CHips L pro

Current Path : /proc/2/root/usr/local/rvglobalsoft/rvglobalsoftmanager/modules/RvglobalsoftManager/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/2/root/usr/local/rvglobalsoft/rvglobalsoftmanager/modules/RvglobalsoftManager/

package RvglobalsoftManager::Rvlibary;

use strict;
use Carp;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use Cwd 'realpath';
use File::Basename qw(&basename &dirname);
use CGI ':standard';
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use Socket;
use Net::SSLeay qw(get_https post_https sslcat make_headers make_form);

use lib dirname(realpath(__FILE__));
use lib dirname(realpath(__FILE__)).'/lib';
use lib dirname(realpath(__FILE__)).'/modules';

use LWP::Simple qw/get/;

use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK $CONF);
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(

sub parseFile {
    my $file = $_[0];  
    my @aLines = ();
    if( open(my $FILERead, '<', $file) ) {
        @aLines = <$FILERead>;
        for (my $i = 0; $i < @aLines; $i++) {
            $aLines[$i] =~ s/\r|\n//g;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @aLines; $i++) {
        $aLines[$i] =~ s/\r|\n//g;
    return @aLines;

sub parseTextFile {
    my ($file) = $_[0];
    my @aLines = ();
    if(open(my $R, '<', $file)) {
        @aLines = <$R>;
    return @aLines;

sub function_exists {
    no strict 'refs';
    my $funcname = shift;
    return \&{$funcname} if defined &{$funcname};

sub getHomePath {
	return (getpwuid $>)[7] if ( -e (getpwuid $>)[7] );

sub getLatestVersion {
	my $product = $_[0];
	return '-' if(!defined $product || $product eq '');
	my $latestversion = '1.0.0';
	$latestversion = getContentUrl('' . $product);
	return $latestversion;

sub getContentUrl {
	my $url = $_[0];
	my $content = get $url;
	#die "Couldn't get $url" unless defined $content;
  	#print Dumper($content);
  	return $content;

sub getDataFromURL {
    my $host = shift;
    my $uri = shift;
    my $type = ($_[0]) ? $_[0] : 'GET';
    my $port = ($_[1]) ? $_[1] : '80';
    my $saveAs = ($_[2]) ? $_[2] : '';
    my $TARPATH = '';
    my $isSaveFile = 0;
    $uri = '/'.$uri if ($uri !~ m|^/| && $type =~ m/GET/i);
	#print "\$uri=$uri\n";
    my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
    my $ipaddr = inet_aton($host) || print STDERR "host($host) not found.\n";
    my $sockaddr = pack_sockaddr_in($port, $ipaddr);
    socket(SOCK, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || print STDERR "socket error" . ": $!";
    my $sin = sockaddr_in($port, $ipaddr) || print STDERR "sockaddr_in error" . ": $!";
    connect(SOCK, $sin) || print STDERR "socket connect error" . ": $!";
    if (uc($type) eq 'GET') {
        send SOCK, "GET " . $uri . " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: " . $host . "\r\n\r\n", 0;
    } else {
        my ($path, $query) = split(/\?/, $uri, 2);
        send SOCK, "POST " . $path . " HTTP/1.0\r\n", 0;
        send SOCK, "Host: " . $host . "\r\n", 0;
        send SOCK, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 0;
        send SOCK, "Content-Length: " . length($query) . "\r\n", 0;
        send SOCK, "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n", 0;
        send SOCK, "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n", 0;
        send SOCK, "\r\n", 0;
        send SOCK, $query, 0;
    my $inheaders = 1;
    my $result = '';
    my $filePointer;
    if (defined($saveAs) && $saveAs ne '') {
        if (!-e $TARPATH) {
            mkdir($TARPATH, 0755);
        if (-e $saveAs) {
        if (open($filePointer, '>', $saveAs)) {
            $isSaveFile = 1;
    while (my $temp = <SOCK>) {
        if (!$inheaders) {
            $result .= $temp;
            if ($isSaveFile) {
                print $filePointer $temp;
        $temp =~s/\n|\r\n//g;
        $temp =~s/\s$//g;
        if ($temp=~/^$/ && $inheaders) { $inheaders = 0; }
    if ($isSaveFile) {
    return $result;

sub getCachePath {
	return '/tmp';

sub callBackticks{
    my $cmd = $_[0];
    my $getCacheFile = getCachePath() . '/.rvsBackticks-' . localtime(time);
    if (-w $getCacheFile) {
        unlink($getCacheFile) if (-w $getCacheFile);
    my ($TestBackticks) = `echo 'RV Test Backticks'`;
    my ($skipBackticks) = 0;
    if ($TestBackticks !~/RV Test Backticks/) {
        $skipBackticks = 1;
    if ($skipBackticks eq 1) {
        system("$cmd > $getCacheFile 2>&1");

    my $resuft = '';
    if (-f $getCacheFile) {
        my ($fd);
        open($fd, '<', $getCacheFile);
        $resuft = join('',<$fd>);
        unlink($getCacheFile) if (-f $getCacheFile);
    } else {
        $resuft = `$cmd`;
    return $resuft;

sub rvsLicenseEncode {
    my @aAllIP = @_;
    my $aRVCode = {
            'ips' => serialize(\@aAllIP),
            'virtualization' => 0,
            'encrypt-type' => 'ioncube',
            'license-code' => '',
    $aRVCode = SerializerData($aRVCode);
    $aRVCode =~ s/\r|\t|\n//gi;
    return $aRVCode;

sub serialize {
    my ($ref) = @_;
    my $s;
    if ( ref($ref) =~ /hash|array/i ) {
        $s = serialize_sub( $ref, '', 1 );
    else {
        return serialize_value($ref);
    return $s;

sub serialize_sub {
    my ( $ref, $k, $no_key ) = @_;
    my $s;
    $s .= serialize_value($k) unless ($no_key);

    if ($no_key) {
        #print "\n\nno_key is set, ref=$ref, ". ref($ref) .", k=$k, s=$s\n\n";

    if ( ref($ref) =~ /hash/i ) {
        my $num = keys( %{$ref} );
        $s .= "a:$num:{";
        foreach my $k ( keys(%$ref) ) {
            $s .= serialize_sub( $$ref{$k}, $k );
        $s .= "}";
    elsif ( ref($ref) =~ /array/i ) {
        my $num = @{$ref};
        $s .= "a:$num:{";
        for ( my $k = 0 ; $k < @$ref ; $k++ ) {
            $s .= serialize_sub( $$ref[$k], $k );
        $s .= "}";
    elsif ( !ref($ref) ) {
        $s .= serialize_value($ref);
    else {
        die( "Cannot handle $ref = type (" . ref($ref) . ")" );

    return $s;

sub serialize_value {
    my ($value) = @_;
    my $s;
    if ( $value =~ /^\-?\d+$/ ) {
        if ( abs($value) > 2**32 ) {
            $s = "d:$value;";
        else {
            $s = "i:$value;";
    elsif ( $value =~ /^\-?(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ ) {
        $s = "d:$value;";
    elsif ( $value eq "\0" ) {
        $s = "N;";
    else {
        my $vlen = length($value);
        $s = "s:$vlen:\"$value\";";

    return $s;

sub getAllIP{
    my $cmd_uname = rvsWhich('uname');
    my $system = callBackticks2("$cmd_uname -s");
    my @allIPList = ();
    $system =~s/\n|\r//gi;
    my $ips = '';
    my @ListIPS = ();
    if ( $system =~/freebsd/i) {
        $ips = callBackticks2('/sbin/ifconfig -a');
    } else {
        $ips = callBackticks2("/sbin/ifconfig");
    @ListIPS = split('\n', $ips);
    foreach (@ListIPS) {
        if ( /(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*).(\d*)/) {
            if ( $1 ne '127' ) {
                push(@allIPList, $1 . '.' . $2 . '.' . $3 . '.' . $4);
    return @allIPList;

sub rvsWhich {
    my ($cmd) = $_[0];
    return if ($cmd eq '');
    return if ($cmd =~/\//);
    my @binpathList = (
    my $whichCmd = '';
    foreach my $path(@binpathList) {
        if ( -x $path . '/' . 'which') {
            $whichCmd = $path . '/' . 'which';
    if ($whichCmd eq '') {
        print STDERR "which command is not support.\n";
        return '';
    my $binpath = '';
    $binpath = callBackticks2("$whichCmd $cmd");
    chomp ($binpath);
    $binpath =~s/\n|\r//gi;
    if ($binpath eq '') {
        foreach my $path(@binpathList) {
            if ( -x $path . '/' . $cmd) {
                $binpath = $path . '/' . $cmd;

    if ($binpath eq '') {
        print STDERR "$cmd command is not support.\n";
        return '';
    return $binpath;

sub callBackticks2{
    my $cmd = join(' ', @_);

    if (-f '/tmp/.rvsSkinBackticks') {
        system('rm -f /tmp/.rvsSkinBackticks');
    my ($TestBackticks) = `echo 'RV Test RVSkin Backticks'`;
    my ($skipBackticks) = 0;
    if ($TestBackticks !~/RV Test RVSkin Backticks/) {
        $skipBackticks = 1;
    if (-f '/tmp/.rvsSkinBackticks' || $skipBackticks eq 1) {
        system("$cmd > /tmp/.rvsSkinBackticks 2>&1");
    my ($resuft);
    if (-f '/tmp/.rvsSkinBackticks') {
        if (open(my $fd, '<', '/tmp/.rvsSkinBackticks')) {
            $resuft = join('',<$fd>);
        system('rm -f /tmp/.rvsSkinBackticks');
    } else {
        $resuft = `$cmd 2>&1`;
    return $resuft;

sub SerializerData {
	eval {
		use MIME::Base64;
	    return encode_base64(serialize($_[0]));

sub getcontentbyurl {
    my ($url,$method,$args) = @_;

    my ($host,$port,$path) = extracturl($url);

    my %OPT;
    if ($url =~ '^https:\/\/') {
        $OPT{'usessl'} = 1;

    $OPT{'host'} = $host;
    $OPT{'port'} = $port;
    $OPT{'request'} = $path;
    $OPT{'args'} = $args;
    $OPT{'method'} = (defined $method && $method ne '')? $method : 'GET';
    my %result =  _socket(%OPT);
    return %result;    

sub extracturl {
    my $url = $_[0];
    my ($host,$port,$path);
    $url =~s/http:\/\///;
    $url =~s/https:\/\///;
    $host = $url;
    if ($url =~ /\//) {
        $path = '/' . $path;
        $url =~s/\/.*//;
    if ($url =~ /:/) {
        ($host,$port) = split(/:/,$host,2);
    return ($host,$port,$path);

sub _socket {
    my %OPT = @_;
    #prepare vars
    my %result;    
    my ($host,$port,$request,$args,$method,$usessl);
    $host = defined $OPT{'host'} ? $OPT{'host'} : '';
    $port = defined $OPT{'port'} ? $OPT{'port'} : '';  
    $request = defined $OPT{'request'} ? $OPT{'request'} : '/'; 
    $args = defined $OPT{'args'} ? $OPT{'args'} : '';
    $method = defined $OPT{'method'} ? $OPT{'method'} : 'GET';
    $usessl = defined $OPT{'usessl'} ? $OPT{'usessl'} : 0;
    my ($authBasic,$user,$password,$accountEncode);
    $authBasic = defined $OPT{'authbasic'} ? $OPT{'authbasic'} : '0';
    $user = defined $OPT{'user'} ? $OPT{'user'} : ''; 
    $password = defined $OPT{'password'} ? $OPT{'password'} : '';
    $accountEncode = '';
    if ($authBasic) {
        $password =~ s/[\r\n]+//g;
        $accountEncode = "$user:$password";
        $accountEncode = encode_base64_2("$user:$password");
    if ($usessl) {
        %result = _sslsocket($host,$port,$request,$args,$method,$accountEncode);
    } else {
        %result = _nonsslsocket($host,$port,$request,$args,$method,$authBasic,$accountEncode);
    return %result;

sub _nonsslsocket {
    my ($host,$port,$request,$args,$method,$authBasic,$accountEncode) = @_;
    $port = ($port ne '') ? $port : '80'; 
    my %result;
    my ($sin,$ipaddr,$len,$header);
    $ipaddr = gethostbyname($host);
    if (!defined ($ipaddr)) {
        $result{'socketfail'} = "Cannot get protocal by hostname $host";
        return %result;
    $sin = sockaddr_in($port,$ipaddr);
    if (!connect (SOCKET,$sin)) {
        $result{'socketfail'} = "Cannot create socket connection to server `$host`";
        return %result;
    if ($method eq 'GET') {
        if ($args ne '') {
            $request .= "?$args";
        $args = '';
    my $oldfh = select(SOCKET);
    $| = 1;
    my ($referer )="http://$host$request";
    $len = length($args);
    $header = "$method $request HTTP/1.0\r\n";
    $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
    $header .= "Host: $host\r\n";
    $header .= "Content-Length: $len\r\n";
    $header .= "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n";
    $header .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
    $header .= "Referer: $referer\r\n";
    $header .= "\r\n";
    if ($authBasic) {
        $header .= "Authorization: Basic ".
    $header.= $args;
    print SOCKET $header;
    my ($inheaders) = 1;

    while (<SOCKET>) {
       my $temp = $_;
        if ($temp =~/^\n|^\r\n$/) {
            $inheaders = 0;

        if($inheaders) { 
            $temp =~s/\n//g;
            $temp =~s/\s$//g;
            my ($key,$value)=split(/: /,$temp);
            if ($key =~/^http\//i) {
                $result{'header'}{'httpresponse'} = $temp;
            $result{'header'}{lc($key)} = $value;
        } else {
            $result{'page'} .= $temp;
    close SOCKET;
    return %result;

sub _sslsocket {
    my ($host,$port,$request,$args,$method,$accountEncode) = @_;
    my %result;
    my $socketResult = '';
    my $page = '';
    my $httpresponse = ''; 
    my %headers;
    $port = ($port ne '') ? $port : '443';
    my $perlcommand = rvsWhich('perl');
    my $hasNetSSLeay = `$perlcommand -e 'eval { require Net::SSLeay; print 1; }' 2>&1`;
    if ($hasNetSSLeay ne '1') {
        $result{'socketfail'} = 'Not support Net::SSLeay';
        return %result;
    if ( $method && $method eq 'POST' ) {
        $socketResult = `$perlcommand -e "
        use Net::SSLeay;
        print join\('{RVNL}',Net::SSLeay::post_https\( '$host', '$port', '$request',Net::SSLeay::make_headers\( 'Authorization' => 'Basic $accountEncode', 'Connection' => 'close' \),'$args'\)\);
        " 2>&1`;
    } else {
        if ($args ne '') {
            $request .= "?$args";
        $socketResult = `$perlcommand -e "
        use Net::SSLeay;
        print join\('{RVNL}',Net::SSLeay::get_https\( '$host', '$port', '$request',Net::SSLeay::make_headers\( 'Authorization' => 'Basic $accountEncode', 'Connection' => 'close' \)\)\);
        " 2>&1`;
    ($page, $httpresponse, %headers) = split('{RVNL}', $socketResult);
    $result{'header'}{'httpresponse'} = $httpresponse;
    foreach my $headkey(keys %headers) {
        $result{'header'}{lc($headkey)} = $headers{$headkey};
    $result{'page'} = $page;
    return %result;

sub encode_base64_2 {
    my $res = "";
    my $eol = "\n";
    pos($_[0]) = 0;
    while ($_[0] =~ /(.{1,45})/gs) {
        $res .= substr(pack("u", $1), 1);
    $res =~ tr/` -_/AA-Za-z0-9+\//;
    my $padding = (3 - length($_[0]) % 3) % 3;
    $res =~ s/.{$padding}$/"=" x $padding/e if $padding;
    if (length $eol) {
        $res =~ s/(.{1,76})/$1$eol/g;
    return $res;

sub UnSerializerData{
    eval {
    	use MIME::Base64;
        return %{unserialize(decode_base64($_[0]))};

sub unserialize {
    my ($string) = @_;
    if ( $string =~/^a:(\d+):(\{(.*)\})$/s ) {
        #print "Unserializing complex array ($string)" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);
        my $keys = $1 * 2;
        my @chars = split( //, $2 );
        undef $string;
        return unserialize_sub( {}, $keys, \@chars );
    elsif ( $string =~/^s/ ) {
        #print "Unserializing single string ($string)" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);

        $string =~/^s:(\d+):/;
        return substr( $string, length($1) + 4, $1 );
    elsif ( $string =~/^i|^d/ ) {
        #print "Unserializing integer or double ($string)" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);

        return substr( $string, 2 ) + 0;
    elsif ( $string =~/^N/i ) {
        #print "Unserializing NULL value ($string)" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);

        return "\0";
    else {
        #print "Unserializing BAD DATA! ($string)" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);

        return '';

sub unserialize_sub {
    my ( $hashref, $keys, $chars ) = @_;
    my ( $temp, $keyname, $skip, $strlen );
    my $mode = 'normal';

    #print "unserialize: $hashref, $keys, $chars\n" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);

    while ( defined( my $c = shift @{$chars} ) ) {
        #print "\t[$mode] = $c\n" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);

        if ( $mode eq 'string' ) {
            $skip = 1;
            if ( $c =~/\d+/ ) {

                $strlen = $strlen . $c;
                #print "string length = $strlen ($c)\n" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);
            if ( ( $strlen =~/\d+/ ) && ( $c eq ':' ) ) {
                $mode = 'readstring';

        elsif ( $mode eq 'readstring' ) {

            next if ( $skip-- > 0 );
            $mode = 'set', next if ( !$strlen-- );

            $temp .= $c;

        elsif ( $mode eq 'integer' ) {
            next if ( $c eq ':' );
            $mode = 'set', next if ( $c eq ';' );

            if ( $c =~/\-|\d+/ ) {
                if ( $c eq '-' ) {
                    $temp .= $c unless $temp;
                else {
                    $temp .= $c;

        elsif ( $mode eq 'double' ) {
            next if ( $c eq ':' );
            $mode = 'set', next if ( $c eq ';' );

            if ( $c =~/\-|\d+|\./ ) {
                if ( $c eq '-' ) {
                    $temp .= $c unless $temp;
                else {
                    $temp .= $c;

        elsif ( $mode eq 'null' ) {
            $temp = "\0";
            $mode = 'set', next;
        elsif ( $mode eq 'array' ) {
            if ( $c eq '{' ) {
                $$hashref{$keyname} = unserialize_sub( $$hashref{$keyname}, ( $temp * 2 ), $chars );
                undef $keyname;
                $mode = 'normal';

            elsif ( $c =~/\d+/ ) {
                $temp = $temp . $c;
                #print "array_length = $temp ($c)\n" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);

        elsif ( $mode eq 'set' ) {
            if ( defined($keyname) ) {
                #print "set VALUE=$temp\n" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);

                $$hashref{$keyname} = $temp;

                undef $keyname;

            else {
                #print "set KEYNAME=$temp\n" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);
                $keyname = $temp;

            $mode = 'normal';

        if ( $mode eq 'normal' ) {
            $strlen = $temp = '';

            if ( !$keys ) {
                #print "return, no more keys to process = ($keys)\n" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);
                return $hashref;

            if ( $c eq 'i' ) {
                $mode = 'integer';

            if ( $c eq 'd' ) {
                $mode = 'double';

            if ( $c eq 'b' ) {
                $mode = 'integer';

            if ( $c eq 's' ) {
                $mode = 'string';

            if ( $c eq 'a' ) {
                $mode = 'array';

            if ( $c eq 'N' ) {
                $mode = 'null';


    #print "return normally (chars=" . ( join ',', @$chars ) . ")\n" if ($SERIALIZE_DBG);
    return $hashref;

sub is_privateIP {
    my @ip = @_;
    foreach my $aip (@ip) {
       my @ipsplit =  split(/\./, $aip , 4);
       #if ip prefix is not 10,172,192, this ip is not private ip
       if ($ipsplit[0] !~/10|172|192/) {
           return 0;
       my $ipCompare = join('',@ipsplit);
       if ($ipCompare >= 10000 && $ipCompare <= 10255255255) { #between to
          return 1;
       if ($ipCompare >= 1721600 && $ipCompare <= 17231255255) { #between to
          return 1;
       if ($ipCompare >= 19216800 && $ipCompare <= 192168255255) { #between to
          return 1;
    return 0;


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