package CSS::DOM::Parser;
$VERSION = '0.16';
use strict; use warnings; no warnings qw 'utf8 parenthesis';
use re 'taint';
use Carp 1.01 qw 'shortmess croak';
use CSS::DOM;
use CSS::DOM::Rule::Style;
use CSS::DOM::Style;
use CSS::DOM::Util 'unescape';
our @CARP_NOT = qw "CSS::DOM CSS::DOM::Rule::Media";
# Tokeniser regexps
my $token_re;
# This one has to be outside the scope, because we need it in tokenise.
my $_optspace = qr/[ \t\r\n\f]*/;
# Vars beginning with _ here are not token regexps, but are used to
# build them.
my $_escape =qr/\\(?:[0-9a-f]{1,6}(?:\r\n|[ \n\r\t\f])?|[^\n\r\f0-9a-f])/i;
my $_id_start = qr/[_a-zA-Z]|[^\0-\177]|$_escape/;
my $_id_cont = qr/[_a-zA-Z0-9-]|[^\0-\177]|$_escape/;
my $_nl = qr/\r\n?|[\n\f]/;
my $_invalid_qq = qr/"[^\n\r\f\\"]*(?:(?:\\$_nl|$_escape)[^\n\r\f\\"]*)*/;
my $_invalid_q = qr/'[^\n\r\f\\']*(?:(?:\\$_nl|$_escape)[^\n\r\f\\']*)*/;
my $ident = qr/-?$_id_start$_id_cont*/;
my $at = qr/\@$ident/;
my $str = qr/$_invalid_qq(?:"|\z)|$_invalid_q(?:'|\z)/;
my $invalid = qr/$_invalid_qq|$_invalid_q/;
my $hash = qr/#$_id_cont+/;
my $num = qr/(?=\.?[0-9])[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?/;
my $percent = qr/$num%/;
my $dim = qr/$num$ident/;
my $url = qr/url\($_optspace(?:
[^\0- "'()\\\x7f]*(?:$_escape[^\0- "'()\\\x7f]*)*
my $uni_range = qr/U\+[0-9A-F?]{1,6}(?:-[0-9a-f]{1,6})?/i;
my $space = qr/(?:[ \t\r\n\f]+|\/\*.*?(?:\*\/|\z))[ \t\r\n\f]*
(?:\/\*.*?(?:\*\/|\z)[ \t\r\n\f]*)*/xs;
my $function = qr/$ident\(/;
# Literal tokens are as follows:
# <!-- --> ; { } ( ) [ ] ~= |= , :
# The order of some tokens is important. $url, $uni_range and $function
# have to come before $ident. $url has to come before $function. $percent
# and $dim have to come before $num.
$token_re = qr/\G(?:
} # end of tokeniser regexps
# tokenise returns a string of token types in addition to the array of
# tokens so that we can apply grammar rules using regexps. The types are
# as follows:
# u url
# U unicode range
# f function
# i identifier
# @ at keyword
# ' string
# " invalid string (unterminated)
# # hash
# % percentage
# D dimension
# 1 number (not 0, because we want it true)
# < html comment delimiter
# s space/comments
# ~ ~=
# | |=
# d delimiter (miscellaneous character)
# The characters ;{}()[],: represent themselves. The comma and colon are
# actually delimiters according to the CSS 2.1 spec, but it’s more conveni-
# ent to have them as their own tokens.
# ~~~ It might actually make the code cleaner if we make them all their own
# tokens, in which case we can provide a $delim_re for matching against a
# token type string.
sub tokenise { warn caller unless defined $_[0];for (''.shift) {
my $which = (grep defined $+[$_], 1..$#+)[0];
no strict 'refs';
push @tokens, $$which;
no warnings qw]qw];
$tokens .=
qw/u U f i @ ' " # % D 1 < ; { } ( ) [ ] s ~ | , : d/
# We need to close unterminated tokens for the sake of
# serialisation. If we don’t, then too many other parts of
# the code base have to deal with it.
if($tokens =~ /'\z/) {
$tokens[-1] =~ /^(')[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*\z
and $tokens[-1] .= $1 || $2;
elsif($tokens =~ /u\z/) {
(my $copy = $tokens[-1]) =~ s/^url\($_optspace(?:
my $str_delim = $1||$2;
$str_delim and $copy!~s/^['"]$_optspace//o
and $tokens[-1] .= $str_delim;
$copy or $tokens[-1] .= ')';
# This can’t ever happen:
pos and pos() < length
and die "CSS::DOM::Parser internal error (please report this):"
." Can't tokenise " .substr $_,pos;
# close bracketed constructs: again, we do this here so that other
# pieces of code scattered all over the place (including the reg-
# exps below, which would need things like ‘(?:\)|\z)’)
# don’t have to.
my $brack_count = (()=$tokens=~/[(f]/g)-(()=$tokens=~/\)/g)
+ (()=$tokens=~/\[/g)-(()=$tokens=~/]/g)
+ (()=$tokens=~/{/g)-(()=$tokens=~/}/g);
my $tokens_copy = reverse $tokens;
for(1..$brack_count) {
$tokens_copy =~ s/.*?([[{(f])//;
push @tokens, $1 eq'['?']':$1 eq'{'?'}':')';
$tokens .= $tokens[-1];
return $tokens,\@tokens, ;
# Each statement is either an @ rule or a ruleset (style rule)
# @ rule syntax is
# @ s? any* followed by block or ;
# A block is { s? (any|block|@ s?|; s?)* } s?
# ruleset syntax is
# any* { s? [d,:]? ident s? : s? (any|block|@ s?)+
# (; s? [d,:]? ident s? : s? (any|block|@ s?)+)* } s?
# "any" means
# ( [i1%D'd,:u#U~|] | f s? any* \) | \(s? any \) | \[ s? any \] ) s?
# That’s the ‘future-compatible’ CSS syntax. Below, we sift out the valid
# CSS 2.1 rules to put them in the right classes. Everything else goes in
# ‘Unknown’.
# Methods beginning with _parse truncate the arguments (a string of token
# types and an array ref of tokens) and return an object. What’s left of
# the args is whatever couldn’t be parsed. If the args were parsed in their
# entirety, they end up blank.
our $any_re; our $block_re;
no warnings 'regexp';
# Although we include invalid strings (") in the $any_re, they are not
# actually valid, but cause the enclosing property declaration or rule to
# be ignored.
$any_re =
$block_re =
sub tokenise_value { # This is for ::Style to use. It dies if there are
# tokens left over.
my ($types, $tokens) = tokenise($_[0]);
$types =~ /^s?(?:$any_re|$block_re|\@s?)*\z/ or die
"Invalid property value: $_[0]";
return $types, $tokens;
sub parse { # Don’t shift $_[0] off @_. We’d end up copying it if we did
# that--something we ought to avoid, in case it’s huge.
my $pos = pos $_[0];
my(%args) = @_[1..$#_];
my $src;
if( $args{qw[encoding_hint decode][exists $args{decode}]} ) {
$src = _decode(@_);
defined $src or shift, return new CSS::DOM @_;
my($types,$tokens,) = tokenise defined $src ? $src : $_[0];
my $sheet = new CSS::DOM @_[1..$#_];
my $stmts = $sheet->cssRules;
eval { for($types) {
while($_) {
and splice @$tokens, 0, length $1;
my $tokcount = @$tokens;
if(/^@/) {
push @$stmts,
else {
push @$stmts, _parse_ruleset(
if($tokcount == @$tokens) {
$types and _expected("rule",$tokens)
pos $_[0] = $pos;
return $sheet;
sub parse_statement {
my $pos = pos $_[0];
my($types,$tokens,) = tokenise $_[0];
my $stmt;
eval{ for($types) {
and shift @$tokens;
if(/^@/) {
$stmt = _parse_at_rule($_,$tokens,$_[1]);
else {
#use DDS; Dump [$_,$tokens];
$stmt = _parse_ruleset(
) or last;
# use DDS; Dump $stmt;
pos $_[0] = $pos;
$@ = length $types ? shortmess "Invalid CSS statement"
: ''
unless $@;
return $stmt;
sub parse_style_declaration {
my $pos = pos $_[0];
#use DDS; Dump tokenise $_[0]; pos $_[0] = $pos;
my @tokens = tokenise $_[0];
$tokens[0] =~ s/^s// and shift @{$tokens[1]};
$@ = (
my $style = _parse_style_declaration(
) and!$tokens[0]
) ? '' : shortmess 'Invalid style declaration';
pos $_[0] = $pos;
return $style;
# This one will die if it fails to match a rule. We only call it when we
# are certain that we could only have an @ rule.
# This accepts as an optional third arg the parent rule or stylesheet.
sub _parse_at_rule { for (shift) { for my $tokens (shift) {
my $unesc_at = lc unescape(my $at = shift @$tokens);
my $type;
if($unesc_at eq '@media'
&& s/^(s?is?(?:,s?is?)*\{)//) {
# There’s a good chance
# this is a @media rule,
# but if what follows this
# regexp match turns out
# not to be a valid set of
# rulesets, we have an
# unknown rule.
my $header = $1;
my @header = splice @$tokens,
length $1;
# set aside all body tokens in case this turns out to be
# an unknown rule
my ($body,@body);
"{$_" =~ /^$block_re/
? ($body = substr($_,0,$+[0]-1),
@body = @$tokens[0..$+[0]-2])
: croak "Invalid block in \@media rule";
#use DDS; Dump $body, \@body;
# We need to record the number of tokens we have now, so
# that, if we revert to ‘unknown’ status, we can remove the
# right number of tokens.
my $tokens_to_begin_with = length;
s/^s// and shift @$tokens;
my @rulesets;
while($_) {
push @rulesets, _parse_ruleset ($_, $tokens)||last;
if(s/^}s?//) {
splice @$tokens, 0, $+[0];
require CSS::DOM::Rule::Media;
my $rule = new CSS::DOM::Rule::Media $_[0]||();
@{$rule->cssRules} = @rulesets;
$_[0] &&$_->_set_parentStyleSheet($_[0])
for @rulesets;
my $media = $rule->media;
while($header =~ /i/g) {
push @$media, unescape($header[$-[0]]);
return $rule;
else {
# ignore rules w/invalid strings
$body =~ /"/ and return;
my $length = $tokens_to_begin_with-length $body;
$_ = $length ? substr $_, -$length : '';
@$tokens = @$tokens[-$length..-1];
$body =~ s/s\z// and pop @body;
require CSS::DOM::Rule;
(my $rule = new CSS::DOM::Rule $_[0]||())
return $rule;
elsif($unesc_at eq '@page' && s/^((?:s?:i)?)(s?{s?)//
||$unesc_at eq '@font-face' && s/^()(s?{s?)// ) {
my $selector = "\@$1";
my @selector = ('@page', splice @$tokens, 0, $+[1]);
my @block_start =
splice @$tokens, 0, length(my $block_start = $2);
my $class = qw[FontFace Page][$unesc_at eq '@page'];
# Unfortunately, these two lines may turn out to
# be a waste.
require "CSS/DOM/Rule/$";
my $style = (
my $rule = "CSS::DOM::Rule::$class"->new(
) -> style;
$style = _parse_style_declaration($_,$tokens,$style);
if($style) {
s/^}s?// and splice @$tokens, 0, $+[0]; # remove }
$rule->selectorText(join '', @selector)
if $class eq 'Page';
return $rule;
else {
"{$_" =~ /^$block_re/
or croak "Invalid block in \@page rule";
$selector .= $block_start .substr($_,0,$+[0]-1,''),
push @selector, @block_start ,
splice @$tokens, 0, $+[0]-1;
# ignore rules w/invalid strings
$selector =~ /"/ and return;
$selector =~ s/s\z// and pop @selector;
require CSS'DOM'Rule;
(my $rule = new CSS::DOM::Rule $_[0]||())
# not exactly a selector any more
return $rule;
elsif($unesc_at eq '@import'
&& s/^s?([u'])s?(is?(?:,s?is?)*)?(?:;s?|\z)//) {
my($url_type,$media_token_types) = ($1,$2);
my $url = $$tokens[$-[1]];
my @media_tokens = $2?@$tokens[$-[2]..$+[2]]:();
splice @$tokens, 0, $+[0];
require CSS::DOM::Rule::Import;
my $rule = new CSS::DOM::Rule::Import $_[0]||();
@media_tokens or return $rule;
my $media = $rule->media;
while($media_token_types =~ /i/g) {
push @$media, unescape($media_tokens[$-[0]]);
return $rule;
elsif($at eq '@charset' # NOT $unesc_at!
&& @$tokens >= 3 # @charset rule syntax
&& $tokens->[0] eq ' ' # is stricter than the
&& $tokens->[1] =~ /^"/ # tokenisation rules.
&& s/^s';s?//) {
my $esc_enc = $tokens->[1];
splice @$tokens, 0, $+[0];
require CSS::DOM::Rule::Charset;
my $rule = new CSS::DOM::Rule::Charset $_[0]||();
$rule->encoding(unescape(substr $esc_enc, 1,-1));
return $rule;
else { # unwist
#warn $_;
or croak "Invalid $at rule";
my ($types,@tokens) = ("\@$1",$at,splice @$tokens,0,$+[0]);
$types =~ /"/ and return; # ignore rules w/invalid strings
$types =~ s/s\z// and pop @tokens;
require CSS'DOM'Rule;
(my $rule = new CSS::DOM::Rule $_[0]||())
$types, \@tokens
return $rule;
sub _parse_ruleset { for (shift) {
# Just return if there isn’t a ruleset
or return;
index $2,'"' =>== -1 or
splice (@{+shift}, 0, $+[0]), return;
for(my $x = $1) {
my $tokens = [splice @{+shift}, 0, $+[0]];
(my $ruleset = new CSS::DOM::Rule::Style $_[0]||())
s/^{s?// and splice @$tokens, 0, $+[0]; # remove {
#use DDS; Dump$_,$tokens;
s/^}s?// and splice @$tokens, 0, $+[0]; # remove }
return $ruleset
sub _parse_selector { for (shift) { for my $tokens (shift) {
my($selector,@selector) = '';
if(s/^($any_re+)//) {
$selector = $1;
push @selector, splice @$tokens, 0, length $1;
$selector =~ s/s\z// and pop @selector;
return $selector, \@selector;
# This one takes optional extra args:
# 2) the style decl object to add properties to
# 3..) extra args to pass to the style obj’s constructor if 2 is undef
sub _parse_style_declaration { for (shift) { for my $tokens (shift) {
# return if there isn’t one
or return;
my $style = shift||new CSS::DOM::Style @_;
if(s/^is?:s?((?:$any_re|$block_re|\@s?)+)//) {
my ($prop) = splice @$tokens, 0, $-[1];
my $types = $1;
my @tokens = splice @$tokens, 0, length $1;
unless($types =~ /"/) { # ignore invalid strings
$types =~ s/s\z// and pop @tokens;;
s/^;s?// and splice(@$tokens, 0, $+[0]), redo;
elsif(s/^;s?//) {
splice @$tokens, 0, $+[0]; redo;
else {
# Ignorable declaration
splice @$tokens, 0, $+[0];
s/^;s?// and splice(@$tokens, 0, $+[0]), redo;
# else last
return $style;
sub _expected {
my $tokens = pop;
"Syntax error: expected $_[0] but found '"
0..(10<$#$tokens?10 : $#$tokens)
]) . ($#$tokens > 10 ? '...' : '') . "'";
sub _decode { my $at; for(''.shift) {
# ~~~ Some of this is repetitive and could probably be compressed.
require Encode;
if(/^(\xef\xbb\xbf(\@charset "(.*?)";))/s) {
my $enc = $3;
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($3, $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec =~ /^(\x{feff}?)$2\z/
and return Encode::decode($enc,
$1 ? substr $_, 3 : $_);
$@ = $1?"Invalid BOM for $enc: \\xef\\xbb\\xbf"
:"\"$enc\" is encoded in ASCII but is not"
." ASCII-based";
elsif(/^\xef\xbb\xbf/) {
return Encode::decode_utf8(substr $_,3);
elsif(/^(\@charset "(.*?)";)/s) {
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($2, $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec eq $1
and return Encode::decode($2, $_);
$@ = "\"$2\" is encoded in ASCII but is not "
/^(\xfe\xff(\0\@\0c\0h\0a\0r\0s\0e\0t\0 \0"((?:\0.)*?)\0"\0;))/s
) {
my $enc = Encode::decode('utf16be', $3);
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($enc, $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec =~ /^(\x{feff}?)\@charset "$enc";\z/
and return Encode::decode($enc,
$1 ? substr $_, 2 : $_);
$@ = $1?"Invalid BOM for $enc: \\xfe\xff"
:"\"$enc\" is encoded in UCS-2 but is not"
." UCS-2-based";
/^(\0\@\0c\0h\0a\0r\0s\0e\0t\0 \0"((?:\0.)*?)\0"\0;)/s
) {
my $origenc = my $enc = Encode::decode('utf16be', $2);
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($enc, $1, 9)};
defined $dec or $dec
= eval{Encode::decode($enc.='-be', $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec eq "\@charset \"$origenc\";"
and return Encode::decode($enc, $_);
$@ ="\"$origenc\" is encoded in UCS-2 but is not "
/^(\xff\xfe(\@\0c\0h\0a\0r\0s\0e\0t\0 \0"\0((?:.\0)*?)"\0;\0))/s
) {
my $enc = Encode::decode('utf16le', $3);
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($enc, $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec =~ /^(\x{feff}?)\@charset "$enc";\z/
and return Encode::decode($enc,
$1 ? substr $_, 2 : $_);
$@ = $1?"Invalid BOM for $enc: \\xfe\xff"
:"\"$enc\" is encoded in UCS-2-LE but is not"
." UCS-2-LE-based";
/^(\@\0c\0h\0a\0r\0s\0e\0t\0 \0"\0((?:.\0)*?)"\0;\0)/s
) {
my $origenc = my $enc = Encode::decode('utf16le', $2);
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($enc, $1, 9)};
!defined $dec || $dec !~ /^\@/ and $dec
= eval{Encode::decode($enc.='-le', $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec eq "\@charset \"$origenc\";"
and return Encode::decode($enc, $_);
$@ ="\"$enc\" is encoded in UCS-2-LE but is not "
\0{3}\ \0{3}"((?:\0{3}.)*?)\0{3}"\0{3};))/sx
) {
my $enc = Encode::decode('utf32be', $3);
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($enc, $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec =~ /^(\x{feff}?)\@charset "$enc";\z/
and return Encode::decode($enc,
$1 ? substr $_, 2 : $_);
$@ = $1?"Invalid BOM for $enc: \\xfe\xff"
:"\"$enc\" is encoded in UTF-32-BE but is not"
." UTF-32-BE-based";
\0{3}\ \0{3}"((?:\0{3}.)*?)\0{3}"\0{3};)/sx
) {
my $origenc = my $enc = Encode::decode('utf32be', $2);
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($enc, $1, 9)};
defined $dec or $dec
= eval{Encode::decode($enc.='-be', $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec eq "\@charset \"$origenc\";"
and return Encode::decode($enc, $_);
$@ ="\"$enc\" is encoded in UTF-32-BE but is not "
\0{3}\ \0{3}"\0{3}((?:.\0{3})*?)"\0{3};\0{3}))/sx
) {
my $enc = Encode::decode('utf32le', $3);
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($enc, $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec =~ /^(\x{feff}?)\@charset "$enc";\z/
and return Encode::decode($enc,
$1 ? substr $_, 2 : $_);
$@ = $1?"Invalid BOM for $enc: \\xfe\xff"
:"\"$enc\" is encoded in UTF-32-LE but is not"
." UTF-32-LE-based";
\0{3}\ \0{3}"\0{3}((?:.\0{3})*?)"\0{3};\0{3})/sx
) {
my $origenc = my $enc = Encode::decode('utf32le', $2);
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($enc, $1, 9)};
!defined $dec || $dec !~ /^\@/ and $dec
= eval{Encode::decode($enc.='-le', $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec eq "\@charset \"$origenc\";"
and return Encode::decode($enc, $_);
$@ ="\"$enc\" is encoded in UTF-32-LE but is not "
elsif(/^(?:\0\0\xfe\xff|\xff\xfe\0\0)/) {
return Encode::decode('utf32', $_);
elsif(/^(?:\xfe\xff|\xff\xfe)/) {
return Encode::decode('utf16', $_);
) {
my $enc = Encode::decode('cp37', $2);
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($enc, $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec eq "\@charset \"$enc\";"
and return Encode::decode($enc, $_);
$@ ="\"$enc\" is encoded in EBCDIC but is not "
) {
my $enc = Encode::decode('cp1026', $2);
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($enc, $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec eq "\@charset \"$enc\";"
and return Encode::decode($enc, $_);
$@ ="\"$enc\" is encoded in IBM1026 but is not "
/^(\0charset "(.*?)";)/s
) {
my $enc = Encode::decode('gsm0338', $2);
my $dec = eval{Encode::decode($enc, $1, 9)};
if(defined $dec) {
$dec eq "\@charset \"$enc\";"
and return Encode::decode($enc, $_);
$@ ="\"$enc\" is encoded in GSM 0338 but is not "
."GSM 0338-based";
else {
my %args = @_;
return Encode::decode($args{encoding_hint}||'utf8', $_);
=head1 NAME
CSS::DOM::Parser - Parser for CSS::DOM
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.16
This is a private module (at least for now). Don't use it directly.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez