#!/usr/bin/python -t
"""This handles actual output from the cli"""
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Copyright 2005 Duke University
import sys
import time
import logging
import types
import gettext
import pwd
import rpm
import re # For YumTerm
from weakref import proxy as weakref
from urlgrabber.progress import TextMeter
import urlgrabber.progress
from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabError
from yum.misc import prco_tuple_to_string
from yum.i18n import to_str, to_utf8, to_unicode
import yum.misc
from rpmUtils.miscutils import checkSignals, formatRequire
from yum.constants import *
from yum import logginglevels, _
from yum.rpmtrans import RPMBaseCallback
from yum.packageSack import packagesNewestByNameArch
import yum.packages
import yum.history
from yum.i18n import utf8_width, utf8_width_fill, utf8_text_fill
import locale
def _term_width():
""" Simple terminal width, limit to 20 chars. and make 0 == 80. """
if not hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'terminal_width_cached'):
return 80
ret = urlgrabber.progress.terminal_width_cached()
if ret == 0:
return 80
if ret < 20:
return 20
return ret
class YumTextMeter(TextMeter):
Text progress bar output.
def update(self, amount_read, now=None):
TextMeter.update(self, amount_read, now)
class YumTerm:
"""some terminal "UI" helpers based on curses"""
# From initial search for "terminfo and python" got:
# http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/475116
# ...it's probably not copyrightable, but if so ASPN says:
# Except where otherwise noted, recipes in the Python Cookbook are
# published under the Python license.
__enabled = True
if hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'terminal_width_cached'):
columns = property(lambda self: _term_width())
__cap_names = {
'underline' : 'smul',
'reverse' : 'rev',
'normal' : 'sgr0',
__colors = {
'black' : 0,
'blue' : 1,
'green' : 2,
'cyan' : 3,
'red' : 4,
'magenta' : 5,
'yellow' : 6,
'white' : 7
__ansi_colors = {
'black' : 0,
'red' : 1,
'green' : 2,
'yellow' : 3,
'blue' : 4,
'magenta' : 5,
'cyan' : 6,
'white' : 7
__ansi_forced_MODE = {
'bold' : '\x1b[1m',
'blink' : '\x1b[5m',
'dim' : '',
'reverse' : '\x1b[7m',
'underline' : '\x1b[4m',
'normal' : '\x1b(B\x1b[m'
__ansi_forced_FG_COLOR = {
'black' : '\x1b[30m',
'red' : '\x1b[31m',
'green' : '\x1b[32m',
'yellow' : '\x1b[33m',
'blue' : '\x1b[34m',
'magenta' : '\x1b[35m',
'cyan' : '\x1b[36m',
'white' : '\x1b[37m'
__ansi_forced_BG_COLOR = {
'black' : '\x1b[40m',
'red' : '\x1b[41m',
'green' : '\x1b[42m',
'yellow' : '\x1b[43m',
'blue' : '\x1b[44m',
'magenta' : '\x1b[45m',
'cyan' : '\x1b[46m',
'white' : '\x1b[47m'
def __forced_init(self):
self.MODE = self.__ansi_forced_MODE
self.FG_COLOR = self.__ansi_forced_FG_COLOR
self.BG_COLOR = self.__ansi_forced_BG_COLOR
def reinit(self, term_stream=None, color='auto'):
self.__enabled = True
if not hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'terminal_width_cached'):
self.columns = 80
self.lines = 24
if color == 'always':
# Output modes:
self.MODE = {
'bold' : '',
'blink' : '',
'dim' : '',
'reverse' : '',
'underline' : '',
'normal' : ''
# Colours
self.FG_COLOR = {
'black' : '',
'blue' : '',
'green' : '',
'cyan' : '',
'red' : '',
'magenta' : '',
'yellow' : '',
'white' : ''
self.BG_COLOR = {
'black' : '',
'blue' : '',
'green' : '',
'cyan' : '',
'red' : '',
'magenta' : '',
'yellow' : '',
'white' : ''
if color == 'never':
self.__enabled = False
assert color == 'auto'
# Curses isn't available on all platforms
import curses
self.__enabled = False
# If the stream isn't a tty, then assume it has no capabilities.
if not term_stream:
term_stream = sys.stdout
if not term_stream.isatty():
self.__enabled = False
# Check the terminal type. If we fail, then assume that the
# terminal has no capabilities.
self.__enabled = False
self._ctigetstr = curses.tigetstr
if not hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'terminal_width_cached'):
self.columns = curses.tigetnum('cols')
self.lines = curses.tigetnum('lines')
# Look up string capabilities.
for cap_name in self.MODE:
mode = cap_name
if cap_name in self.__cap_names:
cap_name = self.__cap_names[cap_name]
self.MODE[mode] = self._tigetstr(cap_name) or ''
# Colors
set_fg = self._tigetstr('setf')
if set_fg:
for (color, val) in self.__colors.items():
self.FG_COLOR[color] = curses.tparm(set_fg, val) or ''
set_fg_ansi = self._tigetstr('setaf')
if set_fg_ansi:
for (color, val) in self.__ansi_colors.items():
self.FG_COLOR[color] = curses.tparm(set_fg_ansi, val) or ''
set_bg = self._tigetstr('setb')
if set_bg:
for (color, val) in self.__colors.items():
self.BG_COLOR[color] = curses.tparm(set_bg, val) or ''
set_bg_ansi = self._tigetstr('setab')
if set_bg_ansi:
for (color, val) in self.__ansi_colors.items():
self.BG_COLOR[color] = curses.tparm(set_bg_ansi, val) or ''
def __init__(self, term_stream=None, color='auto'):
self.reinit(term_stream, color)
def _tigetstr(self, cap_name):
# String capabilities can include "delays" of the form "$<2>".
# For any modern terminal, we should be able to just ignore
# these, so strip them out.
cap = self._ctigetstr(cap_name) or ''
return re.sub(r'\$<\d+>[/*]?', '', cap)
def sub(self, haystack, beg, end, needles, escape=None, ignore_case=False):
if not self.__enabled:
return haystack
if not escape:
escape = re.escape
render = lambda match: beg + match.group() + end
for needle in needles:
pat = escape(needle)
if ignore_case:
pat = re.template(pat, re.I)
haystack = re.sub(pat, render, haystack)
return haystack
def sub_norm(self, haystack, beg, needles, **kwds):
return self.sub(haystack, beg, self.MODE['normal'], needles, **kwds)
def sub_mode(self, haystack, mode, needles, **kwds):
return self.sub_norm(haystack, self.MODE[mode], needles, **kwds)
def sub_bold(self, haystack, needles, **kwds):
return self.sub_mode(haystack, 'bold', needles, **kwds)
def sub_fg(self, haystack, color, needles, **kwds):
return self.sub_norm(haystack, self.FG_COLOR[color], needles, **kwds)
def sub_bg(self, haystack, color, needles, **kwds):
return self.sub_norm(haystack, self.BG_COLOR[color], needles, **kwds)
class YumOutput:
Main output class for the yum command line.
def __init__(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger("yum.cli")
self.verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.cli")
if hasattr(rpm, "expandMacro"):
self.i18ndomains = rpm.expandMacro("%_i18ndomains").split(":")
self.i18ndomains = ["redhat-dist"]
self.term = YumTerm()
self._last_interrupt = None
self.reported_error_msgs = dict((k, False) for (k, v) in ERRORS_TO_KBASE_ARTICLES.iteritems())
def printtime(self):
months = [_('Jan'), _('Feb'), _('Mar'), _('Apr'), _('May'), _('Jun'),
_('Jul'), _('Aug'), _('Sep'), _('Oct'), _('Nov'), _('Dec')]
now = time.localtime(time.time())
ret = months[int(time.strftime('%m', now)) - 1] + \
time.strftime(' %d %T ', now)
return ret
def failureReport(self, errobj):
"""failure output for failovers from urlgrabber"""
self.logger.error('%s: %s', errobj.url, errobj.exception)
self.logger.error(_('Trying other mirror.'))
raise errobj.exception
def suggestKBaseArticle(self, errobj):
errcode = None
if hasattr(errobj.exception, 'code') and errobj.exception.code in ERRORS_TO_KBASE_ARTICLES:
errcode = errobj.exception.code
elif hasattr(errobj.exception, 'errno') and errobj.exception.errno in ERRORS_TO_KBASE_ARTICLES:
errcode = errobj.exception.errno
if not errcode:
if not self.reported_error_msgs[errcode]:
self.reported_error_msgs[errcode] = True
def simpleProgressBar(self, current, total, name=None):
progressbar(current, total, name)
def _highlight(self, highlight):
hibeg = ''
hiend = ''
if not highlight:
elif not isinstance(highlight, basestring) or highlight == 'bold':
hibeg = self.term.MODE['bold']
elif highlight == 'normal':
pass # Minor opt.
# Turn a string into a specific output: colour, bold, etc.
for high in highlight.replace(',', ' ').split():
if False: pass
elif high == 'normal':
hibeg = ''
elif high in self.term.MODE:
hibeg += self.term.MODE[high]
elif high in self.term.FG_COLOR:
hibeg += self.term.FG_COLOR[high]
elif (high.startswith('fg:') and
high[3:] in self.term.FG_COLOR):
hibeg += self.term.FG_COLOR[high[3:]]
elif (high.startswith('bg:') and
high[3:] in self.term.BG_COLOR):
hibeg += self.term.BG_COLOR[high[3:]]
if hibeg:
hiend = self.term.MODE['normal']
return (hibeg, hiend)
def _sub_highlight(self, haystack, highlight, needles, **kwds):
hibeg, hiend = self._highlight(highlight)
return self.term.sub(haystack, hibeg, hiend, needles, **kwds)
def _calc_columns_spaces_helps(current, data_tups, left):
""" Spaces left on the current field will help how many pkgs? """
ret = 0
for tup in data_tups:
if left < (tup[0] - current):
ret += tup[1]
return ret
def calcColumns(self, data, columns=None, remainder_column=0,
total_width=None, indent=''):
""" Dynamically calculate the width of the fields in the data, data is
of the format [column-number][field_length] = rows. """
if total_width is None:
total_width = self.term.columns
cols = len(data)
# Convert the data to ascending list of tuples, (field_length, pkgs)
pdata = data
data = [None] * cols # Don't modify the passed in data
for d in range(0, cols):
data[d] = sorted(pdata[d].items())
# We start allocating 1 char to everything but the last column, and a
# space between each (again, except for the last column). Because
# at worst we are better with:
# |one two three|
# | four |
# ...than:
# |one two three|
# | f|
# |our |
# ...the later being what we get if we pre-allocate the last column, and
# thus. the space, due to "three" overflowing it's column by 2 chars.
if columns is None:
columns = [1] * (cols - 1)
total_width -= (sum(columns) + (cols - 1) + utf8_width(indent))
if not columns[-1]:
total_width += 1
while total_width > 0:
# Find which field all the spaces left will help best
helps = 0
val = 0
for d in xrange(0, cols):
thelps = self._calc_columns_spaces_helps(columns[d], data[d],
if not thelps:
# We prefer to overflow: the last column, and then earlier
# columns. This is so that in the best case (just overflow the
# last) ... grep still "works", and then we make it prettier.
if helps and (d == (cols - 1)) and (thelps / 2) < helps:
if thelps < helps:
helps = thelps
val = d
# If we found a column to expand, move up to the next level with
# that column and start again with any remaining space.
if helps:
diff = data[val].pop(0)[0] - columns[val]
if not columns[val] and (val == (cols - 1)):
# If we are going from 0 => N on the last column, take 1
# for the space before the column.
total_width -= 1
columns[val] += diff
total_width -= diff
overflowed_columns = 0
for d in xrange(0, cols):
if not data[d]:
overflowed_columns += 1
if overflowed_columns:
# Split the remaining spaces among each overflowed column
# equally
norm = total_width / overflowed_columns
for d in xrange(0, cols):
if not data[d]:
columns[d] += norm
total_width -= norm
# Split the remaining spaces among each column equally, except the
# last one. And put the rest into the remainder column
cols -= 1
norm = total_width / cols
for d in xrange(0, cols):
columns[d] += norm
columns[remainder_column] += total_width - (cols * norm)
total_width = 0
return columns
def _fmt_column_align_width(width):
if width < 0:
return (u"-", -width)
return (u"", width)
def _col_data(self, col_data):
assert len(col_data) == 2 or len(col_data) == 3
if len(col_data) == 2:
(val, width) = col_data
hibeg = hiend = ''
if len(col_data) == 3:
(val, width, highlight) = col_data
(hibeg, hiend) = self._highlight(highlight)
return (val, width, hibeg, hiend)
def fmtColumns(self, columns, msg=u'', end=u'', text_width=utf8_width):
""" Return a string for columns of data, which can overflow.
text_width parameter finds the width of columns, this defaults to
utf8 but can be changed to len() if you know it'll be fine. """
total_width = len(msg)
data = []
for col_data in columns[:-1]:
(val, width, hibeg, hiend) = self._col_data(col_data)
if not width: # Don't count this column, invisible text
msg += u"%s"
(align, width) = self._fmt_column_align_width(width)
val_width = text_width(val)
if val_width <= width:
# Don't use utf8_width_fill() because it sucks performance
# wise for 1,000s of rows. Also allows us to use len(), when
# we can.
msg += u"%s%s%s%s "
if (align == u'-'):
data.extend([hibeg, val, " " * (width - val_width), hiend])
data.extend([hibeg, " " * (width - val_width), val, hiend])
msg += u"%s%s%s\n" + " " * (total_width + width + 1)
data.extend([hibeg, val, hiend])
total_width += width
total_width += 1
(val, width, hibeg, hiend) = self._col_data(columns[-1])
(align, width) = self._fmt_column_align_width(width)
val = utf8_width_fill(val, width, left=(align == u'-'),
prefix=hibeg, suffix=hiend)
msg += u"%%s%s" % end
return msg % tuple(data)
def simpleList(self, pkg, ui_overflow=False, indent='', highlight=False,
""" Simple to use function to print a pkg as a line. """
if columns is None:
columns = (-40, -22, -16) # Old default
ver = pkg.printVer()
na = '%s%s.%s' % (indent, pkg.name, pkg.arch)
hi_cols = [highlight, 'normal', 'normal']
rid = pkg.ui_from_repo
columns = zip((na, ver, rid), columns, hi_cols)
print self.fmtColumns(columns, text_width=len)
def simpleEnvraList(self, pkg, ui_overflow=False,
indent='', highlight=False, columns=None):
""" Simple to use function to print a pkg as a line, with the pkg
itself in envra format so it can be pased to list/install/etc. """
if columns is None:
columns = (-63, -16) # Old default
envra = '%s%s' % (indent, str(pkg))
hi_cols = [highlight, 'normal', 'normal']
rid = pkg.ui_from_repo
columns = zip((envra, rid), columns, hi_cols)
print self.fmtColumns(columns, text_width=len)
def fmtKeyValFill(self, key, val):
""" Return a key value pair in the common two column output format. """
val = to_str(val)
keylen = utf8_width(key)
cols = self.term.columns
nxt = ' ' * (keylen - 2) + ': '
ret = utf8_text_fill(val, width=cols,
initial_indent=key, subsequent_indent=nxt)
if ret.count("\n") > 1 and keylen > (cols / 3):
# If it's big, redo it again with a smaller subsequent off
ret = utf8_text_fill(val, width=cols,
subsequent_indent=' ...: ')
return ret
def fmtSection(self, name, fill='='):
name = to_str(name)
cols = self.term.columns - 2
name_len = utf8_width(name)
if name_len >= (cols - 4):
beg = end = fill * 2
beg = fill * ((cols - name_len) / 2)
end = fill * (cols - name_len - len(beg))
return "%s %s %s" % (beg, name, end)
def _enc(self, s):
"""Get the translated version from specspo and ensure that
it's actually encoded in UTF-8."""
s = to_utf8(s)
if len(s) > 0:
for d in self.i18ndomains:
t = gettext.dgettext(d, s)
if t != s:
s = t
return to_unicode(s)
def infoOutput(self, pkg, highlight=False):
(hibeg, hiend) = self._highlight(highlight)
print _("Name : %s%s%s") % (hibeg, to_unicode(pkg.name), hiend)
print _("Arch : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.arch)
if pkg.epoch != "0":
print _("Epoch : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.epoch)
print _("Version : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.version)
print _("Release : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.release)
print _("Size : %s") % self.format_number(float(pkg.size))
print _("Repo : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.repoid)
if pkg.repoid == 'installed' and 'from_repo' in pkg.yumdb_info:
print _("From repo : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.yumdb_info.from_repo)
if self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(logginglevels.DEBUG_3):
print _("Committer : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.committer)
print _("Committime : %s") % time.ctime(pkg.committime)
print _("Buildtime : %s") % time.ctime(pkg.buildtime)
if hasattr(pkg, 'installtime'):
print _("Install time: %s") % time.ctime(pkg.installtime)
if pkg.repoid == 'installed':
uid = None
if 'installed_by' in pkg.yumdb_info:
uid = int(pkg.yumdb_info.installed_by)
except ValueError: # In case int() fails
uid = None
print _("Installed by: %s") % self._pwd_ui_username(uid)
uid = None
if 'changed_by' in pkg.yumdb_info:
uid = int(pkg.yumdb_info.changed_by)
except ValueError: # In case int() fails
uid = None
print _("Changed by : %s") % self._pwd_ui_username(uid)
print self.fmtKeyValFill(_("Summary : "), self._enc(pkg.summary))
if pkg.url:
print _("URL : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.url)
print self.fmtKeyValFill(_("License : "), to_unicode(pkg.license))
print self.fmtKeyValFill(_("Description : "),self._enc(pkg.description))
print ""
def updatesObsoletesList(self, uotup, changetype, columns=None):
"""takes an updates or obsoletes tuple of pkgobjects and
returns a simple printed string of the output and a string
explaining the relationship between the tuple members"""
(changePkg, instPkg) = uotup
if columns is not None:
# New style, output all info. for both old/new with old indented
chi = self.conf.color_update_remote
if changePkg.repo.id != 'installed' and changePkg.verifyLocalPkg():
chi = self.conf.color_update_local
self.simpleList(changePkg, columns=columns, highlight=chi)
self.simpleList(instPkg, columns=columns, indent=' ' * 4,
# Old style
c_compact = changePkg.compactPrint()
i_compact = '%s.%s' % (instPkg.name, instPkg.arch)
c_repo = changePkg.repoid
print '%-35.35s [%.12s] %.10s %-20.20s' % (c_compact, c_repo, changetype, i_compact)
def listPkgs(self, lst, description, outputType, highlight_na={},
columns=None, highlight_modes={}):
"""outputs based on whatever outputType is. Current options:
'list' - simple pkg list
'info' - similar to rpm -qi output
...also highlight_na can be passed, and we'll highlight
pkgs with (names, arch) in that set."""
if outputType in ['list', 'info']:
thingslisted = 0
if len(lst) > 0:
thingslisted = 1
print '%s' % description
for pkg in sorted(lst):
key = (pkg.name, pkg.arch)
highlight = False
if False: pass
elif key not in highlight_na:
highlight = highlight_modes.get('not in', 'normal')
elif pkg.verEQ(highlight_na[key]):
highlight = highlight_modes.get('=', 'normal')
elif pkg.verLT(highlight_na[key]):
highlight = highlight_modes.get('>', 'bold')
highlight = highlight_modes.get('<', 'normal')
if outputType == 'list':
self.simpleList(pkg, ui_overflow=True,
highlight=highlight, columns=columns)
elif outputType == 'info':
self.infoOutput(pkg, highlight=highlight)
if thingslisted == 0:
return 1, ['No Packages to list']
return 0, []
def userconfirm(self, prompt=_('Is this ok [y/N]: ')):
"""gets a yes or no from the user, defaults to No"""
yui = (to_unicode(_('y')), to_unicode(_('yes')))
nui = (to_unicode(_('n')), to_unicode(_('no')))
aui = (yui[0], yui[1], nui[0], nui[1])
while True:
choice = raw_input(prompt)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
except UnicodeDecodeError:
choice = ''
choice = to_unicode(choice)
choice = choice.lower()
if len(choice) == 0 or choice in aui:
# If the enlish one letter names don't mix, allow them too
if u'y' not in aui and u'y' == choice:
choice = yui[0]
if u'n' not in aui and u'n' == choice:
if len(choice) == 0 or choice not in yui:
return False
return True
def _cli_confirm_gpg_key_import(self, keydict):
# FIXME what should we be printing here?
return self.userconfirm()
def _group_names2aipkgs(self, pkg_names):
""" Convert pkg_names to installed pkgs or available pkgs, return
value is a dict on pkg.name returning (apkg, ipkg). """
ipkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNames(pkg_names)
apkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNames(pkg_names)
apkgs = packagesNewestByNameArch(apkgs)
# This is somewhat similar to doPackageLists()
pkgs = {}
for pkg in ipkgs:
pkgs[(pkg.name, pkg.arch)] = (None, pkg)
for pkg in apkgs:
key = (pkg.name, pkg.arch)
if key not in pkgs:
pkgs[(pkg.name, pkg.arch)] = (pkg, None)
elif pkg.verGT(pkgs[key][1]):
pkgs[(pkg.name, pkg.arch)] = (pkg, pkgs[key][1])
# Convert (pkg.name, pkg.arch) to pkg.name dict
ret = {}
for (apkg, ipkg) in pkgs.itervalues():
pkg = apkg or ipkg
ret.setdefault(pkg.name, []).append((apkg, ipkg))
return ret
def _calcDataPkgColumns(self, data, pkg_names, pkg_names2pkgs,
indent=' '):
for item in pkg_names:
if item not in pkg_names2pkgs:
for (apkg, ipkg) in pkg_names2pkgs[item]:
pkg = ipkg or apkg
envra = utf8_width(str(pkg)) + utf8_width(indent)
rid = len(pkg.ui_from_repo)
for (d, v) in (('envra', envra), ('rid', rid)):
data[d].setdefault(v, 0)
data[d][v] += 1
def _displayPkgsFromNames(self, pkg_names, verbose, pkg_names2pkgs,
indent=' ', columns=None):
if not verbose:
for item in sorted(pkg_names):
print '%s%s' % (indent, item)
for item in sorted(pkg_names):
if item not in pkg_names2pkgs:
print '%s%s' % (indent, item)
for (apkg, ipkg) in sorted(pkg_names2pkgs[item],
key=lambda x: x[1] or x[0]):
if ipkg and apkg:
highlight = self.conf.color_list_installed_older
elif apkg:
highlight = self.conf.color_list_available_install
highlight = False
self.simpleEnvraList(ipkg or apkg, ui_overflow=True,
indent=indent, highlight=highlight,
def displayPkgsInGroups(self, group):
print _('\nGroup: %s') % group.ui_name
verb = self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(logginglevels.DEBUG_3)
if verb:
print _(' Group-Id: %s') % to_unicode(group.groupid)
pkg_names2pkgs = None
if verb:
pkg_names2pkgs = self._group_names2aipkgs(group.packages)
if group.ui_description:
print _(' Description: %s') % to_unicode(group.ui_description)
if group.langonly:
print _(' Language: %s') % group.langonly
sections = ((_(' Mandatory Packages:'), group.mandatory_packages),
(_(' Default Packages:'), group.default_packages),
(_(' Optional Packages:'), group.optional_packages),
(_(' Conditional Packages:'), group.conditional_packages))
columns = None
if verb:
data = {'envra' : {}, 'rid' : {}}
for (section_name, pkg_names) in sections:
self._calcDataPkgColumns(data, pkg_names, pkg_names2pkgs)
data = [data['envra'], data['rid']]
columns = self.calcColumns(data)
columns = (-columns[0], -columns[1])
for (section_name, pkg_names) in sections:
if len(pkg_names) > 0:
print section_name
self._displayPkgsFromNames(pkg_names, verb, pkg_names2pkgs,
def depListOutput(self, results):
"""take a list of findDeps results and 'pretty print' the output"""
for pkg in results:
print _("package: %s") % pkg.compactPrint()
if len(results[pkg]) == 0:
print _(" No dependencies for this package")
for req in results[pkg]:
reqlist = results[pkg][req]
print _(" dependency: %s") % prco_tuple_to_string(req)
if not reqlist:
print _(" Unsatisfied dependency")
for po in reqlist:
print " provider: %s" % po.compactPrint()
def format_number(self, number, SI=0, space=' '):
"""Turn numbers into human-readable metric-like numbers"""
symbols = [ ' ', # (none)
'k', # kilo
'M', # mega
'G', # giga
'T', # tera
'P', # peta
'E', # exa
'Z', # zetta
'Y'] # yotta
if SI: step = 1000.0
else: step = 1024.0
thresh = 999
depth = 0
max_depth = len(symbols) - 1
# we want numbers between 0 and thresh, but don't exceed the length
# of our list. In that event, the formatting will be screwed up,
# but it'll still show the right number.
while number > thresh and depth < max_depth:
depth = depth + 1
number = number / step
if type(number) == type(1) or type(number) == type(1L):
format = '%i%s%s'
elif number < 9.95:
# must use 9.95 for proper sizing. For example, 9.99 will be
# rounded to 10.0 with the .1f format string (which is too long)
format = '%.1f%s%s'
format = '%.0f%s%s'
return(format % (float(number or 0), space, symbols[depth]))
def format_time(seconds, use_hours=0):
return urlgrabber.progress.format_time(seconds, use_hours)
def matchcallback(self, po, values, matchfor=None, verbose=None,
""" Output search/provides type callback matches. po is the pkg object,
values are the things in the po that we've matched.
If matchfor is passed, all the strings in that list will be
highlighted within the output.
verbose overrides logginglevel, if passed. """
if (po.repo.id == "installed" and
self.conf.query_install_excludes and self.cmdline_excludes):
# Very similar to _cmdline_exclude from yumcommands
e,m,u = yum.packages.parsePackages([po], self.cmdline_excludes)
if e or m:
if self.conf.showdupesfromrepos:
msg = '%s : ' % po
msg = '%s.%s : ' % (po.name, po.arch)
msg = self.fmtKeyValFill(msg, self._enc(po.summary))
if matchfor:
if highlight is None:
highlight = self.conf.color_search_match
msg = self._sub_highlight(msg, highlight, matchfor,ignore_case=True)
print msg
if verbose is None:
verbose = self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(logginglevels.DEBUG_3)
if not verbose:
print _("Repo : %s") % po.repoid
print _('Matched from:')
for item in yum.misc.unique(values):
item = to_utf8(item)
if to_utf8(po.name) == item or to_utf8(po.summary) == item:
continue # Skip double name/summary printing
can_overflow = True
if False: pass
elif to_utf8(po.description) == item:
key = _("Description : ")
item = self._enc(item)
elif to_utf8(po.url) == item:
key = _("URL : %s")
can_overflow = False
elif to_utf8(po.license) == item:
key = _("License : %s")
can_overflow = False
elif item.startswith("/"):
key = _("Filename : %s")
item = self._enc(item)
can_overflow = False
key = _("Other : ")
if matchfor:
item = self._sub_highlight(item, highlight, matchfor,
if can_overflow:
print self.fmtKeyValFill(key, to_unicode(item))
print key % item
print '\n\n'
def matchcallback_verbose(self, po, values, matchfor=None):
return self.matchcallback(po, values, matchfor, verbose=True)
def reportDownloadSize(self, packages, installonly=False):
"""Report the total download size for a set of packages"""
totsize = 0
locsize = 0
insize = 0
error = False
for pkg in packages:
# Just to be on the safe side, if for some reason getting
# the package size fails, log the error and don't report download
# size
size = int(pkg.size)
totsize += size
if pkg.verifyLocalPkg():
locsize += size
if not installonly:
size = int(pkg.installedsize)
insize += size
error = True
self.logger.error(_('There was an error calculating total download size'))
if (not error):
if locsize:
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_1, _("Total size: %s"),
if locsize != totsize:
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_1, _("Total download size: %s"),
self.format_number(totsize - locsize))
if installonly:
_("Installed size: %s"),
def reportRemoveSize(self, packages):
"""Report the total size of packages being removed. """
totsize = 0
error = False
for pkg in packages:
# Just to be on the safe side, if for some reason getting
# the package size fails, log the error and don't report download
# size
size = int(pkg.size)
totsize += size
error = True
self.logger.error(_('There was an error calculating installed size'))
if (not error):
_("Installed size: %s"),
def listTransaction(self):
"""returns a string rep of the transaction in an easy-to-read way."""
self.tsInfo.makelists(True, True)
pkglist_lines = []
data = {'n' : {}, 'v' : {}, 'r' : {}}
a_wid = 0 # Arch can't get "that big" ... so always use the max.
def _add_line(lines, data, a_wid, po, obsoletes=[]):
(n,a,e,v,r) = po.pkgtup
evr = po.printVer()
repoid = po.ui_from_repo
pkgsize = float(po.size)
size = self.format_number(pkgsize)
if a is None: # gpgkeys are weird
a = 'noarch'
# none, partial, full?
if po.repo.id == 'installed':
hi = self.conf.color_update_installed
elif po.verifyLocalPkg():
hi = self.conf.color_update_local
hi = self.conf.color_update_remote
lines.append((n, a, evr, repoid, size, obsoletes, hi))
# Create a dict of field_length => number of packages, for
# each field.
for (d, v) in (("n",len(n)), ("v",len(evr)), ("r",len(repoid))):
data[d].setdefault(v, 0)
data[d][v] += 1
if a_wid < len(a): # max() is only in 2.5.z
a_wid = len(a)
return a_wid
for (action, pkglist) in [(_('Installing'), self.tsInfo.installed),
(_('Updating'), self.tsInfo.updated),
(_('Removing'), self.tsInfo.removed),
(_('Reinstalling'), self.tsInfo.reinstalled),
(_('Downgrading'), self.tsInfo.downgraded),
(_('Installing for dependencies'), self.tsInfo.depinstalled),
(_('Updating for dependencies'), self.tsInfo.depupdated),
(_('Removing for dependencies'), self.tsInfo.depremoved)]:
lines = []
for txmbr in pkglist:
a_wid = _add_line(lines, data, a_wid, txmbr.po, txmbr.obsoletes)
pkglist_lines.append((action, lines))
for (action, pkglist) in [(_('Skipped (dependency problems)'),
lines = []
for po in pkglist:
a_wid = _add_line(lines, data, a_wid, po)
pkglist_lines.append((action, lines))
if not data['n']:
return u''
data = [data['n'], {}, data['v'], data['r'], {}]
columns = [1, a_wid, 1, 1, 5]
columns = self.calcColumns(data, indent=" ", columns=columns,
(n_wid, a_wid, v_wid, r_wid, s_wid) = columns
assert s_wid == 5
out = [u"""
""" % ('=' * self.term.columns,
self.fmtColumns(((_('Package'), -n_wid), (_('Arch'), -a_wid),
(_('Version'), -v_wid), (_('Repository'), -r_wid),
(_('Size'), s_wid)), u" "),
'=' * self.term.columns)]
for (action, lines) in pkglist_lines:
if lines:
totalmsg = u"%s:\n" % action
for (n, a, evr, repoid, size, obsoletes, hi) in lines:
columns = ((n, -n_wid, hi), (a, -a_wid),
(evr, -v_wid), (repoid, -r_wid), (size, s_wid))
msg = self.fmtColumns(columns, u" ", u"\n")
hibeg, hiend = self._highlight(self.conf.color_update_installed)
for obspo in sorted(obsoletes):
appended = _(' replacing %s%s%s.%s %s\n')
appended %= (hibeg, obspo.name, hiend,
obspo.arch, obspo.printVer())
msg = msg+appended
totalmsg = totalmsg + msg
if lines:
summary = _("""
Transaction Summary
""") % ('=' * self.term.columns,)
num_in = len(self.tsInfo.installed + self.tsInfo.depinstalled)
num_up = len(self.tsInfo.updated + self.tsInfo.depupdated)
num_rm = len(self.tsInfo.removed + self.tsInfo.depremoved)
num_re = len(self.tsInfo.reinstalled)
num_dg = len(self.tsInfo.downgraded)
if num_in:
Install %5.5s Package(s)
""") % num_in)
if num_up:
Upgrade %5.5s Package(s)
""") % num_up)
if num_rm:
Remove %5.5s Package(s)
""") % num_rm)
if num_re:
Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)
""") % num_re)
if num_dg:
Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)
""") % num_dg)
return ''.join(out)
def postTransactionOutput(self):
out = ''
# Works a bit like calcColumns, but we never overflow a column we just
# have a dynamic number of columns.
def _fits_in_cols(msgs, num):
""" Work out how many columns we can use to display stuff, in
the post trans output. """
if len(msgs) < num:
return []
left = self.term.columns - ((num - 1) + 2)
if left <= 0:
return []
col_lens = [0] * num
col = 0
for msg in msgs:
if len(msg) > col_lens[col]:
diff = (len(msg) - col_lens[col])
if left <= diff:
return []
left -= diff
col_lens[col] = len(msg)
col += 1
col %= len(col_lens)
for col in range(len(col_lens)):
col_lens[col] += left / num
col_lens[col] *= -1
return col_lens
for (action, pkglist) in [(_('Removed'), self.tsInfo.removed),
(_('Dependency Removed'), self.tsInfo.depremoved),
(_('Installed'), self.tsInfo.installed),
(_('Dependency Installed'), self.tsInfo.depinstalled),
(_('Updated'), self.tsInfo.updated),
(_('Dependency Updated'), self.tsInfo.depupdated),
(_('Skipped (dependency problems)'), self.skipped_packages),
(_('Replaced'), self.tsInfo.obsoleted),
(_('Failed'), self.tsInfo.failed)]:
msgs = []
if len(pkglist) > 0:
out += '\n%s:\n' % action
for txmbr in pkglist:
(n,a,e,v,r) = txmbr.pkgtup
msg = "%s.%s %s:%s-%s" % (n,a,e,v,r)
for num in (8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2):
cols = _fits_in_cols(msgs, num)
if cols:
if not cols:
cols = [-(self.term.columns - 2)]
while msgs:
current_msgs = msgs[:len(cols)]
out += ' '
out += self.fmtColumns(zip(current_msgs, cols), end=u'\n')
msgs = msgs[len(cols):]
return out
def setupProgressCallbacks(self):
"""sets up the progress callbacks and various
output bars based on debug level"""
# if we're below 2 on the debug level we don't need to be outputting
# progress bars - this is hacky - I'm open to other options
# One of these is a download
if self.conf.debuglevel < 2 or not sys.stdout.isatty():
progressbar = None
callback = None
progressbar = YumTextMeter(fo=sys.stdout)
callback = CacheProgressCallback()
# setup our failure report for failover
freport = (self.failureReport,(),{})
failure_callback = freport
# setup callback for CTRL-C's
interrupt_callback = self.interrupt_callback
if hasattr(self, 'prerepoconf'):
self.prerepoconf.progressbar = progressbar
self.prerepoconf.callback = callback
self.prerepoconf.failure_callback = failure_callback
self.prerepoconf.interrupt_callback = interrupt_callback
# Just in case some API user decides to do self.repos before
# calling us.
self.repos.callback = callback
# setup our depsolve progress callback
dscb = DepSolveProgressCallBack(weakref(self))
self.dsCallback = dscb
def setupProgessCallbacks(self):
# api purposes only to protect the typo
def setupKeyImportCallbacks(self):
confirm_func = self._cli_confirm_gpg_key_import
gpg_import_func = self.getKeyForRepo
gpgca_import_func = self.getCAKeyForRepo
if hasattr(self, 'prerepoconf'):
self.prerepoconf.confirm_func = confirm_func
self.prerepoconf.gpg_import_func = gpg_import_func
self.prerepoconf.gpgca_import_func = gpgca_import_func
self.repos.confirm_func = confirm_func
self.repos.gpg_import_func = gpg_import_func
self.repos.gpgca_import_func = gpgca_import_func
def interrupt_callback(self, cbobj):
'''Handle CTRL-C's during downloads
If a CTRL-C occurs a URLGrabError will be raised to push the download
onto the next mirror.
If two CTRL-C's occur in quick succession then yum will exit.
@param cbobj: urlgrabber callback obj
delta_exit_chk = 2.0 # Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
delta_exit_str = _("two") # Human readable version of above
now = time.time()
if not self._last_interrupt:
hibeg = self.term.MODE['bold']
hiend = self.term.MODE['normal']
# For translators: This is output like:
# Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
# to exit.
# Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
msg = _("""
Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds
to exit.
""") % (hibeg, hiend, hibeg, delta_exit_str, hiend)
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, msg)
elif now - self._last_interrupt < delta_exit_chk:
# Two quick CTRL-C's, quit
raise KeyboardInterrupt
# Go to next mirror
self._last_interrupt = now
raise URLGrabError(15, _('user interrupt'))
def download_callback_total_cb(self, remote_pkgs, remote_size,
if len(remote_pkgs) <= 1:
if not hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'TerminalLine'):
tl = urlgrabber.progress.TerminalLine(8)
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, "-" * tl.rest())
dl_time = time.time() - download_start_timestamp
if dl_time <= 0: # This stops divide by zero, among other problems
dl_time = 0.01
ui_size = tl.add(' | %5sB' % self.format_number(remote_size))
ui_time = tl.add(' %9s' % self.format_time(dl_time))
ui_end = tl.add(' ' * 5)
ui_bs = tl.add(' %5sB/s' % self.format_number(remote_size / dl_time))
msg = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (utf8_width_fill(_("Total"), tl.rest(), tl.rest()),
ui_bs, ui_size, ui_time, ui_end)
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, msg)
def _history_uiactions(self, hpkgs):
actions = set()
count = 0
for hpkg in hpkgs:
st = hpkg.state
if st == 'True-Install':
st = 'Install'
if st == 'Dep-Install': # Mask these at the higher levels
st = 'Install'
if st == 'Obsoleted': # This is just a UI tweak, as we can't have
# just one but we need to count them all.
st = 'Obsoleting'
if st in ('Install', 'Update', 'Erase', 'Reinstall', 'Downgrade',
count += 1
assert len(actions) <= 6
if len(actions) > 1:
large2small = {'Install' : _('I'),
'Obsoleting' : _('O'),
'Erase' : _('E'),
'Reinstall' : _('R'),
'Downgrade' : _('D'),
'Update' : _('U'),
return count, ", ".join([large2small[x] for x in sorted(actions)])
# So empty transactions work, although that "shouldn't" really happen
return count, "".join(list(actions))
def _pwd_ui_username(self, uid, limit=None):
if type(uid) == type([]):
return [self._pwd_ui_username(u, limit) for u in uid]
# loginuid is set to -1 (0xFFFF_FFFF) on init, in newer kernels.
# loginuid is set to INT_MAX (0x7FFF_FFFF) on init, in older kernels.
if uid is None or uid in (0xFFFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF):
loginid = _("<unset>")
name = _("System") + " " + loginid
if limit is not None and len(name) > limit:
name = loginid
return to_unicode(name)
def _safe_split_0(text, *args):
""" Split gives us a [0] for everything _but_ '', this function
returns '' in that case. """
ret = text.split(*args)
if not ret:
return ''
return ret[0]
user = pwd.getpwuid(uid)
fullname = _safe_split_0(user.pw_gecos, ';', 2)
name = "%s <%s>" % (fullname, user.pw_name)
if limit is not None and len(name) > limit:
name = "%s ... <%s>" % (_safe_split_0(fullname), user.pw_name)
if len(name) > limit:
name = "<%s>" % user.pw_name
return to_unicode(name)
except KeyError:
return to_unicode(str(uid))
def _historyRangeRTIDs(old, tid):
''' Convert a user "TID" string of 2..4 into: (2, 4). '''
def str2int(x):
if x == 'last' or x.startswith('last-'):
tid = old.tid
if x.startswith('last-'):
off = int(x[len('last-'):])
if off <= 0:
tid -= off
return tid
return int(x)
except ValueError:
return None
if '..' not in tid:
return None
btid, etid = tid.split('..', 2)
btid = str2int(btid)
if btid > old.tid:
return None
elif btid <= 0:
return None
etid = str2int(etid)
if etid > old.tid:
return None
if btid is None or etid is None:
return None
# Have a range ... do a "merged" transaction.
if btid > etid:
btid, etid = etid, btid
return (btid, etid)
def _historyRangeTIDs(self, rtids):
''' Convert a list of ranged tid typles into all the tids needed, Eg.
[(2,4), (6,8)] == [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8]. '''
tids = set()
last_end = -1 # This just makes displaying it easier...
for mtid in sorted(rtids):
if mtid[0] < last_end:
self.logger.warn(_('Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps' % (mtid[0], mtid[1])))
continue # Don't do overlapping
last_end = mtid[1]
for num in range(mtid[0], mtid[1] + 1):
return tids
def _history_list_transactions(self, extcmds):
old = self.history.last()
if old is None:
self.logger.critical(_('No transactions'))
return None, None
tids = set()
pats = []
usertids = extcmds[1:]
printall = False
if usertids:
printall = True
if usertids[0] == 'all':
for tid in usertids:
except ValueError:
rtid = self._historyRangeRTIDs(old, tid)
if rtid:
if pats:
if not tids and usertids:
self.logger.critical(_('Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given'))
return None, None
return tids, printall
def historyListCmd(self, extcmds):
""" Shows the user a list of data about the history. """
tids, printall = self._history_list_transactions(extcmds)
if tids is None:
if not extcmds: # This is not a real error...
return 0, ['No accessible history to list']
return 1, ['Failed history list']
limit = 20
if printall:
limit = None
old_tids = self.history.old(tids, limit=limit)
done = 0
if self.conf.history_list_view == 'users':
uids = [1,2]
elif self.conf.history_list_view == 'commands':
uids = [1]
assert self.conf.history_list_view == 'single-user-commands'
uids = set()
blanks = 0
for old in old_tids:
if not printall and done >= limit:
done += 1
if old.cmdline is None:
blanks += 1
if len(uids) == 1 and blanks > (done / 2):
fmt = "%s | %s | %s | %s | %s"
if len(uids) == 1:
name = _("Command line")
name = _("Login user")
print fmt % (utf8_width_fill(_("ID"), 6, 6),
utf8_width_fill(name, 24, 24),
utf8_width_fill(_("Date and time"), 16, 16),
utf8_width_fill(_("Action(s)"), 14, 14),
utf8_width_fill(_("Altered"), 7, 7))
print "-" * 79
fmt = "%6u | %s | %-16.16s | %s | %4u"
done = 0
for old in old_tids:
if not printall and done >= limit:
done += 1
if len(uids) == 1:
name = old.cmdline or ''
name = self._pwd_ui_username(old.loginuid, 24)
tm = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
num, uiacts = self._history_uiactions(old.trans_data)
name = utf8_width_fill(name, 24, 24)
uiacts = utf8_width_fill(uiacts, 14, 14)
rmark = lmark = ' '
if old.return_code is None:
rmark = lmark = '*'
elif old.return_code:
rmark = lmark = '#'
# We don't check .errors, because return_code will be non-0
elif old.output:
rmark = lmark = 'E'
elif old.rpmdb_problems:
rmark = lmark = 'P'
elif old.trans_skip:
rmark = lmark = 's'
if old.altered_lt_rpmdb:
rmark = '<'
if old.altered_gt_rpmdb:
lmark = '>'
print fmt % (old.tid, name, tm, uiacts, num), "%s%s" % (lmark,rmark)
lastdbv = self.history.last()
if lastdbv is None:
# If this is the last transaction, is good and it doesn't
# match the current rpmdb ... then mark it as bad.
rpmdbv = self.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]
if lastdbv.end_rpmdbversion != rpmdbv:
def _history_get_transactions(self, extcmds):
if len(extcmds) < 2:
self.logger.critical(_('No transaction ID given'))
return None
tids = []
last = None
for extcmd in extcmds[1:]:
if extcmd == 'last' or extcmd.startswith('last-'):
if last is None:
cto = False
last = self.history.last(complete_transactions_only=cto)
if last is None:
tid = last.tid
if extcmd.startswith('last-'):
off = int(extcmd[len('last-'):])
if off <= 0:
tid -= off
if int(extcmd) <= 0:
except ValueError:
self.logger.critical(_('Bad transaction ID given'))
return None
old = self.history.old(tids)
if not old:
self.logger.critical(_('Not found given transaction ID'))
return None
return old
def _history_get_transaction(self, extcmds):
old = self._history_get_transactions(extcmds)
if old is None:
return None
if len(old) > 1:
self.logger.critical(_('Found more than one transaction ID!'))
return old[0]
def historyInfoCmd(self, extcmds):
def str2int(x):
return int(x)
except ValueError:
return None
tids = set()
mtids = set()
pats = []
old = self.history.last()
if old is None:
self.logger.critical(_('No transactions'))
return 1, ['Failed history info']
for tid in extcmds[1:]:
if self._historyRangeRTIDs(old, tid):
# Have a range ... do a "merged" transaction.
mtids.add(self._historyRangeRTIDs(old, tid))
elif str2int(tid) is not None:
if pats:
utids = tids.copy()
if mtids:
mtids = sorted(mtids)
if not tids and len(extcmds) < 2:
old = self.history.last(complete_transactions_only=False)
if old is not None:
if not tids:
self.logger.critical(_('No transaction ID, or package, given'))
return 1, ['Failed history info']
lastdbv = self.history.last()
if lastdbv is not None:
lasttid = lastdbv.tid
lastdbv = lastdbv.end_rpmdbversion
done = False
bmtid, emtid = -1, -1
mobj = None
if mtids:
bmtid, emtid = mtids.pop(0)
for tid in self.history.old(tids):
if lastdbv is not None and tid.tid == lasttid:
# If this is the last transaction, is good and it doesn't
# match the current rpmdb ... then mark it as bad.
rpmdbv = self.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]
if lastdbv != rpmdbv:
tid.altered_gt_rpmdb = True
lastdbv = None
if tid.tid >= bmtid and tid.tid <= emtid:
if mobj is None:
mobj = yum.history.YumMergedHistoryTransaction(tid)
elif mobj is not None:
if done:
print "-" * 79
done = True
mobj = None
if mtids:
bmtid, emtid = mtids.pop(0)
if tid.tid >= bmtid and tid.tid <= emtid:
mobj = yum.history.YumMergedHistoryTransaction(tid)
if tid.tid in utids:
if done:
print "-" * 79
done = True
self._historyInfoCmd(tid, pats)
if mobj is not None:
if done:
print "-" * 79
def _hpkg2from_repo(self, hpkg):
""" Given a pkg, find the ipkg.ui_from_repo ... if none, then
get an apkg. ... and put a ? in there. """
if 'from_repo' in hpkg.yumdb_info:
return hpkg.ui_from_repo
ipkgs = self.rpmdb.searchPkgTuple(hpkg.pkgtup)
if not ipkgs:
apkgs = self.pkgSack.searchPkgTuple(hpkg.pkgtup)
if not apkgs:
return '?'
return '@?' + str(apkgs[0].repoid)
return ipkgs[0].ui_from_repo
def _historyInfoCmd(self, old, pats=[]):
name = self._pwd_ui_username(old.loginuid)
_pkg_states_installed = {'i' : _('Installed'), 'e' : _('Erased'),
'o' : _('Updated'), 'n' : _('Downgraded')}
_pkg_states_available = {'i' : _('Installed'), 'e' : _('Not installed'),
'o' : _('Older'), 'n' : _('Newer')}
# max() only in 2.5.z
maxlen = sorted([len(x) for x in (_pkg_states_installed.values() +
_pkg_states_installed['maxlen'] = maxlen
_pkg_states_available['maxlen'] = maxlen
def _simple_pkg(pkg, prefix_len, was_installed=False, highlight=False,
pkg_max_len=0, show_repo=True):
prefix = " " * prefix_len
if was_installed:
_pkg_states = _pkg_states_installed
_pkg_states = _pkg_states_available
state = _pkg_states['i']
ipkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNames([hpkg.name])
if not ipkgs:
state = _pkg_states['e']
elif hpkg.pkgtup in (ipkg.pkgtup for ipkg in ipkgs):
elif ipkgs[-1] > hpkg:
state = _pkg_states['o']
elif ipkgs[0] < hpkg:
state = _pkg_states['n']
assert False, "Impossible, installed not newer and not older"
if highlight:
(hibeg, hiend) = self._highlight('bold')
(hibeg, hiend) = self._highlight('normal')
state = utf8_width_fill(state, _pkg_states['maxlen'])
ui_repo = ''
if show_repo:
ui_repo = self._hpkg2from_repo(hpkg)
print "%s%s%s%s %-*s %s" % (prefix, hibeg, state, hiend,
pkg_max_len, hpkg, ui_repo)
if type(old.tid) == type([]):
print _("Transaction ID :"), "%u..%u" % (old.tid[0], old.tid[-1])
print _("Transaction ID :"), old.tid
begtm = time.ctime(old.beg_timestamp)
print _("Begin time :"), begtm
if old.beg_rpmdbversion is not None:
if old.altered_lt_rpmdb:
print _("Begin rpmdb :"), old.beg_rpmdbversion, "**"
print _("Begin rpmdb :"), old.beg_rpmdbversion
if old.end_timestamp is not None:
endtm = time.ctime(old.end_timestamp)
endtms = endtm.split()
if begtm.startswith(endtms[0]): # Chop uninteresting prefix
begtms = begtm.split()
sofar = 0
for i in range(len(endtms)):
if i > len(begtms):
if begtms[i] != endtms[i]:
sofar += len(begtms[i]) + 1
endtm = (' ' * sofar) + endtm[sofar:]
diff = old.end_timestamp - old.beg_timestamp
if diff < 5 * 60:
diff = _("(%u seconds)") % diff
elif diff < 5 * 60 * 60:
diff = _("(%u minutes)") % (diff / 60)
elif diff < 5 * 60 * 60 * 24:
diff = _("(%u hours)") % (diff / (60 * 60))
diff = _("(%u days)") % (diff / (60 * 60 * 24))
print _("End time :"), endtm, diff
if old.end_rpmdbversion is not None:
if old.altered_gt_rpmdb:
print _("End rpmdb :"), old.end_rpmdbversion, "**"
print _("End rpmdb :"), old.end_rpmdbversion
if type(name) == type([]):
for name in name:
print _("User :"), name
print _("User :"), name
if type(old.return_code) == type([]):
codes = old.return_code
if codes[0] is None:
print _("Return-Code :"), "**", _("Aborted"), "**"
codes = codes[1:]
if codes:
print _("Return-Code :"), _("Failures:"), ", ".join(codes)
elif old.return_code is None:
print _("Return-Code :"), "**", _("Aborted"), "**"
elif old.return_code:
print _("Return-Code :"), _("Failure:"), old.return_code
print _("Return-Code :"), _("Success")
if old.cmdline is not None:
if type(old.cmdline) == type([]):
for cmdline in old.cmdline:
print _("Command Line :"), cmdline
print _("Command Line :"), old.cmdline
if type(old.tid) != type([]):
addon_info = self.history.return_addon_data(old.tid)
# for the ones we create by default - don't display them as there
default_addons = set(['config-main', 'config-repos', 'saved_tx'])
non_default = set(addon_info).difference(default_addons)
if len(non_default) > 0:
print _("Additional non-default information stored: %d"
% len(non_default))
if old.trans_with:
# This is _possible_, but not common
print _("Transaction performed with:")
pkg_max_len = max((len(str(hpkg)) for hpkg in old.trans_with))
for hpkg in old.trans_with:
_simple_pkg(hpkg, 4, was_installed=True, pkg_max_len=pkg_max_len)
print _("Packages Altered:")
self.historyInfoCmdPkgsAltered(old, pats)
if old.trans_skip:
print _("Packages Skipped:")
pkg_max_len = max((len(str(hpkg)) for hpkg in old.trans_skip))
for hpkg in old.trans_skip:
# Don't show the repo. here because we can't store it as they were,
# by definition, not installed.
_simple_pkg(hpkg, 4, pkg_max_len=pkg_max_len, show_repo=False)
if old.rpmdb_problems:
print _("Rpmdb Problems:")
for prob in old.rpmdb_problems:
key = "%s%s: " % (" " * 4, prob.problem)
print self.fmtKeyValFill(key, prob.text)
if prob.packages:
pkg_max_len = max((len(str(hpkg)) for hpkg in prob.packages))
for hpkg in prob.packages:
_simple_pkg(hpkg, 8, was_installed=True, highlight=hpkg.main,
if old.output:
print _("Scriptlet output:")
num = 0
for line in old.output:
num += 1
print "%4d" % num, line
if old.errors:
print _("Errors:")
num = 0
for line in old.errors:
num += 1
print "%4d" % num, line
_history_state2uistate = {'True-Install' : _('Install'),
'Install' : _('Install'),
'Dep-Install' : _('Dep-Install'),
'Obsoleted' : _('Obsoleted'),
'Obsoleting' : _('Obsoleting'),
'Erase' : _('Erase'),
'Reinstall' : _('Reinstall'),
'Downgrade' : _('Downgrade'),
'Downgraded' : _('Downgraded'),
'Update' : _('Update'),
'Updated' : _('Updated'),
def historyInfoCmdPkgsAltered(self, old, pats=[]):
last = None
# Note that these don't use _simple_pkg() because we are showing what
# happened to them in the transaction ... not the difference between the
# version in the transaction and now.
all_uistates = self._history_state2uistate
maxlen = 0
pkg_max_len = 0
for hpkg in old.trans_data:
uistate = all_uistates.get(hpkg.state, hpkg.state)
if maxlen < len(uistate):
maxlen = len(uistate)
if pkg_max_len < len(str(hpkg)):
pkg_max_len = len(str(hpkg))
for hpkg in old.trans_data:
prefix = " " * 4
if not hpkg.done:
prefix = " ** "
highlight = 'normal'
if pats:
x,m,u = yum.packages.parsePackages([hpkg], pats)
if x or m:
highlight = 'bold'
(hibeg, hiend) = self._highlight(highlight)
# To chop the name off we need nevra strings, str(pkg) gives envra
# so we have to do it by hand ... *sigh*.
cn = hpkg.ui_nevra
uistate = all_uistates.get(hpkg.state, hpkg.state)
uistate = utf8_width_fill(uistate, maxlen)
# Should probably use columns here...
if False: pass
elif (last is not None and
last.state == 'Updated' and last.name == hpkg.name and
hpkg.state == 'Update'):
ln = len(hpkg.name) + 1
cn = (" " * ln) + cn[ln:]
elif (last is not None and
last.state == 'Downgrade' and last.name == hpkg.name and
hpkg.state == 'Downgraded'):
ln = len(hpkg.name) + 1
cn = (" " * ln) + cn[ln:]
last = None
if hpkg.state in ('Updated', 'Downgrade'):
last = hpkg
print "%s%s%s%s %-*s %s" % (prefix, hibeg, uistate, hiend,
pkg_max_len, cn,
def historySummaryCmd(self, extcmds):
tids, printall = self._history_list_transactions(extcmds)
if tids is None:
return 1, ['Failed history info']
fmt = "%s | %s | %s | %s"
print fmt % (utf8_width_fill(_("Login user"), 26, 26),
utf8_width_fill(_("Time"), 19, 19),
utf8_width_fill(_("Action(s)"), 16, 16),
utf8_width_fill(_("Altered"), 8, 8))
print "-" * 79
fmt = "%s | %s | %s | %8u"
data = {'day' : {}, 'week' : {},
'fortnight' : {}, 'quarter' : {}, 'half' : {},
'year' : {}, 'all' : {}}
for old in self.history.old(tids):
name = self._pwd_ui_username(old.loginuid, 26)
period = 'all'
now = time.time()
if False: pass
elif old.beg_timestamp > (now - (24 * 60 * 60)):
period = 'day'
elif old.beg_timestamp > (now - (24 * 60 * 60 * 7)):
period = 'week'
elif old.beg_timestamp > (now - (24 * 60 * 60 * 14)):
period = 'fortnight'
elif old.beg_timestamp > (now - (24 * 60 * 60 * 7 * 13)):
period = 'quarter'
elif old.beg_timestamp > (now - (24 * 60 * 60 * 7 * 26)):
period = 'half'
elif old.beg_timestamp > (now - (24 * 60 * 60 * 365)):
period = 'year'
data[period].setdefault(name, []).append(old)
_period2user = {'day' : _("Last day"),
'week' : _("Last week"),
'fortnight' : _("Last 2 weeks"), # US default :p
'quarter' : _("Last 3 months"),
'half' : _("Last 6 months"),
'year' : _("Last year"),
'all' : _("Over a year ago")}
done = 0
for period in ('day', 'week', 'fortnight', 'quarter', 'half', 'year',
if not data[period]:
for name in sorted(data[period]):
if not printall and done > 19:
done += 1
hpkgs = []
for old in data[period][name]:
count, uiacts = self._history_uiactions(hpkgs)
uperiod = _period2user[period]
# Should probably use columns here, esp. for uiacts?
print fmt % (utf8_width_fill(name, 26, 26),
utf8_width_fill(uperiod, 19, 19),
utf8_width_fill(uiacts, 16, 16), count)
def historyAddonInfoCmd(self, extcmds):
tid = None
if len(extcmds) > 1:
tid = extcmds[1]
if tid == 'last':
tid = None
if tid is not None:
except ValueError:
self.logger.critical(_('Bad transaction ID given'))
return 1, ['Failed history addon-info']
if tid is not None:
old = self.history.old(tids=[tid])
old = [self.history.last(complete_transactions_only=False)]
if old[0] is None:
self.logger.critical(_('No transaction ID, or package, given'))
return 1, ['Failed history addon-info']
if not old:
self.logger.critical(_('No Transaction %s found') % tid)
return 1, ['Failed history addon-info']
hist_data = old[0]
addon_info = self.history.return_addon_data(hist_data.tid)
if len(extcmds) <= 2:
print _("Transaction ID:"), hist_data.tid
print _('Available additional history information:')
for itemname in self.history.return_addon_data(hist_data.tid):
print ' %s' % itemname
print ''
return 0, ['history addon-info']
for item in extcmds[2:]:
if item in addon_info:
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, '%s:', item)
print self.history.return_addon_data(hist_data.tid, item),
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, '')
print _('%s: No additional data found by this name') % item
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, '')
def historyPackageListCmd(self, extcmds):
""" Shows the user a list of data about the history, from the point
of a package(s) instead of via. transactions. """
tids = self.history.search(extcmds)
limit = None
if extcmds and not tids:
self.logger.critical(_('Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given'))
return 1, ['Failed history packages-list']
if not tids:
limit = 20
all_uistates = self._history_state2uistate
fmt = "%s | %s | %s"
# REALLY Needs to use columns!
print fmt % (utf8_width_fill(_("ID"), 6, 6),
utf8_width_fill(_("Action(s)"), 14, 14),
utf8_width_fill(_("Package"), 53, 53))
print "-" * 79
fmt = "%6u | %s | %-50s"
num = 0
for old in self.history.old(tids, limit=limit):
if limit is not None and num and (num +len(old.trans_data)) > limit:
last = None
# Copy and paste from list ... uh.
rmark = lmark = ' '
if old.return_code is None:
rmark = lmark = '*'
elif old.return_code:
rmark = lmark = '#'
# We don't check .errors, because return_code will be non-0
elif old.output:
rmark = lmark = 'E'
elif old.rpmdb_problems:
rmark = lmark = 'P'
elif old.trans_skip:
rmark = lmark = 's'
if old.altered_lt_rpmdb:
rmark = '<'
if old.altered_gt_rpmdb:
lmark = '>'
for hpkg in old.trans_data: # Find a pkg to go with each cmd...
if limit is None:
x,m,u = yum.packages.parsePackages([hpkg], extcmds)
if not x and not m:
uistate = all_uistates.get(hpkg.state, hpkg.state)
uistate = utf8_width_fill(uistate, 14)
# To chop the name off we need nevra strings, str(pkg) gives
# envra so we have to do it by hand ... *sigh*.
cn = hpkg.ui_nevra
# Should probably use columns here...
if False: pass
elif (last is not None and
last.state == 'Updated' and last.name == hpkg.name and
hpkg.state == 'Update'):
ln = len(hpkg.name) + 1
cn = (" " * ln) + cn[ln:]
elif (last is not None and
last.state == 'Downgrade' and last.name == hpkg.name and
hpkg.state == 'Downgraded'):
ln = len(hpkg.name) + 1
cn = (" " * ln) + cn[ln:]
last = None
if hpkg.state in ('Updated', 'Downgrade'):
last = hpkg
num += 1
print fmt % (old.tid, uistate, cn), "%s%s" % (lmark,rmark)
# And, again, copy and paste...
lastdbv = self.history.last()
if lastdbv is None:
# If this is the last transaction, is good and it doesn't
# match the current rpmdb ... then mark it as bad.
rpmdbv = self.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]
if lastdbv.end_rpmdbversion != rpmdbv:
def historyPackageInfoCmd(self, extcmds):
"""Print information about packages in history transactions.
:param extcmds: list of extra command line arguments
tids = self.history.search(extcmds)
limit = None
if extcmds and not tids:
self.logger.critical(_('Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given'))
return 1, ['Failed history packages-info']
if not tids:
limit = 20
all_uistates = self._history_state2uistate
num = 0
for old in self.history.old(tids, limit=limit):
if limit is not None and num and (num +len(old.trans_data)) > limit:
last = None
for hpkg in old.trans_data: # Find a pkg to go with each cmd...
if limit is None:
x,m,u = yum.packages.parsePackages([hpkg], extcmds)
if not x and not m:
uistate = all_uistates.get(hpkg.state, hpkg.state)
if num:
print ""
print _("Transaction ID :"), old.tid
tm = time.ctime(old.beg_timestamp)
print _("Begin time :"), tm
print _("Package :"), hpkg.ui_nevra
print _("State :"), uistate
if hpkg.size is not None:
num = int(hpkg.size)
print _("Size :"), locale.format("%d", num, True)
if hpkg.buildhost is not None:
print _("Build host :"), hpkg.buildhost
if hpkg.buildtime is not None:
tm = time.ctime(int(hpkg.buildtime))
print _("Build time :"), tm
if hpkg.packager is not None:
print _("Packager :"), hpkg.packager
if hpkg.vendor is not None:
print _("Vendor :"), hpkg.vendor
if hpkg.license is not None:
print _("License :"), hpkg.license
if hpkg.url is not None:
print _("URL :"), hpkg.url
if hpkg.sourcerpm is not None:
print _("Source RPM :"), hpkg.sourcerpm
if hpkg.committime is not None:
tm = time.ctime(int(hpkg.committime))
print _("Commit Time :"), tm
if hpkg.committer is not None:
print _("Committer :"), hpkg.committer
if hpkg.yumdb_info.reason is not None:
print _("Reason :"), hpkg.yumdb_info.reason
if hpkg.yumdb_info.command_line is not None:
print _("Command Line :"), hpkg.yumdb_info.command_line
if hpkg.yumdb_info.from_repo is not None:
print _("From repo :"), hpkg.yumdb_info.from_repo
if hpkg.yumdb_info.installed_by is not None:
uid = int(hpkg.yumdb_info.installed_by)
name = self._pwd_ui_username(uid)
print _("Installed by :"), name
if hpkg.yumdb_info.changed_by is not None:
uid = int(hpkg.yumdb_info.changed_by)
name = self._pwd_ui_username(uid)
print _("Changed by :"), name
num += 1
# And, again, copy and paste...
lastdbv = self.history.last()
if lastdbv is None:
# If this is the last transaction, is good and it doesn't
# match the current rpmdb ... then mark it as bad.
rpmdbv = self.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]
if lastdbv.end_rpmdbversion != rpmdbv:
def pretty_output_restring(restring):
for msg in restring:
prefix = _('Error: %s')
prefix2nd = (' ' * (utf8_width(prefix) - 2))
yield (prefix, msg.replace('\n', '\n' + prefix2nd))
class DepSolveProgressCallBack:
"""provides text output callback functions for Dependency Solver callback"""
def __init__(self, ayum=None):
"""requires yum-cli log and errorlog functions as arguments"""
self.verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.cli")
self.loops = 0
self.ayum = ayum
def pkgAdded(self, pkgtup, mode):
modedict = { 'i': _('installed'),
'u': _('an update'),
'e': _('erased'),
'r': _('reinstalled'),
'd': _('a downgrade'),
'o': _('obsoleting'),
'ud': _('updated'),
'od': _('obsoleted'),}
(n, a, e, v, r) = pkgtup
modeterm = modedict[mode]
_('---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s'), n, a, e, v, r,
def start(self):
self.loops += 1
def tscheck(self):
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('--> Running transaction check'))
def restartLoop(self):
self.loops += 1
_('--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes.'))
self.verbose_logger.debug('---> Loop Number: %d', self.loops)
def end(self):
_('--> Finished Dependency Resolution'))
def procReq(self, name, formatted_req):
_('--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s'), formatted_req,
def procReqPo(self, po, formatted_req):
_('--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s'), formatted_req,
def groupRemoveReq(self, po, hits):
_('---> Keeping package: %s'), po)
def unresolved(self, msg):
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('--> Unresolved Dependency: %s'),
def format_missing_requires(self, reqPo, reqTup):
""" Create a message for errorlist, non-cli users could also store this
data somewhere and not print errorlist. """
needname, needflags, needversion = reqTup
yb = self.ayum
prob_pkg = "%s (%s)" % (reqPo, reqPo.ui_from_repo)
msg = _('Package: %s') % (prob_pkg,)
ui_req = formatRequire(needname, needversion, needflags)
msg += _('\n Requires: %s') % (ui_req,)
# if DepSolveProgressCallback() is used instead of DepSolveProgressCallback(ayum=<YumBase Object>)
# then ayum has no value and we can't continue to find details about the missing requirements
if not yb:
return msg
def _msg_pkg(action, pkg, needname):
" Add a package to the message, including any provides matches. "
msg = _('\n %s: %s (%s)') % (action, pkg, pkg.ui_from_repo)
needtup = (needname, None, (None, None, None))
done = False
for pkgtup in pkg.matchingPrcos('provides', needtup):
done = True
msg += _('\n %s') % yum.misc.prco_tuple_to_string(pkgtup)
if not done:
msg += _('\n Not found')
return msg
def _run_inst_pkg(pkg, msg):
nevr = (pkg.name, pkg.epoch, pkg.version, pkg.release)
if nevr in seen_pkgs or (pkg.verEQ(last) and pkg.arch == last.arch):
return msg
action = _('Installed')
rmed = yb.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(pkg.pkgtup, TS_REMOVE_STATES)
if rmed:
action = _('Removing')
msg += _msg_pkg(action, pkg, needname)
# These should be the only three things we care about:
relmap = {'updatedby' : _('Updated By'),
'downgradedby' : _('Downgraded By'),
'obsoletedby' : _('Obsoleted By'),
for txmbr in rmed:
for (rpkg, rtype) in txmbr.relatedto:
if rtype not in relmap:
nevr = (rpkg.name, rpkg.epoch, rpkg.version, rpkg.release)
msg += _msg_pkg(relmap[rtype], rpkg, needname)
return msg
def _run_avail_pkg(pkg, msg):
# We don't want to see installed packages, or N packages of the
# same version, from different repos.
nevr = (pkg.name, pkg.epoch, pkg.version, pkg.release)
if nevr in seen_pkgs or (pkg.verEQ(last) and pkg.arch == last.arch):
return False, last, msg
action = _('Available')
if yb.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(pkg.pkgtup, TS_INSTALL_STATES):
action = _('Installing')
msg += _msg_pkg(action, pkg, needname)
return True, pkg, msg
last = None
seen_pkgs = set()
for pkg in sorted(yb.rpmdb.getProvides(needname)):
msg = _run_inst_pkg(pkg, msg)
available_names = set()
for pkg in sorted(yb.pkgSack.getProvides(needname)):
tst, last, msg = _run_avail_pkg(pkg, msg)
if tst:
last = None
for pkg in sorted(yb.rpmdb.searchNames(available_names)):
msg = _run_inst_pkg(pkg, msg)
last = None
for pkg in sorted(yb.pkgSack.searchNames(available_names)):
tst, last, msg = _run_avail_pkg(pkg, msg)
return msg
def procConflict(self, name, confname):
_('--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s'),
name, confname)
def procConflictPo(self, po, confname):
_('--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s'),
po, confname)
def transactionPopulation(self):
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('--> Populating transaction set '
'with selected packages. Please wait.'))
def downloadHeader(self, name):
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('---> Downloading header for %s '
'to pack into transaction set.'), name)
class CacheProgressCallback:
The class handles text output callbacks during metadata cache updates.
def __init__(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger("yum.cli")
self.verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.cli")
self.file_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.filelogging.cli")
def log(self, level, message):
self.verbose_logger.log(level, message)
def errorlog(self, level, message):
self.logger.log(level, message)
def filelog(self, level, message):
self.file_logger.log(level, message)
def progressbar(self, current, total, name=None):
progressbar(current, total, name)
def _pkgname_ui(ayum, pkgname, ts_states=None):
""" Get more information on a simple pkgname, if we can. We need to search
packages that we are dealing with atm. and installed packages (if the
transaction isn't complete). """
if ayum is None:
return pkgname
if ts_states is None:
# Note 'd' is a placeholder for downgrade, and
# 'r' is a placeholder for reinstall. Neither exist atm.
ts_states = ('d', 'e', 'i', 'r', 'u', 'od', 'ud')
matches = []
def _cond_add(po):
if matches and matches[0].arch == po.arch and matches[0].verEQ(po):
for txmbr in ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name=pkgname):
if txmbr.ts_state not in ts_states:
if not matches:
return pkgname
fmatch = matches.pop(0)
if not matches:
return str(fmatch)
show_ver = True
show_arch = True
for match in matches:
if not fmatch.verEQ(match):
show_ver = False
if fmatch.arch != match.arch:
show_arch = False
if show_ver: # Multilib. *sigh*
if fmatch.epoch == '0':
return '%s-%s-%s' % (fmatch.name, fmatch.version, fmatch.release)
return '%s:%s-%s-%s' % (fmatch.epoch, fmatch.name,
fmatch.version, fmatch.release)
if show_arch:
return '%s.%s' % (fmatch.name, fmatch.arch)
return pkgname
class YumCliRPMCallBack(RPMBaseCallback):
Yum specific callback class for RPM operations.
width = property(lambda x: _term_width())
def __init__(self, ayum=None):
self.lastmsg = to_unicode("")
self.lastpackage = None # name of last package we looked at
self.output = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.cli").isEnabledFor(logginglevels.INFO_2)
# for a progress bar
self.mark = "#"
self.marks = 22
self.ayum = ayum
# Installing things have pkg objects passed to the events, so only need to
# lookup for erased/obsoleted.
def pkgname_ui(self, pkgname, ts_states=('e', 'od', 'ud', None)):
""" Get more information on a simple pkgname, if we can. """
return _pkgname_ui(self.ayum, pkgname, ts_states)
def event(self, package, action, te_current, te_total, ts_current, ts_total):
# this is where a progress bar would be called
process = self.action[action]
wid1 = self._max_action_width()
if type(package) not in types.StringTypes:
pkgname = str(package)
pkgname = self.pkgname_ui(package)
self.lastpackage = package
if te_total == 0:
percent = 0
percent = (te_current*100L)/te_total
self._out_event(te_current, te_total, ts_current, ts_total,
percent, process, pkgname, wid1)
def _max_action_width(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_max_action_wid_cache'):
wid1 = 0
for val in self.action.values():
wid_val = utf8_width(val)
if wid1 < wid_val:
wid1 = wid_val
self._max_action_wid_cache = wid1
wid1 = self._max_action_wid_cache
return wid1
def _out_event(self, te_current, te_total, ts_current, ts_total,
percent, process, pkgname, wid1):
if self.output and (sys.stdout.isatty() or te_current == te_total):
(fmt, wid1, wid2) = self._makefmt(percent, ts_current, ts_total,
pkgname=pkgname, wid1=wid1)
msg = fmt % (utf8_width_fill(process, wid1, wid1),
utf8_width_fill(pkgname, wid2, wid2))
if msg != self.lastmsg:
self.lastmsg = msg
if te_current == te_total:
print " "
def scriptout(self, package, msgs):
if msgs:
def _makefmt(self, percent, ts_current, ts_total, progress = True,
pkgname=None, wid1=15):
l = len(str(ts_total))
size = "%s.%s" % (l, l)
fmt_done = "%" + size + "s/%" + size + "s"
done = fmt_done % (ts_current, ts_total)
# This should probably use TerminLine, but we don't want to dep. on
# that. So we kind do an ok job by hand ... at least it's dynamic now.
if pkgname is None:
pnl = 22
pnl = utf8_width(pkgname)
overhead = (2 * l) + 2 # Length of done, above
overhead += 2+ wid1 +2 # Length of begining (" " action " :")
overhead += 1 # Space between pn and done
overhead += 2 # Ends for progress
overhead += 1 # Space for end
width = self.width
if width < overhead:
width = overhead # Give up
width -= overhead
if pnl > width / 2:
pnl = width / 2
marks = self.width - (overhead + pnl)
width = "%s.%s" % (marks, marks)
fmt_bar = "[%-" + width + "s]"
# pnl = str(28 + marks + 1)
full_pnl = pnl + marks + 1
if progress and percent == 100: # Don't chop pkg name on 100%
fmt = "\r %s: %s " + done
wid2 = full_pnl
elif progress:
bar = fmt_bar % (self.mark * int(marks * (percent / 100.0)), )
fmt = "\r %s: %s " + bar + " " + done
wid2 = pnl
elif percent == 100:
fmt = " %s: %s " + done
wid2 = full_pnl
bar = fmt_bar % (self.mark * marks, )
fmt = " %s: %s " + bar + " " + done
wid2 = pnl
return fmt, wid1, wid2
def verify_txmbr(self, base, txmbr, count):
" Callback for post transaction when we are in verifyTransaction(). "
te_current = count
te_total = len(base.tsInfo)
# self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
percent = 100 # (te_current*100L)/te_total
process = _('Verifying')
pkgname = str(txmbr.po)
wid1 = max(utf8_width(process), self._max_action_width())
self._out_event(100, 100, te_current, te_total,
percent, process, pkgname, wid1)
def progressbar(current, total, name=None):
"""simple progress bar 50 # marks"""
mark = '#'
if not sys.stdout.isatty():
if current == 0:
percent = 0
if total != 0:
percent = float(current) / total
percent = 0
width = _term_width()
if name is None and current == total:
name = '-'
end = ' %d/%d' % (current, total)
width -= len(end) + 1
if width < 0:
width = 0
if name is None:
width -= 2
if width < 0:
width = 0
hashbar = mark * int(width * percent)
output = '\r[%-*s]%s' % (width, hashbar, end)
elif current == total: # Don't chop name on 100%
output = '\r%s%s' % (utf8_width_fill(name, width, width), end)
width -= 4
if width < 0:
width = 0
nwid = width / 2
if nwid > utf8_width(name):
nwid = utf8_width(name)
width -= nwid
hashbar = mark * int(width * percent)
output = '\r%s: [%-*s]%s' % (utf8_width_fill(name, nwid, nwid), width,
hashbar, end)
if current <= total:
if current == total:
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "format_number":
print ""
print " Doing format_number tests, right column should align"
print ""
x = YumOutput()
for i in (0, 0.0, 0.1, 1, 1.0, 1.1, 10, 11, 11.1, 100, 111.1,
1000, 1111, 1024 * 2, 10000, 11111, 99999, 999999,
10**19, 10**20, 10**35):
out = x.format_number(i)
print "%36s <%s> %s <%5s>" % (i, out, ' ' * (14 - len(out)), out)
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "progress":
print ""
print " Doing progress, small name"
print ""
for i in xrange(0, 101):
progressbar(i, 100, "abcd")
print ""
print " Doing progress, big name"
print ""
for i in xrange(0, 101):
progressbar(i, 100, "_%s_" % ("123456789 " * 5))
print ""
print " Doing progress, no name"
print ""
for i in xrange(0, 101):
progressbar(i, 100)
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in ("progress", "rpm-progress"):
cb = YumCliRPMCallBack()
cb.output = True
cb.action["foo"] = "abcd"
cb.action["bar"] = "_12345678_.end"
print ""
print " Doing CB, small proc / small pkg"
print ""
for i in xrange(0, 101):
cb.event("spkg", "foo", i, 100, i, 100)
print ""
print " Doing CB, big proc / big pkg"
print ""
for i in xrange(0, 101):
cb.event("lpkg" + "-=" * 15 + ".end", "bar", i, 100, i, 100)
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in ("progress", "i18n-progress",
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in ("progress", "i18n-progress"):
print ""
print " Doing progress, i18n: small name"
print ""
for i in xrange(0, 101):
progressbar(i, 100, to_unicode('\xe6\xad\xa3\xe5\x9c\xa8\xe5\xae\x89\xe8\xa3\x85'))
print ""
print ""
print " Doing progress, i18n: big name"
print ""
for i in xrange(0, 101):
progressbar(i, 100, to_unicode('\xe6\xad\xa3\xe5\x9c\xa8\xe5\xae\x89\xe8\xa3\x85' * 5 + ".end"))
print ""
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in ("progress", "i18n-progress",
cb = YumCliRPMCallBack()
cb.output = True
cb.action["foo"] = to_unicode('\xe6\xad\xa3\xe5\x9c\xa8\xe5\xae\x89\xe8\xa3\x85')
cb.action["bar"] = cb.action["foo"] * 5 + ".end"
print ""
print " Doing CB, i18n: small proc / small pkg"
print ""
for i in xrange(0, 101):
cb.event("spkg", "foo", i, 100, i, 100)
print ""
print " Doing CB, i18n: big proc / big pkg"
print ""
for i in xrange(0, 101):
cb.event("lpkg" + "-=" * 15 + ".end", "bar", i, 100, i, 100)
print ""
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