package Module::Build::YAML;
use strict;
$VERSION = "0.50";
@EXPORT = ();
@EXPORT_OK = qw(Dump Load DumpFile LoadFile);
sub new {
my $this = shift;
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
sub Dump {
shift if ($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ || ref($_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__);
my $yaml = "";
foreach my $item (@_) {
$yaml .= "---\n";
$yaml .= &_yaml_chunk("", $item);
return $yaml;
sub Load {
shift if ($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ || ref($_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__);
die "not yet implemented";
# This is basically copied out of and simplified a little.
sub DumpFile {
shift if ($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ || ref($_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__);
my $filename = shift;
local $/ = "\n"; # reset special to "sane"
my $mode = '>';
if ($filename =~ /^\s*(>{1,2})\s*(.*)$/) {
($mode, $filename) = ($1, $2);
open my $OUT, "$mode $filename"
or die "Can't open $filename for writing: $!";
binmode($OUT, ':utf8') if $] >= 5.008;
print $OUT Dump(@_);
close $OUT;
# This is basically copied out of and simplified a little.
sub LoadFile {
shift if ($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ || ref($_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__);
my $filename = shift;
open my $IN, $filename
or die "Can't open $filename for reading: $!";
binmode($IN, ':utf8') if $] >= 5.008;
return Load(do { local $/; <$IN> });
close $IN;
sub _yaml_chunk {
my ($indent, $values) = @_;
my $yaml_chunk = "";
my $ref = ref($values);
my ($value, @allkeys, %keyseen);
if (!$ref) { # a scalar
$yaml_chunk .= &_yaml_value($values) . "\n";
elsif ($ref eq "ARRAY") {
foreach $value (@$values) {
$yaml_chunk .= "$indent-";
$ref = ref($value);
if (!$ref) {
$yaml_chunk .= " " . &_yaml_value($value) . "\n";
else {
$yaml_chunk .= "\n";
$yaml_chunk .= &_yaml_chunk("$indent ", $value);
else { # assume "HASH"
if ($values->{_order} && ref($values->{_order}) eq "ARRAY") {
@allkeys = @{$values->{_order}};
$values = { %$values };
delete $values->{_order};
push(@allkeys, sort keys %$values);
foreach my $key (@allkeys) {
next if (!defined $key || $key eq "" || $keyseen{$key});
$keyseen{$key} = 1;
$yaml_chunk .= "$indent$key:";
$value = $values->{$key};
$ref = ref($value);
if (!$ref) {
$yaml_chunk .= " " . &_yaml_value($value) . "\n";
else {
$yaml_chunk .= "\n";
$yaml_chunk .= &_yaml_chunk("$indent ", $value);
sub _yaml_value {
my ($value) = @_;
# undefs become ~
return '~' if not defined $value;
# empty strings will become empty strings
return '""' if $value eq '';
# allow simple scalars (without embedded quote chars) to be unquoted
# (includes $%_+=-\;:,./)
return $value if $value !~ /["'`~\n!\@\#^\&\*\(\)\{\}\[\]\|<>\?]/;
# quote and escape strings with special values
return "'$value'"
if $value !~ /['`~\n!\#^\&\*\(\)\{\}\[\]\|\?]/; # nothing but " or @ or < or > (email addresses)
$value =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # handle embedded newlines
$value =~ s/"/\\"/g; # handle embedded quotes
return qq{"$value"};
=head1 NAME
Module::Build::YAML - Provides just enough YAML support so that Module::Build works even if is not installed
use Module::Build::YAML;
Provides just enough YAML support so that Module::Build works even if is not installed.
Currently, this amounts to the ability to write META.yml files when C<perl Build distmeta>
is executed via the Dump() and DumpFile() functions/methods.
=head1 AUTHOR
Stephen Adkins <>
Copyright (c) 2006. Stephen Adkins. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See L<>
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez