#compdef gnutls-cli gnutls-cli-debug certtool srptool
local _gnutls_supported _gnutls_supported_certtypes
local _gnutls_supported_protocols _gnutls_supported_macs
local _gnutls_supported_kx _gnutls_supported_comp
local _gnutls_cli_common_args
'(-d --debug)'{-d,--debug}':debug level'
'(-p --port)'{-p,--port}':port'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[help]' \
case "$service" in
_gnutls_supported="$(gnutls-cli --list)"
_gnutls_supported_certtypes=(${(s:, :)${${(M)${(f)_gnutls_supported}:#Certificate types:*}#Certificate types: }})
_gnutls_supported_protocols=(${(s:, :)${${(M)${(f)_gnutls_supported}:#Protocols:*}#Protocols: }})
_gnutls_supported_ciphers=(${(s:, :)${${(M)${(f)_gnutls_supported}:#Ciphers:*}#Ciphers: }})
_gnutls_supported_macs=(${(s:, :)${${(M)${(f)_gnutls_supported}:#MACs:*}#MACs: }})
_gnutls_supported_kx=(${(s:, :)${${(M)${(f)_gnutls_supported}:#Key exchange algorithms:*}#Key exchange algorithms: }})
_gnutls_supported_comp=(${(s:, :)${${(M)${(f)_gnutls_supported}:#Compression methods:*}#Compression methods: }})
_arguments \
"$_gnutls_cli_common_args[@]" \
'(-r --resume)'{-r,--resume}'[resume session]' \
'(-s --starttls)'{-s,--starttls}'[start TLS on EOF or SIGALRM]' \
'--crlf[send CR LF instead of LF]' \
'--x509fmtder[use DER format for certificates to read from]' \
'(-f --fingerprint)'{-f,--fingerprint}'[send the openpgp fingerprint instead of the key]' \
'--disable-extensions[disable all the TLS extensions]' \
'--xml[print the certificate information in XML format]' \
'--print-cert[print the certificate in PEM format]' \
'--recordsize:maximum record size to advertise:' \
'(-V --verbose)'{-V,--verbose}'[more verbose output]' \
'--ciphers:ciphers to enable:('"$_gnutls_supported_ciphers"')' \
'--protocols:protocols to enable:('"$_gnutls_supported_protocols"')' \
'--comp:compression methods to enable:('"$_gnutls_supported_comp"')' \
'--macs:MACs to enable:('"$_gnutls_supported_macs"')' \
'--kx:key exchange methods to enable:('"$_gnutls_supported_kx"')' \
'--ctypes:certificate types to enable:('"$_gnutls_supported_certtypes"')' \
'--x509cafile:certificate file to use:_files' \
'--x509crlfile:CRL file to use:_files' \
'--pgpkeyfile:PGP key file to use:_files' \
'--pgpkeyring:PGP key ring file to use:_files' \
'--pgptrustdb:PGP trustdb file to use:_files' \
'--pgpcertfile:PGP public key (certificate) file to use:_files' \
'--x509keyfile:X.509 key file to use:_files' \
'--x509certfile:X.509 certificate file to use:_files' \
'--srpusername:SRP username to use' \
'--srppasswd:SRP password to use' \
'--insecure[do not require server cert validation]' \
'(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[print list of the supported algorithms/modes]' \
'(-v --version)'{-v,--version}'[print version number]' \
'--copyright[print license]' \
_arguments \
"$_gnutls_cli_common_args[@]" \
'(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[more verbose output]' \
_arguments \
'(-s --generate-self-signed)'{-s,--generate-self-signed}'[generate a self-signed certificate]' \
'(-c --generate-certificate)'{-c,--generate-certificate}'[generate a signed certificate]' \
'--generate-crl[generate a CRL]' \
'(-u --update-certificate)'{-u,--update-certificate}'[update a signed certificate]' \
'(-p --generate-privkey)'{-p,--generate-privkey}'[generate a private key]' \
'(-q --generate-request)'{-q,--generate-request}'[generate a PKCS #10 certificate request]' \
'(-e --verify-chain)'{-e,--verify-chain}'[verify a PEM encoded certificate chain]' \
'--verify-crl[verify a CRL]' \
'--generate-dh-params[generate PKCS #3 encoded Diffie Hellman parameters]' \
'--get-dh-params[get the included PKCS #3 encoded Diffie Hellman parameters]' \
'--load-privkey:private key file:_files' \
'--load-request:certificate request file:_files' \
'--load-certificate:certificate file:_files' \
'--load-ca-privkey:certificate authority private key file:_files' \
'--load-ca-certificate:certificate authority certificate file:_files' \
'--password:password' \
'(-i --certificate-info)'{-i,--certificate-info}'[print information on a certificate]' \
'(-l --crl-info)'{-l,--crl-info}'[print information on a CRL]' \
'--p12-info[print information on a PKCS #12 structure]' \
'--p7-info[print information on a PKCS #7 structure]' \
'--smime-to-p7[convert S/MIME to PKCS #7 structure]' \
'(-k --key-info)'{-k,--key-info}'[print information on a private key]' \
'--fix-key[regenerate the parameters in a private key]' \
'--to-p12[generate a PKCS #12 structure]' \
'(-8 --pkcs8)'{-8,--pkcs8}'[use PKCS #8 format for private keys]' \
'--dsa[use DSA keys]' \
'--hash:hash algorithm for signing:(MD5 SHA1 RMD160)' \
'--export-ciphers[use weak encryption algorithms]' \
'--inder[use DER format for input certificates and private keys]' \
'--xml[use XML format for output certificates]' \
'--outder[use DER format for output certificates and private keys]' \
'--bits:number of bits for key generation' \
'--outfile:output file:_files ' \
'--infile:input file:_files ' \
'--template:template file to use for non-interactive operation:_files' \
'(-d --debug)'{-d,--debug}':debug level' \
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[show help]' \
'(-v --version)'{-v,--version}'[show version]' \
'--copyright[shows license]'
_arguments \
'(-u --username)'{-u,--username}':username:_users' \
'(-p --passwd)'{-p,--passwd}':password file:_files' \
'(-i --index)'{-i,--index}':index of params in tpasswd.conf' \
'(-s --salt)'{-s,--salt}':salt size for crypt algorithm' \
'--verify[just verify password]' \
'(-c --passwd-conf)'{-c,--passwd-conf}':password conf file:_files' \
'--create-conf:generate a tpasswd.conf file:_files' \
'(-v --version)'{-v,--version}'[show version]' \
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[show help]'
Copyright 2K16 - 2K18 Indonesian Hacker Rulez