package RVSInstaller::Virtualization::linux;
use warnings;
use strict;
use base qw( RVSInstaller::Virtualization );
=head1 NAME
Sys::Detect::Virtualization::linux - Detection of virtualization under a Linux system
See L<Sys::Detect::Virtualization> for usage information.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Internal Methods
=over 4
=item new ( )
Constructor. You should not invoke this directly. Instead, use L<Sys::Detect::Virtualization>.
sub new
my ($class) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=item detect_dmesg ( )
Check the output of the 'dmesg' command for telltales.
sub detect_dmesg
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->_check_command_output(
# VMWare
qr/vmxnet virtual NIC/i => [ $self->VIRT_VMWARE ],
qr/vmware virtual ide cdrom/i => [ $self->VIRT_VMWARE ],
# Qemu / KVM
qr/qemu virtual cpu/i => [ $self->VIRT_KVM, $self->VIRT_QEMU ],
# Microsoft virtual PC
qr/Virtual HD, ATA DISK drive/i => [ $self->VIRT_VIRTUALPC ],
qr/Virtual CD, ATAPI CD/i => [ $self->VIRT_VIRTUALPC ],
# Xen
qr/Xen virtual console/ => [ $self->VIRT_XEN ],
# Newer kernels are enlightened...
qr/booting paravirtualized kernel on kvm/i => [ $self->VIRT_KVM ],
qr/booting paravirtualized kernel on lguest/i => [ $self->VIRT_LGUEST ],
qr/booting paravirtualized kernel on vmi/i => [ $self->VIRT_VMWARE ],
qr/booting paravirtualized kernel on xen/i => [ $self->VIRT_XEN ],
# Virtualbox (probably)
=item detect_dmidecode ( )
Check the output of the 'dmidecode' command for telltales.
sub detect_dmidecode
my ($self, $args ) = @_;
eval { require Parse::DMIDecode };
if( $@ ) {
die "Cannot run dmidecode detection without Parse::DMIDecode: $@";
my $dmi_bin = $self->_find_bin( 'dmidecode' );
if( ! $dmi_bin ) {
die 'dmidecode binary not found';
# Hack! Parse::DMIDecode doesn't handle dmidecode failures very well,
# so we first make sure we can run it.
my $rc = system("$dmi_bin >/dev/null 2>&1");
if( $rc != 0 ) {
die "Could not run $dmi_bin: Command exited with " . ($rc >> 8);
my $decoder;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
print "$_[0]\n" if $self->{verbose};
$decoder = Parse::DMIDecode->new(
dmidecode => $dmi_bin,
nowarnings => 1
# First, check BIOS vendor
# BIOS Information
# Vendor: QEMU
my $vendor = $decoder->keyword('bios-vendor');
if( $vendor && $vendor eq 'QEMU' ) {
return [
# VMWare:
# System Information
# Manufacturer: VMware, Inc.
my $mfgr = $decoder->keyword('system-manufacturer');
if( $mfgr && $mfgr =~ /VMWare/i ) {
return [ $self->VIRT_VMWARE ];
# System Information
# Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
# Product Name: Virtual Machine
my $product = $decoder->keyword('system-product-name');
if( $mfgr && $product && $mfgr =~ /microsoft/i
&& $product =~ /virtual machine/i ) {
return [ $self->VIRT_VIRTUALPC ];
return [];
=item detect_ide_devices ( )
Check /proc/ide/hd*/model for telltale model information.
sub detect_ide_devices
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->_check_file_contents(
# VMWare
qr/vmware virtual/ => [ $self->VIRT_VMWARE ],
# VirtualPC
qr/Virtual [HC]D/i => [ $self->VIRT_VIRTUALPC ],
# Qemu / KVM
=item detect_mtab ( )
Check /etc/mtab for telltale devices
sub detect_mtab
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->_check_file_contents(
# vserver
qr{^/dev/hdv1 } => [ $self->VIRT_VSERVER ],
qr{^simfs } => [ $self->VIRT_OPENVZ ],
=item detect_scsi_devices ( )
Check /proc/scsi/scsi for telltale model/vendor information.
sub detect_scsi_devices
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->_check_file_contents(
# VMWare
qr/Vendor: VMware Model: Virtual disk/ => [ $self->VIRT_VMWARE ],
=item detect_paths ( )
Check for particular paths that only exist under virtualization.
sub detect_paths
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->_check_path_exists([
'/dev/vzfs' => [ $self->VIRT_OPENVZ ],
'/dev/vzctl' => [ $self->VIRT_OPENVZ_HOST ],
'/proc/vz' => [ $self->VIRT_OPENVZ ],
'/proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock' => [ $self->VIRT_XEN ],
=item detect_modules ( )
Check for telltale guest modules
sub detect_modules
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->_check_command_output(
$self->_find_bin( 'lsmod' ),
# virtio support exists for kvm and lguest
qr/^virtio_(?:blk|pci|net|balloon)/ => [ $self->VIRT_KVM, $self->VIRT_LGUEST ],
# similarly, for VMWare
qr/^(?:vmmemctl|vmxnet)/ => [ $self->VIRT_VMWARE ],
qr/^vboxadd/ => [ $self->VIRT_VIRTUALBOX ],
Copyright (C) 2009 Roaring Penguin Software Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez