package CSS::DOM::Rule::Media;
$VERSION = '0.16';
use warnings; no warnings qw 'utf8 parenthesis';
use strict;
use CSS::DOM;
use CSS::DOM::Exception qw/ SYNTAX_ERR INDEX_SIZE_ERR /;
use CSS::DOM::Rule;
our @ISA = 'CSS::DOM::Rule';
use constant 1.03 our $_const = {
# Don't let this conflict with the superclass.
ruls => 2,
medi => 3,
{ no strict; delete @{__PACKAGE__.'::'}{_const => keys %{our $_const}} }
# overrides:
sub type { CSS::DOM::Rule::MEDIA_RULE }
sub cssText {
my $self = shift;
my $old;
if(defined wantarray) {
$old = '@media ' . (
$self->[medi] ? $self->[medi]->mediaText : ''
) . " {\n";
(my $rules = join '',map $_->cssText, @{$self->[ruls]||[]})
=~ s/^(?!$)/\t/gm;
$old .= "$rules}\n";
if (@_) {
my $new_rule = $self->_parse(shift);
@$self[ruls,medi] = @$new_rule[ruls,medi];
# CSSMediaRule interface:
# These methods are identical to those in CSS::DOM, but we’ve had to copy &
# paste them here, because the constants have different values. Even if we
# were to change them to have the same values, it would be a maintenance
# nightmare.
sub media {
wantarray ? @{$_[0]->[medi]||return} :
($_[0]->[medi] ||= (
require CSS::DOM::MediaList,
sub cssRules {
? @{shift->[ruls]||return}
: (shift->[ruls]||=new CSS::DOM::RuleList);
sub insertRule { # This is supposed to raise an HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR if
# the rule cannot be inserted at the specified index;
# e.g., if an @import rule is inserted after a stan-
# dard rule. But we don’t do that, in order to maintain
# future compatibility.
my ($self, $rule_string, $index) = @_;
require CSS::DOM::Parser;
my ($at,$rule);
local *@;
$rule = CSS::DOM::Parser::parse_statement($rule_string);
$at = $@
$at and die new CSS::DOM::Exception SYNTAX_ERR, $at;
my $list = $self->cssRules; # cssRules takes care of ||=
splice @$list, $index, 0, $rule;
$index < 0 ? $#$list + $index :
$index <= $#$list ? $index :
sub deleteRule {
my ($self,$index) = @_;
my $list = $self->[ruls];
$index > $#$list and die CSS::DOM::Exception->new(
"The index passed to deleteRule ($index) is too large"
splice @$list, $index, 1;
return # nothing;
sub _set_parentStyleSheet {
my $self = shift;
$_->_set_parentStyleSheet(@_) for @{$self->[ruls]};
=head1 NAME
CSS::DOM::Rule::Media - CSS @media rule class for CSS::DOM
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.16
use CSS::DOM;
my $media_rule = CSS::DOM->parse(
'@media print { body { background: none } }'
# OR:
use CSS::DOM::Rule::Media;
my $media_rule = new CSS::DOM::Rule::Media $parent;
push @{$media_rule->media}, 'print';
$media_rule->insertRule('body { background: none }')
This module implements CSS C<@media> rules for L<CSS::DOM>. It inherits
L<CSS::DOM::Rule> and implements
the CSSMediaRule DOM interface.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item media
Returns the MediaList associated with the @media rule (or a plain list in
list context). This defaults to an
empty list. You can pass a comma-delimited string to the MediaList's
C<mediaText> method to set it.
=item cssRules
In scalar context, this returns a L<CSS::DOM::RuleList> object (simply a
array reference) of L<CSS::DOM::Rule> objects. In list context it returns a
=item insertRule ( $css_code, $index )
Parses the rule contained in the C<$css_code>, inserting it the @media
rule's list of subrules at the given C<$index>.
=item deleteRule ( $index )
Deletes the rule at the given C<$index>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez