package Crypt::DSA::Util;
use strict;
use Math::BigInt 1.78 try => 'GMP, Pari';
use Fcntl;
use Carp qw( croak );
use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK );
use Exporter;
$VERSION = '1.17';
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
@EXPORT_OK = qw( bitsize bin2mp mp2bin mod_inverse mod_exp makerandom isprime );
## Nicked from Crypt::RSA::DataFormat.
## Copyright (c) 2001, Vipul Ved Prakash.
sub bitsize {
length(Math::BigInt->new($_[0])->as_bin) - 2;
sub bin2mp {
my $s = shift;
$s eq '' ?
Math::BigInt->new(0) :
Math::BigInt->new("0b" . unpack("B*", $s));
sub mp2bin {
my $p = Math::BigInt->new(shift);
my $base = Math::BigInt->new(256);
my $res = '';
while ($p != 0) {
my $r = $p % $base;
$p = ($p-$r) / $base;
$res = chr($r) . $res;
sub mod_exp {
my($a, $exp, $n) = @_;
$a->copy->bmodpow($exp, $n);
sub mod_inverse {
my($a, $n) = @_;
sub makerandom {
my %param = @_;
my $size = $param{Size};
my $bytes = int($size / 8) + 1;
my $r = '';
if ( sysopen my $fh, '/dev/random', O_RDONLY ) {
my $read = 0;
while ($read < $bytes) {
my $got = sysread $fh, my($chunk), $bytes - $read;
next unless $got;
die "Error: $!" if $got == -1;
$r .= $chunk;
$read = length $r;
close $fh;
elsif ( require Data::Random ) {
$r .= Data::Random::rand_chars( set=>'numeric' ) for 1..$bytes;
else {
croak "makerandom requires /dev/random or Data::Random";
my $down = $size - 1;
$r = unpack 'H*', pack 'B*', '0' x ( $size % 8 ? 8 - $size % 8 : 0 ) .
'1' . unpack "b$down", $r;
Math::BigInt->new('0x' . $r);
# For testing, let us choose our isprime function:
*isprime = \&isprime_algorithms_with_perl;
# from the book "Mastering Algorithms with Perl" by Jon Orwant,
# Jarkko Hietaniemi, and John Macdonald
sub isprime_algorithms_with_perl {
use integer;
my $n = shift;
my $n1 = $n - 1;
my $one = $n - $n1; # not just 1, but a bigint
my $witness = $one * 100;
# find the power of two for the top bit of $n1
my $p2 = $one;
my $p2index = -1;
++$p2index, $p2 *= 2
while $p2 <= $n1;
$p2 /= 2;
# number of interations: 5 for 260-bit numbers, go up to 25 for smaller
my $last_witness = 5;
$last_witness += (260 - $p2index) / 13 if $p2index < 260;
for my $witness_count (1..$last_witness) {
$witness *= 1024;
$witness += int(rand(1024)); # XXXX use good rand
$witness = $witness % $n if $witness > $n;
$witness = $one * 100, redo if $witness == 0;
my $prod = $one;
my $n1bits = $n1;
my $p2next = $p2;
# compute $witness ** ($n - 1)
while (1) {
my $rootone = $prod == 1 || $prod == $n1;
$prod = ($prod * $prod) % $n;
return 0 if $prod == 1 && ! $rootone;
if ($n1bits >= $p2next) {
$prod = ($prod * $witness) % $n;
$n1bits -= $p2next;
last if $p2next == 1;
$p2next /= 2;
return 0 unless $prod == 1;
return 1;
sub isprime_gp_pari {
my $n = shift;
my $sn = "$n";
die if $sn =~ /\D/;
my $is_prime = `echo "isprime($sn)" | gp -f -q`;
die "No gp installed?" if $?;
chomp $is_prime;
return $is_prime;
sub isprime_paranoid {
my $n = shift;
my $perl = isprime_algorithms_with_perl($n);
my $pari = isprime_gp_pari($n);
die "Perl vs. PARI don't match on '$n'\n" unless $perl == $pari;
return $perl;
=head1 NAME
Crypt::DSA::Util - DSA Utility functions
use Crypt::DSA::Util qw( func1 func2 ... );
I<Crypt::DSA::Util> contains a set of exportable utility functions
used through the I<Crypt::DSA> set of libraries.
=head2 bitsize($n)
Returns the number of bits in the I<Math::Pari> integer object
=head2 bin2mp($string)
Given a string I<$string> of any length, treats the string as a
base-256 representation of an integer, and returns that integer,
a I<Math::Pari> object.
=head2 mp2bin($int)
Given a biginteger I<$int> (a I<Math::Pari> object), linearizes
the integer into an octet string, and returns the octet string.
=head2 mod_exp($a, $exp, $n)
Computes $a ^ $exp mod $n and returns the value. The calculations
are done using I<Math::Pari>, and the return value is a I<Math::Pari>
=head2 mod_inverse($a, $n)
Computes the multiplicative inverse of $a mod $n and returns the
value. The calculations are done using I<Math::Pari>, and the
return value is a I<Math::Pari> object.
Please see the Crypt::DSA manpage for author, copyright,
and license information.
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez