# This is a fork of HTML::Element. Eventually the code may be merged.
package HTML::DOM::_Element;
use strict;
use Carp ();
use HTML::Entities ();
use HTML::Tagset ();
use integer; # vroom vroom!
use vars qw( $VERSION );
$VERSION = 4.2;
# This contorls encoding entities on output.
# When set entities won't be re-encoded.
# Defaulting off because parser defaults to unencoding entities
our $encoded_content = 0;
use vars qw($html_uc $Debug $ID_COUNTER %list_type_to_sub);
$Debug = 0 unless defined $Debug;
sub Version { $VERSION; }
my $nillio = [];
*HTML::DOM::_Element::emptyElement = \%HTML::Tagset::emptyElement; # legacy
*HTML::DOM::_Element::optionalEndTag = \%HTML::Tagset::optionalEndTag; # legacy
*HTML::DOM::_Element::linkElements = \%HTML::Tagset::linkElements; # legacy
*HTML::DOM::_Element::boolean_attr = \%HTML::Tagset::boolean_attr; # legacy
*HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten = \%HTML::Tagset::canTighten; # legacy
# Constants for signalling back to the traverser:
my $travsignal_package = __PACKAGE__ . '::_travsignal';
= map { my $x = $_; bless \$x, $travsignal_package; }
## Comments from Father Chrysostomos RT #58880
## The sole purpose for empty parentheses after a sub name is to make it
## parse as a 0-ary (nihilary?) function. I.e., ABORT+1 should parse as
## ABORT()+1, not ABORT(+1). The parentheses also tell perl that it can
### be inlined.
##Deparse is really useful for demonstrating this:
##$ perl -MO=Deparse,-p -e 'sub ABORT {7} print ABORT+8'
# Vs
# perl -MO=Deparse,-p -e 'sub ABORT() {7} print ABORT+8'
# With the parentheses, it not only makes it parse as a term.
# It even resolves the constant at compile-time, making the code run faster.
## no critic
sub ABORT () {$ABORT}
sub PRUNE () {$PRUNE}
sub OK () {$OK}
## use critic
$html_uc = 0;
# set to 1 if you want tag and attribute names from starttag and endtag
# to be uc'd
# regexs for XML names
# http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816/NT-NameStartChar
= qr/(?:\:|[A-Z]|_|[a-z]|[\x{C0}-\x{D6}]|[\x{D8}-\x{F6}]|[\x{F8}-\x{2FF}]|[\x{370}-\x{37D}]|[\x{37F}-\x{1FFF}]|[\x{200C}-\x{200D}]|[\x{2070}-\x{218F}]|[\x{2C00}-\x{2FEF}]|[\x{3001}-\x{D7FF}]|[\x{F900}-\x{FDCF}]|[\x{FDF0}-\x{FFFD}]|[\x{10000}-\x{EFFFF}])/;
# http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816/#NT-NameChar
= qr/(?:$START_CHAR|-|\.|[0-9]|\x{B7}|[\x{0300}-\x{036F}]|[\x{203F}-\x{2040}])/;
# Elements that does not have corresponding end tags (i.e. are empty)
# An HTML::DOM::_Element is represented by blessed hash reference, much like
# Tree::DAG_Node objects. Key-names not starting with '_' are reserved
# for the SGML attributes of the element.
# The following special keys are used:
# '_tag': The tag name (i.e., the generic identifier)
# '_parent': A reference to the HTML::DOM::_Element above (when forming a tree)
# '_pos': The current position (a reference to a HTML::DOM::_Element) is
# where inserts will be placed (look at the insert_element
# method) If not set, the implicit value is the object itself.
# '_content': A ref to an array of nodes under this.
# It might not be set.
# Example: <img src="gisle.jpg" alt="Gisle's photo"> is represented like this:
# bless {
# _tag => 'img',
# src => 'gisle.jpg',
# alt => "Gisle's photo",
# }, 'HTML::DOM::_Element';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
my $tag = shift;
Carp::croak("No tagname") unless defined $tag and length $tag;
Carp::croak "\"$tag\" isn't a good tag name!"
if $tag =~ m/[<>\/\x00-\x20]/; # minimal sanity, certainly!
my $self = bless { _tag => scalar( $class->_fold_case($tag) ) }, $class;
my ( $attr, $val );
while ( ( $attr, $val ) = splice( @_, 0, 2 ) ) {
## RT #42209 why does this default to the attribute name and not remain unset or the empty string?
$val = $attr unless defined $val;
$self->{ $class->_fold_case($attr) } = $val;
if ( $tag eq 'html' ) {
$self->{'_pos'} = undef;
return $self;
sub attr {
my $self = shift;
my $attr = scalar( $self->_fold_case(shift) );
if (@_) { # set
if ( defined $_[0] ) {
my $old = $self->{$attr};
$self->{$attr} = $_[0];
return $old;
else { # delete, actually
return delete $self->{$attr};
else { # get
return $self->{$attr};
sub tag {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { # set
$self->{'_tag'} = $self->_fold_case( $_[0] );
else { # get
sub parent {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { # set
Carp::croak "an element can't be made its own parent"
if defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] and $self eq $_[0]; # sanity
$self->{'_parent'} = $_[0];
else {
$self->{'_parent'}; # get
sub content_list {
return wantarray
? @{ shift->{'_content'} || return () }
: scalar @{ shift->{'_content'} || return 0 };
# a read-only method! can't say $h->content( [] )!
sub content {
return shift->{'_content'};
sub content_array_ref {
return shift->{'_content'} ||= [];
sub content_refs_list {
return \( @{ shift->{'_content'} || return () } );
sub implicit {
return shift->attr( '_implicit', @_ );
sub pos {
my $self = shift;
my $pos = $self->{'_pos'};
if (@_) { # set
my $parm = shift;
if ( defined $parm and $parm ne $self ) {
$self->{'_pos'} = $parm; # means that element
else {
$self->{'_pos'} = undef; # means $self
return $pos if defined($pos);
return $self;
sub all_attr {
return %{ $_[0] };
# Yes, trivial. But no other way for the user to do the same
# without breaking encapsulation.
# And if our object representation changes, this method's behavior
# should stay the same.
sub all_attr_names {
return keys %{ $_[0] };
sub all_external_attr {
my $self = $_[0];
return map( ( length($_) && substr( $_, 0, 1 ) eq '_' )
? ()
: ( $_, $self->{$_} ),
keys %$self );
sub all_external_attr_names {
return grep !( length($_) && substr( $_, 0, 1 ) eq '_' ), keys %{ $_[0] };
sub id {
if ( @_ == 1 ) {
return $_[0]{'id'};
elsif ( @_ == 2 ) {
if ( defined $_[1] ) {
return $_[0]{'id'} = $_[1];
else {
return delete $_[0]{'id'};
else {
Carp::croak '$node->id can\'t take ' . scalar(@_) . ' parameters!';
sub _gensym {
unless ( defined $ID_COUNTER ) {
# start it out...
$ID_COUNTER = sprintf( '%04x', rand(0x1000) );
$ID_COUNTER =~ tr<0-9a-f><J-NP-Z>; # yes, skip letter "oh"
$ID_COUNTER .= '00000';
sub idf {
my $nparms = scalar @_;
if ( $nparms == 1 ) {
my $x;
if ( defined( $x = $_[0]{'id'} ) and length $x ) {
return $x;
else {
return $_[0]{'id'} = _gensym();
if ( $nparms == 2 ) {
if ( defined $_[1] ) {
return $_[0]{'id'} = $_[1];
else {
return delete $_[0]{'id'};
Carp::croak '$node->idf can\'t take ' . scalar(@_) . ' parameters!';
sub push_content {
my $self = shift;
return $self unless @_;
my $content = ( $self->{'_content'} ||= [] );
for (@_) {
if ( ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
# magically call new_from_lol
push @$content, $self->new_from_lol($_);
$content->[-1]->{'_parent'} = $self;
elsif ( ref($_) ) { # insert an element
$_->detach if $_->{'_parent'};
$_->{'_parent'} = $self;
push( @$content, $_ );
else { # insert text segment
if ( @$content && !ref $content->[-1] ) {
# last content element is also text segment -- append
$content->[-1] .= $_;
else {
push( @$content, $_ );
return $self;
sub unshift_content {
my $self = shift;
return $self unless @_;
my $content = ( $self->{'_content'} ||= [] );
for ( reverse @_ ) { # so they get added in the order specified
if ( ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
# magically call new_from_lol
unshift @$content, $self->new_from_lol($_);
$content->[0]->{'_parent'} = $self;
elsif ( ref $_ ) { # insert an element
$_->detach if $_->{'_parent'};
$_->{'_parent'} = $self;
unshift( @$content, $_ );
else { # insert text segment
if ( @$content && !ref $content->[0] ) {
# last content element is also text segment -- prepend
$content->[0] = $_ . $content->[0];
else {
unshift( @$content, $_ );
return $self;
sub splice_content {
my ( $self, $offset, $length, @to_add ) = @_;
Carp::croak "splice_content requires at least one argument"
if @_ < 2; # at least $h->splice_content($offset);
return $self unless @_;
my $content = ( $self->{'_content'} ||= [] );
# prep the list
my @out;
if ( @_ > 2 ) { # self, offset, length, ...
foreach my $n (@to_add) {
if ( ref($n) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$n = $self->new_from_lol($n);
$n->{'_parent'} = $self;
elsif ( ref($n) ) {
$n->{'_parent'} = $self;
@out = splice @$content, $offset, $length, @to_add;
else { # self, offset
@out = splice @$content, $offset;
foreach my $n (@out) {
$n->{'_parent'} = undef if ref $n;
return @out;
sub detach {
my $self = $_[0];
return unless ( my $parent = $self->{'_parent'} );
$self->{'_parent'} = undef;
my $cohort = $parent->{'_content'} || return $parent;
@$cohort = grep { not( ref($_) and $_ eq $self ) } @$cohort;
# filter $self out, if parent has any evident content
return $parent;
sub detach_content {
my $c = $_[0]->{'_content'} || return (); # in case of no content
for (@$c) {
$_->{'_parent'} = undef if ref $_;
return splice @$c;
sub replace_with {
my ( $self, @replacers ) = @_;
Carp::croak "the target node has no parent"
unless my ($parent) = $self->{'_parent'};
my $parent_content = $parent->{'_content'};
Carp::croak "the target node's parent has no content!?"
unless $parent_content and @$parent_content;
my $replacers_contains_self;
for (@replacers) {
if ( !ref $_ ) {
# noop
elsif ( $_ eq $self ) {
# noop, but check that it's there just once.
Carp::croak "Replacement list contains several copies of target!"
if $replacers_contains_self++;
elsif ( $_ eq $parent ) {
Carp::croak "Can't replace an item with its parent!";
elsif ( ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$_ = $self->new_from_lol($_);
$_->{'_parent'} = $parent;
else {
$_->{'_parent'} = $parent;
# each of these are necessary
} # for @replacers
@$parent_content = map { ( ref($_) and $_ eq $self ) ? @replacers : $_ }
$self->{'_parent'} = undef unless $replacers_contains_self;
# if replacers does contain self, then the parent attribute is fine as-is
return $self;
sub preinsert {
my $self = shift;
return $self unless @_;
return $self->replace_with( @_, $self );
sub postinsert {
my $self = shift;
return $self unless @_;
return $self->replace_with( $self, @_ );
sub replace_with_content {
my $self = $_[0];
Carp::croak "the target node has no parent"
unless my ($parent) = $self->{'_parent'};
my $parent_content = $parent->{'_content'};
Carp::croak "the target node's parent has no content!?"
unless $parent_content and @$parent_content;
my $content_r = $self->{'_content'} || [];
@$parent_content = map { ( ref($_) and $_ eq $self ) ? @$content_r : $_ }
$self->{'_parent'} = undef; # detach $self from its parent
# Update parentage link, removing from $self's content list
for ( splice @$content_r ) { $_->{'_parent'} = $parent if ref $_ }
return $self; # note: doesn't destroy it.
sub delete_content {
for (
splice @{
delete( $_[0]->{'_content'} )
# Deleting it here (while holding its value, for the moment)
# will keep calls to detach() from trying to uselessly filter
# the list (as they won't be able to see it once it's been
# deleted)
|| return ( $_[0] ) # in case of no content
# the splice is so we can null the array too, just in case
# something somewhere holds a ref to it
$_->delete if ref $_;
# two handy aliases
sub destroy { shift->delete(@_) }
sub destroy_content { shift->delete_content(@_) }
sub delete {
my $self = $_[0];
$self->delete_content # recurse down
if $self->{'_content'} && @{ $self->{'_content'} };
$self->detach if $self->{'_parent'} and $self->{'_parent'}{'_content'};
# not the typical case
%$self = (); # null out the whole object on the way out
sub clone {
#print "Cloning $_[0]\n";
my $it = shift;
Carp::croak "clone() can be called only as an object method"
unless ref $it;
Carp::croak "clone() takes no arguments" if @_;
my $new = bless {%$it}, ref($it); # COPY!!! HOOBOY!
delete @$new{ '_content', '_parent', '_pos', '_head', '_body' };
# clone any contents
if ( $it->{'_content'} and @{ $it->{'_content'} } ) {
= [ ref($it)->clone_list( @{ $it->{'_content'} } ) ];
for ( @{ $new->{'_content'} } ) {
$_->{'_parent'} = $new if ref $_;
return $new;
sub clone_list {
Carp::croak "clone_list can be called only as a class method"
if ref shift @_;
# all that does is get me here
return map {
? $_->clone # copy by method
: $_ # copy by evaluation
} @_;
sub normalize_content {
my $start = $_[0];
my $c;
unless $c = $start->{'_content'} and ref $c and @$c; # nothing to do
# TODO: if we start having text elements, deal with catenating those too?
my @stretches = (undef); # start with a barrier
# I suppose this could be rewritten to treat stretches as it goes, instead
# of at the end. But feh.
# Scan:
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$c; ++$i ) {
if ( defined $c->[$i] and ref $c->[$i] ) { # not a text segment
if ( $stretches[0] ) {
# put in a barrier
if ( $stretches[0][1] == 1 ) {
#print "Nixing stretch at ", $i-1, "\n";
undef $stretches[0]; # nix the previous one-node "stretch"
else {
#print "End of stretch at ", $i-1, "\n";
unshift @stretches, undef;
# else no need for a barrier
else { # text segment
$c->[$i] = '' unless defined $c->[$i];
if ( $stretches[0] ) {
++$stretches[0][1]; # increase length
else {
#print "New stretch at $i\n";
unshift @stretches, [ $i, 1 ]; # start and length
# Now combine. Note that @stretches is in reverse order, so the indexes
# still make sense as we work our way thru (i.e., backwards thru $c).
foreach my $s (@stretches) {
if ( $s and $s->[1] > 1 ) {
#print "Stretch at ", $s->[0], " for ", $s->[1], "\n";
$c->[ $s->[0] ]
.= join( '', splice( @$c, $s->[0] + 1, $s->[1] - 1 ) )
# append the subsequent ones onto the first one.
sub delete_ignorable_whitespace {
# This doesn't delete all sorts of whitespace that won't actually
# be used in rendering, tho -- that's up to the rendering application.
# For example:
# <input type='text' name='foo'>
# [some whitespace]
# <input type='text' name='bar'>
# The WS between the two elements /will/ get used by the renderer.
# But here:
# <input type='hidden' name='foo' value='1'>
# [some whitespace]
# <input type='text' name='bar' value='2'>
# the WS between them won't be rendered in any way, presumably.
#my $Debug = 4;
die "delete_ignorable_whitespace can be called only as an object method"
unless ref $_[0];
print "About to tighten up...\n" if $Debug > 2;
my (@to_do) = ( $_[0] ); # Start off.
my ( $i, $sibs, $ptag, $this ); # scratch for the loop...
while (@to_do) {
if ( ( $ptag = ( $this = shift @to_do )->{'_tag'} ) eq 'pre'
or $ptag eq 'textarea'
or $HTML::Tagset::isCDATA_Parent{$ptag} )
# block the traversal under those
print "Blocking traversal under $ptag\n" if $Debug;
next unless ( $sibs = $this->{'_content'} and @$sibs );
for ( $i = $#$sibs; $i >= 0; --$i ) { # work backwards thru the list
if ( ref $sibs->[$i] ) {
unshift @to_do, $sibs->[$i];
# yes, this happens in pre order -- we're going backwards
# thru this sibling list. I doubt it actually matters, tho.
next if $sibs->[$i] =~ m<[^\n\r\f\t ]>s; # it's /all/ whitespace
print "Under $ptag whose canTighten ",
"value is ", 0 + $HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten{$ptag}, ".\n"
if $Debug > 3;
# It's all whitespace...
if ( $i == 0 ) {
if ( @$sibs == 1 ) { # I'm an only child
next unless $HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten{$ptag}; # parent
else { # I'm leftmost of many
# if either my parent or sib are eligible, I'm good.
unless $HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten{$ptag} # parent
or (ref $sibs->[1]
and $HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten{ $sibs->[1]
{'_tag'} } # right sib
elsif ( $i == $#$sibs ) { # I'm rightmost of many
# if either my parent or sib are eligible, I'm good.
unless $HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten{$ptag} # parent
or (ref $sibs->[ $i - 1 ]
and $HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten{ $sibs->[ $i - 1 ]
{'_tag'} } # left sib
else { # I'm the piggy in the middle
# My parent doesn't matter -- it all depends on my sibs
unless ref $sibs->[ $i - 1 ]
or ref $sibs->[ $i + 1 ];
# if NEITHER sib is a node, quit
next if
# bailout condition: if BOTH are INeligible nodes
# (as opposed to being text, or being eligible nodes)
ref $sibs->[ $i - 1 ]
and ref $sibs->[ $i + 1 ]
and !$HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten{ $sibs->[ $i - 1 ]
{'_tag'} } # left sib
and !$HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten{ $sibs->[ $i + 1 ]
{'_tag'} } # right sib
# Unknown tags aren't in canTighten and so AREN'T subject to tightening
print " delendum: child $i of $ptag\n" if $Debug > 3;
splice @$sibs, $i, 1;
# end of the loop-over-children
# end of the while loop.
sub insert_element {
my ( $self, $tag, $implicit ) = @_;
return $self->pos() unless $tag; # noop if nothing to insert
my $e;
if ( ref $tag ) {
$e = $tag;
$tag = $e->tag;
else { # just a tag name -- so make the element
$e = $self->element_class->new($tag);
++( $self->{'_element_count'} ) if exists $self->{'_element_count'};
# undocumented. see TreeBuilder.
$e->{'_implicit'} = 1 if $implicit;
my $pos = $self->{'_pos'};
$pos = $self unless defined $pos;
$self->{'_pos'} = $pos = $e
unless $self->_empty_element_map->{$tag} || $e->{'_empty_element'};
# Some things to override in XML::Element
sub _empty_element_map {
sub _fold_case_LC {
if (wantarray) {
map lc($_), @_;
else {
return lc( $_[1] );
sub _fold_case_NOT {
if (wantarray) {
else {
return $_[1];
*_fold_case = \&_fold_case_LC;
sub dump {
my ( $self, $fh, $depth ) = @_;
$fh = *STDOUT{IO} unless defined $fh;
$depth = 0 unless defined $depth;
print $fh " " x $depth, $self->starttag, " \@", $self->address,
$self->{'_implicit'} ? " (IMPLICIT)\n" : "\n";
for ( @{ $self->{'_content'} } ) {
if ( ref $_ ) { # element
$_->dump( $fh, $depth + 1 ); # recurse
else { # text node
print $fh " " x ( $depth + 1 );
if ( length($_) > 65 or m<[\x00-\x1F]> ) {
# it needs prettyin' up somehow or other
my $x
= ( length($_) <= 65 )
? $_
: ( substr( $_, 0, 65 ) . '...' );
$x =~ s<([\x00-\x1F])>
print $fh qq{"$x"\n};
else {
print $fh qq{"$_"\n};
sub as_HTML {
my ( $self, $entities, $indent, $omissible_map ) = @_;
#my $indent_on = defined($indent) && length($indent);
my @html = ();
$omissible_map ||= \%HTML::DOM::_Element::optionalEndTag;
my $empty_element_map = $self->_empty_element_map;
my $last_tag_tightenable = 0;
my $this_tag_tightenable = 0;
my $nonindentable_ancestors = 0; # count of nonindentible tags over us.
my ( $tag, $node, $start, $depth ); # per-iteration scratch
if ( defined($indent) && length($indent) ) {
sub {
( $node, $start, $depth ) = @_;
if ( ref $node ) { # it's an element
# detect bogus classes. RT #35948, #61673
or Carp::confess( "Object of class "
. ref($node)
. " cannot be processed by HTML::DOM::_Element" );
$tag = $node->{'_tag'};
if ($start) { # on the way in
if (( $this_tag_tightenable
= $HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten{$tag}
and !$nonindentable_ancestors
and $last_tag_tightenable
$indent x $depth,
else {
push( @html, $node->starttag($entities) );
$last_tag_tightenable = $this_tag_tightenable;
if $tag eq 'pre'
or $HTML::Tagset::isCDATA_Parent{$tag};
elsif (
not( $empty_element_map->{$tag}
or $omissible_map->{$tag} )
# on the way out
if ( $tag eq 'pre'
or $HTML::Tagset::isCDATA_Parent{$tag} )
= $HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten{$tag};
push @html, $node->endtag;
else { # general case
if (( $this_tag_tightenable
= $HTML::DOM::_Element::canTighten{$tag}
and !$nonindentable_ancestors
and $last_tag_tightenable
$indent x $depth,
else {
push @html, $node->endtag;
$last_tag_tightenable = $this_tag_tightenable;
#print "$tag tightenable: $this_tag_tightenable\n";
else { # it's a text segment
$last_tag_tightenable = 0; # I guess this is right
HTML::Entities::encode_entities( $node, $entities )
# That does magic things if $entities is undef.
unless (
( defined($entities) && !length($entities) )
# If there's no entity to encode, don't call it
|| $HTML::Tagset::isCDATA_Parent{ $_[3]{'_tag'} }
# To keep from amp-escaping children of script et al.
# That doesn't deal with descendants; but then, CDATA
# parents shouldn't /have/ descendants other than a
# text children (or comments?)
|| $encoded_content
if ($nonindentable_ancestors) {
push @html, $node; # say no go
else {
if ($last_tag_tightenable) {
$node =~ s<[\n\r\f\t ]+>< >s;
#$node =~ s< $><>s;
$node =~ s<^ ><>s;
$indent x $depth,
#Text::Wrap::wrap($indent x $depth, $indent x $depth, "\n" . $node)
else {
#Text::Wrap::wrap('', $indent x $depth, $node)
1; # keep traversing
); # End of parms to traverse()
else { # no indenting -- much simpler code
sub {
( $node, $start ) = @_;
if ( ref $node ) {
$tag = $node->{'_tag'};
if ($start) { # on the way in
push( @html, $node->starttag($entities) );
elsif (
not( $empty_element_map->{$tag}
or $omissible_map->{$tag} )
# on the way out
push( @html, $node->endtag );
else {
# simple text content
HTML::Entities::encode_entities( $node, $entities )
# That does magic things if $entities is undef.
unless (
( defined($entities) && !length($entities) )
# If there's no entity to encode, don't call it
|| $HTML::Tagset::isCDATA_Parent{ $_[3]{'_tag'} }
# To keep from amp-escaping children of script et al.
# That doesn't deal with descendants; but then, CDATA
# parents shouldn't /have/ descendants other than a
# text children (or comments?)
|| $encoded_content
push( @html, $node );
1; # keep traversing
); # End of parms to traverse()
if ( $self->{_store_declarations} && defined $self->{_decl} ) {
unshift @html, sprintf "<!%s>\n", $self->{_decl}->{text};
return join( '', @html );
sub as_text {
# Yet another iteratively implemented traverser
my ( $this, %options ) = @_;
my $skip_dels = $options{'skip_dels'} || 0;
my (@pile) = ($this);
my $tag;
my $text = '';
while (@pile) {
if ( !defined( $pile[0] ) ) { # undef!
# no-op
elsif ( !ref( $pile[0] ) ) { # text bit! save it!
$text .= shift @pile;
else { # it's a ref -- traverse under it
unshift @pile, @{ $this->{'_content'} || $nillio }
unless ( $tag = ( $this = shift @pile )->{'_tag'} ) eq 'style'
or $tag eq 'script'
or ( $skip_dels and $tag eq 'del' );
return $text;
# extra_chars added for RT #26436
sub as_trimmed_text {
my ( $this, %options ) = @_;
my $text = $this->as_text(%options);
my $extra_chars = $options{'extra_chars'} || '';
$text =~ s/[\n\r\f\t$extra_chars ]+$//s;
$text =~ s/^[\n\r\f\t$extra_chars ]+//s;
$text =~ s/[\n\r\f\t$extra_chars ]+/ /g;
return $text;
sub as_text_trimmed { shift->as_trimmed_text(@_) } # alias, because I forget
# TODO: make it wrap, if not indent?
sub as_XML {
# based an as_HTML
my ($self) = @_;
#my $indent_on = defined($indent) && length($indent);
my @xml = ();
my $empty_element_map = $self->_empty_element_map;
my ( $tag, $node, $start ); # per-iteration scratch
sub {
( $node, $start ) = @_;
if ( ref $node ) { # it's an element
$tag = $node->{'_tag'};
if ($start) { # on the way in
foreach my $attr ( $node->all_attr_names() ) {
"$tag has an invalid attribute name '$attr'")
unless ( $attr eq '/' || $self->_valid_name($attr) );
if ( $empty_element_map->{$tag}
and !@{ $node->{'_content'} || $nillio } )
push( @xml, $node->starttag_XML( undef, 1 ) );
else {
push( @xml, $node->starttag_XML(undef) );
else { # on the way out
unless ( $empty_element_map->{$tag}
and !@{ $node->{'_content'} || $nillio } )
push( @xml, $node->endtag_XML() );
} # otherwise it will have been an <... /> tag.
else { # it's just text
push( @xml, $node );
1; # keep traversing
join( '', @xml, "\n" );
sub _xml_escape {
# DESTRUCTIVE (a.k.a. "in-place")
# Five required escapes: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816/#syntax
# We allow & if it's part of a valid escape already: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816/#sec-references
foreach my $x (@_) {
# In strings with no encoded entities all & should be encoded.
if ($encoded_content) {
=~ s/&(?! # An ampersand that isn't followed by...
(\#\d+; | # A hash mark, digits and semicolon, or
\#x[\da-f]+; | # A hash mark, "x", hex digits and semicolon, or
$START_CHAR$NAME_CHAR+; ) # A valid unicode entity name and semicolon
)/&/gx; # Needs to be escaped to amp
else {
$x =~ s/&/&/g;
# simple character escapes
$x =~ s/</</g;
$x =~ s/>/>/g;
$x =~ s/"/"/g;
$x =~ s/'/'/g;
# It's been suggested that attribute names be made :-keywords:
# (:_tag "img" :border 0 :src "pie.png" :usemap "#main.map")
# However, it seems that Scheme has no such data type as :-keywords.
# So, for the moment at least, I tend toward simplicity, uniformity,
# and universality, where everything a string or a list.
sub as_Lisp_form {
my @out;
my $sub;
my $depth = 0;
my ( @list, $val );
$sub = sub { # Recursor
my $self = $_[0];
@list = ( '_tag', $self->{'_tag'} );
@list = () unless defined $list[-1]; # unlikely
for ( sort keys %$self ) { # predictable ordering
if $_ eq '_content'
or $_ eq '_tag'
or $_ eq '_parent'
or $_ eq '/';
# Leave the other private attributes, I guess.
push @list, $_, $val
if defined( $val = $self->{$_} ); # and !ref $val;
for (@list) {
# octal-escape it
$_ = qq{"$_"};
push @out, ( ' ' x $depth ) . '(' . join ' ', splice @list;
if ( @{ $self->{'_content'} || $nillio } ) {
$out[-1] .= " \"_content\" (\n";
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{'_content'} } ) {
if ( ref($c) ) {
# an element -- recurse
else {
# a text segment -- stick it in and octal-escape it
push @out, $c;
$out[-1] =~ s<([^\x20\x21\x23\x27-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])>
# And quote and indent it.
$out[-1] .= "\"\n";
$out[-1] = ( ' ' x $depth ) . '"' . $out[-1];
substr( $out[-1], -1 )
= "))\n"; # end of _content and of the element
else {
$out[-1] .= ")\n";
$sub->( $_[0] );
undef $sub;
return join '', @out;
sub format {
my ( $self, $formatter ) = @_;
unless ( defined $formatter ) {
require HTML::FormatText;
$formatter = HTML::FormatText->new();
sub starttag {
my ( $self, $entities ) = @_;
my $name = $self->{'_tag'};
return $self->{'text'} if $name eq '~literal';
return "<!" . $self->{'text'} . ">" if $name eq '~declaration';
return "<?" . $self->{'text'} . ">" if $name eq '~pi';
if ( $name eq '~comment' ) {
if ( ref( $self->{'text'} || '' ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
# Does this ever get used? And is this right?
. join( ' ', map( "--$_--", @{ $self->{'text'} } ) ) . ">";
else {
return "<!--" . $self->{'text'} . "-->";
my $tag = $html_uc ? "<\U$name" : "<\L$name";
my $val;
for ( sort keys %$self ) { # predictable ordering
next if !length $_ or m/^_/s or $_ eq '/';
$val = $self->{$_};
next if !defined $val; # or ref $val;
if ($_ eq $val && # if attribute is boolean, for this element
exists( $HTML::DOM::_Element::boolean_attr{$name} )
&& (ref( $HTML::DOM::_Element::boolean_attr{$name} )
? $HTML::DOM::_Element::boolean_attr{$name}{$_}
: $HTML::DOM::_Element::boolean_attr{$name} eq $_
$tag .= $html_uc ? " \U$_" : " \L$_";
else { # non-boolean attribute
if ( ref $val eq 'HTML::DOM::_Element'
and $val->{_tag} eq '~literal' )
$val = $val->{text};
else {
HTML::Entities::encode_entities( $val, $entities )
unless (
defined($entities) && !length($entities)
|| $encoded_content
$val = qq{"$val"};
$tag .= $html_uc ? qq{ \U$_\E=$val} : qq{ \L$_\E=$val};
} # for keys
if ( scalar $self->content_list == 0
&& $self->_empty_element_map->{ $self->tag } )
return $tag . " />";
else {
return $tag . ">";
sub starttag_XML {
my ($self) = @_;
# and a third parameter to signal emptiness?
my $name = $self->{'_tag'};
return $self->{'text'} if $name eq '~literal';
return '<!' . $self->{'text'} . '>' if $name eq '~declaration';
return "<?" . $self->{'text'} . "?>" if $name eq '~pi';
if ( $name eq '~comment' ) {
if ( ref( $self->{'text'} || '' ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
# Does this ever get used? And is this right?
$name = join( ' ', @{ $self->{'text'} } );
else {
$name = $self->{'text'};
$name =~ s/--/--/g; # can't have double --'s in XML comments
return "<!-- $name -->";
my $tag = "<$name";
my $val;
for ( sort keys %$self ) { # predictable ordering
next if !length $_ or m/^_/s or $_ eq '/';
# Hm -- what to do if val is undef?
# I suppose that shouldn't ever happen.
next if !defined( $val = $self->{$_} ); # or ref $val;
$tag .= qq{ $_="$val"};
@_ == 3 ? "$tag />" : "$tag>";
sub endtag {
$html_uc ? "</\U$_[0]->{'_tag'}>" : "</\L$_[0]->{'_tag'}>";
# TODO: document?
sub endtag_XML {
# This, ladies and germs, is an iterative implementation of a
# recursive algorithm. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME.
# Basically, the algorithm says:
# To traverse:
# 1: pre-order visit this node
# 2: traverse any children of this node
# 3: post-order visit this node, unless it's a text segment,
# or a prototypically empty node (like "br", etc.)
# Add to that the consideration of the callbacks' return values,
# so you can block visitation of the children, or siblings, or
# abort the whole excursion, etc.
# So, why all this hassle with making the code iterative?
# It makes for real speed, because it eliminates the whole
# hassle of Perl having to allocate scratch space for each
# instance of the recursive sub. Since the algorithm
# is basically simple (and not all recursive ones are!) and
# has few necessary lexicals (basically just the current node's
# content list, and the current position in it), it was relatively
# straightforward to store that information not as the frame
# of a sub, but as a stack, i.e., a simple Perl array (well, two
# of them, actually: one for content-listrefs, one for indexes of
# current position in each of those).
my $NIL = [];
sub traverse {
my ( $start, $callback, $ignore_text ) = @_;
Carp::croak "traverse can be called only as an object method"
unless ref $start;
Carp::croak('must provide a callback for traverse()!')
unless defined $callback and ref $callback;
# Elementary type-checking:
my ( $c_pre, $c_post );
if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $callback, 'CODE' ) ) {
$c_pre = $c_post = $callback;
elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $callback, 'ARRAY' ) ) {
( $c_pre, $c_post ) = @$callback;
"pre-order callback \"$c_pre\" is true but not a coderef!")
if $c_pre and not UNIVERSAL::isa( $c_pre, 'CODE' );
"pre-order callback \"$c_post\" is true but not a coderef!")
if $c_post and not UNIVERSAL::isa( $c_post, 'CODE' );
return $start unless $c_pre or $c_post;
# otherwise there'd be nothing to actually do!
else {
Carp::croak("$callback is not a known kind of reference")
unless ref($callback);
my $empty_element_map = $start->_empty_element_map;
my (@C) = [$start]; # a stack containing lists of children
my (@I) = (-1); # initial value must be -1 for each list
# a stack of indexes to current position in corresponding lists in @C
# In each of these, 0 is the active point
# scratch:
my ($rv, # return value of callback
$this, # current node
$content_r, # child list of $this
while (@C) {
# Move to next item in this frame
if ( !defined( $I[0] ) or ++$I[0] >= @{ $C[0] } ) {
# We either went off the end of this list, or aborted the list
# So call the post-order callback:
if ( $c_post
and defined $I[0]
and @C > 1
# to keep the next line from autovivifying
and defined( $this = $C[1][ $I[1] ] ) # sanity, and
# suppress callbacks on exiting the fictional top frame
and ref($this) # sanity
and not(
|| ( $empty_element_map->{ $this->{'_tag'} || '' }
&& !@{ $this->{'_content'} } ) # RT #49932
) # things that don't get post-order callbacks
shift @I;
shift @C;
#print "Post! at depth", scalar(@I), "\n";
$rv = $c_post->(
#map $_, # copy to avoid any messiness
$this, # 0: this
0, # 1: startflag (0 for post-order call)
@I - 1, # 2: depth
if ( defined($rv) and ref($rv) eq $travsignal_package ) {
$rv = $$rv; #deref
if ( $rv eq 'ABORT' ) {
last; # end of this excursion!
elsif ( $rv eq 'PRUNE' ) {
# NOOP on post!!
elsif ( $rv eq 'PRUNE_SOFTLY' ) {
# NOOP on post!!
elsif ( $rv eq 'OK' ) {
# noop
elsif ( $rv eq 'PRUNE_UP' ) {
$I[0] = undef;
else {
die "Unknown travsignal $rv\n";
# should never happen
else {
shift @I;
shift @C;
$this = $C[0][ $I[0] ];
if ($c_pre) {
if ( defined $this and ref $this ) { # element
$rv = $c_pre->(
#map $_, # copy to avoid any messiness
$this, # 0: this
1, # 1: startflag (1 for pre-order call)
@I - 1, # 2: depth
else { # text segment
next if $ignore_text;
$rv = $c_pre->(
#map $_, # copy to avoid any messiness
$this, # 0: this
1, # 1: startflag (1 for pre-order call)
@I - 1, # 2: depth
$C[1][ $I[1] ], # 3: parent
# And there will always be a $C[1], since
# we can't start traversing at a text node
$I[0] # 4: index of self in parent's content list
if ( not $rv ) { # returned false. Same as PRUNE.
next; # prune
elsif ( ref($rv) eq $travsignal_package ) {
$rv = $$rv; # deref
if ( $rv eq 'ABORT' ) {
last; # end of this excursion!
elsif ( $rv eq 'PRUNE' ) {
elsif ( $rv eq 'PRUNE_SOFTLY' ) {
if (ref($this)
and not( $this->{'_empty_element'}
|| $empty_element_map->{ $this->{'_tag'} || '' } )
# push a dummy empty content list just to trigger a post callback
unshift @I, -1;
unshift @C, $NIL;
elsif ( $rv eq 'OK' ) {
# noop
elsif ( $rv eq 'PRUNE_UP' ) {
$I[0] = undef;
# equivalent of last'ing out of the current child list.
# Used to have PRUNE_UP_SOFTLY and ABORT_SOFTLY here, but the code
# for these was seriously upsetting, served no particularly clear
# purpose, and could not, I think, be easily implemented with a
# recursive routine. All bad things!
else {
die "Unknown travsignal $rv\n";
# should never happen
# else fall thru to meaning same as \'OK'.
# end of pre-order calling
# Now queue up content list for the current element...
if (ref $this
and not( # ...except for those which...
not( $content_r = $this->{'_content'} and @$content_r )
# ...have empty content lists...
and $this->{'_empty_element'}
|| $empty_element_map->{ $this->{'_tag'} || '' }
# ...and that don't get post-order callbacks
unshift @I, -1;
unshift @C, $content_r || $NIL;
#print $this->{'_tag'}, " ($this) adds content_r ", $C[0], "\n";
return $start;
sub is_inside {
my $self = shift;
return unless @_; # if no items specified, I guess this is right.
my $current = $self;
# the loop starts by looking at the given element
while ( defined $current and ref $current ) {
for (@_) {
if (ref) { # element
return 1 if $_ eq $current;
else { # tag name
return 1 if $_ eq $current->{'_tag'};
$current = $current->{'_parent'};
sub is_empty {
my $self = shift;
!$self->{'_content'} || !@{ $self->{'_content'} };
sub pindex {
my $self = shift;
my $parent = $self->{'_parent'} || return;
my $pc = $parent->{'_content'} || return;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$pc; ++$i ) {
return $i if ref $pc->[$i] and $pc->[$i] eq $self;
return; # we shouldn't ever get here
sub left {
Carp::croak "left() is supposed to be an object method"
unless ref $_[0];
my $pc = ( $_[0]->{'_parent'} || return )->{'_content'}
|| die "parent is childless?";
die "parent is childless" unless @$pc;
return if @$pc == 1; # I'm an only child
if (wantarray) {
my @out;
foreach my $j (@$pc) {
return @out if ref $j and $j eq $_[0];
push @out, $j;
else {
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$pc; ++$i ) {
return $i ? $pc->[ $i - 1 ] : undef
if ref $pc->[$i] and $pc->[$i] eq $_[0];
die "I'm not in my parent's content list?";
sub right {
Carp::croak "right() is supposed to be an object method"
unless ref $_[0];
my $pc = ( $_[0]->{'_parent'} || return )->{'_content'}
|| die "parent is childless?";
die "parent is childless" unless @$pc;
return if @$pc == 1; # I'm an only child
if (wantarray) {
my ( @out, $seen );
foreach my $j (@$pc) {
if ($seen) {
push @out, $j;
else {
$seen = 1 if ref $j and $j eq $_[0];
die "I'm not in my parent's content list?" unless $seen;
return @out;
else {
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$pc; ++$i ) {
return +( $i == $#$pc ) ? undef : $pc->[ $i + 1 ]
if ref $pc->[$i] and $pc->[$i] eq $_[0];
die "I'm not in my parent's content list?";
sub address {
if ( @_ == 1 ) { # report-address form
return join(
reverse( # so it starts at the top
map( $_->pindex() || '0', # so that root's undef -> '0'
$_[0], # self and...
$_[0]->lineage )
else { # get-node-at-address
my @stack = split( /\./, $_[1] );
my $here;
if ( @stack and !length $stack[0] ) { # relative addressing
$here = $_[0];
shift @stack;
else { # absolute addressing
return unless 0 == shift @stack; # to pop the initial 0-for-root
$here = $_[0]->root;
while (@stack) {
unless $here->{'_content'}
and @{ $here->{'_content'} } > $stack[0];
# make sure the index isn't too high
$here = $here->{'_content'}[ shift @stack ];
return if @stack and not ref $here;
# we hit a text node when we expected a non-terminal element node
return $here;
sub depth {
my $here = $_[0];
my $depth = 0;
while ( defined( $here = $here->{'_parent'} ) and ref($here) ) {
return $depth;
sub root {
my $here = my $root = shift;
while ( defined( $here = $here->{'_parent'} ) and ref($here) ) {
$root = $here;
return $root;
sub lineage {
my $here = shift;
my @lineage;
while ( defined( $here = $here->{'_parent'} ) and ref($here) ) {
push @lineage, $here;
return @lineage;
sub lineage_tag_names {
my $here = my $start = shift;
my @lineage_names;
while ( defined( $here = $here->{'_parent'} ) and ref($here) ) {
push @lineage_names, $here->{'_tag'};
return @lineage_names;
sub descendents { shift->descendants(@_) }
sub descendants {
my $start = shift;
if (wantarray) {
my @descendants;
[ # pre-order sub only
sub {
push( @descendants, $_[0] );
return 1;
undef # no post
1, # ignore text
shift @descendants; # so $self doesn't appear in the list
return @descendants;
else { # just returns a scalar
my $descendants = -1; # to offset $self being counted
[ # pre-order sub only
sub {
return 1;
undef # no post
1, # ignore text
return $descendants;
sub find { shift->find_by_tag_name(@_) }
# yup, a handy alias
sub find_by_tag_name {
my (@pile) = shift(@_); # start out the to-do stack for the traverser
Carp::croak "find_by_tag_name can be called only as an object method"
unless ref $pile[0];
return () unless @_;
my (@tags) = $pile[0]->_fold_case(@_);
my ( @matching, $this, $this_tag );
while (@pile) {
$this_tag = ( $this = shift @pile )->{'_tag'};
foreach my $t (@tags) {
if ( $t eq $this_tag ) {
if (wantarray) {
push @matching, $this;
else {
return $this;
unshift @pile, grep ref($_), @{ $this->{'_content'} || next };
return @matching if wantarray;
sub find_by_attribute {
# We could limit this to non-internal attributes, but hey.
my ( $self, $attribute, $value ) = @_;
Carp::croak "Attribute must be a defined value!"
unless defined $attribute;
$attribute = $self->_fold_case($attribute);
my @matching;
my $wantarray = wantarray;
my $quit;
[ # pre-order only
sub {
if ( exists $_[0]{$attribute}
and $_[0]{$attribute} eq $value )
push @matching, $_[0];
return HTML::DOM::_Element::ABORT
unless $wantarray; # only take the first
1; # keep traversing
undef # no post
1, # yes, ignore text nodes.
if ($wantarray) {
return @matching;
else {
return unless @matching;
return $matching[0];
sub look_down {
ref( $_[0] ) or Carp::croak "look_down works only as an object method";
my @criteria;
for ( my $i = 1; $i < @_; ) {
Carp::croak "Can't use undef as an attribute name"
unless defined $_[$i];
if ( ref $_[$i] ) {
Carp::croak "A " . ref( $_[$i] ) . " value is not a criterion"
unless ref $_[$i] eq 'CODE';
push @criteria, $_[ $i++ ];
else {
Carp::croak "param list to look_down ends in a key!" if $i == $#_;
push @criteria, [
scalar( $_[0]->_fold_case( $_[$i] ) ),
defined( $_[ $i + 1 ] )
? ( ( ref $_[ $i + 1 ] ? $_[ $i + 1 ] : lc( $_[ $i + 1 ] ) ),
ref( $_[ $i + 1 ] )
# yes, leave that LC!
: undef
$i += 2;
Carp::croak "No criteria?" unless @criteria;
my (@pile) = ( $_[0] );
my ( @matching, $val, $this );
while ( defined( $this = shift @pile ) ) {
# Yet another traverser implemented with merely iterative code.
foreach my $c (@criteria) {
if ( ref($c) eq 'CODE' ) {
next Node unless $c->($this); # jump to the continue block
else { # it's an attr-value pair
next Node # jump to the continue block
if # two values are unequal if:
( defined( $val = $this->{ $c->[0] } ) )
? ( !defined $c->[ 1
] # actual is def, critval is undef => fail
# allow regex matching
# allow regex matching
or (
$c->[2] eq 'Regexp'
? $val !~ $c->[1]
: ( ref $val ne $c->[2]
# have unequal ref values => fail
or lc($val) ne lc( $c->[1] )
# have unequal lc string values => fail
: ( defined $c->[1]
) # actual is undef, critval is def => fail
# We make it this far only if all the criteria passed.
return $this unless wantarray;
push @matching, $this;
continue {
unshift @pile, grep ref($_), @{ $this->{'_content'} || $nillio };
return @matching if wantarray;
sub look_up {
ref( $_[0] ) or Carp::croak "look_up works only as an object method";
my @criteria;
for ( my $i = 1; $i < @_; ) {
Carp::croak "Can't use undef as an attribute name"
unless defined $_[$i];
if ( ref $_[$i] ) {
Carp::croak "A " . ref( $_[$i] ) . " value is not a criterion"
unless ref $_[$i] eq 'CODE';
push @criteria, $_[ $i++ ];
else {
Carp::croak "param list to look_up ends in a key!" if $i == $#_;
push @criteria, [
scalar( $_[0]->_fold_case( $_[$i] ) ),
defined( $_[ $i + 1 ] )
? ( ( ref $_[ $i + 1 ] ? $_[ $i + 1 ] : lc( $_[ $i + 1 ] ) ),
ref( $_[ $i + 1 ] )
: undef # Yes, leave that LC!
$i += 2;
Carp::croak "No criteria?" unless @criteria;
my ( @matching, $val );
my $this = $_[0];
while (1) {
# You'll notice that the code here is almost the same as for look_down.
foreach my $c (@criteria) {
if ( ref($c) eq 'CODE' ) {
next Node unless $c->($this); # jump to the continue block
else { # it's an attr-value pair
next Node # jump to the continue block
if # two values are unequal if:
( defined( $val = $this->{ $c->[0] } ) )
? ( !defined $c->[ 1
] # actual is def, critval is undef => fail
or (
$c->[2] eq 'Regexp'
? $val !~ $c->[1]
: ( ref $val ne $c->[2]
# have unequal ref values => fail
or lc($val) ne $c->[1]
# have unequal lc string values => fail
: ( defined $c->[1]
) # actual is undef, critval is def => fail
# We make it this far only if all the criteria passed.
return $this unless wantarray;
push @matching, $this;
continue {
last unless defined( $this = $this->{'_parent'} ) and ref $this;
return @matching if wantarray;
sub attr_get_i {
if ( @_ > 2 ) {
my $self = shift;
Carp::croak "No attribute names can be undef!"
if grep !defined($_), @_;
my @attributes = $self->_fold_case(@_);
if (wantarray) {
my @out;
foreach my $x ( $self, $self->lineage ) {
push @out,
map { exists( $x->{$_} ) ? $x->{$_} : () } @attributes;
return @out;
else {
foreach my $x ( $self, $self->lineage ) {
foreach my $attribute (@attributes) {
return $x->{$attribute}
if exists $x->{$attribute}; # found
return; # never found
else {
# Single-attribute search. Simpler, most common, so optimize
# for the most common case
Carp::croak "Attribute name must be a defined value!"
unless defined $_[1];
my $self = $_[0];
my $attribute = $self->_fold_case( $_[1] );
if (wantarray) { # list context
map { exists( $_->{$attribute} ) ? $_->{$attribute} : () }
$self, $self->lineage;
else { # scalar context
foreach my $x ( $self, $self->lineage ) {
return $x->{$attribute} if exists $x->{$attribute}; # found
return; # never found
sub tagname_map {
my (@pile) = $_[0]; # start out the to-do stack for the traverser
Carp::croak "find_by_tag_name can be called only as an object method"
unless ref $pile[0];
my ( %map, $this_tag, $this );
while (@pile) {
$this_tag = ''
unless defined( $this_tag = ( $this = shift @pile )->{'_tag'} )
; # dance around the strange case of having an undef tagname.
push @{ $map{$this_tag} ||= [] }, $this; # add to map
unshift @pile, grep ref($_),
@{ $this->{'_content'} || next }; # traverse
return \%map;
sub extract_links {
my $start = shift;
my %wantType;
@wantType{ $start->_fold_case(@_) } = (1) x @_; # if there were any
my $wantType = scalar(@_);
my @links;
# TODO: add xml:link?
my ( $link_attrs, $tag, $self, $val ); # scratch for each iteration
[ sub { # pre-order call only
$self = $_[0];
$tag = $self->{'_tag'};
return 1
if $wantType && !$wantType{$tag}; # if we're selective
if (defined(
$link_attrs = $HTML::DOM::_Element::linkElements{$tag}
# If this is a tag that has any link attributes,
# look over possibly present link attributes,
# saving the value, if found.
for ( ref($link_attrs) ? @$link_attrs : $link_attrs ) {
if ( defined( $val = $self->attr($_) ) ) {
push( @links, [ $val, $self, $_, $tag ] );
1; # return true, so we keep recursing
1, # ignore text nodes
sub simplify_pres {
my $pre = 0;
my $sub;
my $line;
$sub = sub {
++$pre if $_[0]->{'_tag'} eq 'pre';
foreach my $it ( @{ $_[0]->{'_content'} || return } ) {
if ( ref $it ) {
$sub->($it); # recurse!
elsif ($pre) {
#$it =~ s/(?:(?:\cm\cj*)|(?:\cj))/\n/g;
$it = join "\n", map {
$line = $_;
while (
=~ s/^([^\t]*)(\t+)/$1.(" " x ((length($2)<<3)-(length($1)&7)))/e
# Sort of adapted from Text::Tabs -- yes, it's hardwired-in that
# tabs are at every EIGHTH column.
split /(?:(?:\cm\cj*)|(?:\cj))/, $it, -1;
--$pre if $_[0]->{'_tag'} eq 'pre';
$sub->( $_[0] );
undef $sub;
sub same_as {
die 'same_as() takes only one argument: $h->same_as($i)' unless @_ == 2;
my ( $h, $i ) = @_[ 0, 1 ];
die "same_as() can be called only as an object method" unless ref $h;
return 0 unless defined $i and ref $i;
# An element can't be same_as anything but another element!
# They needn't be of the same class, tho.
return 1 if $h eq $i;
# special (if rare) case: anything is the same as... itself!
# assumes that no content lists in/under $h or $i contain subsequent
# text segments, like: ['foo', ' bar']
# compare attributes now.
#print "Comparing tags of $h and $i...\n";
return 0 unless $h->{'_tag'} eq $i->{'_tag'};
# only significant attribute whose name starts with "_"
#print "Comparing attributes of $h and $i...\n";
# Compare attributes, but only the real ones.
# Bear in mind that the average element has very few attributes,
# and that element names are rather short.
# (Values are a different story.)
# XXX I would think that /^[^_]/ would be faster, at least easier to read.
my @keys_h
= sort grep { length $_ and substr( $_, 0, 1 ) ne '_' } keys %$h;
my @keys_i
= sort grep { length $_ and substr( $_, 0, 1 ) ne '_' } keys %$i;
return 0 unless @keys_h == @keys_i;
# different number of real attributes? they're different.
for ( my $x = 0; $x < @keys_h; ++$x ) {
return 0
unless $keys_h[$x] eq $keys_i[$x] and # same key name
$h->{ $keys_h[$x] } eq $i->{ $keys_h[$x] }; # same value
# Should this test for definedness on values?
# People shouldn't be putting undef in attribute values, I think.
#print "Comparing children of $h and $i...\n";
my $hcl = $h->{'_content'} || [];
my $icl = $i->{'_content'} || [];
return 0 unless @$hcl == @$icl;
# different numbers of children? they're different.
if (@$hcl) {
# compare each of the children:
for ( my $x = 0; $x < @$hcl; ++$x ) {
if ( ref $hcl->[$x] ) {
return 0 unless ref( $icl->[$x] );
# an element can't be the same as a text segment
# Both elements:
return 0 unless $hcl->[$x]->same_as( $icl->[$x] ); # RECURSE!
else {
return 0 if ref( $icl->[$x] );
# a text segment can't be the same as an element
# Both text segments:
return 0 unless $hcl->[$x] eq $icl->[$x];
return 1; # passed all the tests!
sub new_from_lol {
my $class = shift;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
# calling as an object method is just the same as ref($h)->new_from_lol(...)
my $lol = $_[1];
my @ancestor_lols;
# So we can make sure there's no cyclicities in this lol.
# That would be perverse, but one never knows.
my ( $sub, $k, $v, $node ); # last three are scratch values
$sub = sub {
#print "Building for $_[0]\n";
my $lol = $_[0];
return unless @$lol;
my ( @attributes, @children );
Carp::croak "Cyclicity detected in source LOL tree, around $lol?!?"
if grep( $_ eq $lol, @ancestor_lols );
push @ancestor_lols, $lol;
my $tag_name = 'null';
# Recursion in in here:
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$lol; ++$i ) { # Iterate over children
if ( ref( $lol->[$i] ) eq 'ARRAY' )
{ # subtree: most common thing in loltree
push @children, $sub->( $lol->[$i] );
elsif ( !ref( $lol->[$i] ) ) {
if ( $i == 0 ) { # name
$tag_name = $lol->[$i];
Carp::croak "\"$tag_name\" isn't a good tag name!"
if $tag_name =~ m/[<>\/\x00-\x20]/
; # minimal sanity, certainly!
else { # text segment child
push @children, $lol->[$i];
elsif ( ref( $lol->[$i] ) eq 'HASH' ) { # attribute hashref
keys %{ $lol->[$i] }; # reset the each-counter, just in case
while ( ( $k, $v ) = each %{ $lol->[$i] } ) {
push @attributes, $class->_fold_case($k), $v
if defined $v
and $k ne '_name'
and $k ne '_content'
and $k ne '_parent';
# enforce /some/ sanity!
elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $lol->[$i], __PACKAGE__ ) ) {
if ( $lol->[$i]->{'_parent'} ) { # if claimed
#print "About to clone ", $lol->[$i], "\n";
push @children, $lol->[$i]->clone();
else {
push @children, $lol->[$i]; # if unclaimed...
#print "Claiming ", $lol->[$i], "\n";
$lol->[$i]->{'_parent'} = 1; # claim it NOW
# This WILL be replaced by the correct value once we actually
# construct the parent, just after the end of this loop...
else {
Carp::croak "new_from_lol doesn't handle references of type "
. ref( $lol->[$i] );
pop @ancestor_lols;
$node = $class->new($tag_name);
#print "Children: @children\n";
if ( $class eq __PACKAGE__ ) { # Special-case it, for speed:
%$node = ( %$node, @attributes ) if @attributes;
#print join(' ', $node, ' ' , map("<$_>", %$node), "\n");
if (@children) {
$node->{'_content'} = \@children;
foreach my $c (@children) {
$c->{'_parent'} = $node
if ref $c;
else { # Do it the clean way...
#print "Done neatly\n";
while (@attributes) { $node->attr( splice @attributes, 0, 2 ) }
$node->push_content( map { $_->{'_parent'} = $node if ref $_; $_ }
@children )
if @children;
return $node;
# End of sub definition.
if (wantarray) {
my (@nodes) = map { ; ( ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ) ? $sub->($_) : $_ } @_;
# Let text bits pass thru, I guess. This makes this act more like
# unshift_content et al. Undocumented.
undef $sub;
# so it won't be in its own frame, so its refcount can hit 0
return @nodes;
else {
Carp::croak "new_from_lol in scalar context needs exactly one lol"
unless @_ == 1;
return $_[0] unless ref( $_[0] ) eq 'ARRAY';
# used to be a fatal error. still undocumented tho.
$node = $sub->( $_[0] );
undef $sub;
# so it won't be in its own frame, so its refcount can hit 0
return $node;
sub objectify_text {
my (@stack) = ( $_[0] );
my ($this);
while (@stack) {
foreach my $c ( @{ ( $this = shift @stack )->{'_content'} } ) {
if ( ref($c) ) {
unshift @stack, $c; # visit it later.
else {
$c = $this->element_class->new(
'text' => $c,
'_parent' => $this
sub deobjectify_text {
my (@stack) = ( $_[0] );
my ($old_node);
if ( $_[0]{'_tag'} eq '~text' ) { # special case
# Puts the $old_node variable to a different purpose
if ( $_[0]{'_parent'} ) {
$_[0]->replace_with( $old_node = delete $_[0]{'text'} )->delete;
else { # well, that's that, then!
$old_node = delete $_[0]{'text'};
if ( ref( $_[0] ) eq __PACKAGE__ ) { # common case
%{ $_[0] } = (); # poof!
else {
# play nice:
delete $_[0]{'_parent'};
return '' unless defined $old_node; # sanity!
return $old_node;
while (@stack) {
foreach my $c ( @{ ( shift @stack )->{'_content'} } ) {
if ( ref($c) ) {
if ( $c->{'_tag'} eq '~text' ) {
$c = ( $old_node = $c )->{'text'};
if ( ref($old_node) eq __PACKAGE__ ) { # common case
%$old_node = (); # poof!
else {
# play nice:
delete $old_node->{'_parent'};
else {
unshift @stack, $c; # visit it later.
# The next three subs are basically copied from Number::Latin,
# based on a one-liner by Abigail. Yes, I could simply require that
# module, and a Roman numeral module too, but really, HTML-Tree already
# has enough dependecies as it is; and anyhow, I don't need the functions
# that do latin2int or roman2int.
no integer;
sub _int2latin {
return unless defined $_[0];
return '0' if $_[0] < 1 and $_[0] > -1;
return '-' . _i2l( abs int $_[0] )
if $_[0] <= -1; # tolerate negatives
return _i2l( int $_[0] );
sub _int2LATIN {
# just the above plus uc
return unless defined $_[0];
return '0' if $_[0] < 1 and $_[0] > -1;
return '-' . uc( _i2l( abs int $_[0] ) )
if $_[0] <= -1; # tolerate negs
return uc( _i2l( int $_[0] ) );
my @alpha = ( 'a' .. 'z' );
sub _i2l { # the real work
my $int = $_[0] || return "";
_i2l( int( ( $int - 1 ) / 26 ) )
. $alpha[ $int % 26 - 1 ]; # yes, recursive
# Yes, 26 => is (26 % 26 - 1), which is -1 => Z!
# And now, some much less impressive Roman numerals code:
my (@i) = ( '', qw(I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX) );
my (@x) = ( '', qw(X XX XXX XL L LX LXX LXXX XC) );
my (@c) = ( '', qw(C CC CCC CD D DC DCC DCCC CM) );
my (@m) = ( '', qw(M MM MMM) );
sub _int2ROMAN {
my ( $i, $pref );
return '0'
if 0 == ( $i = int( $_[0] || 0 ) ); # zero is a special case
return $i + 0 if $i <= -4000 or $i >= 4000;
# Because over 3999 would require non-ASCII chars, like D-with-)-inside
if ( $i < 0 ) { # grumble grumble tolerate negatives grumble
$pref = '-';
$i = abs($i);
else {
$pref = ''; # normal case
my ( $x, $c, $m ) = ( 0, 0, 0 );
if ( $i >= 10 ) {
$x = $i / 10;
$i %= 10;
if ( $x >= 10 ) {
$c = $x / 10;
$x %= 10;
if ( $c >= 10 ) { $m = $c / 10; $c %= 10; }
#print "m$m c$c x$x i$i\n";
return join( '', $pref, $m[$m], $c[$c], $x[$x], $i[$i] );
sub _int2roman { lc( _int2ROMAN( $_[0] ) ) }
sub _int2int { $_[0] } # dummy
%list_type_to_sub = (
'I' => \&_int2ROMAN,
'i' => \&_int2roman,
'A' => \&_int2LATIN,
'a' => \&_int2latin,
'1' => \&_int2int,
sub number_lists {
my (@stack) = ( $_[0] );
my ( $this, $tag, $counter, $numberer ); # scratch
while (@stack) { # yup, pre-order-traverser idiom
if ( ( $tag = ( $this = shift @stack )->{'_tag'} ) eq 'ol' ) {
# Prep some things:
= ( ( $this->{'start'} || '' ) =~ m<^\s*(\d{1,7})\s*$>s )
? $1
: 1;
$numberer = $list_type_to_sub{ $this->{'type'} || '' }
|| $list_type_to_sub{'1'};
# Immeditately iterate over all children
foreach my $c ( @{ $this->{'_content'} || next } ) {
next unless ref $c;
unshift @stack, $c;
if ( $c->{'_tag'} eq 'li' ) {
$counter = $1
if (
( $c->{'value'} || '' ) =~ m<^\s*(\d{1,7})\s*$>s );
$c->{'_bullet'} = $numberer->($counter) . '.';
elsif ( $tag eq 'ul' or $tag eq 'dir' or $tag eq 'menu' ) {
# Immeditately iterate over all children
foreach my $c ( @{ $this->{'_content'} || next } ) {
next unless ref $c;
unshift @stack, $c;
$c->{'_bullet'} = '*' if $c->{'_tag'} eq 'li';
else {
foreach my $c ( @{ $this->{'_content'} || next } ) {
unshift @stack, $c if ref $c;
sub has_insane_linkage {
my @pile = ( $_[0] );
my ( $c, $i, $p, $this ); # scratch
# Another iterative traverser; this time much simpler because
# only in pre-order:
my %parent_of = ( $_[0], 'TOP-OF-SCAN' );
while (@pile) {
$this = shift @pile;
$c = $this->{'_content'} || next;
return ( $this, "_content attribute is true but nonref." )
unless ref($c) eq 'ARRAY';
next unless @$c;
for ( $i = 0; $i < @$c; ++$i ) {
return ( $this, "Child $i is undef" )
unless defined $c->[$i];
if ( ref( $c->[$i] ) ) {
return ( $c->[$i], "appears in its own content list" )
if $c->[$i] eq $this;
return ( $c->[$i],
"appears twice in the tree: once under $this, once under $parent_of{$c->[$i]}"
) if exists $parent_of{ $c->[$i] };
$parent_of{ $c->[$i] } = '' . $this;
# might as well just use the stringification of it.
return ( $c->[$i],
"_parent attribute is wrong (not defined)" )
unless defined( $p = $c->[$i]{'_parent'} );
return ( $c->[$i], "_parent attribute is wrong (nonref)" )
unless ref($p);
return ( $c->[$i],
"_parent attribute is wrong (is $p; should be $this)" )
unless $p eq $this;
unshift @pile, grep ref($_), @$c;
# queue up more things on the pile stack
return; #okay
sub _asserts_fail { # to be run on trusted documents only
my (@pile) = ( $_[0] );
my ( @errors, $this, $id, $assert, $parent, $rv );
while (@pile) {
$this = shift @pile;
if ( defined( $assert = $this->{'assert'} ) ) {
$id = ( $this->{'id'} ||= $this->address )
; # don't use '0' as an ID, okay?
unless ( ref($assert) ) {
package main;
## no critic
$assert = $this->{'assert'} = (
$assert =~ m/\bsub\b/
? eval($assert)
: eval("sub { $assert\n}")
## use critic
if ($@) {
push @errors,
[ $this, "assertion at $id broke in eval: $@" ];
$assert = $this->{'assert'} = sub { };
$parent = $this->{'_parent'};
$rv = undef;
eval {
$rv = $assert->(
$this, $this->{'_tag'}, $this->{'_id'}, # 0,1,2
? ( $parent, $parent->{'_tag'}, $parent->{'id'} )
: () # 3,4,5
if ($@) {
push @errors, [ $this, "assertion at $id died: $@" ];
elsif ( !$rv ) {
push @errors, [ $this, "assertion at $id failed" ];
# else OK
push @pile, grep ref($_), @{ $this->{'_content'} || next };
return @errors;
## _valid_name
# validate XML style attribute names
# http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816/#NT-Name
sub _valid_name {
my $self = shift;
my $attr = shift
or Carp::croak("sub valid_name requires an attribute name");
return (0) unless ( $attr =~ /^$START_CHAR$NAME_CHAR+$/ );
return (1);
sub element_class {
$_[0]->{_element_class} || __PACKAGE__;
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