Yara Rule Set
Author: Brian Laskowski
Date: 2018-06-09
Identifier: case128
Reference: https://github.com/Hestat/lw-yara
/* Rule Set ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
rule drupal_injection_06_09_18_case128_index {
description = "case128 - file index.php"
author = "Brian Laskowski"
reference = "https://github.com/Hestat/lw-yara"
date = "2018-06-09"
hash1 = "5d242e1686d8e321710c4311ad0e04574e107e34e3401ad0d89c407fea3cf247"
//$s1 = "* See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt." fullword ascii
//$s2 = "* The routines here dispatch control to the appropriate handler, which then" fullword ascii
//$s3 = "* Root directory of Drupal installation." fullword ascii
$s4 = "'error_log'); @ini_restore('display_errors');" fullword ascii
//$s5 = "menu_execute_active_handler();" fullword ascii
//$s6 = "require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/bootstrap.inc';" fullword ascii
$s7 = "error_reporting(0); @ini_set('error_log',NULL); @ini_set('log_errors',0); @ini_set('display_errors','Off'); " ascii
$s8 = "<?php" ascii
//$s9 = "* prints the appropriate page." fullword ascii
$s10 = "kgeyAka2pka2VfYyA9IDE7IH0NCmVycm9yX3JlcG9ydGluZygwKTsNCmlmKCEka2pka2VfYykgeyBnbG9iYWwgJGtqZGtlX2M7ICRramRrZV9jID0gMTsNCmdsb2JhbC" ascii
( uint16(0) == 0x3f3c and
filesize < 10KB and
( all of them )
) or ( all of them )
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez