-- GIOP Library supporting a very limited subset of operations
-- Summary
-- -------
-- The library currently provides functionality to connect and query the
-- CORBA naming service for a list of available objects.
-- Overview
-- --------
-- The library contains the following classes:
-- o Packet.*
-- - The Packet classes contain specific packets and function to serialize
-- them to strings that can be sent over the wire. Each class may also
-- contain a function to parse the servers response.
-- o Comm
-- - Implements a number of functions to handle communication over the
-- the Socket class.
-- o Helper
-- - A helper class that provides easy access to the rest of the library
-- o Socket
-- - This is a copy of the DB2Socket class which provides fundamental
-- buffering
-- Example
-- -------
-- The following sample code illustrates how scripts can use the Helper class
-- to interface the library:
-- <code>
-- helper = giop.Helper:new(host, port)
-- status, err = helper:Connect()
-- status, ctx = helper:GetNamingContext()
-- status, objs = helper:ListObjects(ctx)
-- </code>
-- Additional information
-- ----------------------
-- The implementation is based on packet dumps and the decoding Wireshark
-- provides.
-- This implementation is tested and known to work against:
-- x Sun's JAVA orbd
-- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html
-- @author "Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>"
-- Version 0.1
-- Created 08/07/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>
module(... or "giop", package.seeall)
-- A bunch of constants
Constants = {
SyncScope = {
ServiceContext = {
ReplyStatus = {
VERSION_1_0 = 1,
VERSION_1_2 = 0x0201,
NAMESERVICE = "NameService\0",
Packet = {}
Packet.GIOP = {
magic = "GIOP",
version = 0x0001,
byte_order = 0,
--- Creates a Packet.GIOP
-- @param msgtype number containing the messaget type
-- @param data string conatining the message data
-- @return obj a new Packet.GIOP instance
new = function( self, msgtype, data )
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.type = msgtype
o.data = data
o.size = data and #data or 0
return o
--- Converts the class to a string suitable to send over the socket
-- @return string containing the instance data
__tostring = function( self )
return bin.pack("<ASCC>IA", self.magic, self.version, self.byte_order, self.type, self.size, self.data )
--- Sets the packet version
-- @param version number containing the version to use
setVersion = function( self, version ) self.version = version end,
--- Receives the packet over the socket
-- @param socket containing the already connected socket
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
-- @return err containing the error message if status is false
recv = function( self, socket )
local status, data = socket:recv( 12 )
local pos
if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to read Packet.GIOP" end
pos, self.magic, self.version, self.byte_order,
self.type = bin.unpack("<A4SCC", data )
pos, self.size = bin.unpack( ( self.byte_order == 0 and ">" or "<") .. "I", data, pos )
status, data = socket:recv( self.size )
if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to read Packet.GIOP" end
self.data = data
return true
ServiceContext = {
--- Creates a ServiceContext
-- @param id number containing the context id
-- @param data the service context data
-- @param pad [optional] number used to pad after the service context
-- @return obj a new ServiceContext instance
new = function( self, id, data, pad )
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.id = id
o.data = data or ""
o.pad = pad
return o
--- Converts the class to a string suitable to send over the socket
-- @return string containing the instance data
__tostring = function( self )
if ( self.pad ) then
return bin.pack(">IIAS", self.id, #self.data, self.data, self.pad)
return bin.pack(">IIA", self.id, #self.data, self.data)
--- Creates a SendingContextRuntime
SendingContextRuntime =
--- Creates a SendingContextRuntime
-- @param lhost string containing the source ip address
-- @return obj a new SendingContextRuntime instance
new = function(self, lhost )
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.data = bin.pack(">HIAH",
]], #lhost + 1, lhost .. "\0",
]] )
return o
--- Converts the class to a string suitable to send over the socket
-- @return string containing the instance data
__tostring = function( self ) return self.data end,
Packet.GIOP.reply = {
--- Creates a new Packet.GIOP.reply instance
-- @return obj a new Packet.GIOP.get instance
new = function( self )
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
self.sc = {}
self.GIOP = Packet.GIOP:new()
return o
--- Receives a Packet.GIOP.reply from the socket
-- @param socket already connected to the server
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
-- @return err error message if status is false
recv = function( self, socket )
local status, err = self.GIOP:recv( socket )
local pos, tmp
local bo = ( self.GIOP.byte_order == 0 and ">" or "<")
if( not(status) ) then return false, err end
if ( self.GIOP.version == Constants.VERSION_1_2 ) then
pos, self.request_id, self.reply_status = bin.unpack(bo .. "II", self.GIOP.data, pos )
pos, tmp = bin.unpack( bo .. "I", self.GIOP.data, pos )
elseif ( self.GIOP.version == Constants.VERSION_1_0 ) then
pos, tmp = bin.unpack( bo .. "I", self.GIOP.data )
for i=1, tmp do
local ctx_id, ctx_len, ctx_data
pos, ctx_id, ctx_len = bin.unpack( bo .. "II", self.GIOP.data, pos )
pos, ctx_data = bin.unpack("A" .. ctx_len, self.GIOP.data, pos )
if ( i ~= tmp ) then pos = pos + 2 end
table.insert( self.sc, ServiceContext:new( ctx_id, ctx_data ) )
if ( self.GIOP.version == Constants.VERSION_1_0 ) then
pos, self.request_id, self.reply_status, self.stub_data = bin.unpack( bo .. "IIA" .. ( #self.GIOP.data - pos - 8 ), self.GIOP.data, pos )
elseif ( pos < #self.GIOP.data ) then
pos, self.data = bin.unpack("A" .. (#self.GIOP.data - pos), self.GIOP.data, pos )
return true
Packet.GIOP.get = {
resp_expected = 1,
key_length = 4,
princ_len = 0,
--- Creates a new Packet.GIOP._is_a instance
-- @param id the packet identifier
-- @param key number containing the object key
-- @param data string containing the stub data
-- @return obj a new Packet.GIOP.get instance
new = function( self, id, key, data )
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.op = "get\0"
o.id = id
o.key = key
o.data = data
o.sc = {}
return o
--- Creates and adds a service context to the packet
-- @param id number containing the context id
-- @param data the service context data
-- @param pad [optional] number used to pad after the service context
addServiceContext = function( self, id, data, pad ) table.insert( self.sc, ServiceContext:new(id, data, pad) ) end,
--- Converts the class to a string suitable to send over the socket
-- @return string containing the packet data
__tostring = function( self )
local data = bin.pack(">I", #self.sc)
local pad = 0
for i=1, #self.sc do
local tmp = tostring( self.sc[i])
data = data .. bin.pack("A", tmp )
data = data .. bin.pack( ">ICCCCIIIAIA", self.id, self.resp_expected, pad, pad, pad,
self.key_length, self.key, #self.op, self.op, self.princ_len, self.data )
return tostring( Packet.GIOP:new( 0, data ) )
Packet.GIOP._is_a =
--- Creates a new Packet.GIOP._is_a instance
-- @param id the packet identifier
-- @param flags [optional]
-- @param keyaddr string containing the keyaddr data
-- @return obj a new Packet.GIOP._is_a instance
new = function( self, id, flags, key_addr )
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.op = "_is_a\0"
o.id = id
o.target_addr = 0 -- KeyAddr
o.key_addr = key_addr
o.flags = flags or Constants.SyncScope.WITH_TARGET -- SyncScope WITH_TARGET
o.sc = {}
return o
--- Creates and adds a service context to the packet
-- @param id number containing the context id
-- @param data the service context data
-- @param pad [optional] number used to pad after the service context
addServiceContext = function( self, id, data, pad ) table.insert( self.sc, ServiceContext:new(id, data, pad) ) end,
--- Converts the class to a string suitable to send over the socket
-- @return string containing the packet data
__tostring = function( self )
local TYPE_ID = "IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0\0"
local RESERVED = 0
local UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN2, UNKNOWN3 = 2, 1, 0
local data = bin.pack(">ICCCCSSIAIASI", self.id, self.flags, RESERVED, RESERVED, RESERVED, self.target_addr,
UNKNOWN, #self.key_addr, self.key_addr, #self.op, self.op, UNKNOWN2, #self.sc )
for i=1, #self.sc do
local tmp = tostring( self.sc[i])
data = data .. bin.pack("A", tmp )
data = data .. bin.pack(">IA", #TYPE_ID, TYPE_ID)
local packet = Packet.GIOP:new( 0, data )
packet:setVersion( Constants.VERSION_1_2 )
return tostring( packet )
Packet.GIOP.list =
--- Creates a new Packet.GIOP.list instance
-- @param id the packet identifier
-- @param flags [optional]
-- @param keyaddr string containing the keyaddr data
-- @param how_many string containing the value to retrieve
-- @return obj a new Packet.GIOP.list instance
new = function( self, id, flags, keyaddr, how_many )
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.op = "list\0"
o.id = id
o.flags = flags or Constants.SyncScope.WITH_TARGET
o.target_addr = 0 -- KeyAddr
o.key_addr = keyaddr
o.how_many = how_many or 1000
o.sc = {}
return o
--- Creates and adds a service context to the packet
-- @param id number containing the context id
-- @param data the service context data
-- @param pad [optional] number used to pad after the service context
addServiceContext = function( self, id, data, pad ) table.insert( self.sc, ServiceContext:new(id, data, pad) ) end,
--- Converts the class to a string suitable to send over the socket
-- @return string containing the packet data
__tostring = function( self )
local RESERVED = 0
local UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN2, UNKNOWN3 = 2, 1, 6
local data = bin.pack(">ICCCCSSIAIACCCI", self.id, self.flags, RESERVED, RESERVED,
RESERVED, self.target_addr, UNKNOWN, #self.key_addr, self.key_addr,
#self.op, self.op, RESERVED, RESERVED, UNKNOWN2, #self.sc )
for i=1, #self.sc do
local tmp = tostring( self.sc[i])
data = data .. bin.pack("A", tmp )
data = data .. bin.pack(">II", UNKNOWN3, self.how_many )
local packet = Packet.GIOP:new( 0, data )
packet:setVersion( Constants.VERSION_1_2 )
return tostring( packet )
-- A socket implementation that provides fundamental buffering and allows for
-- reading of an exact number of bytes, instead of atleast ...
Socket =
new = function(self, socket)
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.Socket = socket or nmap.new_socket()
o.Buffer = nil
return o
getSrcIp = function( self )
local status, lhost, _, _, _ = self.Socket:get_info()
if (not(status)) then return false, "Error failed to get socket information" end
return true, lhost
--- Establishes a connection.
-- @param hostid Hostname or IP address.
-- @param port Port number.
-- @param protocol <code>"tcp"</code>, <code>"udp"</code>, or
-- @return Status (true or false).
-- @return Error code (if status is false).
connect = function( self, hostid, port, protocol )
local status = self.Socket:set_timeout(10000)
return self.Socket:connect( hostid, port, protocol )
--- Closes an open connection.
-- @return Status (true or false).
-- @return Error code (if status is false).
close = function( self )
return self.Socket:close()
--- Opposed to the <code>socket:receive_bytes</code> function, that returns
-- at least x bytes, this function returns the amount of bytes requested.
-- @param count of bytes to read
-- @return true on success, false on failure
-- @return data containing bytes read from the socket
-- err containing error message if status is false
recv = function( self, count )
local status, data
self.Buffer = self.Buffer or ""
if ( #self.Buffer < count ) then
status, data = self.Socket:receive_bytes( count - #self.Buffer )
if ( not(status) ) then
return false, data
self.Buffer = self.Buffer .. data
data = self.Buffer:sub( 1, count )
self.Buffer = self.Buffer:sub( count + 1)
return true, data
--- Sends data over the socket
-- @return Status (true or false).
-- @return Error code (if status is false).
send = function( self, data )
return self.Socket:send( data )
-- Static class containing various message decoders
MessageDecoder = {
--- Decodes a get response
-- @param packet the GIOP packet as recieved by the comm
-- <code>exchGIOPPacket</code> function
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
-- @return table containing <code>ip</code> and <code>ctx</code>
["get"] = function( packet )
local bo = ( packet.GIOP.byte_order == 0 and ">" or "<")
local pos, len = bin.unpack(bo .. "I", packet.stub_data)
local ip, ctx
pos = pos + len + 16
pos, len = bin.unpack(bo .. "I", packet.stub_data, pos)
print("len", len)
pos, ip = bin.unpack( bo .. "A" .. len, packet.stub_data, pos)
print("tmp", ip)
pos = pos + 3
pos, len = bin.unpack(bo .. "I", packet.stub_data, pos)
print("len", len)
pos, ctx = bin.unpack( bo .. "A" .. len, packet.stub_data, pos)
return true, { ip = ip, ctx = ctx}
--- Decodes a _is_a response (not implemented)
-- @param packet the GIOP packet as recieved by the comm
-- <code>exchGIOPPacket</code> function
-- @return status, always true
["_is_a"] = function( packet )
return true
--- Decodes a list response
-- @param packet the GIOP packet as recieved by the comm
-- <code>exchGIOPPacket</code> function
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
-- @return table containing <code>id</code>, <code>kind</code> and
-- <code>enum</code> or error message if status is false
["list"] = function( packet )
local bo = ( packet.GIOP.byte_order == 0 and ">" or "<")
local pos, seq_len = bin.unpack( bo .. "I", packet.data, 7)
local objs = {}
for i=1, seq_len do
local seq_len_of_bind_name
local len, name
local obj = {}
pos, seq_len_of_bind_name = bin.unpack( bo .. "I", packet.data, pos)
if ( seq_len_of_bind_name ~= 1 ) then return false, "Sequence length of Binding_binding_name was greater than 1" end
pos, len = bin.unpack( bo .. "I", packet.data, pos )
pos, obj.id = bin.unpack( "A" .. len - 1, packet.data, pos )
-- Account for terminating zero
pos = pos + 1
-- Account for undecoded data
pos = pos + ( ( len % 4 > 0 ) and ( 4 - ( len % 4 ) ) or 0 )
pos = pos + 3
pos, obj.kind = bin.unpack("C", packet.data, pos)
-- Account for undecoded data
pos = pos + 4
pos, obj.enum = bin.unpack( bo .. "I", packet.data, pos )
table.insert( objs, obj )
return true, objs
Comm = {
--- Creates a new Comm instance
-- @param socket containing a buffered socket connected to the server
-- @return a new Comm instance
new = function(self, socket)
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.socket = socket
return o
--- Sends and recieves a GIOP packet
-- @param packet containing a Packet.* object, the object must
-- implement the __tostring meta method
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
-- @return data decoder specific data, see the corresponding
-- MessageDecoder for more information.
exchGIOPPacket = function( self, packet )
local status, err = self.socket:send( tostring(packet) )
local op = packet.op:sub(1, -2)
local data
if( not(status) ) then return false, err end
packet = Packet.GIOP.reply:new()
status, err = packet:recv( self.socket )
if( not(status) ) then return false, err end
if ( MessageDecoder[op] ) then
status, data = MessageDecoder[op]( packet )
return false, ("No message decoder for op (%s)"):format(op)
return status, data
Helper = {
new = function(self, host, port )
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.host = host
o.port = port
o.socket = Socket:new()
return o
GetNamingContext = function( self )
local packet = Packet.GIOP.get:new( 5, 0x494e4954, bin.pack(">IA", #Constants.NAMESERVICE, Constants.NAMESERVICE) )
local status, ctx, lhost, pos, len, bo, tmp
packet:addServiceContext( 17, string.char(0x00, 0x02), 0)
packet:addServiceContext( Constants.ServiceContext.NEO_FIRST_SERVICE_CONTEXT, string.char(0x00, 0x14), 0)
packet:addServiceContext( Constants.ServiceContext.SENDING_CONTEXT_RUNTIME, tostring(SendingContextRuntime:new( self.lhost )), 0 )
status, packet = self.comm:exchGIOPPacket( packet )
if( not(status) ) then return status, packet end
return true, packet.ctx
ListObjects = function( self, keyaddr )
-- SyncScope WITH_TARGET
local packet = Packet.GIOP._is_a:new( 5, Constants.SyncScope.WITH_TARGET, keyaddr )
local status, err, lhost
status, err = self:Reconnect()
if( not(status) ) then return false, err end
packet:addServiceContext( 17, "\0\2", 0x000d)
packet:addServiceContext( Constants.ServiceContext.CODESETS, "\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\1\0\1\1\9" )
packet:addServiceContext( Constants.ServiceContext.NEO_FIRST_SERVICE_CONTEXT, string.char(0x00, 0x14), 0x5d69)
packet:addServiceContext( Constants.ServiceContext.SENDING_CONTEXT_RUNTIME, tostring(SendingContextRuntime:new( self.lhost )), 0 )
status, packet = self.comm:exchGIOPPacket( packet )
if( not(status) ) then return status, packet end
packet = Packet.GIOP.list:new( Constants.ServiceContext.SENDING_CONTEXT_RUNTIME, Constants.SyncScope.WITH_TARGET, keyaddr, 1000 )
packet:addServiceContext( 17, "\0\2", 0x000d)
packet:addServiceContext( Constants.ServiceContext.CODESETS, "\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\1\0\1\1\9" )
packet:addServiceContext( Constants.ServiceContext.NEO_FIRST_SERVICE_CONTEXT, string.char(0x00, 0x14), 0x9c9b)
status, packet = self.comm:exchGIOPPacket( packet )
if( not(status) ) then return status, packet end
return true, packet
--- Connects and performs protocol negotiation with the Oracle server
-- @return true on success, false on failure
-- @return err containing error message when status is false
Connect = function( self )
local status, data = self.socket:connect( self.host.ip, self.port.number, "tcp" )
if( not(status) ) then return status, data end
self.comm = Comm:new( self.socket )
status, self.lhost = self.socket:getSrcIp()
if ( not(status) ) then
return false, self.lhost
return true
Close = function( self )
return self.socket:close()
Reconnect = function( self )
local status = self:Close()
if( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to close socket" end
status = self:Connect()
if( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to re-connect socket" end
return true
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