package TAP::Parser::Source::Perl;
use strict;
use Config;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
use constant IS_WIN32 => ( $^O =~ /^(MS)?Win32$/ );
use constant IS_VMS => ( $^O eq 'VMS' );
use TAP::Parser::Source;
use TAP::Parser::Utils qw( split_shell );
@ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Source';
=head1 NAME
TAP::Parser::Source::Perl - Stream Perl output
=head1 VERSION
Version 3.17
$VERSION = '3.17';
use TAP::Parser::Source::Perl;
my $perl = TAP::Parser::Source::Perl->new;
my $stream = $perl->source( [ $filename, @args ] )->get_stream;
Takes a filename and hopefully returns a stream from it. The filename should
be the name of a Perl program.
Note that this is a subclass of L<TAP::Parser::Source>. See that module for
more methods.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Class Methods
=head3 C<new>
my $perl = TAP::Parser::Source::Perl->new;
Returns a new C<TAP::Parser::Source::Perl> object.
=head2 Instance Methods
=head3 C<source>
Getter/setter the name of the test program and any arguments it requires.
my ($filename, @args) = @{ $perl->source };
$perl->source( [ $filename, @args ] );
C<croak>s if C<$filename> could not be found.
sub source {
my $self = shift;
$self->_croak("Cannot find ($_[0][0])")
if @_ && !-f $_[0][0];
return $self->SUPER::source(@_);
=head3 C<switches>
my $switches = $perl->switches;
my @switches = $perl->switches;
$perl->switches( \@switches );
Getter/setter for the additional switches to pass to the perl executable. One
common switch would be to set an include directory:
$perl->switches( ['-Ilib'] );
sub switches {
my $self = shift;
unless (@_) {
return wantarray ? @{ $self->{switches} } : $self->{switches};
my $switches = shift;
$self->{switches} = [@$switches]; # force a copy
return $self;
=head3 C<get_stream>
my $stream = $source->get_stream($parser);
Returns a stream of the output generated by executing C<source>. Must be
passed an object that implements a C<make_iterator> method. Typically
this is a TAP::Parser instance.
sub get_stream {
my ( $self, $factory ) = @_;
my @switches = $self->_switches;
my $path_sep = $Config{path_sep};
my $path_pat = qr{$path_sep};
# Filter out any -I switches to be handled as libs later.
# Nasty kludge. It might be nicer if we got the libs separately
# although at least this way we find any -I switches that were
# supplied other then as explicit libs.
# We filter out any names containing colons because they will break
my @libs;
my @filtered_switches;
for (@switches) {
if ( !/$path_pat/ && / ^ ['"]? -I ['"]? (.*?) ['"]? $ /x ) {
push @libs, $1;
else {
push @filtered_switches, $_;
@switches = @filtered_switches;
my $setup = sub {
if (@libs) {
= join( $path_sep, grep {defined} @libs, $ENV{PERL5LIB} );
# Cargo culted from comments seen elsewhere about VMS / environment
# variables. I don't know if this is actually necessary.
my $previous = $ENV{PERL5LIB};
my $teardown = sub {
if ( defined $previous ) {
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = $previous;
else {
delete $ENV{PERL5LIB};
# Taint mode ignores environment variables so we must retranslate
# PERL5LIB as -I switches and place PERL5OPT on the command line
# in order that it be seen.
if ( grep { $_ eq "-T" || $_ eq "-t" } @switches ) {
push @switches, $self->_libs2switches(@libs);
push @switches, split_shell( $ENV{PERL5OPT} );
my @command = $self->_get_command_for_switches(@switches)
or $self->_croak("No command found!");
return $factory->make_iterator(
{ command => \@command,
merge => $self->merge,
setup => $setup,
teardown => $teardown,
sub _get_command_for_switches {
my $self = shift;
my @switches = @_;
my ( $file, @args ) = @{ $self->source };
my $command = $self->_get_perl;
# XXX we never need to quote if we treat the parts as atoms (except maybe vms)
#$file = qq["$file"] if ( $file =~ /\s/ ) && ( $file !~ /^".*"$/ );
my @command = ( $command, @switches, $file, @args );
return @command;
sub _get_command {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_get_command_for_switches( $self->_switches );
sub _libs2switches {
my $self = shift;
return map {"-I$_"} grep {$_} @_;
=head3 C<shebang>
Get the shebang line for a script file.
my $shebang = TAP::Parser::Source::Perl->shebang( $some_script );
May be called as a class method
# Global shebang cache.
my %shebang_for;
sub _read_shebang {
my $file = shift;
local *TEST;
my $shebang;
if ( open( TEST, $file ) ) {
$shebang = <TEST>;
close(TEST) or print "Can't close $file. $!\n";
else {
print "Can't open $file. $!\n";
return $shebang;
sub shebang {
my ( $class, $file ) = @_;
unless ( exists $shebang_for{$file} ) {
$shebang_for{$file} = _read_shebang($file);
return $shebang_for{$file};
=head3 C<get_taint>
Decode any taint switches from a Perl shebang line.
# $taint will be 't'
my $taint = TAP::Parser::Source::Perl->get_taint( '#!/usr/bin/perl -t' );
# $untaint will be undefined
my $untaint = TAP::Parser::Source::Perl->get_taint( '#!/usr/bin/perl' );
sub get_taint {
my ( $class, $shebang ) = @_;
unless defined $shebang
&& $shebang =~ /^#!.*\bperl.*\s-\w*([Tt]+)/;
return $1;
sub _switches {
my $self = shift;
my ( $file, @args ) = @{ $self->source };
my @switches = (
my $shebang = $self->shebang($file);
return unless defined $shebang;
my $taint = $self->get_taint($shebang);
push @switches, "-$taint" if defined $taint;
# Quote the argument if we're VMS, since VMS will downcase anything
# not quoted.
if (IS_VMS) {
for (@switches) {
$_ = qq["$_"];
return @switches;
sub _get_perl {
my $self = shift;
return $ENV{HARNESS_PERL} if defined $ENV{HARNESS_PERL};
return Win32::GetShortPathName($^X) if IS_WIN32;
return $^X;
Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.
=head2 Example
package MyPerlSource;
use strict;
use vars '@ISA';
use Carp qw( croak );
use TAP::Parser::Source::Perl;
@ISA = qw( TAP::Parser::Source::Perl );
sub source {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
if ($args) {
$self->{file} = $args->[0];
return $self->SUPER::source($args);
return $self->SUPER::source;
# use the version of perl from the shebang line in the test file
sub _get_perl {
my $self = shift;
if (my $shebang = $self->shebang( $self->{file} )) {
$shebang =~ /^#!(.*\bperl.*?)(?:(?:\s)|(?:$))/;
return $1 if $1;
return $self->SUPER::_get_perl(@_);
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez