package Locale::MakePhrase::BackingStore;
our $VERSION = 0.2;
our $DEBUG = 0;
=head1 NAME
Locale::MakePhrase::BackingStore - base-class of the backing store
This is a base-class, of storage-specific implementations for the
L<Locale::MakePhrase> module.
The backing-store may choose to implement seperate files for each
language, or a single file for all languages. It may choose to
implement database lookup... and so on.
This base class implements a generic implementation, which can be used
as a starting point. You should also look at Locale::MakePhrase::BackingStore::E<lt>some moduleE<gt>
for more examples.
L<Locale::MakePhrase> implements the following backing stores:
=over 2
=item *
Single file for all languages (see backing store:
=item *
Files stored within a directory (see backing store:
=item *
Generic database table (see backing store:
=item *
PostgreSQL database table (see backing store:
Alternatively, you could implement an application specific backing
store by doing the following:
=over 3
=item 1.
Make a package which derives from this class.
=item 2.
Implement the init() method, retrieving any options that may have
been supplied to the constructor.
=item 3.
Overload the get_rules() method, returning a list-reference of
L<Locale::MakePhrase::LanguageRule> objects, from the translations
available from your backing store.
For an implementation which uses a text file, this could mean that you
would load the text file if it has changed, constructing the rule
objects during the load, then return a list-reference of objects which
match the request.
For a database implementation, you would need to query the database
for translations which match the request, then construct rule objects
from those translations.
=head1 API
The following methods are implemented:
{ no warnings; require v5.8.0; }
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use base qw();
use Locale::MakePhrase::LanguageRule;
use Locale::MakePhrase::Utils qw(die_from_caller);
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1 if $DEBUG;
=head2 new()
Construct a backing store instance; arguments are passed to the init()
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self->init(@_);
=head2 $self init([...])
Allow sub-class to control construction. The sub-class must return
itself, so as to make construction succeed.
sub init { shift }
=head2 \@rule_objs get_rules($context,$key,\@languages)
Returns a list-reference of rule objects which have just been
retrieved from the storage mechanism. The objects will have been
based on the values of the $context (which is a stringified version of
whatever get passed to C<context_translate> or a value of undef), the
$key (which is your application text string) and the language tags
that L<Locale::MakePhrase> determined for this instance.
Since this is a base class, you need to supply a real implementation,
although you can still use L<Locale::MakePhrase> with this minimal
implementation, so as to allow you to continue application development.
sub get_rules {
my ($self,$context,$key,$languages) = @_;
my $language = shift @{$languages};
my $rule = new Locale::MakePhrase::LanguageRule(
language => $language,
translation => "~[$language~] -> $key",
my @translations;
push @translations, $rule;
print STDERR "Found translations:\n", Dumper(@translations) if $DEBUG;
return \@translations;
=head2 $rule_obj make_rule()
This is a helper routine for making a LanguageRule object. ie: you
would use it like this, within your get_rules() method:
sub get_rules {
my $rule_obj = $self->make_rule(
key => $key,
language => $lang,
expression => $expression,
priority => $priority,
translation => $translation,
Thus, it takes a hash or hash_ref with the options: C<key>,
C<language>, C<expression>, C<priority> and C<translation>
sub make_rule {
my $self = shift;
my %args;
# allow multiple forms of argument passing
if (@_ == 1 and ref($_[0] eq 'HASH')) {
%args = %{$_[0]};
} elsif (@_ > 1 and not(@_ % 2)) {
%args = @_;
} elsif (@_ == 5) {
$args{key} = shift;
$args{language} = shift;
$args{expression} = shift;
$args{priority} = shift;
$args{translation} = shift;
} else {
die("Invalid arguments passed to make_rule()");
# Validate arguments
die_from_caller("Bad rule definition") unless ($args{language} and defined $args{translation});
# make the rule
return new Locale::MakePhrase::LanguageRule(%args);
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