package RvglobalsoftMgr;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(RVL::Manager);
use Class::Std::Utils;
sub new {
my ( $class, $opt ) = @_;
my ($this) = $class->SUPER::new($opt);
$this->{pageTitle} = 'Home';
$this->{template} = 'home.html';
$this->{_aActionsMapping} = { 'view' => ['view'], };
return $this;
sub validate {
my ( $this, $req, $input ) = @_;
RVL::logMessage( '', __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG );
${$input}->{masterTemplate} = $this->{masterTemplate};
${$input}->{template} = $this->{template};
${$input}->{pageTitle} = $this->{pageTitle};
$this->{validated} = 1;
${$input}->{action} =
$req->get('action') ? $req->get('action') : 'view';
my ($obj) = RVL::Output::singleton();
if ( !Libs::Rvglobalsoft::singleton()->isAcceptLicense() ) {
$obj->redirect( 'rvglobalsoft', 'licenseagreement', '' );
$this->{validated} = 0;
elsif ( !Libs::Rvglobalsoft::singleton()->isSetupApiKey() ) {
RVL::raiseMsg( 'This is your first time visit. You need to set up API key before proceeding. <br />You have to insert your Registered Email and API Key',
$obj->redirect( 'rvglobalsoft', 'apikeysetup', '' );
$this->{validated} = 0;
elsif ( !Libs::Rvglobalsoft::singleton()->isAllowResellerAccess() ) {
'Sorry, ROOT is disabled resellers access to RV Global Store.',
$obj->redirect( 'rvglobalsoft', 'notprivilege', '' );
$this->{validated} = 0;
sub _cmd_view {
my ( $this, $input, $output ) = @_;
RVL::logMessage( '', __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG );
${$output}->{latestVersion} = $this->_get_latestVersion();
${$output}->{curentVersion} = $this->_get_curentVersion();
${$output}->{isSetupApiKey} = Libs::Rvglobalsoft::singleton()->isSetupApiKey();
${$output}->{isAllowResellerAccess} = Libs::Rvglobalsoft::singleton()->isAllowResellerAccess();
sub _get_curentVersion {
my ($this) = @_;
my $versionFile = '/usr/local/rvglobalsoft/rvglobalsoft/rvglobalsoftversion.txt';
my @version = Libs::Rvglobalsoft::parseFile($versionFile);
my $current_version = $version[0];
return $current_version;
sub _get_latestVersion {
my ($this) = @_;
my($request) = "/latestversion.php?program=rvglobalsoft";
my($host) = '';
my $response = Libs::Rvglobalsoft::LWP_get_contents($host.$request);
my @resp = split(/\n+/, $response);
my $latest_version = '-';
foreach my $line (@resp) {
$line = Libs::Rvglobalsoft::trim($line);
next if ($line =~ /^$/);
$latest_version = $line;
my ($pname, $pversion) = split(/:/, $latest_version,2);
$pversion =~ s/^\s+|\s+$|\<br\>//g;
$latest_version = $pversion;
return $latest_version;
sub display {
my ( $this, $output ) = @_;
RVL::logMessage( '', __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG );
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