#compdef du
if _pick_variant gnu=Free\ Soft unix --version /dummy/no-such-file; then
_arguments -s \
'(-a --all -s --summarize)'{-a,--all}'[write counts for all files]' \
'--apparent-size[print apparent sizes rather than disc usage]' \
'(-B --block-size -k)'{-B,--block-size=}'[specify block size]:size (bytes)' \
'(-B --block-size -k --apparent-size -b --bytes)'{-b,--bytes}'[equivalent to --apparent-size --block-size=1]' \
'(-c --total)'{-c,--total}'[produce a grand total]' \
'(-H -D --dereference-args -L --dereference -P --no-dereference)'{-H,-D,--dereference-args}'[dereference arguments that are symlinks]' \
'(-H -D --dereference-args -L --dereference -P --no-dereference)'{-P,--no-dereference}'[do not dereference any symlinks]' \
'(-h --human-readable -H --si)'{-h,--human-readable}'[print sizes in human readable format]' \
'(--si -h --human-readable)--si[human readable form using powers of 1000]' \
'(-B --block-size)-k[use block size of 1k]' \
'(-B --block-size)-m[use block size of 1M]' \
'(-l --count-links)'{-l,--count-links}'[count sizes many times if hard linked]' \
'(-L --dereference -H -D --dereference-args -P --no-dereference)'{-L,--dereference}'[dereference all symlinks]' \
'(-S --separate-dirs)'{-S,--separate-dirs}'[do not include size of subdirectories]' \
'(-s --summarize --max-depth -a --all)'{-s,--summarize}'[only display total for each argument]' \
'(-x --one-file-system)'{-x,--one-file-system}'[skip directories on different filesystems]' \
'(-0 --null)'{-0,--null}'[end each output line with NUL instead of newline]' \
\*{-X+,--exclude-from=}'[exclude files matching any pattern in file]:file:_files' \
'*--exclude=[exclude files matching pattern]:pattern' \
'(-s --summarize)--max-depth=[maximum levels to recurse]:levels' \
'--files0-from=[use NUL-terminated list of files from file]:file' \
'--time-style=[show times using given style, +FORMAT for strftime formatted args]:style:->timestyle' \
'--time=-[show time of last modification of any file in the directory]:property:->time' \
'(* -)--help[display help information]' \
'(* -)--version[display version information]' \
case $state in
local -a property
property=(atime access use ctime status)
_wanted property expl property compadd -a property
local -a style desc
style=(full-iso long-iso iso +)
desc=('full-iso' 'long-iso' 'iso' '+FORMAT like `date'\''')
_wanted -V style expl style compadd -d desc -a style
# based on $OSTYPE = solaris2.8
local xdev='[skip directories on different filesystems]'
if [[ ${commands[$words[1]]:-$words[1]} = *xpg4* ]]; then
args=( -x$xdev )
args=( -d$xdev
'-L[dereference symlinks]'
"(-a)-o[do not add child directories' usage to parent's total]"
_arguments -s "$args[@]" \
'(-s -o)-a[write counts for all files]' \
'-k[use block size of 1k]' \
'-r[notify about unreadable files/directories]' \
'(-a)-s[only display total for each argument]' \
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez