require 5;
use 5.006; # we use some open(X, "<", $y) syntax
package Pod::Perldoc;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config '%Config';
use Fcntl; # for sysopen
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile catdir splitdir);
use vars qw($VERSION @Pagers $Bindir $Pod2man
$Temp_Files_Created $Temp_File_Lifetime
$VERSION = '3.14_04';
BEGIN { # Make a DEBUG constant very first thing...
unless(defined &DEBUG) {
if(($ENV{'PERLDOCDEBUG'} || '') =~ m/^(\d+)/) { # untaint
eval("sub DEBUG () {$1}");
die "WHAT? Couldn't eval-up a DEBUG constant!? $@" if $@;
} else {
*DEBUG = sub () {0};
use Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO; # uses the DEBUG.
sub TRUE () {1}
sub FALSE () {return}
*IS_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS' ? \&TRUE : \&FALSE unless defined &IS_VMS;
*IS_MSWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? \&TRUE : \&FALSE unless defined &IS_MSWin32;
*IS_Dos = $^O eq 'dos' ? \&TRUE : \&FALSE unless defined &IS_Dos;
*IS_OS2 = $^O eq 'os2' ? \&TRUE : \&FALSE unless defined &IS_OS2;
*IS_Cygwin = $^O eq 'cygwin' ? \&TRUE : \&FALSE unless defined &IS_Cygwin;
*IS_Linux = $^O eq 'linux' ? \&TRUE : \&FALSE unless defined &IS_Linux;
*IS_HPUX = $^O =~ m/hpux/ ? \&TRUE : \&FALSE unless defined &IS_HPUX;
$Temp_File_Lifetime ||= 60 * 60 * 24 * 5;
# If it's older than five days, it's quite unlikely
# that anyone's still looking at it!!
# (Currently used only by the MSWin cleanup routine)
{ my $pager = $Config{'pager'};
push @Pagers, $pager if -x (split /\s+/, $pager)[0] or IS_VMS;
$Bindir = $Config{'scriptdirexp'};
$Pod2man = "pod2man" . ( $Config{'versiononly'} ? $Config{'version'} : '' );
# End of class-init stuff
# Option accessors...
foreach my $subname (map "opt_$_", split '', q{mhlvriFfXqnTdUL}) {
no strict 'refs';
*$subname = do{ use strict 'refs'; sub () { shift->_elem($subname, @_) } };
# And these are so that GetOptsOO knows they take options:
sub opt_f_with { shift->_elem('opt_f', @_) }
sub opt_q_with { shift->_elem('opt_q', @_) }
sub opt_d_with { shift->_elem('opt_d', @_) }
sub opt_L_with { shift->_elem('opt_L', @_) }
sub opt_w_with { # Specify an option for the formatter subclass
my($self, $value) = @_;
if($value =~ m/^([-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)(?:[=\:](.*?))?$/s) {
my $option = $1;
my $option_value = defined($2) ? $2 : "TRUE";
$option =~ tr/\-/_/s; # tolerate "foo-bar" for "foo_bar"
$self->add_formatter_option( $option, $option_value );
} else {
warn "\"$value\" isn't a good formatter option name. I'm ignoring it!\n";
sub opt_M_with { # specify formatter class name(s)
my($self, $classes) = @_;
return unless defined $classes and length $classes;
DEBUG > 4 and print "Considering new formatter classes -M$classes\n";
my @classes_to_add;
foreach my $classname (split m/[,;]+/s, $classes) {
next unless $classname =~ m/\S/;
if( $classname =~ m/^(\w+(::\w+)+)$/s ) {
# A mildly restrictive concept of what modulenames are valid.
push @classes_to_add, $1; # untaint
} else {
warn "\"$classname\" isn't a valid classname. Ignoring.\n";
unshift @{ $self->{'formatter_classes'} }, @classes_to_add;
DEBUG > 3 and print(
"Adding @classes_to_add to the list of formatter classes, "
. "making them @{ $self->{'formatter_classes'} }.\n"
sub opt_V { # report version and exit
print join '',
"Perldoc v$VERSION, under perl v$] for $^O",
(defined(&Win32::BuildNumber) and defined &Win32::BuildNumber())
? (" (win32 build ", &Win32::BuildNumber(), ")") : (),
(chr(65) eq 'A') ? () : " (non-ASCII)",
sub opt_t { # choose plaintext as output format
my $self = shift;
$self->opt_o_with('text') if @_ and $_[0];
return $self->_elem('opt_t', @_);
sub opt_u { # choose raw pod as output format
my $self = shift;
$self->opt_o_with('pod') if @_ and $_[0];
return $self->_elem('opt_u', @_);
sub opt_n_with {
# choose man as the output format, and specify the proggy to run
my $self = shift;
$self->opt_o_with('man') if @_ and $_[0];
$self->_elem('opt_n', @_);
sub opt_o_with { # "o" for output format
my($self, $rest) = @_;
return unless defined $rest and length $rest;
if($rest =~ m/^(\w+)$/s) {
$rest = $1; #untaint
} else {
warn "\"$rest\" isn't a valid output format. Skipping.\n";
$self->aside("Noting \"$rest\" as desired output format...\n");
# Figure out what class(es) that could actually mean...
my @classes;
foreach my $prefix ("Pod::Perldoc::To", "Pod::Simple::", "Pod::") {
# Messy but smart:
foreach my $stem (
$rest, # Yes, try it first with the given capitalization
"\L$rest", "\L\u$rest", "\U$rest" # And then try variations
) {
push @classes, $prefix . $stem;
#print "Considering $prefix$stem\n";
# Tidier, but misses too much:
#push @classes, $prefix . ucfirst(lc($rest));
$self->opt_M_with( join ";", @classes );
# % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
sub run { # to be called by the "perldoc" executable
my $class = shift;
if(DEBUG > 3) {
print "Parameters to $class\->run:\n";
my @x = @_;
while(@x) {
$x[1] = '<undef>' unless defined $x[1];
$x[1] = "@{$x[1]}" if ref( $x[1] ) eq 'ARRAY';
print " [$x[0]] => [$x[1]]\n";
splice @x,0,2;
print "\n";
return $class -> new(@_) -> process() || 0;
# % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
sub new { # yeah, nothing fancy
my $class = shift;
my $new = bless {@_}, (ref($class) || $class);
DEBUG > 1 and print "New $class object $new\n";
sub aside { # If we're in -v or DEBUG mode, say this.
my $self = shift;
if( DEBUG or $self->opt_v ) {
my $out = join( '',
DEBUG ? do {
my $callsub = (caller(1))[3];
my $package = quotemeta(__PACKAGE__ . '::');
$callsub =~ s/^$package/'/os;
# the o is justified, as $package really won't change.
$callsub . ": ";
} : '',
if(DEBUG) { print $out } else { print STDERR $out }
sub usage {
my $self = shift;
warn "@_\n" if @_;
# Erase evidence of previous errors (if any), so exit status is simple.
$! = 0;
die <<EOF;
perldoc [options] PageName|ModuleName|ProgramName...
perldoc [options] -f BuiltinFunction
perldoc [options] -q FAQRegex
-h Display this help message
-V report version
-r Recursive search (slow)
-i Ignore case
-t Display pod using pod2text instead of pod2man and nroff
(-t is the default on win32 unless -n is specified)
-u Display unformatted pod text
-m Display module's file in its entirety
-n Specify replacement for nroff
-l Display the module's file name
-F Arguments are file names, not modules
-v Verbosely describe what's going on
-T Send output to STDOUT without any pager
-d output_filename_to_send_to
-o output_format_name
-M FormatterModuleNameToUse
-w formatter_option:option_value
-L translation_code Choose doc translation (if any)
-X use index if present (looks for pod.idx at $Config{archlib})
-q Search the text of questions (not answers) in perlfaq[1-9]
is the name of a piece of documentation that you want to look at. You
may either give a descriptive name of the page (as in the case of
`perlfunc') the name of a module, either like `Term::Info' or like
`Term/Info', or the name of a program, like `perldoc'.
is the name of a perl function. Will extract documentation from
is a regex. Will search perlfaq[1-9] for and extract any
questions that match.
Any switches in the PERLDOC environment variable will be used before the
command line arguments. The optional pod index file contains a list of
filenames, one per line.
[Perldoc v$VERSION]
sub usage_brief {
my $me = $0; # Editing $0 is unportable
$me =~ s,.*[/\\],,; # get basename
die <<"EOUSAGE";
Usage: $me [-h] [-V] [-r] [-i] [-v] [-t] [-u] [-m] [-n nroffer_program] [-l] [-T] [-d output_filename] [-o output_format] [-M FormatterModuleNameToUse] [-w formatter_option:option_value] [-L translation_code] [-F] [-X] PageName|ModuleName|ProgramName
$me -f PerlFunc
$me -q FAQKeywords
The -h option prints more help. Also try "perldoc perldoc" to get
acquainted with the system. [Perldoc v$VERSION]
sub pagers { @{ shift->{'pagers'} } }
sub _elem { # handy scalar meta-accessor: shift->_elem("foo", @_)
if(@_ > 2) { return $_[0]{ $_[1] } = $_[2] }
else { return $_[0]{ $_[1] } }
# Init formatter switches, and start it off with __bindir and all that
# other stuff that needs.
sub init {
my $self = shift;
# Make sure creat()s are neither too much nor too little
eval { umask(0077) }; # doubtless someone has no mask
$self->{'args'} ||= \@ARGV;
$self->{'found'} ||= [];
$self->{'temp_file_list'} ||= [];
$self->{'target'} = undef;
$self->{'pagers' } = [@Pagers] unless exists $self->{'pagers'};
$self->{'bindir' } = $Bindir unless exists $self->{'bindir'};
$self->{'pod2man'} = $Pod2man unless exists $self->{'pod2man'};
push @{ $self->{'formatter_switches'} = [] }, (
# Yeah, we could use a hashref, but maybe there's some class where options
# have to be ordered; so we'll use an arrayref.
[ '__bindir' => $self->{'bindir' } ],
[ '__pod2man' => $self->{'pod2man'} ],
DEBUG > 3 and printf "Formatter switches now: [%s]\n",
join ' ', map "[@$_]", @{ $self->{'formatter_switches'} };
$self->{'translators'} = [];
$self->{'extra_search_dirs'} = [];
sub init_formatter_class_list {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'formatter_classes'} ||= [];
# Remember, no switches have been read yet, when
# we've started this routine.
$self->opt_M_with('Pod::Perldoc::ToPod'); # the always-there fallthru
$self->opt_o_with('man') unless IS_MSWin32 || IS_Dos
|| !($ENV{TERM} && (
($ENV{TERM} || '') !~ /dumb|emacs|none|unknown/i
sub process {
# if this ever returns, its retval will be used for exit(RETVAL)
my $self = shift;
DEBUG > 1 and print " Beginning process.\n";
DEBUG > 1 and print " Args: @{$self->{'args'}}\n\n";
if(DEBUG > 3) {
print "Object contents:\n";
my @x = %$self;
while(@x) {
$x[1] = '<undef>' unless defined $x[1];
$x[1] = "@{$x[1]}" if ref( $x[1] ) eq 'ARRAY';
print " [$x[0]] => [$x[1]]\n";
splice @x,0,2;
print "\n";
# TODO: make it deal with being invoked as various different things
# such as perlfaq".
return $self->usage_brief unless @{ $self->{'args'} };
$self->aside(sprintf "$0 => %s v%s\n", ref($self), $self->VERSION);
# Hm, we have @pages and @found, but we only really act on one
# file per call, with the exception of the opt_q hack, and with
# -l things
my @pages;
$self->{'pages'} = \@pages;
if( $self->opt_f) { @pages = ("perlfunc") }
elsif( $self->opt_q) { @pages = ("perlfaq1" .. "perlfaq9") }
else { @pages = @{$self->{'args'}};
# @pages = __FILE__
# if @pages == 1 and $pages[0] eq 'perldoc';
return $self->usage_brief unless @pages;
# for when we're apparently in a module or extension directory
my @found = $self->grand_search_init(\@pages);
exit (IS_VMS ? 98962 : 1) unless @found;
if ($self->opt_l) {
DEBUG and print "We're in -l mode, so byebye after this:\n";
print join("\n", @found), "\n";
return $self->page_module_file(@found) if $self->opt_m;
DEBUG > 2 and print "Found: [@found]\n";
return $self->render_and_page(\@found);
my( %class_seen, %class_loaded );
sub find_good_formatter_class {
my $self = $_[0];
my @class_list = @{ $self->{'formatter_classes'} || [] };
die "WHAT? Nothing in the formatter class list!?" unless @class_list;
my $good_class_found;
foreach my $c (@class_list) {
DEBUG > 4 and print "Trying to load $c...\n";
if($class_loaded{$c}) {
DEBUG > 4 and print "OK, the already-loaded $c it is!\n";
$good_class_found = $c;
if($class_seen{$c}) {
DEBUG > 4 and print
"I've tried $c before, and it's no good. Skipping.\n";
$class_seen{$c} = 1;
if( $c->can('parse_from_file') ) {
DEBUG > 4 and print
"Interesting, the formatter class $c is already loaded!\n";
} elsif(
(IS_VMS or IS_MSWin32 or IS_Dos or IS_OS2)
# the alway case-insensitive fs's
and $class_seen{lc("~$c")}++
) {
DEBUG > 4 and print
"We already used something quite like \"\L$c\E\", so no point using $c\n";
# This avoids redefining the package.
} else {
DEBUG > 4 and print "Trying to eval 'require $c'...\n";
local $^W = $^W;
if(DEBUG() or $self->opt_v) {
# feh, let 'em see it
} else {
$^W = 0;
# The average user just has no reason to be seeing
# $^W-suppressable warnings from the the require!
eval "require $c";
if($@) {
DEBUG > 4 and print "Couldn't load $c: $!\n";
if( $c->can('parse_from_file') ) {
DEBUG > 4 and print "Settling on $c\n";
my $v = $c->VERSION;
$v = ( defined $v and length $v ) ? " version $v" : '';
$self->aside("Formatter class $c$v successfully loaded!\n");
$good_class_found = $c;
} else {
DEBUG > 4 and print "Class $c isn't a formatter?! Skipping.\n";
die "Can't find any loadable formatter class in @class_list?!\nAborting"
unless $good_class_found;
$self->{'formatter_class'} = $good_class_found;
$self->aside("Will format with the class $good_class_found\n");
sub formatter_sanity_check {
my $self = shift;
my $formatter_class = $self->{'formatter_class'}
if(!$self->opt_T # so -T can FORCE sending to STDOUT
and $formatter_class->can('is_pageable')
and !$formatter_class->is_pageable
and !$formatter_class->can('page_for_perldoc')
) {
my $ext =
&& $formatter_class->output_extension
) || '';
$ext = ".$ext" if length $ext;
"When using Perldoc to format with $formatter_class, you have to\n"
. "specify -T or -dsomefile$ext\n"
. "See `perldoc perldoc' for more information on those switches.\n"
sub render_and_page {
my($self, $found_list) = @_;
my($out, $formatter) = $self->render_findings($found_list);
if($self->opt_d) {
printf "Perldoc (%s) output saved to %s\n",
$self->{'formatter_class'} || ref($self),
print "But notice that it's 0 bytes long!\n" unless -s $out;
} elsif( # Allow the formatter to "page" itself, if it wants.
and do {
$self->aside("Going to call $formatter\->page_for_perldoc(\"$out\")\n");
if( $formatter->page_for_perldoc($out, $self) ) {
$self->aside("page_for_perldoc returned true, so NOT paging with $self.\n");
} else {
$self->aside("page_for_perldoc returned false, so paging with $self instead.\n");
) {
# Do nothing, since the formatter has "paged" it for itself.
} else {
# Page it normally (internally)
if( -s $out ) { # Usual case:
$self->page($out, $self->{'output_to_stdout'}, $self->pagers);
} else {
# Odd case:
$self->aside("Skipping $out (from $$found_list[0] "
. "via $$self{'formatter_class'}) as it is 0-length.\n");
push @{ $self->{'temp_file_list'} }, $out;
$self->after_rendering(); # any extra cleanup or whatever
sub options_reading {
my $self = shift;
if( defined $ENV{"PERLDOC"} and length $ENV{"PERLDOC"} ) {
require Text::ParseWords;
$self->aside("Noting env PERLDOC setting of $ENV{'PERLDOC'}\n");
# Yes, appends to the beginning
unshift @{ $self->{'args'} },
Text::ParseWords::shellwords( $ENV{"PERLDOC"} )
DEBUG > 1 and print " Args now: @{$self->{'args'}}\n\n";
} else {
DEBUG > 1 and print " Okay, no PERLDOC setting in ENV.\n";
and print " Args right before switch processing: @{$self->{'args'}}\n";
Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO::getopts( $self, $self->{'args'}, 'YES' )
or return $self->usage;
and print " Args after switch processing: @{$self->{'args'}}\n";
return $self->usage if $self->opt_h;
sub options_processing {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->opt_X) {
my $podidx = "$Config{'archlib'}/pod.idx";
$podidx = "" unless -f $podidx && -r _ && -M _ <= 7;
$self->{'podidx'} = $podidx;
$self->{'output_to_stdout'} = 1 if $self->opt_T or ! -t STDOUT;
$self->opt_n("nroff") unless $self->opt_n;
$self->add_formatter_option( '__nroffer' => $self->opt_n );
# Adjust for using translation packages
$self->add_translator($self->opt_L) if $self->opt_L;
sub options_sanity {
my $self = shift;
# The opts-counting stuff interacts quite badly with
# the $ENV{"PERLDOC"} stuff. I.e., if I have $ENV{"PERLDOC"}
# set to -t, and I specify -u on the command line, I don't want
# to be hectored at that -u and -t don't make sense together.
#my $opts = grep $_ && 1, # yes, the count of the set ones
# $self->opt_t, $self->opt_u, $self->opt_m, $self->opt_l
#$self->usage("only one of -t, -u, -m or -l") if $opts > 1;
# Any sanity-checking need doing here?
# But does not make sense to set either -f or -q in $ENV{"PERLDOC"}
if( $self->opt_f or $self->opt_q ) {
$self->usage("Only one of -f -or -q") if $self->opt_f and $self->opt_q;
"Perldoc is only really meant for reading one word at a time.\n",
"So these parameters are being ignored: ",
join(' ', @{$self->{'args'}}),
if @{$self->{'args'}}
sub grand_search_init {
my($self, $pages, @found) = @_;
foreach (@$pages) {
if ($self->{'podidx'} && open(PODIDX, $self->{'podidx'})) {
my $searchfor = catfile split '::', $_;
$self->aside( "Searching for '$searchfor' in $self->{'podidx'}\n" );
local $_;
while (<PODIDX>) {
push(@found, $_) if m,/$searchfor(?:\.(?:pod|pm))?\z,i;
close(PODIDX) or die "Can't close $$self{'podidx'}: $!";
$self->aside( "Searching for $_\n" );
if ($self->opt_F) {
next unless -r;
push @found, $_ if $self->opt_m or $self->containspod($_);
my @searchdirs;
# prepend extra search directories (including language specific)
push @searchdirs, @{ $self->{'extra_search_dirs'} };
# We must look both in @INC for library modules and in $bindir
# for executables, like h2xs or perldoc itself.
push @searchdirs, ($self->{'bindir'}, @INC);
unless ($self->opt_m) {
if (IS_VMS) {
for ($i = 0; $trn = $ENV{'DCL$PATH;'.$i}; $i++) {
push(@searchdirs,'perl_root:[lib.pod]') # installed pods
else {
push(@searchdirs, grep(-d, split($Config{path_sep},
my @files = $self->searchfor(0,$_,@searchdirs);
if (@files) {
$self->aside( "Found as @files\n" );
else {
# no match, try recursive search
@searchdirs = grep(!/^\.\z/s,@INC);
@files= $self->searchfor(1,$_,@searchdirs) if $self->opt_r;
if (@files) {
$self->aside( "Loosely found as @files\n" );
else {
print STDERR "No " .
($self->opt_m ? "module" : "documentation") . " found for \"$_\".\n";
if ( @{ $self->{'found'} } ) {
print STDERR "However, try\n";
for my $dir (@{ $self->{'found'} }) {
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "opendir $dir: $!";
while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) {
next if ($file =~ /^\./s);
$file =~ s/\.(pm|pod)\z//; # XXX: badfs
print STDERR "\tperldoc $_\::$file\n";
closedir(DIR) or die "closedir $dir: $!";
return @found;
sub maybe_generate_dynamic_pod {
my($self, $found_things) = @_;
my @dynamic_pod;
$self->search_perlfunc($found_things, \@dynamic_pod) if $self->opt_f;
$self->search_perlfaqs($found_things, \@dynamic_pod) if $self->opt_q;
if( ! $self->opt_f and ! $self->opt_q ) {
DEBUG > 4 and print "That's a non-dynamic pod search.\n";
} elsif ( @dynamic_pod ) {
$self->aside("Hm, I found some Pod from that search!\n");
my ($buffd, $buffer) = $self->new_tempfile('pod', 'dyn');
push @{ $self->{'temp_file_list'} }, $buffer;
# I.e., it MIGHT be deleted at the end.
my $in_list = $self->opt_f;
print $buffd "=over 8\n\n" if $in_list;
print $buffd @dynamic_pod or die "Can't print $buffer: $!";
print $buffd "=back\n" if $in_list;
close $buffd or die "Can't close $buffer: $!";
@$found_things = $buffer;
# Yes, so found_things never has more than one thing in
# it, by time we leave here
$self->add_formatter_option('__filter_nroff' => 1);
} else {
@$found_things = ();
$self->aside("I found no Pod from that search!\n");
sub add_formatter_option { # $self->add_formatter_option('key' => 'value');
my $self = shift;
push @{ $self->{'formatter_switches'} }, [ @_ ] if @_;
DEBUG > 3 and printf "Formatter switches now: [%s]\n",
join ' ', map "[@$_]", @{ $self->{'formatter_switches'} };
sub new_translator { # $tr = $self->new_translator($lang);
my $self = shift;
my $lang = shift;
my $pack = 'POD2::' . uc($lang);
eval "require $pack";
if ( !$@ && $pack->can('new') ) {
return $pack->new();
eval { require POD2::Base };
return if $@;
return POD2::Base->new({ lang => $lang });
sub add_translator { # $self->add_translator($lang);
my $self = shift;
for my $lang (@_) {
my $tr = $self->new_translator($lang);
if ( defined $tr ) {
push @{ $self->{'translators'} }, $tr;
push @{ $self->{'extra_search_dirs'} }, $tr->pod_dirs;
$self->aside( "translator for '$lang' loaded\n" );
} else {
# non-installed or bad translator package
warn "Perldoc cannot load translator package for '$lang': ignored\n";
sub search_perlfunc {
my($self, $found_things, $pod) = @_;
DEBUG > 2 and print "Search: @$found_things\n";
my $perlfunc = shift @$found_things;
open(PFUNC, "<", $perlfunc) # "Funk is its own reward"
or die("Can't open $perlfunc: $!");
# Functions like -r, -e, etc. are listed under `-X'.
my $search_re = ($self->opt_f =~ /^-[rwxoRWXOeszfdlpSbctugkTBMAC]$/)
? '(?:I<)?-X' : quotemeta($self->opt_f) ;
DEBUG > 2 and
print "Going to perlfunc-scan for $search_re in $perlfunc\n";
my $re = 'Alphabetical Listing of Perl Functions';
if ( $self->opt_L ) {
my $tr = $self->{'translators'}->[0];
$re = $tr->search_perlfunc_re if $tr->can('search_perlfunc_re');
# Skip introduction
local $_;
while (<PFUNC>) {
last if /^=head2 $re/;
# Look for our function
my $found = 0;
my $inlist = 0;
while (<PFUNC>) { # "The Mothership Connection is here!"
if ( m/^=item\s+$search_re\b/ ) {
$found = 1;
elsif (/^=item/) {
last if $found > 1 and not $inlist;
next unless $found;
if (/^=over/) {
elsif (/^=back/) {
push @$pod, $_;
++$found if /^\w/; # found descriptive text
if (!@$pod) {
die sprintf
"No documentation for perl function `%s' found\n",
close PFUNC or die "Can't open $perlfunc: $!";
sub search_perlfaqs {
my( $self, $found_things, $pod) = @_;
my $found = 0;
my %found_in;
my $search_key = $self->opt_q;
my $rx = eval { qr/$search_key/ }
or die <<EOD;
Invalid regular expression '$search_key' given as -q pattern:
Did you mean \\Q$search_key ?
local $_;
foreach my $file (@$found_things) {
die "invalid file spec: $!" if $file =~ /[<>|]/;
open(INFAQ, "<", $file) # XXX 5.6ism
or die "Can't read-open $file: $!\nAborting";
while (<INFAQ>) {
if ( m/^=head2\s+.*(?:$search_key)/i ) {
$found = 1;
push @$pod, "=head1 Found in $file\n\n" unless $found_in{$file}++;
elsif (/^=head[12]/) {
$found = 0;
next unless $found;
push @$pod, $_;
die("No documentation for perl FAQ keyword `$search_key' found\n")
unless @$pod;
sub render_findings {
# Return the filename to open
my($self, $found_things) = @_;
my $formatter_class = $self->{'formatter_class'}
|| die "No formatter class set!?";
my $formatter = $formatter_class->can('new')
? $formatter_class->new
: $formatter_class
if(! @$found_things) {
die "Nothing found?!";
# should have been caught before here
} elsif(@$found_things > 1) {
"Perldoc is only really meant for reading one document at a time.\n",
"So these parameters are being ignored: ",
join(' ', @$found_things[1 .. $#$found_things] ),
my $file = $found_things->[0];
DEBUG > 3 and printf "Formatter switches now: [%s]\n",
join ' ', map "[@$_]", @{ $self->{'formatter_switches'} };
# Set formatter options:
if( ref $formatter ) {
foreach my $f (@{ $self->{'formatter_switches'} || [] }) {
my($switch, $value, $silent_fail) = @$f;
if( $formatter->can($switch) ) {
eval { $formatter->$switch( defined($value) ? $value : () ) };
warn "Got an error when setting $formatter_class\->$switch:\n$@\n"
if $@;
} else {
if( $silent_fail or $switch =~ m/^__/s ) {
DEBUG > 2 and print "Formatter $formatter_class doesn't support $switch\n";
} else {
warn "$formatter_class doesn't recognize the $switch switch.\n";
$self->{'output_is_binary'} =
$formatter->can('write_with_binmode') && $formatter->write_with_binmode;
my ($out_fh, $out) = $self->new_output_file(
( $formatter->can('output_extension') && $formatter->output_extension )
|| undef,
# Now, finally, do the formatting!
local $^W = $^W;
if(DEBUG() or $self->opt_v) {
# feh, let 'em see it
} else {
$^W = 0;
# The average user just has no reason to be seeing
# $^W-suppressable warnings from the formatting!
eval { $formatter->parse_from_file( $file, $out_fh ) };
warn "Error while formatting with $formatter_class:\n $@\n" if $@;
DEBUG > 2 and print "Back from formatting with $formatter_class\n";
close $out_fh
or warn "Can't close $out: $!\n(Did $formatter already close it?)";
sleep 0; sleep 0; sleep 0;
# Give the system a few timeslices to meditate on the fact
# that the output file does in fact exist and is closed.
unless( -s $out ) {
if( $formatter->can( 'if_zero_length' ) ) {
# Basically this is just a hook for Pod::Simple::Checker; since
# what other class could /happily/ format an input file with Pod
# as a 0-length output file?
$formatter->if_zero_length( $file, $out, $out_fh );
} else {
warn "Got a 0-length file from $$found_things[0] via $formatter_class!?\n"
DEBUG and print "Finished writing to $out.\n";
return($out, $formatter) if wantarray;
return $out;
sub unlink_if_temp_file {
# Unlink the specified file IFF it's in the list of temp files.
# Really only used in the case of -f / -q things when we can
# throw away the dynamically generated source pod file once
# we've formatted it.
my($self, $file) = @_;
return unless defined $file and length $file;
my $temp_file_list = $self->{'temp_file_list'} || return;
if(grep $_ eq $file, @$temp_file_list) {
$self->aside("Unlinking $file\n");
unlink($file) or warn "Odd, couldn't unlink $file: $!";
} else {
DEBUG > 1 and print "$file isn't a temp file, so not unlinking.\n";
sub MSWin_temp_cleanup {
# Nothing particularly MSWin-specific in here, but I don't know if any
# other OS needs its temp dir policed like MSWin does!
my $self = shift;
my $tempdir = $ENV{'TEMP'};
return unless defined $tempdir and length $tempdir
and -e $tempdir and -d _ and -w _;
"Considering whether any old files of mine in $tempdir need unlinking.\n"
opendir(TMPDIR, $tempdir) || return;
my @to_unlink;
my $limit = time() - $Temp_File_Lifetime;
DEBUG > 5 and printf "Looking for things pre-dating %s (%x)\n",
($limit) x 2;
my $filespec;
while(defined($filespec = readdir(TMPDIR))) {
$filespec =~ m{^perldoc_[a-zA-Z0-9]+_T([a-fA-F0-9]{7,})_[a-fA-F0-9]{3,}}s
) {
if( hex($1) < $limit ) {
push @to_unlink, "$tempdir/$filespec";
$self->aside( "Will unlink my old temp file $to_unlink[-1]\n" );
} else {
DEBUG > 5 and
printf " $tempdir/$filespec is too recent (after %x)\n", $limit;
} else {
DEBUG > 5 and
print " $tempdir/$filespec doesn't look like a perldoc temp file.\n";
$self->aside(sprintf "Unlinked %s items of mine in %s\n",
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sub MSWin_perldoc_tempfile {
my($self, $suffix, $infix) = @_;
my $tempdir = $ENV{'TEMP'};
return unless defined $tempdir and length $tempdir
and -e $tempdir and -d _ and -w _;
my $spec;
do {
$spec = sprintf "%s\\perldoc_%s_T%x_%x%02x.%s", # used also in MSWin_temp_cleanup
# Yes, we embed the create-time in the filename!
$infix || 'x',
defined( &Win32::GetTickCount )
? (Win32::GetTickCount() & 0xff)
: int(rand 256)
# Under MSWin, $$ values get reused quickly! So if we ran
# perldoc foo and then perldoc bar before there was time for
# time() to increment time."_$$" would likely be the same
# for each process! So we tack on the tick count's lower
# bits (or, in a pinch, rand)
$suffix || 'txt';
} while( -e $spec );
my $counter = 0;
while($counter < 50) {
my $fh;
# If we are running before perl5.6.0, we can't autovivify
if ($] < 5.006) {
require Symbol;
$fh = Symbol::gensym();
DEBUG > 3 and print "About to try making temp file $spec\n";
return($fh, $spec) if open($fh, ">", $spec); # XXX 5.6ism
$self->aside("Can't create temp file $spec: $!\n");
$self->aside("Giving up on making a temp file!\n");
die "Can't make a tempfile!?";
sub after_rendering {
my $self = $_[0];
$self->after_rendering_VMS if IS_VMS;
$self->after_rendering_MSWin32 if IS_MSWin32;
$self->after_rendering_Dos if IS_Dos;
$self->after_rendering_OS2 if IS_OS2;
sub after_rendering_VMS { return }
sub after_rendering_Dos { return }
sub after_rendering_OS2 { return }
sub after_rendering_MSWin32 {
shift->MSWin_temp_cleanup() if $Temp_Files_Created;
# : : : : : : : : :
sub minus_f_nocase { # i.e., do like -f, but without regard to case
my($self, $dir, $file) = @_;
my $path = catfile($dir,$file);
return $path if -f $path and -r _;
or IS_VMS or IS_MSWin32
or IS_Dos or IS_OS2
) {
# On a case-forgiving file system, or if case is important,
# that is it, all we can do.
warn "Ignored $path: unreadable\n" if -f _;
return '';
local *DIR;
my @p = ($dir);
foreach $p (splitdir $file){
my $try = catfile @p, $p;
$self->aside("Scrutinizing $try...\n");
stat $try;
if (-d _) {
push @p, $p;
if ( $p eq $self->{'target'} ) {
my $tmp_path = catfile @p;
my $path_f = 0;
for (@{ $self->{'found'} }) {
$path_f = 1 if $_ eq $tmp_path;
push (@{ $self->{'found'} }, $tmp_path) unless $path_f;
$self->aside( "Found as $tmp_path but directory\n" );
elsif (-f _ && -r _) {
return $try;
elsif (-f _) {
warn "Ignored $try: unreadable\n";
elsif (-d catdir(@p)) { # at least we see the containing directory!
my $found = 0;
my $lcp = lc $p;
my $p_dirspec = catdir(@p);
opendir DIR, $p_dirspec or die "opendir $p_dirspec: $!";
while(defined( $cip = readdir(DIR) )) {
if (lc $cip eq $lcp){
last; # XXX stop at the first? what if there's others?
closedir DIR or die "closedir $p_dirspec: $!";
return "" unless $found;
push @p, $cip;
my $p_filespec = catfile(@p);
return $p_filespec if -f $p_filespec and -r _;
warn "Ignored $p_filespec: unreadable\n" if -f _;
return "";
sub pagers_guessing {
my $self = shift;
my @pagers;
push @pagers, $self->pagers;
$self->{'pagers'} = \@pagers;
if (IS_MSWin32) {
push @pagers, qw( more< less notepad );
unshift @pagers, $ENV{PAGER} if $ENV{PAGER};
elsif (IS_VMS) {
push @pagers, qw( most more less type/page );
elsif (IS_Dos) {
push @pagers, qw( less.exe< );
unshift @pagers, $ENV{PAGER} if $ENV{PAGER};
else {
if (IS_OS2) {
unshift @pagers, 'less', 'cmd /c more <';
push @pagers, qw( more less pg view cat );
unshift @pagers, $ENV{PAGER} if $ENV{PAGER};
if (IS_Cygwin) {
if (($pagers[0] eq 'less') || ($pagers[0] eq '/usr/bin/less')) {
unshift @pagers, '/usr/bin/less -isrR';
unshift @pagers, $ENV{PERLDOC_PAGER} if $ENV{PERLDOC_PAGER};
sub page_module_file {
my($self, @found) = @_;
# Security note:
# Don't ever just pass this off to anything like MSWin's "start.exe",
# since we might be calling on a .pl file, and we wouldn't want that
# to actually /execute/ the file that we just want to page thru!
# Also a consideration if one were to use a web browser as a pager;
# doing so could trigger the browser's MIME mapping for whatever
# it thinks .pm/.pl/whatever is. Probably just a (useless and
# annoying) "Save as..." dialog, but potentially executing the file
# in question -- particularly in the case of MSIE and it's, ahem,
# occasionally hazy distinction between OS-local extension
# associations, and browser-specific MIME mappings.
if ($self->{'output_to_stdout'}) {
$self->aside("Sending unpaged output to STDOUT.\n");
local $_;
my $any_error = 0;
foreach my $output (@found) {
unless( open(TMP, "<", $output) ) { # XXX 5.6ism
warn("Can't open $output: $!");
$any_error = 1;
while (<TMP>) {
print or die "Can't print to stdout: $!";
close TMP or die "Can't close while $output: $!";
return $any_error; # successful
foreach my $pager ( $self->pagers ) {
$self->aside("About to try calling $pager @found\n");
if (system($pager, @found) == 0) {
$self->aside("Yay, it worked.\n");
return 0;
$self->aside("That didn't work.\n");
# Odd -- when it fails, under Win32, this seems to neither
# return with a fail nor return with a success!!
# That's discouraging!
sprintf "Can't manage to find a way to page [%s] via pagers [%s]\n",
join(' ', @found),
join(' ', $self->pagers),
if (IS_VMS) {
DEBUG > 1 and print "Bailing out in a VMSish way.\n";
eval q{
use vmsish qw(status exit);
exit $?;
} or die;
return 1;
# i.e., an UNSUCCESSFUL return value!
sub check_file {
my($self, $dir, $file) = @_;
unless( ref $self ) {
# Should never get called:
$Carp::Verbose = 1;
require Carp;
Carp::croak( join '',
"Crazy ", __PACKAGE__, " error:\n",
"check_file must be an object_method!\n",
if(length $dir and not -d $dir) {
DEBUG > 3 and print " No dir $dir -- skipping.\n";
return "";
if ($self->opt_m) {
return $self->minus_f_nocase($dir,$file);
else {
my $path = $self->minus_f_nocase($dir,$file);
if( length $path and $self->containspod($path) ) {
DEBUG > 3 and print
" The file $path indeed looks promising!\n";
return $path;
DEBUG > 3 and print " No good: $file in $dir\n";
return "";
sub containspod {
my($self, $file, $readit) = @_;
return 1 if !$readit && $file =~ /\.pod\z/i;
# Under cygwin the /usr/bin/perl is legal executable, but
# you cannot open a file with that name. It must be spelled
# out as "/usr/bin/perl.exe".
# The following if-case under cygwin prevents error
# $ perldoc perl
# Cannot open /usr/bin/perl: no such file or directory
# This would work though
# $ perldoc perl.pod
if ( IS_Cygwin and -x $file and -f "$file.exe" )
warn "Cygwin $file.exe search skipped\n" if DEBUG or $self->opt_v;
return 0;
open(TEST,"<", $file) or die "Can't open $file: $!"; # XXX 5.6ism
while (<TEST>) {
if (/^=head/) {
close(TEST) or die "Can't close $file: $!";
return 1;
close(TEST) or die "Can't close $file: $!";
return 0;
sub maybe_diddle_INC {
my $self = shift;
# Does this look like a module or extension directory?
if (-f "Makefile.PL" || -f "Build.PL") {
# Add "." and "lib" to @INC (if they exist)
eval q{ use lib qw(. lib); 1; } or die;
# don't add if superuser
if ($< && $> && -d "blib") { # don't be looking too hard now!
eval q{ use blib; 1 };
warn $@ if $@ && $self->opt_v;
sub new_output_file {
my $self = shift;
my $outspec = $self->opt_d; # Yes, -d overrides all else!
# So don't call this twice per format-job!
return $self->new_tempfile(@_) unless defined $outspec and length $outspec;
# Otherwise open a write-handle on opt_d!f
my $fh;
# If we are running before perl5.6.0, we can't autovivify
if ($] < 5.006) {
require Symbol;
$fh = Symbol::gensym();
DEBUG > 3 and print "About to try writing to specified output file $outspec\n";
die "Can't write-open $outspec: $!"
unless open($fh, ">", $outspec); # XXX 5.6ism
DEBUG > 3 and print "Successfully opened $outspec\n";
binmode($fh) if $self->{'output_is_binary'};
return($fh, $outspec);
sub useful_filename_bit {
# This tries to provide a meaningful bit of text to do with the query,
# such as can be used in naming the file -- since if we're going to be
# opening windows on temp files (as a "pager" may well do!) then it's
# better if the temp file's name (which may well be used as the window
# title) isn't ALL just random garbage!
# In other words "perldoc_LWPSimple_2371981429" is a better temp file
# name than "perldoc_2371981429". So this routine is what tries to
# provide the "LWPSimple" bit.
my $self = shift;
my $pages = $self->{'pages'} || return undef;
return undef unless @$pages;
my $chunk = $pages->[0];
return undef unless defined $chunk;
$chunk =~ s/:://g;
$chunk =~ s/\.\w+$//g; # strip any extension
if( $chunk =~ m/([^\#\\:\/\$]+)$/s ) { # get basename, if it's a file
$chunk = $1;
} else {
return undef;
$chunk =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+//g; # leave ONLY a-zA-Z0-9 things!
$chunk = substr($chunk, -10) if length($chunk) > 10;
return $chunk;
sub new_tempfile { # $self->new_tempfile( [$suffix, [$infix] ] )
my $self = shift;
if( IS_MSWin32 ) {
my @out = $self->MSWin_perldoc_tempfile(@_);
return @out if @out;
# otherwise fall thru to the normal stuff below...
require File::Temp;
return File::Temp::tempfile(UNLINK => 1);
sub page { # apply a pager to the output file
my ($self, $output, $output_to_stdout, @pagers) = @_;
if ($output_to_stdout) {
$self->aside("Sending unpaged output to STDOUT.\n");
open(TMP, "<", $output) or die "Can't open $output: $!"; # XXX 5.6ism
local $_;
while (<TMP>) {
print or die "Can't print to stdout: $!";
close TMP or die "Can't close while $output: $!";
} else {
# On VMS, quoting prevents logical expansion, and temp files with no
# extension get the wrong default extension (such as .LIS for TYPE)
$output = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($output, '.') if IS_VMS;
$output =~ s{/}{\\}g if IS_MSWin32 || IS_Dos;
# Altho "/" under MSWin is in theory good as a pathsep,
# many many corners of the OS don't like it. So we
# have to force it to be "\" to make everyone happy.
foreach my $pager (@pagers) {
$self->aside("About to try calling $pager $output\n");
if (IS_VMS) {
last if system("$pager $output") == 0;
} else {
last if system("$pager \"$output\"") == 0;
sub searchfor {
my($self, $recurse,$s,@dirs) = @_;
$s =~ s!::!/!g;
$s = VMS::Filespec::unixify($s) if IS_VMS;
return $s if -f $s && $self->containspod($s);
$self->aside( "Looking for $s in @dirs\n" );
my $ret;
my $i;
my $dir;
$self->{'target'} = (splitdir $s)[-1]; # XXX: why not use File::Basename?
for ($i=0; $i<@dirs; $i++) {
$dir = $dirs[$i];
next unless -d $dir;
($dir = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($dir)) =~ s!/\z!! if IS_VMS;
if ( (! $self->opt_m && ( $ret = $self->check_file($dir,"$s.pod")))
or ( $ret = $self->check_file($dir,"$"))
or ( $ret = $self->check_file($dir,$s))
or ( IS_VMS and
$ret = $self->check_file($dir,"$"))
or ( IS_OS2 and
$ret = $self->check_file($dir,"$s.cmd"))
or ( (IS_MSWin32 or IS_Dos or IS_OS2) and
$ret = $self->check_file($dir,"$s.bat"))
or ( $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pod","$s.pod"))
or ( $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pod",$s))
or ( $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pods","$s.pod"))
or ( $ret = $self->check_file("$dir/pods",$s))
) {
DEBUG > 1 and print " Found $ret\n";
return $ret;
if ($recurse) {
opendir(D,$dir) or die "Can't opendir $dir: $!";
my @newdirs = map catfile($dir, $_), grep {
not /^\.\.?\z/s and
not /^auto\z/s and # save time! don't search auto dirs
-d catfile($dir, $_)
} readdir D;
closedir(D) or die "Can't closedir $dir: $!";
next unless @newdirs;
# what a wicked map!
@newdirs = map((s/\.dir\z//,$_)[1],@newdirs) if IS_VMS;
$self->aside( "Also looking in @newdirs\n" );
return ();
my $already_asserted;
sub assert_closing_stdout {
my $self = shift;
return if $already_asserted;
eval q~ END { close(STDOUT) || die "Can't close STDOUT: $!" } ~;
# What for? to let the pager know that nothing more will come?
die $@ if $@;
$already_asserted = 1;
sub tweak_found_pathnames {
my($self, $found) = @_;
if (IS_MSWin32) {
foreach (@$found) { s,/,\\,g }
# : : : : : : : : :
sub am_taint_checking {
my $self = shift;
die "NO ENVIRONMENT?!?!" unless keys %ENV; # reset iterator along the way
my($k,$v) = each %ENV;
return is_tainted($v);
sub is_tainted { # just a function
my $arg = shift;
my $nada = substr($arg, 0, 0); # zero-length!
local $@; # preserve the caller's version of $@
eval { eval "# $nada" };
return length($@) != 0;
sub drop_privs_maybe {
my $self = shift;
# Attempt to drop privs if we should be tainting and aren't
if (!(IS_VMS || IS_MSWin32 || IS_Dos
|| IS_OS2
&& ($> == 0 || $< == 0)
&& !$self->am_taint_checking()
) {
my $id = eval { getpwnam("nobody") };
$id = eval { getpwnam("nouser") } unless defined $id;
$id = -2 unless defined $id;
# According to Stevens' APUE and various
# (BSD, Solaris, HP-UX) man pages, setting
# the real uid first and effective uid second
# is the way to go if one wants to drop privileges,
# because if one changes into an effective uid of
# non-zero, one cannot change the real uid any more.
# Actually, it gets even messier. There is
# a third uid, called the saved uid, and as
# long as that is zero, one can get back to
# uid of zero. Setting the real-effective *twice*
# helps in *most* systems (FreeBSD and Solaris)
# but apparently in HP-UX even this doesn't help:
# the saved uid stays zero (apparently the only way
# in HP-UX to change saved uid is to call setuid()
# when the effective uid is zero).
eval {
$< = $id; # real uid
$> = $id; # effective uid
$< = $id; # real uid
$> = $id; # effective uid
if( !$@ && $< && $> ) {
DEBUG and print "OK, I dropped privileges.\n";
} elsif( $self->opt_U ) {
DEBUG and print "Couldn't drop privileges, but in -U mode, so feh."
} else {
DEBUG and print "Hm, couldn't drop privileges. Ah well.\n";
# We used to die here; but that seemed pointless.
# See "perldoc perldoc" for basic details.
# Perldoc -- look up a piece of documentation in .pod format that
# is embedded in the perl installation tree.
# See ChangeLog in CPAN dist for Pod::Perldoc for later notes.
# Version 3.01: Sun Nov 10 21:38:09 MST 2002
# Sean M. Burke <>
# Massive refactoring and code-tidying.
# Now it's a module(-family)!
# Formatter-specific stuff pulled out into Pod::Perldoc::To(Whatever).pm
# Added -T, -d, -o, -M, -w.
# Added some improved MSWin funk.
# Version 2.05: Sat Oct 12 16:09:00 CEST 2002
# Hugo van der Sanden <>
# Made -U the default, based on patch from Simon Cozens
# Version 2.04: Sun Aug 18 13:27:12 BST 2002
# Randy W. Sims <>
# allow -n to enable nroff under Win32
# Version 2.03: Sun Apr 23 16:56:34 BST 2000
# Hugo van der Sanden <>
# don't die when 'use blib' fails
# Version 2.02: Mon Mar 13 18:03:04 MST 2000
# Tom Christiansen <>
# Added -U insecurity option
# Version 2.01: Sat Mar 11 15:22:33 MST 2000
# Tom Christiansen <>, querulously.
# Security and correctness patches.
# What a twisted bit of distasteful spaghetti code.
# Version 2.0: ????
# Version 1.15: Tue Aug 24 01:50:20 EST 1999
# Charles Wilson <>
# changed /pod/ directory to /pods/ for cygwin
# to support cygwin/win32
# Version 1.14: Wed Jul 15 01:50:20 EST 1998
# Robin Barker <>
# -strict, -w cleanups
# Version 1.13: Fri Feb 27 16:20:50 EST 1997
# Gurusamy Sarathy <>
# -doc tweaks for -F and -X options
# Version 1.12: Sat Apr 12 22:41:09 EST 1997
# Gurusamy Sarathy <>
# -various fixes for win32
# Version 1.11: Tue Dec 26 09:54:33 EST 1995
# Kenneth Albanowski <>
# -added Charles Bailey's further VMS patches, and -u switch
# -added -t switch, with pod2text support
# Version 1.10: Thu Nov 9 07:23:47 EST 1995
# Kenneth Albanowski <>
# -added VMS support
# -added better error recognition (on no found pages, just exit. On
# missing nroff/pod2man, just display raw pod.)
# -added recursive/case-insensitive matching (thanks, Andreas). This
# slows things down a bit, unfortunately. Give a precise name, and
# it'll run faster.
# Version 1.01: Tue May 30 14:47:34 EDT 1995
# Andy Dougherty <>
# -added pod documentation.
# -added PATH searching.
# -added searching pod/ subdirectory (mainly to pick up perlfunc.pod
# and friends.
# Cache the directories read during sloppy match
# (To disk, or just in-memory?)
# Backport this to perl 5.005?
# Implement at least part of the "perlman" interface described
# in Programming Perl 3e?
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