#compdef dladm
_dladm_links() {
compadd "$@" - $(dladm show-link -p -o link)
_dladm_devs() {
compadd "$@" - $(dladm show-phys -p -o device)
_dladm_aggrs() {
compadd "$@" - $(dladm show-aggr -p -o link)
_dladm_aggr_ports() {
compadd "$@" - $(dladm show-aggr -p -x -o ports)
_dladm_vlans() {
compadd "$@" - $(dladm show-vlan -p -o link)
_dladm_wifi_links() {
compadd "$@" - $(dladm show-wifi -p -o link)
_dladm_wifi_nets() {
compadd "$@" - ${(f)"$(dladm scan-wifi -p -o essid)"}
_dladm_secobjs() {
compadd "$@" - ${(f)"$(dladm show-secobj -p -o object)"}
_dladm_ethers() {
compadd "$@" - $(dladm show-ether -p -o link)
_dladm_linkprops() {
# TODO: complete property values, when available
compadd "$@" - $(dladm show-linkprop -c -o property)
_dladm_vnics() {
compadd "$@" - $(dladm show-vnic -p -o link)
_dladm_etherstubs() {
compadd "$@" - $(dladm show-etherstub)
_dladm() {
local context state line expl
typeset -A opt_args
local -a subcmds rw_properties rw_propnames ro_properties
local -a link_properties link_stats_properties
local -a aggr_properties aggr_lacp_properties aggr_ext_properties
local -a vlan_properties wifi_properties wifi_connect_properties
local -a ether_properties linkprop_properties secobj_properties
# TODO: some subcommands can take multiple comma-separated targets
# TODO: some option sets may be different based on other commandline flags
# TODO: some subcommands may take different arguments based on options
"show-ether" "show-usage"
if [[ $service == "dladm" ]]; then
_arguments -C -A "-*" \
'-\?[help]' \
'*::command:->subcmd' && return 0
if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
_wanted commands expl "dladm subcommand" compadd -a subcmds
link_properties=( "link" "class" "mtu" "state" "over" )
link_stats_properties=( "link" "ipackets" "rbytes" "ierrors" "opackets" "obytes" "oerrors" )
aggr_properties=( "link" "policy" "addrpolicy" "lacpactivity" "lacptimer" "flags" )
aggr_lacp_properties=( "link" "port" "aggregatable" "sync" "coll" "dist" "defaulted" "expired" )
aggr_ext_properties=( "link" "port" "speed" "duplex" "state" "address" "portstate" )
vlan_properties=( "link" "vid" "over" "flags" )
wifi_connect_properties=( "link" "essid" "bssid" "sec" "mode" "strength" "speed" "bsstype" )
wifi_properties=( $wifi_connect_properties "status" "auth" )
ether_properties=( "link" "ptype" "state" "auto" "speed-duplex" "pause" "rem_fault" )
linkprop_properties=( "link" "property" "value" "default" "possible" )
secobj_properties=( "object" "class" )
vnic_properties=( "link" "over" "speed" "macaddr" "macaddrtype" )
case $service in
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-P --persistent)'{-P,--persistent}'[display persistent link configuration]' \
'(-p --parseable)'{-p,--parseable}'[parseable output]' \
- set1 \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $link_properties' \
- set2 \
'(-s --statistics)'{-s,--statistics}'[display link statistics]' \
'(-i --interval)'{-i,--interval}'[specify an interval]:interval:' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $link_stats_properties' \
':link name:_dladm_links' \
_arguments -A "-*" \
'-R[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
':old link name:_dladm_links' \
':new link name:' \
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-P --persistent)'{-P,--persistent}'[display persistent link configuration]' \
'(-p --parseable)'{-p,--parseable}'[parseable output]' \
'(-s --statistics)'{-s,--statistics}'[display link statistics]' \
'(-i --interval)'{-i,--interval}'[specify an interval]:interval:' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" link media state speed duplex device' \
':physical link name:_dladm_devs'
_arguments -A "-*" \
':physical link name:_dladm_devs'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[aggregation should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
'(-l --link)'{-l,--link}'[component link]:link:_dladm_links' \
'(-P --policy)'{-P,--policy}'[port selection policy]:policy:_values -s , "policy" L2 L3 L4' \
'(-L --lacp-mode)'{-L,--lacp-mode}'[LACP mode]:lacp mode:(off active passive)' \
'(-T --lacp-timer)'{-T,--lacp-timer}'[LACP timer]:lacp timer:(short long)' \
'(-u --unicast)'{-u,--unicast}'[unicast address]:unicast address:' \
':aggregate link name:'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[aggregation should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
'(-l --link)'{-l,--link}'[component link]:link:_dladm_links' \
'(-P --policy)'{-P,--policy}'[port selection policy]:policy:_values -s , "policy" L2 L3 L4' \
'(-L --lacp-mode)'{-L,--lacp-mode}'[LACP mode]:lacp mode:(off active passive)' \
'(-T --lacp-timer)'{-T,--lacp-timer}'[LACP timer]:lacp timer:(short long)' \
'(-u --unicast)'{-u,--unicast}'[unicast address]:unicast address:' \
':aggregate link name:_dladm_aggrs'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[deletion should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
':aggregate link name:_dladm_aggrs'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[aggregation should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
'(-l --link)'{-l,--link}'[component link]:link:_dladm_links' \
':aggregate link name:_dladm_aggrs'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[aggregation should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
'(-l --link)'{-l,--link}'[component link]:link:_dladm_aggr_ports' \
':aggregate link name:_dladm_aggrs'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-P --persistent)'{-P,--persistent}'[display persistent link configuration]' \
'(-p --parseable)'{-p,--parseable}'[parseable output]' \
'(-s --statistics)'{-s,--statistics}'[display link statistics]' \
'(-i --interval)'{-i,--interval}'[specify an interval]:interval:' \
':aggregate link name:_dladm_links' \
- set1 \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $aggr_properties' \
- lacp \
'(-L --lacp)'{-L,--lacp}'[LACP information]' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $aggr_lacp_properties' \
- extended \
'(-x --extended)'{-x,--extended}'[extended information]' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $aggr_ext_properties' \
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[VLAN should be temporary]' \
'(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[force VLAN creation]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
'(-l --link)'{-l,--link}'[component link]:link:_dladm_links' \
'-v[VLAN ID]:id:' \
':VLAN link name:'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[deletion should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
':VLAN link name:_dladm_vlans'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-P --persistent)'{-P,--persistent}'[display persistent link configuration]' \
'(-p --parseable)'{-p,--parseable}'[parseable output]' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $vlan_properties' \
':VLAN link name:_dladm_vlans'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-p --parseable)'{-p,--parseable}'[parseable output]' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $wifi_connect_properties' \
':wireless link name:_dladm_wifi_links'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-e --essid)'{-e,--essid}'[ESSID name]:network:_dladm_wifi_nets' \
'(-b --bsstype)'{-b,--bsstype}'[BSS type]:' \
'(-m --mode)'{-m,--mode}'[802.11 mode]:mode:(a b g)' \
'(-k --key)'{-k,--key}'[key name]:key:_dladm_secobjs' \
'(-s --sec)'{-s,--sec}'[security mode]:(none wep wpa)' \
'(-a --auth)'{-a,--auth}'[authentication mode]:mode:(open shared)' \
'(-c --create-ibss)'{-c,--create-ibss}'[create an ad-hoc network]' \
'(-T --timeout)'{-T,--timeout}'[association timeout]:(forever)' \
':wireless link name:_dladm_wifi_links'
_arguments -A "-*" \
- set1 \
'(-a --all-links)'{-a,--all-links}'[all links]' \
- set2 \
':wireless link name:_dladm_wifi_links'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-p --parseable)'{-p,--parseable}'[parseable output]' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $wifi_properties' \
':wireless link name:_dladm_wifi_links'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-p --parseable)'{-p,--parseable}'[parseable output]' \
'(-x --extended)'{-x,--extended}'[extended output]' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $ether_properties' \
':ethernet link name:_dladm_ethers'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[change should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
'(-p --prop)'{-p,--prop}'[properties]:property:_dladm_linkprops' \
':link name:_dladm_links'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[change should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
'(-p --prop)'{-p,--prop}'[properties]:property:_dladm_linkprops' \
':link name:_dladm_links'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-P --persistent)'{-P,--persistent}'[display persistent link properties]' \
'(-c --parseable)'{-c,--parseable}'[parseable output]' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $linkprop_properties' \
'(-p --prop)'{-p,--prop}'[properties]:property:_dladm_linkprops' \
':link name:_dladm_links'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[creation should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
'(-c --class)'{-c,--class}'[class]:class:(wep wpa)' \
'(-f --file)'{-f,--file}'[file containing object value]:file:_path_files' \
':object name:'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[deletion should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
':object name:_dladm_secobjs'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-P --persistent)'{-P,--persistent}'[display persistent object information]' \
'(-p --parseable)'{-p,--parseable}'[parseable output]' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $secobj_properties' \
':object name:_dladm_secobjs'
# TODO: MAC address completion could be richer
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[creation should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
'(-l --link)'{-l,--link}'[component link]:link:_dladm_links' \
'(-m --mac-address)'{-m,--mac-address}'[MAC address]:address:(factory random auto)' \
'-v[VLAN ID]:id:' \
'(-p --prop)'{-p,--prop}'[property values]:value:' \
':VNIC name:'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[deletion should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
':VNIC name:_dladm_vnics'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-P --persistent)'{-P,--persistent}'[display persistent object information]' \
'(-p --parseable)'{-p,--parseable}'[parseable output]' \
'(-o --output)'{-o,--output}'[properties to display]:property:_values -s , "property" $vnic_properties' \
'(-l --link)'{-l,--link}'[limit to VNICs on link]:link:_dladm_links' \
'(-s --statistics)'{-s,--statistics}'[display VNIC statistics]' \
'(-i --interval)'{-i,--interval}'[specify an interval]:interval:' \
':VNIC name:_dladm_vnics'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[creation should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
':etherstub name:'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-t --temporary)'{-t,--temporary}'[deletion should be temporary]' \
'(-R --root)'{-R,--root}'[root directory]:directory:_path_files -/' \
':etherstub name:_dladm_etherstubs'
_arguments -A "-*" \
':etherstub name:_dladm_etherstubs'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'(-f --file)'{-f,--file}'[read records from file]:_path_files' \
'(-F --format)'{-f,--format}'[plotfile format]:(gnuplot)' \
'(-p --plot)'{-p,--plot}'[write plot to file]:' \
'(-e --start)'{-e,--start}'[start time]:date/time (MM/DD/YYYY,hh\:mm\:ss)' \
'(-s --stop)'{-s,--stop}'[stop time]:date/time (MM/DD/YYYY,hh\:mm\:ss)' \
':link name:_dladm_links'
_message "unknown dladm subcommand: $service"
_dladm "$@"
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez