package RVsitebuilder7Libs;
my (@INC_OLD) = reverse @INC;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
use RVL::oAuth;
use base qw(RVL::RVGlobalSoft);
use Class::Std::Utils;
use Cpanel::Security::Authn::TwoFactorAuth ();
use Cpanel::Security::Authn::TwoFactorAuth::Google ();
use Cpanel::Config::userdata::TwoFactorAuth::Secrets ();
use Cpanel::Config::userdata::TwoFactorAuth::Issuers ();
use Cpanel::Exception ();
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
my ($this) = $class->SUPER::new();
return $this;
Returns a singleton Registry instance.
sub singleton {
my ($class) = __PACKAGE__;
if (!-d RVL::CpHandle::singleton()->getHomeDir() . '/.rvglobalsoft') {
RVL::File::mkdirp(RVL::CpHandle::singleton()->getHomeDir() . '/.rvglobalsoft', '0755');
if (!defined $RVL::INSTANCE{$class}) {
$RVL::INSTANCE{$class} = $class->new();
return $RVL::INSTANCE{$class};
package RVsitebuidler7Libs::API;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
use Class::Std::Utils;
use DBI;
use IO::Socket;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
#use Net::SSH::Perl;
use MIME::Base64;
use RVL::File;
use Socket;
sub new {
my ($class, $opt) = @_;
my %hash;
my ($this) = bless( \%hash, $class);
return $this;
sub FunctionTemplate {
my ($this , $var1, $var2) = @_;
RVL::logMessage('', __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my $datareturn = '';
return $datareturn;
sub covertToJSON {
my ($this , $data) = @_ ;
my $dataRespJson = Dumper($data);
$dataRespJson =~ s/(^\$)//gi;
$dataRespJson =~ s/(\=\>)/:/gi;
return $dataRespJson;
sub covertJSONToHASH {
my ($this , $data) = @_ ;
my $dataRespJson = {};
my @list1 = split /,/, $data;
foreach my $item (@list1) {
my ($i, $j) = split(/:/, $item);
$i =~ s/"//ig;
$i =~ s/{//ig;
$i =~ s/}//ig;
$j =~ s/"//ig;
$j =~ s/{//ig;
$j =~ s/}//ig;
$j =~ s/true/1/ig;
$j =~ s/false/0/ig;
$dataRespJson->{$i} = $j;
return $dataRespJson;
sub getUserLogin {
my ($this) = @_ ;
sub parseFile {
my ($this , $file) = @_ ;
my $ref_isReadSuccess = $_[1]; #if '$_[1]' not defined '$ref_isWriteSuccess' will not defined also
my @aLines = ();
if (open(my $FILERead, '<', $file)) {
@aLines = <$FILERead>;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @aLines; $i++) {
$aLines[$i] =~ s/\r|\n//g;
if (defined($ref_isReadSuccess) && ref($ref_isReadSuccess) eq 'SCALAR') {
${$ref_isReadSuccess} = 1;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @aLines; $i++) {
$aLines[$i] =~ s/\r|\n//g;
return @aLines;
sub parseIniFile {
my ($this , $file) = @_ ;
my $ref_isReadSuccess =
$_[1]; #if '$_[1]' not defined '$ref_isReadSuccess' will not defined also
my $res = {};
#if (-e $file && -r $file) {
if (open(my $FILERead, '<', $file)) {
my $openGroup = '';
while (<$FILERead>) {
$_ =~ s/\r|\n//gi;
next if (/^$/gi);
next if (/^#/);
#found group
if (/^\[(.*?)\]$/) {
$openGroup = $1;
$openGroup =~ s/^ +//gi;
$openGroup =~ s/ +$//gi;
$res->{$openGroup} = {};
#normal ini
my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $_, 2);
$key = $this->trim($key);
$value = $this->trim($value);
if ($openGroup) {
if (!exists $res->{$openGroup}->{$key}) {
$res->{$openGroup}->{$key} = $value;
} else {
$res->{$key} = $value;
if (defined($ref_isReadSuccess) && ref($ref_isReadSuccess) eq 'SCALAR') {
${$ref_isReadSuccess} = 1;
} else {
$res = {};
return $res;
sub parseTextFile {
my ($this , $file) = @_ ;
my @aLines = ();
if (open(my $R, '<', $file)) {
@aLines = <$R>;
return @aLines;
sub file {
RVL::logMessage('', __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this , $path) = @_ ;
my @aLines = ();
if (-f $path) {
if (open(my $FILERead, '<', $path)) {
@aLines = <$FILERead>;
#@aLines = map($_=~s/\r|\n//g, <R>);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @aLines; $i++) {
$aLines[$i] =~ s/\r|\n//g;
return @aLines;
sub trim {
my ($this , $string) = @_ ;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
sub LWP_get_contents {
my ($this , $host, $params, $type) = @_;
if (!defined $type || $type eq '') {
$type = 'get';
use LWP::UserAgent;
$host = 'https://' . $host if ($host !~ m/^https/i);
my ($obj) = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$obj->ssl_opts( verify_hostname => 0 );
$obj->agent('Perl - RV Get Content');
my $response = {};
if ($type eq 'post') {
$response = $obj->post($host, $params);
} else {
$response = $obj->get($host);
my $output = '';
if ($response->is_success) {
$output = $response->decoded_content;
} else {
print STDERR "LWP_get_contents error: " . $response->status_line . "\n";
return $output;
sub writeFile {
my ($this , $path, $linesRef) = @_;
RVL::logMessage('', __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my $iswriteFile = 0;
if (open(my $FILEWrite, '>', $path)) {
print $FILEWrite $linesRef;
$iswriteFile = 1;
return $iswriteFile;
sub parseIniFiles1 {
my ($this , $path) = @_;
my %conf = ();
my @lines = $this->file($path);
foreach my $array (@lines) {
next if ($array =~ /^$/);
my ($keys, $values) = split('=', $array, 2);
$keys = $this->trim($keys);
$values = $this->trim($values);
$conf{$keys} = $values;
return %conf;
sub getAppName {
my $appName = 'cpanel';
if ($ENV{SERVER_PORT} eq '2086' || $ENV{SERVER_PORT} eq '2087') {
$appName = 'whm';
} elsif ($ENV{SERVER_PORT} eq '2095' || $ENV{SERVER_PORT} eq '2096') {
$appName = 'webmail';
return $appName;
sub getLatestVersion {
my ($this) = @_ ;
my ($request) = "/latestversion.php?program=symantecvip";
my ($host) = 'download.rvglobalsoft.com';
my $response = $this->LWP_get_contents($host . $request);
my @resp = split(/\n+/, $response);
my $latest_version = '-';
foreach my $line (@resp) {
$line = $this->trim($line);
next if ($line =~ /^$/);
$latest_version = $line;
my ($pname, $pversion) = split(/:/, $latest_version, 2);
$pversion =~ s/^\s+|\s+$|\<br\>//g;
$latest_version = $pversion;
return $latest_version;
sub getCurrentVersion {
my ($this) = @_;
my $current_version = '0.0';
my $versionFile = '/usr/local/rvglobalsoft/rvadmintools/rvadmintoolsversion.txt';
my @version = ();
if (-f $versionFile) {
@version = $this->parseFile($versionFile);
$current_version = $version[0];
return $current_version;
sub extracturl {
my ($this , $url) = @_;
my ($host, $port, $path);
$url =~ s/http:\/\///;
$url =~ s/https:\/\///;
$host = $url;
if ($url =~ /\//) {
($host, $path) = split(/\//, $url, 2);
$path = '/' . $path;
$url =~ s/\/.*//;
if ($url =~ /:/) {
($host, $port) = split(/:/, $host, 2);
return ($host, $port, $path);
sub getcontentbyurl {
my ($this , $url) = @_ ;
my ($host, $port, $path) = $this->extracturl($url);
my %OPT;
if ($url =~ '^https:\/\/') {
$OPT{'usessl'} = 1;
$OPT{'host'} = $host;
$OPT{'port'} = $port;
$OPT{'request'} = $path;
$OPT{'method'} = 'GET';
my %result = $this->socket2(%OPT);
return %result;
sub socket2 {
my ($this , %OPT) = @_;
#prepare vars
my %result;
my ($host, $port, $request, $args, $method, $usessl);
$host = defined $OPT{'host'} ? $OPT{'host'} : '';
$port = defined $OPT{'port'} ? $OPT{'port'} : '';
$request = defined $OPT{'request'} ? $OPT{'request'} : '/';
$args = defined $OPT{'args'} ? $OPT{'args'} : '';
$method = defined $OPT{'method'} ? $OPT{'method'} : 'GET';
$usessl = defined $OPT{'usessl'} ? $OPT{'usessl'} : 0;
my ($authBasic, $user, $password, $accountEncode);
$authBasic = defined $OPT{'authbasic'} ? $OPT{'authbasic'} : '0';
$user = defined $OPT{'user'} ? $OPT{'user'} : '';
$password = defined $OPT{'password'} ? $OPT{'password'} : '';
$accountEncode = '';
if ($authBasic) {
$password =~ s/[\r\n]+//g;
$accountEncode = "$user:$password";
$accountEncode = encode_base64_2("$user:$password");
if ($usessl) {
$this->_printdebug("## SSL Connect ##");
#print STDERR "## SSL Connect ## \n";
%result = $this->_sslsocket($host, $port, $request, $args, $method, $accountEncode);
} else {
$this->_printdebug("## None SSL Connect ##");
#print STDERR "## None SSL Connect ## \n";
%result =
$this->_nonsslsocket($host, $port, $request, $args, $method, $authBasic, $accountEncode);
return %result;
sub _nonsslsocket {
my ($this , $host, $port, $request, $args, $method, $authBasic, $accountEncode) = @_;
$port = ($port ne '') ? $port : '80';
my %result;
my ($sin, $ipaddr, $len, $header);
$ipaddr = gethostbyname($host);
if (!defined($ipaddr)) {
$result{'socketfail'} = "Cannot get protocal by hostname $host";
return %result;
$sin = sockaddr_in($port, $ipaddr);
if (!connect(SOCKET, $sin)) {
$result{'socketfail'} = "Cannot create socket connection to server `$host`";
return %result;
if ($method eq 'GET') {
if ($args ne '') {
$request .= "?$args";
$args = '';
my $oldfh = select(SOCKET);
$| = 1;
my ($referer) = "http://$host$request";
$len = length($args);
$header = "$method $request HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$header .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$header .= "Content-Length: $len\r\n";
$header .= "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n";
$header .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
$header .= "Referer: $referer\r\n";
$header .= "\r\n";
if ($authBasic) {
$header .= "Authorization: Basic " . $accountEncode . "\r\n";
$header .= $args;
print SOCKET $header;
my ($inheaders) = 1;
while (<SOCKET>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\r\n$/) {
$inheaders = 0;
my $temp = $_;
if ($inheaders) {
$temp =~ s/\n//g;
$temp =~ s/\s$//g;
my ($key, $value) = split(/: /, $temp);
if ($key =~ /^http\//i) {
$result{'header'}{'httpresponse'} = $temp;
$result{'header'}{ lc($key) } = $value;
} else {
$result{'page'} .= $temp;
close SOCKET;
return %result;
sub _sslsocket {
my ($this , $host, $port, $request, $args, $method, $accountEncode) = @_;
my %result;
my $socketResult = '';
my $page = '';
my $httpresponse = '';
my %headers;
$port = ($port ne '') ? $port : '443';
my $hasNetSSLeay = `perl -e 'eval { require Net::SSLeay; print 1; }' 2>&1`;
if ($hasNetSSLeay eq '0') {
$result{'socketfail'} = 'Not support Net::SSLeay';
return %result;
if ($method && $method eq 'POST') {
$socketResult = `perl -e "
use Net::SSLeay;
print join\('{RVNL}',Net::SSLeay::post_https\( '$host', '$port', '$request',Net::SSLeay::make_headers\( 'Authorization' => 'Basic $accountEncode', 'Connection' => 'close' \),'$args'\)\);
" 2>&1`;
} else {
if ($args ne '') {
$request .= "?$args";
$socketResult = `perl -e "
use Net::SSLeay;
print join\('{RVNL}',Net::SSLeay::get_https\( '$host', '$port', '$request',Net::SSLeay::make_headers\( 'Authorization' => 'Basic $accountEncode', 'Connection' => 'close' \)\)\);
" 2>&1`;
($page, $httpresponse, %headers) = split('{RVNL}', $socketResult);
$result{'header'}{'httpresponse'} = $httpresponse;
foreach my $headkey (keys %headers) {
$result{'header'}{ lc($headkey) } = $headers{$headkey};
$result{'page'} = $page;
return %result;
sub encode_base64_2 {
my $res = "";
my $eol = "\n";
pos($_[0]) = 0;
while ($_[0] =~ /(.{1,45})/gs) {
$res .= substr(pack("u", $1), 1);
$res =~ tr/` -_/AA-Za-z0-9+\//;
my $padding = (3 - length($_[0]) % 3) % 3;
$res =~ s/.{$padding}$/"=" x $padding/e if $padding;
if (length $eol) {
$res =~ s/(.{1,76})/$1$eol/g;
return $res;
sub _printdebug {
my ($this , $msg) = @_ ;
my $DEBUG;
print ":: LOG :: $msg\n" if $DEBUG;
sub getcookie {
my ($this , $cookie_key) = @_ ;
return '' if !defined($cookie_key);
sub getHostName {
my ($this , $cmd) = @_ ;
my $hostName = RVL::CpHandle::singleton()->getHostname();
return $hostName;
sub parseNSFile {
my ($this , $path) = @_;
my %conf = ();
my @lines = $this->file($path);
foreach my $array (@lines) {
next if ($array =~ /^$/);
my ($keys, $values) = split(':', $array, 2);
$keys = $this->trim($keys);
$values = $this->trim($values);
$conf{$keys} = $values;
return %conf;
sub getRVadmintoolsLatestVersion{
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this) = @_;
my $program = 'rvadmintools';
my($request) = "/latestversion.php?program=$program&getarray=perl";
my($host) = 'download.rvglobalsoft.com';
my $response = $this->LWP_get_contents($host.$request);
my @resp = split(/\n+/, $response);
my $latest_version = '1.0.0';
foreach my $line (@resp) {
$line = $this->trim($line);
next if ($line =~ /^$/);
$latest_version = $line;
if ($program eq 'rvsitebuilder') {
$latest_version =~ s/\n|\s//g;
} else {
my ($pname, $pversion) = split(/=/, $latest_version,2);
$pversion =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
$latest_version = $pversion;
#updateVersionCache($program, $latest_version);
return $latest_version;
sub getFullURL {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this) = @_;
my $fullurl = '';
my $protocol = 'http://';
if ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} eq '2087') {
$protocol = 'https://';
my $servername = $this->getHostName();
$fullurl = $protocol.$servername.':'.$ENV{'SERVER_PORT'}.$ENV{cp_security_token};
return $fullurl;
sub getRvadminPath {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this) = @_;
my $userlogin = $this->getUserLogin();
my $rvadminhomepath = (getpwnam('rvadmin'))[7];
if ($userlogin ne 'root') {
$rvadminhomepath = (getpwnam($userlogin))[7];
$rvadminhomepath = $rvadminhomepath.'/rvadmin';
return $rvadminhomepath;
sub getEmailTweak {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my $tempconfig = RVL::File::parse_ini_file($rvadminpath.'/_global');
my $emailconfig = {};
$emailconfig->{'readwebmail_skipicon'} = (defined $tempconfig->{'readwebmail_skipicon'} && $tempconfig->{'readwebmail_skipicon'} eq '1') ? $tempconfig->{'readwebmail_skipicon'} : '0';
$emailconfig->{'editemailquota_skipicon'} = (defined $tempconfig->{'editemailquota_skipicon'} && $tempconfig->{'editemailquota_skipicon'} eq '1') ? $tempconfig->{'editemailquota_skipicon'} : '0';
$emailconfig->{'changeemailpassword_skipicon'} = (defined $tempconfig->{'changeemailpassword_skipicon'} && $tempconfig->{'changeemailpassword_skipicon'} eq '1') ? $tempconfig->{'changeemailpassword_skipicon'} : '0';
$emailconfig->{'aging_skipicon'} = (defined $tempconfig->{'aging_skipicon'} && $tempconfig->{'aging_skipicon'} eq '1') ? $tempconfig->{'aging_skipicon'} : '0';
$emailconfig->{'outlook_skipicon'} = (defined $tempconfig->{'outlook_skipicon'} && $tempconfig->{'outlook_skipicon'} eq '1') ? $tempconfig->{'outlook_skipicon'} : '0';
$emailconfig->{'resell_inheritemail'} = (defined $tempconfig->{'resell_inheritemail'} && $tempconfig->{'resell_inheritemail'} eq '1') ? $tempconfig->{'resell_inheritemail'} : '0';
return $emailconfig;
sub saveEmailAllowList {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this ,$key, $valset) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my $tempconfig = RVL::File::parse_ini_file($rvadminpath.'/_global');
$tempconfig->{$key} = $valset;
my $resp->{complete} = RVL::File::write_ini_file($rvadminpath.'/_global', $tempconfig);
$resp->{chownercomplete} = $this->chOwnerRvadmin($rvadminpath.'/_global');
$resp->{chmodcomplete} = $this->ChMod($rvadminpath.'/_global');
return $resp;
sub getDisableFullBackup {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my $tempconfig = RVL::File::parse_ini_file($rvadminpath.'/_global');
my $backupconfig = {};
$backupconfig->{'skip_gen_full_backup'} = (defined $tempconfig->{'skip_gen_full_backup'} && $tempconfig->{'skip_gen_full_backup'} eq '1') ? $tempconfig->{'skip_gen_full_backup'} : '0';
return $backupconfig;
sub getMysqlRemote {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my @tempconfig = $this->parseFile($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipdbremote');
$tempconfig[0] = ($tempconfig[0] eq '') ? '0;0' : $tempconfig[0];
my $remotesqlconfig = {};
($remotesqlconfig->{'remotesqlconf'},$remotesqlconfig->{'remotesqlconf_resell'}) = split(/;/,$tempconfig[0]);
return $remotesqlconfig;
sub saveMysqlAccessHost {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this, $setting) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my @tempconfig = $this->parseFile($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipdbremote');
$tempconfig[0] = ($tempconfig[0] eq '') ? '0;0' : $tempconfig[0];
#for root , root have 2 config val 1;1
if ($tempconfig[0] =~ m/\;/) {
$tempconfig[0] =~ s/^(.)/$setting/g;
#for reseller
$tempconfig[0] = $setting;
my $resp->{complete} = $this->writeFile($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipdbremote',@tempconfig);
$resp->{chownercomplete} = $this->chOwnerRvadmin($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipdbremote');
$resp->{chmodcomplete} = $this->ChMod($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipdbremote');
return $resp;
sub saveMysqlAccessHost_resell {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this, $setting) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my @tempconfig = $this->parseFile($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipdbremote');
$tempconfig[0] = ($tempconfig[0] eq '') ? '0;0' : $tempconfig[0];
$tempconfig[0] =~ s/(.)$/$setting/g;
my $resp->{complete} = $this->writeFile($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipdbremote',@tempconfig);
$resp->{chownercomplete} = $this->chOwnerRvadmin($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipdbremote');
$resp->{chmodcomplete} = $this->ChMod($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipdbremote');
return $resp;
sub getDisableSpambox {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my @tempconfig = $this->parseFile($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipspambox');
my @tempconfig2 = $this->parseFile($rvadminpath.'/.skipspambox2allresell');
my $skipspambox = {};
$skipspambox->{skip_spam_box} = (defined $tempconfig[0] && $tempconfig[0] ne '') ? $tempconfig[0] : '0';
$skipspambox->{resell_skip_spambox} = (defined $tempconfig2[0] && $tempconfig2[0] ne '') ? $tempconfig2[0] : '0';
return $skipspambox;
sub saveSpamBox {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this, $setting) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my @tempconfig = ($setting);
my $resp->{complete} = $this->writeFile($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipspambox',@tempconfig);
$resp->{chownercomplete} = $this->chOwnerRvadmin($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipspambox');
$resp->{chmodcomplete} = $this->ChMod($rvadminpath.'/.rvskipspambox');
return $resp;
sub saveSpamBox_resell {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this, $setting) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my @tempconfig = ($setting);
my $resp->{complete} = $this->writeFile($rvadminpath.'/.skipspambox2allresell',@tempconfig);
$resp->{chownercomplete} = $this->chOwnerRvadmin($rvadminpath.'/.skipspambox2allresell');
$resp->{chmodcomplete} = $this->ChMod($rvadminpath.'/.skipspambox2allresell');
return $resp;
sub getEmailForward {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my @tempconfig = $this->parseFile($rvadminpath.'/_rvaolblacklist');
if ($tempconfig[0] eq '') {
$tempconfig[0] = "# A domain from this list is specified\n".
"# by the user as the target recipient of a forwarder,\n".
"# then the user will NOT be allowed to create the forwarder\n".
"# Format: domain name listed line by line\n".
"# Examples:\n".
"# example.com\n";
my $aolconfig = {};
foreach (@tempconfig) {
$aolconfig->{aolconfig} = $aolconfig->{aolconfig}.$_."\n";
return $aolconfig;
sub saveAOLData {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this,$data) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my @tempconfig = ($data);
my $resp->{complete} = $this->writeFile($rvadminpath.'/_rvaolblacklist',@tempconfig);
$resp->{chownercomplete} = $this->chOwnerRvadmin($rvadminpath.'/_rvaolblacklist');
$resp->{chmodcomplete} = $this->ChMod($rvadminpath.'/_rvaolblacklist');
return $resp;
sub saveCronLimit {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this, $valset) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my $tempconfig = RVL::File::parse_ini_file($rvadminpath.'/_global');
$tempconfig->{'cronlimit'} = $valset;
my $resp->{complete} = RVL::File::write_ini_file($rvadminpath.'/_global', $tempconfig);
$resp->{chownercomplete} = $this->chOwnerRvadmin($rvadminpath.'/_global');
$resp->{chmodcomplete} = $this->ChMod($rvadminpath.'/_global');
return $resp;
sub getCronLimit {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this) = @_;
my $rvadminpath = $this->getRvadminPath();
my $tempconfig = RVL::File::parse_ini_file($rvadminpath.'/_global');
my $conlimit = {};
$conlimit->{'cronlimit'} = (defined $tempconfig->{'cronlimit'} && $tempconfig->{'cronlimit'} ne '') ? $tempconfig->{'cronlimit'} : '0';
return $conlimit;
sub getErrorLog {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this) = @_;
open R,'tail -n 30 /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log|';
my (@tempconfig)=<R>;
my $errorlog = {};
foreach (@tempconfig) {
$errorlog->{errorlog} = $errorlog->{errorlog}.$_."\n";
return $errorlog;
sub getCpanelErrorLog {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this) = @_;
open R, 'tail -n 30 /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log|' or die "Could not open file $!";
my (@tempconfig)=<R>;
my $resp = {};
$resp->{logdata} = '';
foreach (@tempconfig) {
$resp->{logdata} = $resp->{logdata}.$_."\n";
$resp->{complete} = 1;
if(!defined($resp->{logdata}) || $resp->{logdata} eq ''){
$resp->{complete} = 0;
return $resp;
sub chOwnerRvadmin {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this, $fileconfig) = @_;
my $success = system('chown','rvadmin:rvadmin',$fileconfig);
return $success;
sub ChMod {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this, $fileconfig) = @_;
my $success = system('chmod','755',$fileconfig);
return $success;
sub GATracking {
RVL::logMessage('' , __CONSTANT__::RVL_LOG_DEBUG);
my ($this,$viewtype,$apptype) = @_;
my $resp = {};
my $rvadmintoolsversion = $this->getCurrentVersion();
use RVL::Rvanalytics;
my ($OAnalytics) = RVL::Rvanalytics->new(
'tid' => 'UA-65722035-6',
'cid' => md5($this->getHostName().'_'.$this->getUserLogin()),
'uid' => md5($this->getHostName().'_'.$this->getUserLogin()),
'aid' => 'RVAdmintools',
'an' => 'RVAdmintools',
'ds' => 'RVAdmintools',
'av' => $rvadmintoolsversion,
if ($viewtype eq 'screenview') {
$OAnalytics->send('screenview', {
'av' => "$rvadmintoolsversion",
'aid' => 'RVAdmintools',
'cd' => "$apptype",
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/PageType',
'ea' => "$apptype",
if ($apptype eq 'rvadmintoolsmanager') {
if ($this->getUserLogin() eq "root") {
# Root
my (%osConf) = %{$this->lsOSVersion()};
if (defined $osConf{'id'} && $osConf{'id'} ne '') {
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/ServerOSVersion',
'ea' => $osConf{'id'},
'el' => $osConf{'release'}
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/AccressManagerBy',
'ea' => 'root',
my ($serverType) = $this->isVPSServer() eq 0 ? 'Dedicated': 'VPS';
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/ServerType',
'ea' => $serverType,
my ($isCloundLinux) = $this->isCloudlinux();
if ($isCloundLinux) {
my ($cloundLinuxConf) = $this->lsCloundLinuxConf();
if ($cloundLinuxConf) {
my (@confList) = ('cpu', 'ncpu', 'io', 'vmem', 'pmem', 'nproc', 'other' , 'mem', 'iops');
# cloundLinux defaults package
if (defined $cloundLinuxConf->{'defaults'}) {
my (@defPackage) = @{$cloundLinuxConf->{'defaults'}};
foreach my $configList (@confList) {
if (defined $defPackage[0]->{$configList}) {
foreach my $configAttr (keys %{$defPackage[0]->{$configList}}) {
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/CloundLinuxConfig/'.$configList,
'ea' => $configAttr,
'el' => 'defaults',
'ev' => $defPackage[0]->{$configList}->{$configAttr},
# cloundLinux other package
if (defined $cloundLinuxConf->{'package'}) {
foreach my $cloundPackageName (keys %{$cloundLinuxConf->{'package'}}) {
foreach my $configList (@confList) {
if (defined $cloundLinuxConf->{'package'}->{$cloundPackageName}->{$configList}) {
foreach my $configAttr (keys %{$cloundLinuxConf->{'package'}->{$cloundPackageName}->{$configList}}) {
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/CloundLinuxConfig/'.$configList,
'ea' => $configAttr,
'el' => $cloundPackageName,
'ev' => $cloundLinuxConf->{'package'}->{$cloundPackageName}->{$configList}->{$configAttr},
} else {
# Reseller
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/AccressManagerBy',
'ea' => 'reseller',
} elsif ($apptype eq 'submit_cron') {
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/FeatureUsage',
'ea' => 'cron setup',
} elsif ($apptype eq 'edit_email') {
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/FeatureUsage',
'ea' => 'email setup',
} elsif ($apptype eq 'full_backup') {
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/FeatureUsage',
'ea' => 'skip full backup',
} elsif ($apptype eq 'mysql_remote') {
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/FeatureUsage',
'ea' => 'skip mysql remote',
} elsif ($apptype eq 'skip_spambox') {
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/FeatureUsage',
'ea' => 'skip spambox',
} elsif ($apptype eq 'email_forwarder_setup') {
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/FeatureUsage',
'ea' => 'email forwarder setup',
} elsif ($apptype eq 'error_log') {
$OAnalytics->send('event', {
'ec' => 'RVAdmintools/FeatureUsage',
'ea' => 'view cpanel error log',
} else {
$resp->{complete} = 1;
$resp->{message} = "sent analytic success viewtype:".$viewtype." apptype:".$apptype;
sub lsOSVersion{
my (%osConf) = (
'id' => '',
'release' => '',
'codename' => '',
if (-f '/etc/redhat-release') {
# CentOS, redhat, CloudLinux
open(my $FD, '<', '/etc/redhat-release');
my ($line) = join('', <$FD>);
if ($line =~ /(.*?) release (\d+\.\d+\.\d+|\d+\.\d+|\d+) \((.*?)\)/gi) {
$osConf{'id'} = $1;
$osConf{'release'} = $2;
$osConf{'codename'} = $3;
} elsif (-f '/etc/SuSE-release') {
# SUSE Linux
$osConf{'id'} = 'SUSE Linux';
open(my $FD, '<', '/etc/SuSE-release');
my (@line) = <$FD>;
foreach my $inLine (@line) {
my ($key, $val) = split(/=/, $inLine, 2);
chomp($key); chomp($val);
if (uc($key) eq 'VERSION') {
$osConf{'release'} = $val;
} elsif (-f '/etc/mandrakelinux-release') {
# Mandrakelinux
open(my $FD, '<', '/etc/mandrakelinux-release');
my ($line) = join('', <$FD>);
if ($line =~ /(.*?) release (\d+\.\d+\.\d+|\d+\.\d+|\d+) \((.*?)\)/gi) {
$osConf{'id'} = $1;
$osConf{'release'} = $2;
$osConf{'codename'} = $3;
} elsif (-f '/etc/mandrake-release') {
# Mandrakelinux
open(my $FD, '<', '/etc/mandrake-release');
my ($line) = join('', <$FD>);
if ($line =~ /(.*?) release (\d+\.\d+\.\d+|\d+\.\d+|\d+) \((.*?)\)/gi) {
$osConf{'id'} = $1;
$osConf{'release'} = $2;
$osConf{'codename'} = $3;
} elsif (-f '/etc/lsb-release') {
# Ubuntu
open(my $FD, '<', '/etc/lsb-release');
my (@line) = <$FD>;
foreach my $inLine (@line) {
my ($key, $val) = split(/=/, $inLine, 2);
chomp($key); chomp($val);
if (uc($key) eq 'DISTRIB_ID') {
$osConf{'id'} = $val;
if (uc($key) eq 'DISTRIB_RELEASE') {
$osConf{'release'} = $val;
if (uc($key) eq 'DISTRIB_CODENAME') {
$osConf{'codename'} = $val;
return wantarray ? ($osConf{'id'}, $osConf{'release'}, $osConf{'codename'}) : \%osConf;
sub isVPSServer{
my ($isVPS) = 0;
eval {
require Sys::Detect::Virtualization;
my ($detector) = Sys::Detect::Virtualization->new();
my (@found) = $detector->detect();
if (@found) {
$isVPS = 1;
return $isVPS;
sub isCloudlinux{
if (-f '/etc/sysconfig/lve') {
open(my $FD, '<', '/etc/sysconfig/lve');
my (@line) = <$FD>;
my (%lveConf);
foreach my $inLine(@line) {
my ($key, $val) = split(/=/, $inLine, 2);
chomp($key); chomp($val);
$lveConf{$key} = $val
if (defined $lveConf{'LVE_ENABLE'} && lc($lveConf{'LVE_ENABLE'}) eq 'yes') {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
sub lsCloundLinuxConf{
my ($ref);
require XML::Simple;
my ($xs) = XML::Simple->new();
$ref = $xs->XMLin('/etc/container/ve.cfg', KeyAttr => {'package' => 'id'}, ForceArray => ['defaults', 'package']);
return $ref;
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