
The <destination dict> contains the dict name in the dict { .. } settings. For
See <Dict.txt> for more information about the dict server.
<sql driver>:<path to dict-sql config>
The <sql driver> contains the SQL driver name, such as "mysql", "pgsql",
"sqlite" or "cassandra".
The dict-sql config file consists of SQL server configuration and mapping of
keys to SQL tables/fields.
SQL Connect String
connect = host=localhost dbname=mails user=sqluser password=sqlpass
The connect setting is exactly the same as used for <SQL passdb/userdb>
[AuthDatabase.SQL.txt]. See 'example-config/dovecot-sql.conf.ext' for detailed
SQL Mapping
SQL mapping is done with a dict key pattern and fields. When a dict lookup or
update is done, Dovecot goes through all the maps and uses the first one whose
pattern matches the dict key.
For example when using dict for a per-user quota value the map looks like:
map {
pattern = priv/quota/storage
table = quota
username_field = username
value_field = quota_bytes
This means that:
* The dict key must match exactly "priv/quota/storage". The dict keys are
hardcoded in the Dovecot code, so depending on what functionality you're
configuring you need to know the available dict keys used it.
* This is a private dict key ("priv/" prefix), which means that there must be
a username_field. The username_field is assumed to be (at least part of) the
primary key. In this example we don't have any other primary keys.
* With MySQL the above map translates to SQL queries:
* 'SELECT quota_bytes FROM quota WHERE username = '$username_field''
* 'INSERT INTO quota (username, quota_bytes) VALUES ('$username_field',
'$value') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE quota_bytes='$value''
You can also access multiple SQL fields. For example acl_shared_dict can
map {
pattern = shared/shared-boxes/user/$to/$from
table = user_shares
value_field = dummy
fields {
from_user = $from
to_user = $to
* The acl_shared_dict always uses "1" as the value, so here the value_field is
called "dummy".
* The SQL from_user and to_user fields are the interesting ones. Typically the
extra fields would be part of the primary key.
* With MySQL the above map translates to SQL queries:
* 'SELECT dummy FROM user_shares WHERE from_user = '$from' AND to_user =
* 'INSERT INTO user_shares (from_user, to_user, dummy) VALUES ('$from',
'$to', '$value') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE dummy='$value''
LDAP (v2.2.24+)
LDAP support is very similar to SQL support, but there is no write support.
dict {
somedict = ldap:/path/to/dovecot-ldap-dict.conf.ext
Then in ext file put
uri = ldap://hostname
bind_dn = optional bind dn
password = optional password
timeout = optional timeout
debug = 0 or 1 (optional, as well)
tls = yes|try|no (default is try)
* uri - LDAP connection URI as expected by OpenLDAP.
* bind_dn - DN or upn to use for binding
* password - password to use, only SIMPLE auth is supported at the moment
* timeout - How long to wait for reply, default is 30 seconds
* debug - 0 off, 1 on, will produce metric ton of output
* tls - yes = require either ldaps or successful start TLS, try = send start
TLS if necessary, no = do not send start TLS
To map some key to a search do
map {
pattern = priv/test/mail
filter = (mail=*) # the () is required
base_dn = ou=container,dc=domain
username_attribute = uid # default is cn
value_attribute = mail
To do some more complex search
map {
pattern = priv/test/mail/$location
filter = (&(mail=*)(location=%{location}) # the () is required
base_dn = ou=container,dc=domain
username_attribute = uid # default is cn
value_attribute = mail
fields {
(This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez